The Man From Nowhere
The Good, The Bad, The Weird
I Saw The Devil
thanks, adding to my que.Yes! Absolutely. Fantastic little series with great performances by Costner, Paxton, and Berenger. I feel like watching it again as a matter of fact.
Is the show Fringe any good? Thinking about watching that soon.
Is the show Fringe any good? Thinking about watching that soon.
I'm havent finished watching season one yet, but it is pretty good. Definitely give it a shot.
I don't remember it ever being on Netflix. But I could be wrong. I remember looking for it at one point, it not being there and buying the first season on DVD because of it.Am I mistaken or wasn't Batman The Animated Series on Netflix? I went to watch it tonight and couldn't find it.
I don't remember it ever being on Netflix. But I could be wrong. I remember looking for it at one point, it not being there and buying the first season on DVD because of it.
Is Street Fighter: Alpha The Movie worth the hour and a half?
Is the show Fringe any good? Thinking about watching that soon.
just started watching 24 for the first time after the jack bauer as snake announcement lol
What is Netflix Watch Instantly?
I'm in Canada and watch netflix on my PC but what is netflix watch instantly? I never see those words in netflix ever.
Guys recommend me a good japanese movie to watch tonight. Or Korean. Non-trashy stuff please.
Am I mistaken or wasn't Batman The Animated Series on Netflix? I went to watch it tonight and couldn't find it.
John Dies at the end is a pretty good watch
Barking Dogs Never Bite
I noticed a while back my instant watch RSS feeds were gone ("New Movies To Watch Instantly"). It was nice when netflix notified me of new movies to instant watch. Anyone know what happened, or how to recover it?
They stopped (and forced others to stop as well) providing that info.
Netflix users have been clamoring for better solutions when it comes to sharing an account with family and friends, and the streaming service is finally set to deliver one soon. Yahoo News reports that Netflix will roll out individual user profiles by the end of the summer likely sometime in August enabling subscribers to keep their own recommendations isolated from (and uninfluenced by) the viewing habits of anyone else using their account. Once enabled, the profiles will allow users to select their own avatar, which will appear across Netflix's various apps. As for how many people will be able to share a single "family" account, it seems that's still up in the air; Yahoo News says company executives are still deciding between five or six, which differs from the four cited in a recent Netflix investor letter. Back then, Netflix said the sharing plan would run $11.99, but we should see more definitive details in the weeks to come.
Added today:
Awesome that SH:R is up. I wanted to see in theaters last year, but never got around to it.
Election is triad.
Awesome that SH:R is up. I wanted to see in theaters last year, but never got around to it.
About damn time.User profiles are coming by the end of the summer:
I'm a sucker for post apocalyptic, survival, human disaster, dystopian types shows but struggling to find anything now.
I love stuff like Lost, BSG, Walking Dead, even crap stuff like Terra Nova. Battle Royale fits the theme too.
Can someone please share some? I want to build up a giant backlog to work through.
Don't want to burst your bubble but it really is a terrible movie. I watched it because I've played all of the Silent Hill games and I probably wouldn't even recommend it to fans of the games (unlike the first one which was ok).
Don't want to spoil it but I would like to hear your thoughts about the a certain fight scene after you have watched it lol
I wouldn't start it up expecting a whole lot. It's kind of shit.
The only problem with those suggestions is that "Desert Punk" is just awful. Just terrible in every anime cliché way possible.
lol im still clogging through Cheers with the occasion movie from instant. In mid season 5 only 6 to go !
I went in with low expectations and still walked away wanting my time back. The visuals were bad. The acting was somehow even worse.
I thought the fight scene was laughable. Looking at comments on it, people actually enjoyed it? Either they are really huge fans of the game, or I watched a different movie than them.
So yeah, skip this movie.
Maybe he will like it.
You should definitely watch District 13/Ultimatum if you haven't already. Both are great movies.
As for shows: Dollhouse (sorta), Firefly, Fringe (in the later seasons), Jericho, Desert Punk (Anime), Survivors.
If you have access to other regions: Falling Skies (UK).
Jericho and Survivors are really the kinds of shows you are looking for. Jericho is great. It nails the post-apocalyptic vibe. Although, season 2 blows since it was rushed. But you will get all of your questions answered by the end of it. Survivors is similar. I haven't watched it, but heard good things.
Survivors is good but short. Will try Dollhouse and Falling Skies, seen the rest!
Will check out the movies too, sound interesting.
Anymore dystopian reccomendations please?