Ah - the hell with it. I managed to get my new art site on-line, and have been half heartedly working at getting it chock full of new shit. Don't have much time to color these days, and I honestly don't allocate enough time for drawing as is - between work, and fucking off on-line, not playing games, not reading my massive backlog of novels, boozing it up, and not watching DVD's. I waste entirely too much time on-line. I'm trying to change that with the hope that I can turn this into a profitable venture.
Here's an entry into a "Pick an anime character, and then drawing them beating up the other guy's character" contest. I made it to the second round by way of the guy in the first round not submitting anything. Which sucks. I knew about the deadline on this one for two weeks, and waiting until the last day - with just three hours to go; and then started on the fucking thing. Hur hur hur. So here's a half assed pick of Kenshiro vs. Vash:
Then I'm in this "Pick a game character, and then draw them beating up the other guy's character" contest. Won this one as well by default. Folks and deadlines just don't mix. I may run it down to the wire, but at least I give it the old college try - even if I ain't be gots no fancy pants college edumacation. Godhand vs. Lau:
Here's the first anime entry, Ken vs. Cowboy Bebop:
Sea Manky tells me my Spank Spiegel looks like an Air Master character. I guess that's better than looking like a Cowboy Bebop twat.
Here they said - draw yourself as if you were a Gorillaz character, I said okay:
This one I just felt like drawing after reading a bunch of Hellboy and remembering the good old days with Swamp Thing fighting vampires:
I did a shit job of coloring it. Not enough time. Sort of lost my touch with PS as well.
Failed entry for an album cover design contest. It appears actual creative ability wasn't required as the winner just took a photo, filtered it to look like a negative in Photoshop, and dropped some shit text in there with a True Type Font. You'll pardon me if I adhere to the Coop school of "
That's all for now. I've got a bug up my ass to do some character design for a web comic I've been kicking around for oh - five years now? There's no real impulse to get it done immediately, but the slow turning wheels in my brain have moved ever so slightly, leading to another Good Idea. I reckon I'll put it to use. God knows, every other idiot has some kind of web comic, why not me?
Blah, blah - time for more booze with this medication. >:|