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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Agreed, I deeply dislike ameritrash games, particularly and minis. Star wars and High Fantasy do nothing for me either.

I am not big on ameritrash either, but there are a few that I find okay. Nexus OPS is one that I really enjoy. And Imperial Assault. Normally I am not big on Minis either.

My top 10 is comprised of deep Euro's.

I am happy though that there are different games for different people to enjoy.


I don't have a problem with Ameritrash existing (although I don't like the term), although it's really not for me, as I've learned from some pretty negative experiences.

However, can those Ameritrashers please not turn my boardgaming into the Plastic Industrial Complex? Pls.
The way the term is used, it's hard to tell if some just mean all non-Euro games or just the games that are extreme in that regard. This was an interesting post on BGG I saw linked. https://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/1268120#1268120
Ok, so what exactly is the design philosophy that drives Ameritrash vs. Euro games? When a designer is making a game he or she has a series of choices to make, and often these choices are something of a zero sum game. You can't have it all, so to speak. And as a designer you need to have priorities as to what you feel is most important, and are willing to build your choices around. Each side has it's "Core Priority" that really defines it's design philosophy.

The Ameritrash 'Core Priority' is Drama.
The Eurogame 'Core Priority' is Elegance.
The Wargame 'Core Priority' is Realism.

When a designer is working on a game it's is largely a balancing act between these three qualities (among others of course). And while all can coexist to some extent, as design for a game fleshes out eventually these qualities will begin butting heads.

All three genres have games about war, but each of them realizes these scenarios through the lens of their core priority. Let's say you are designing a game about war, you have most of the mechanics fleshed out but are trying to decide about whether to include any mechanics related to supply lines.
I don't have a problem with Ameritrash existing (although I don't like the term), although it's really not for me, as I've learned from some pretty negative experiences.

However, can those Ameritrashers please not turn my boardgaming into the Plastic Industrial Complex? Pls.

I like any game and generally don't have preference as long as it is fun.

I find the term pretty offensive when I first heard of it and really counter productive to growing the hobby.

As far as mini-s I agree with you but I think that ship had sail, people love mini in their board game even one that don't really need one. I like miniatures if it make sense for the game. I never feel Mage Knight really need miniatures or game like Specter Ops probably could be cheaper without miniatures that said, the game look more appealing with miniatures on the board instead of plastic token (also easier for the Agent to see).

As for CMON ... they are like EA of board game. I really abhorred at their practice of locking 1/3 of the games behind KS.


Ameritrash isn't supposed to be inherently negative is it? Or is it more of a "we love them anyway" type of deal? Trash is right there in the word!

I mean, it's useful in the sense that I get what someone is talking about when they say but it's still bizarre that it's a thing.


Ameritrash isn't supposed to be inherently negative is it? Or is it more of a "we love them anyway" type of deal? Trash is right there in the word!

I mean, it's useful in the sense that I get what someone is talking about when they say but it's still bizarre that it's a thing.

Some euro-gamers treat it as a negative. Everyone I game with regularly treats it as a term of endearment.


It gets super tense in the 10th conference as everyone is trying to get everything set up to win the game. In our last game, everyone was completely silent except for the conference negotiation card plays because it was such a fine line between all players.

Some rules that I think get forgotten often, based on my several plays so far:

Kamikaze spaces in the Pacific eliminate naval markers in those front boxes when the front moves into them. Also, if an Imperial Japanese Navy cube gets placed during the military phase (and remember, only one IJN cube can ever be placed per turn), then it eliminates a naval marker in that front box during the Front Advancement phase, meaning the front cannot advance that turn. Really brutal, as it basically means you lose a turn.

That's the only rule out of the list we missed, but we were doing the tutorial so no Imperial Navy involved. Kamikaze likely wouldn't have made much difference in our game.

Looking forward to playing a proper longer game of this again.


Hail to the KING baby
Some people take offense to Ameritrash but come on. I use it in a non-pejorative sense. The only game type I truly hate is any abstract with fully known information. E.g., chess. Dreadful. Other game types I like but real life impinges on my ability to enjoy them. E.g., long Ameritrash games. Other than that I'm up for anything. Some of my favorites include Tumblin' Dice, Agricola, Blood Bowl: Team Manager, and Netrunner. I also have a serious soft spot for co-ops. Love most of them. So yeah fairly diverse. :p
Ameritrash isn't supposed to be inherently negative is it? Or is it more of a "we love them anyway" type of deal? Trash is right there in the word!

I mean, it's useful in the sense that I get what someone is talking about when they say but it's still bizarre that it's a thing.

Some people use it as negative term but I came to learn that it is just term for certain style of board game. I guess sort of like blockbuster movie vs serious indie movie. They both have their places in entertainment.

I guess thinking more about it, I really don't care much for dexterity or party game but I do enjoy them at family get together or when there is a lot of alcohol involve. (Our family idea of fun is game of Spoons with a lot of drinking)


I had a day off today and it has been a while since I painted miniatures so I got all Specter Ops figures painted. This is our fist hidden movements game and my daughter and I enjoy it a lot.
So my Kingdom Death Monster just arrived.

Unfortunately my group doesn't have the time to devote to this like we did back when originally backed. The sales on eBay are reallllllly tempting to ditch it, but has anyone gotten good play time? I'm kind of really curious before I bother trying to get the group to go on it. It looks a touch TOO in depth.

Dem minis tho
So my Kingdom Death Monster just arrived.

Unfortunately my group doesn't have the time to devote to this like we did back when originally backed. The sales on eBay are reallllllly tempting to ditch it, but has anyone gotten good play time? I'm kind of really curious before I bother trying to get the group to go on it. It looks a touch TOO in depth.

Dem minis tho

I kept looking at their web site, the production is top notch but I will probably never get it to the table even for solo game because I will never have the time to get all the miniatures done. This looks like one of those games that you just put on the shelf and open it every so often to think about how fun it would be to play..
I kept looking at their web site, the production is top notch but I will probably never get it to the table even for solo game because I will never have the time to get all the miniatures done. This looks like one of those games that you just put on the shelf and open it every so often to think about how fun it would be to play..

Yeah, as my group and I get older and have more responsibilities, this sort of thing is getting harder and harder to field. We can rock a Battletech game since we know the rules but learning an entirely new campaign system is a bit out of reach.

First time I've legit felt bad about reselling because the box is so god. damn. gorgeous though. I mean, holy shit, these production values are *nuts*.


Ameritrash isn't supposed to be inherently negative is it? Or is it more of a "we love them anyway" type of deal? Trash is right there in the word!

I mean, it's useful in the sense that I get what someone is talking about when they say but it's still bizarre that it's a thing.
I've never thought of it as anything but a derogatory / excluding term when I read it. Maybe some people don't read it, but I don't feel any term with "trash" in it is a very positive one.

I play a variety of games and some might well be considered trash by others -- but I at least own some worker-placement games to balance it out.

*edit* I've probably read this opinion before, but it still kind of surprises me when I see someone call chess "dreadful". I could understand it being boring and unappealing to some people, but I don't think it's objectively dreadful, especially considering how long it's been around and how huge its appeal and playerbase has been. Surely there must be some value there. I haven't played it in forever but I'm still glad others can enjoy it.


Hail to the KING baby
I don't read the term as considering the universal experience, but rather the personal. I do find playing it extremely unpleasant compared to nearly any other game. I'd literally rather play Monopoly (no house rules).


I don't feel any term with "trash" in it is a very positive one.


It doesn't bother me though, I'll continue to find Caverna: The Cave Farmers a dreadfully boring game and continue to enjoy Red Dragon Inn :p (though red dragon is more of a card game than board game, but you get my point :p)



monopoly gets a bad rap, but it's really not that bad if you play it by the rules where everyone isn't trying to extend the game pointlessly.

no free parking money.
no not buying places, if you land somewhere and don't want it it goes to an auction.

game goes much faster and isn't the worst thing in the world.


monopoly gets a bad rap, but it's really not that bad if you play it by the rules where everyone isn't trying to extend the game pointlessly.

no free parking money.
no not buying places, if you land somewhere and don't want it it goes to an auction.

game goes much faster and isn't the worst thing in the world.
I agree that Monopoly isn't too bad when people play by the rules. I seem to recall in this very thread, someone criticized an aspect of Monopoly a while back, using a rule that didn't exist as their criticism until they realized their mistake. I feel like people mix up rules with Monopoly more than with almost any other game for some reason, maybe because so many people use house rules.


I agree that Monopoly isn't too bad when people play by the rules. I seem to recall in this very thread, someone criticized an aspect of Monopoly a while back, using a rule that didn't exist as their criticism until they realized their mistake. I feel like people mix up rules with Monopoly more than with almost any other game for some reason, maybe because so many people use house rules.

yeah, everyone I know uses rules that extend the game.

heck growing up I played with.

free parking starts with $500, and all bills from cards and spaces go there.
You can't buy any property until you do a full lap around the board. (also no auctions)
If you land on go you get $400 instead of $200 for passing it.
the income tax only does 10% of your cash not your buildings as well.

made the game stupid long :/
I have to remind myself that quality isn't a popularity contest and to not take BGG rankings at face value, despite how convenient it is.

On another note, learning that Tom Vasel was/is a pastor makes a whole lot of sense.


I love a mix of all games myself, Euro games, Ameritrash, microgames and whatnot.

Sometimes I like simple card games, sometime easy looking euro style games, sometimes I wanna bring something really fucking big, flashy and fun to the table like Twilight Imperium or Forbidden Stars.


I love a mix of all games myself, Euro games, Ameritrash, microgames and whatnot.

Sometimes I like simple card games, sometime easy looking euro style games, sometimes I wanna bring something really fucking big, flashy and fun to the table like Twilight Imperium or Forbidden Stars.

Except for the mammoth Ameritrash stuff I am usually also up for anything. My Essen buy List this year turned out quite weird. Lots of small light games in the 10-15€ range:


Not really feeling any of the bigger games I looked at. If someone thinks I might have missed a cool thing let me know. There are only a couple of days until the fair starts and I want to be prepared.
Except for the mammoth Ameritrash stuff I am usually also up for anything. My Essen buy List this year turned out quite weird. Lots of small light games in the 10-15€ range:

Not really feeling any of the bigger games I looked at. If someone thinks I might have missed a cool thing let me know. There are only a couple of days until the fair starts and I want to be prepared.

Essen must be fun to attend. Codenames is really fun and probably will be my go-to party game of choice. I think small and micro-game are popular right now and that's probably why. I really don't know of any big Essen release that I am excited about.

Yeah, as my group and I get older and have more responsibilities, this sort of thing is getting harder and harder to field. We can rock a Battletech game since we know the rules but learning an entirely new campaign system is a bit out of reach.

First time I've legit felt bad about reselling because the box is so god. damn. gorgeous though. I mean, holy shit, these production values are *nuts*.

I would sell just the Kickstarter exclusive, and keep the core box. I am sure you can recover most of the cost. I wish I knew about it and was into board gaming back then. The price for backer is a steal and production value plus how beautiful it is make it really one of a kind.


I finally found a seller on Amazon that lists Mysterium as October 22 release. Hopefully that's correct and coolstuffinc will ship about the same time.
hey board gaming gaf, what's a good intoductory fantasy-setting (monsters, dragons, wizards & warriors, etc) board game for younger kids? I used to play Dungeon! years ago, and something along those lines would be cool. Simple rules/rolls, nothing too challenging or difficult to set up. I know Dungeon is still around but I want to know if there is a superior type of game out there in that vein, I just want something chill I can play with my son on occasion; so 2-4 players with no 'game master' role.



I have to remind myself that quality isn't a popularity contest and to not take BGG rankings at face value, despite how convenient it is.

On another note, learning that Tom Vasel was/is a pastor makes a whole lot of sense.

board game geek typically isn't to bad with it's rankings as long as you know what modifiers to use. They are a rather consistent community, thus a game of x quality with y mechanics will be given about the same score as another game with the same quality and mechanics.

for me I just do stuff like subtract a point from the average for it being a euro game (euro better than everything else is very strong on board game geek)
or add a point for it being co op. (lots of board game geek people feel co op is really just playing a solo game with more people)
add a half of a point for having an element of chance (board game geek hates chance in general)


it's just about figuring out what your tastes are compared to that community and adjusting.

It's why I knew when something like dead of winter was near the top of board game geek I would need to get it as a game like that had never really been near the top before (and it is a group favorite with my group)
hey board gaming gaf, what's a good intoductory fantasy-setting (monsters, dragons, wizards & warriors, etc) board game for younger kids? I used to play Dungeon! years ago, and something along those lines would be cool. Simple rules/rolls, nothing too challenging or difficult to set up. I know Dungeon is still around but I want to know if there is a superior type of game out there in that vein, I just want something chill I can play with my son on occasion; so 2-4 players with no 'game master' role.

Haven't played it myself but Mice and Mystics seems like it'd be good for you.
hey board gaming gaf, what's a good intoductory fantasy-setting (monsters, dragons, wizards & warriors, etc) board game for younger kids? I used to play Dungeon! years ago, and something along those lines would be cool. Simple rules/rolls, nothing too challenging or difficult to set up. I know Dungeon is still around but I want to know if there is a superior type of game out there in that vein, I just want something chill I can play with my son on occasion; so 2-4 players with no 'game master' role.


Mice and Mystics could work well, depending on the age of your son. No DMing necessary. The stock rules can be a little complicated and the setup can take some time when you're first learning it, but just adjust the rules as you feel necessary.

It's a dungeon crawler where each scenario is a chapter of a story (complete with an actual story section to read as you progress) and the theme is a castle turned into animals and insects and the heroes, who have all been turned to mice have to try to advance through the castle to defeat the baddie and save the kingdom/turn everyone back. Mice, rats, roaches and even a cat are the players and enemies.


What do people think of Innovation? That is apparently finally coming out in German and I am still interested in it.


Agreed, I deeply dislike ameritrash games, particularly and minis. Star wars and High Fantasy do nothing for me either.

I do too, but solely based on the properties. If there was some IP I was interested in packed into an ameritrash style game, I am sure I would be all in.


hey board gaming gaf, what's a good intoductory fantasy-setting (monsters, dragons, wizards & warriors, etc) board game for younger kids? I used to play Dungeon! years ago, and something along those lines would be cool. Simple rules/rolls, nothing too challenging or difficult to set up. I know Dungeon is still around but I want to know if there is a superior type of game out there in that vein, I just want something chill I can play with my son on occasion; so 2-4 players with no 'game master' role.


I enjoy Munchkin quite alot, and my 3,5yr old daughter kind of understands what's going on on the board. There's different variants of the game, the card game is easy enough, but if you want to get that dungeon-crawling experience, I'd recommend Munchkin Quest.

Sent in my late pledge on Zombicide Black Plague this weekend. Loads of stuff included in the package, looking forward to opening that big box.


I've seen reviews mention that Mice & Mystics piles on a lot of different rules that change as the game goes along, and gets frustrating having to do stuff over. It seems like a charming game, but I don't know if it's the type of thing that compares to the simplicity of "Dungeon!"


I've seen reviews mention that Mice & Mystics piles on a lot of different rules that change as the game goes along, and gets frustrating having to do stuff over. It seems like a charming game, but I don't know if it's the type of thing that compares to the simplicity of "Dungeon!"

I bought Mice & Mystics for my then six-year-old, and he couldn't sit still long enough to finish a game. I plan on trying again when he's eight-ish.


Sent in my late pledge on Zombicide Black Plague this weekend. Loads of stuff included in the package, looking forward to opening that big box.

Have they got it down to one package? All their previous KS were at least two. One with the base game and some minis and the rest like special stuff was later.


Have they got it down to one package? All their previous KS were at least two. One with the base game and some minis and the rest like special stuff was later.

AFAIK they're sending everything at once, the core game, the kickstarter bonus, plus all the stretch-goals and extras you ordered, which is why they don't charge for shipping untill after the KS ended.


AFAIK they're sending everything at once, the core game, the kickstarter bonus, plus all the stretch-goals and extras you ordered, which is why they don't charge for shipping untill after the KS ended.

Oh raelly? Makes The Others semi tempting...though I don't think I need another giant box game that I'll barely play like Zombicide. :/
I've seen reviews mention that Mice & Mystics piles on a lot of different rules that change as the game goes along, and gets frustrating having to do stuff over. It seems like a charming game, but I don't know if it's the type of thing that compares to the simplicity of "Dungeon!"

We played it once and got absolutely clobbered. My suggestion would be if you are playing with kids, you can houserule a lot of thing to make it simple otherwise I feel it will be very frustrating and not very interesting for kids if they keep having to start over.

It is a charming game and the story would make it interesting for kids to enjoy. Too bad that I got this game when my kids were much older. I probably should thinking about trading it away as I don't see us playing it anytime soon.
I was perusing one of my favorite sports article sites when I realized they had a board game article. Not just one, but two!

FiveThirtyEight is a neat sight because it looks at sports from a pure metrics standpoint, which is neat. The two articles they have involve:

Crowdfunding Drivinga Board Game Renaissance
Designing the Best Board Game on the Planet

I haven't had a chance to read them fully yet (need to get back to working), but I thought I'd leave it here for discussion)


I don't think this has been mentioned here before but there's a Korean show called The Genius that borrows heavily from board game mechanics in the type of games they have their participants play in. Some are direct translation of existing titles such as Dixit, Khet and Werewolf. I found it pretty interesting and scratch an itch when I don't get to play board games myself. You guys should check it out.


I started watching The Genius after that thread in Community.

I liked the first episode (out of the three I watched). Learning about the games is fun to me, and it seems to unfold in an unscripted way...but I don't know if I can deal with the show's style of production for an entire season. It's a little exhausting.


Oh my god how come I never heard of this sooner? I loved the Liar Game manga. Watched the first ep and I'm hooked already. I don't even like reality shows.
Found out about a game hitting Kickstarter next week called Scythe. It has mechs and cool ladies so I'm interested.

Also speaking of Kickstarter, the creator of Ragnaroll is looking for feedback on Reddit since it isn't doing too well. I'd consider backing it for the cool ladies alone but a bit too pricey for something that doesn't support two players.
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