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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
When I was visiting Seattle a couple months ago I went a boardgame bar and played Pandante for the first time with my gf/her friends. It was rough, they didn't really pick up the rules but I enjoyed it so I finally ordered it a couple weeks ago. Got to play it with some local friends who instantly picked it up and had a great time. Even a friend who is iffy on texas hold em loved it.


Pretty much if you combined Texas Holdem with Bullshit!

sounds interesting but not 99.- interesting


Pandemic: The Cure in stock at Amazon for us Americans.

Ordered, along with Forsaken Lore Xpack for Eldritch Horror Halloween game night. Really stoked for Mountains of Madness.

And Roll for the Galaxy. My frothing demand increases.
I think I may take Eldritch Horror in to work with me tomorrow and try to solo it with two investigators. I will need to sit down with the rule book for a bit, but I will have a solid 6 hours at least out of the 12 to work with it and stumble through it. Hopefully I can get it nailed down and then talk two coworkers into playing it on my day off.

If you don't mind please tell how that go. I am on the fence about this game. I don't have a group of people that I game with except during the summer where family often get together. My kids are usually busy with school during school week and my wife loath anything more complicate than Ticket to Ride.

So far I just don't find solo game to be entertaining, I try LOTR and even recently give it another go and still it just seems very boring. Zombicide is OK solo, but the interaction is really half the fun. May be I am just not cut out for solitaire game play.

If the game is like big puzzle to be solve then I can see the fun playing solo.


If you don't mind please tell how that go. I am on the fence about this game. I don't have a group of people that I game with except during the summer where family often get together. My kids are usually busy with school during school week and my wife loath anything more complicate than Ticket to Ride.

So far I just don't find solo game to be entertaining, I try LOTR and even recently give it another go and still it just seems very boring. Zombicide is OK solo, but the interaction is really half the fun. May be I am just not cut out for solitaire game play.

If the game is like big puzzle to be solve then I can see the fun playing solo.

I never played more than one turn by myself of Eldritch but I enjoy playing with people. I don't know how puzzley it is.

Galaxy Defenders is kind of like an XCOM board game and probably excels with solo play cause you get to control all the troops.


sounds interesting but not 99.- interesting

Ya you can buy the regular version for a lot cheaper. The deluxe just comes with real poker chips (with pandante designs) and a nice carrying case. I had poker chips already, but I wanted the nice case etc and not have to carry around my big thing of poker chips when I want to bring it over somewhere.

Again it's a lot like texas hold em, but instead of betting on your hand you bet on the type of hand you are claming to have. So on the betting phase you'd place 2 chips on a "Straight" for example, telling everyone that you claim you have a straight. Now at the end of all the rounds, whoever has claimed the highest hand instantly wins UNLESS someone calls bullshit on it. If they were lying, they have to fold and pay 5 chips to everyone who called them out. Then whoever had the next highest winning hand is considered the "winner" and they got through the same thing. If the winner was telling the truth, anyone who called bullshit has to pay them 5 x # of players in the hand.

There's also an ability phase where you can do stuff like swap cards out, look at other peoples hands, flop down another card, or make everyone throw 5 chips into the pot. Abilities also have their own bullshit phase where you can call people out for playing abilities they don't really have access to.


If you don't mind please tell how that go. I am on the fence about this game. I don't have a group of people that I game with except during the summer where family often get together. My kids are usually busy with school during school week and my wife loath anything more complicate than Ticket to Ride.

So far I just don't find solo game to be entertaining, I try LOTR and even recently give it another go and still it just seems very boring. Zombicide is OK solo, but the interaction is really half the fun. May be I am just not cut out for solitaire game play.

If the game is like big puzzle to be solve then I can see the fun playing solo.
I still need to work out some rules but when I get to it I will let you know. I took the rule book in with me that day and ended up playing two solo games of Space Hulk: Death Angel instead due to some space constraints at the position I was working.

So far I haven't liked too many games that I have played solo, because the majority of them have been clearly designed for multiple people and require too much juggling of characters for me to fully immerse myself in them. It isn't that they can be confusing (Sentinels of the Multiverse seems like it could be though, since I think I have read that you should still be using 4 heroes when playing solo), but these co-op games I buy are typically pretty theme-heavy or full of lore and playing multiple roles takes me right out of them. I saw on the BGG boards that a lot of people were saying that Eldritch is fully playable with only two investigators though, which sounds a lot better than juggling four. Funny you mention LotR though, I just nabbed a copy of that last night online, so I will be trying that soon.

In addition to picking up LotR LCG last night, I got a copy of Battlelore 1E for a ludicrous price ($14 before shipping), The Agents (w/ the fancy box and 5 expansions), and Descent Sea of Blood (but the guy running the auction broke his own rules and ended bidding on a copy of Descent 1E at $40. I was prepared to keep bidding on that all night, so still gotta track one down before I can play Sea of Blood I guess).
Really pumped about BattleLore, but I have a lot more Memoir '44 that I need to play through. I think I have only played four of the Memoir missions and I am now on the opposite shift as the guy I play with. So if I wind up on the same shift again soon, it might be tough to keep playing Memoir when a copy of BattleLore is also sitting there.


One of these, bought! Not even sure why as I haven't played in a couple months. I learned my lesson with the first set though... wasn't making that mistake with Uncanny.



The more I play Colt Express the more I like it. Played it on my birthday with 6 people and it was so much fun. It also absolutely stays in the 40 minutes as advertised on the box due to how the round cards are designed.


Just a heads up, CSI's Daily Sale includes the X-Wing and Tie Fighter expansions for $7.99 each. Magic 2015 fat pack for $27.99 (which I'm assuming is good?)

Might finally have to pull the trigger on X-Wing.


The more I play Colt Express the more I like it. Played it on my birthday with 6 people and it was so much fun. It also absolutely stays in the 40 minutes as advertised on the box due to how the round cards are designed.

Good to know! At the moment, most of my gaming is at lunchtime, so time is critical. Going to have to keep an eye on Colt Express, it looks like a good pickup for me & looks gorgeous.


One of these, bought! Not even sure why as I haven't played in a couple months. I learned my lesson with the first set though... wasn't making that mistake with Uncanny.

It seems that WizKids learned their lesson with Avengers vs X-Men. It was handled so poorly and I don't know if I should buy into this. Also don't do a ton of 1v1 games.
It seems that WizKids learned their lesson with Avengers vs X-Men. It was handled so poorly and I don't know if I should buy into this. Also don't do a ton of 1v1 games.

I would like to see how the community reacts and if their blunder didn't kill off the games momentum.


I would like to see how the community reacts and if their blunder didn't kill off the games momentum.
Completely agreed. I pre-ordered an X-Men starter and two booster boxes, but I'm thinking I might just hold on to them. If they're just as scarce as the Avengers ones, I'll just dump them for a profit. If that's the case, I'll probably end up dumping my Avengers stuff as well (one starter, two boxes of boosters).

I really enjoy the game, but I haven't played it in months. My wife doesn't like competitive games, so that's out, and getting together with my friends that have the game is a chore. Also, we've never had a game that went the 15-20 minute playtime that WizKids suggests. All of our games were closer to 45 minutes because of characters like Beast and some of the other ones that just made you not want to attack.
45 minutes is the recommended round time in organized play. The 15-20 minutes only applies to the starter game with four heroes if I remember correctly.


45 minutes is the recommended round time in organized play. The 15-20 minutes only applies to the starter game with four heroes if I remember correctly.
But isn't that round supposed to be best of three? Whenever I've played, it's been 45 minutes for just one game because we were both playing Beast/Storm/Human Torch because that's what was best at the time and ended up just turtling and dinking each other back and forth until someone finally died.


But isn't that round supposed to be best of three? Whenever I've played, it's been 45 minutes for just one game because we were both playing Beast/Storm/Human Torch because that's what was best at the time and ended up just turtling and dinking each other back and forth until someone finally died.

That does not sound like fun whatsoever...

I shouldn't have but I jumped in bought a starter with my large board game order (which I shouldn't have either). Guess I won't rush to open it just in case?
But isn't that round supposed to be best of three? Whenever I've played, it's been 45 minutes for just one game because we were both playing Beast/Storm/Human Torch because that's what was best at the time and ended up just turtling and dinking each other back and forth until someone finally died.

The stuff in Uncanny X-Men does shake things up quite a bit.
That does not sound like fun whatsoever...

I shouldn't have but I jumped in bought a starter with my large board game order (which I shouldn't have either). Guess I won't rush to open it just in case?

Depends on how serious you will play the game. If your going into a competitive scene, then yea you might want to bail seeing how poorly Wizkids is at balancing their games. If your just playing for random fun here and there with friends, then it's a fine game.


Depends on how serious you will play the game. If your going into a competitive scene, then yea you might want to bail seeing how poorly Wizkids is at balancing their games. If your just playing for random fun here and there with friends, then it's a fine game.

Well that is a little reassuring...


Splendor is fantastic but damn the strategy is obtuse.

Won my first game with a loose upgrade path. Got stomped the second game by someone going only for point cards and big reserves. Tried to duplicate a similar strat in games 3 and 4 and never got close. Time will tell if I can crack the code or if it is luck but I'm in love with this game.


Hail to the KING baby
I should have listened to BattleMonkey and not bought Dicemasters. Nothing against the game I'm just never going to play it. Should probably put it up on ebay. Legendary and all its expansions do such a good job already of filling the light superhero niche imo.


After playing Talisman 4th Ed with some friends last night I'm pretty sure we're all playing it wrong.

Two things:

- Can players trade with each other at any time?
- If you land on a space with a creature can you choose not to fight it? And if it's a "draw 3" space and there's only one creature there, could you choose not to fight and then draw 2 cards?

Going to try and get them into Settlers after Christmas, that seems like a shorter undertaking.


From the FAQ:

Encounter Sequence
When characters choose to encounter a space, they must resolve the encounter in the order listed below. If a character is moved to a different space any time during the encounter, he continues with a new encounter in the new space. Exception: If a character is defeated during a battle or psychic combat and is forced to move to a new space, he cannot encounter the new space and his turn immediately ends.
1. If the space has instructions to draw cards (see “Encountering A Space – Draw Cards Spaces” on page 9 in the main game’s rulebook), the character must follow the instructions on the space first.
2. Any cards in the space without an encounter number (such as the Hex Spell) must be encountered.
3. Any Events in the space must be encountered. Note that an Event that lasts more than one turn remains on the space as a reminder, and still counts as a card on that space. If a character encounters the Event again, the effect does not “reset” and last for additional turns.
4. Any Enemies in the space with an encounter number of 1 must be encountered. If all of the Enemies are killed or evaded the character continues to the next step, otherwise his turn ends.
5. Any Enemies in the space with an encounter number of 2 must be encountered. If all of the Enemies are killed or evaded the character continues to the next step, otherwise his turn ends.
6. Any Enemies in the space with an encounter number of 3 must be encountered. If all of the Enemies are killed or evaded the character continues to the next step, otherwise his turn ends.
7. Any Strangers must be visited.
8. Any gold, Followers, and Objects may be taken.
9. Any Places must be visited.
10. If the space does not have instructions to draw cards, the character must follow the instructions for the space.

As for trading, I don't believe you are allowed to trade unless a card permits you to. But, you can house rule that easily if you prefer.


Played Arcadia Quest last night, that was way more fun than expected. Super easy rules and gameplay, turns go fast, lots of player interaction. Usually mini games are more miss than hit with me, but this one was awesome.


Played Arcadia Quest last night, that was way more fun than expected. Super easy rules and gameplay, turns go fast, lots of player interaction. Usually mini games are more miss than hit with me, but this one was awesome.

Fame is really fun but meant to be played as a campaign. It also really requires three people as it the two player game HSS two big issues. Missions ending too fast and there is no catch up in two player.


Looking over the rules and how they do a tutorial, plus the Dice Tower review really make me think I want Imperial Assault...


Has anyone here tried Warhammer Disk Wars? How is it?

It's a solid rule-set, and pretty fun to play, I guess. It has that hallmark FFG signature of fun to play, but missing a soul. As a game that's supposed to mimic tabletop miniature wargaming, I probably wouldn't play it all the time. There's better games out there that achieve the same thing.


It's a solid rule-set, and pretty fun to play, I guess. It has that hallmark FFG signature of fun to play, but missing a soul. As a game that's supposed to mimic tabletop miniature wargaming, I probably wouldn't play it all the time. There's better games out there that achieve the same thing.

That's what I thought. I will probably be better off with Imperial Assault. I get the fun RPG and a skirmish game in one.


Fame is really fun but meant to be played as a campaign. It also really requires three people as it the two player game HSS two big issues. Missions ending too fast and there is no catch up in two player.

We're doing the campaign and we have four people, but I can definitely see it being pretty crummy with two people.


We're doing the campaign and we have four people, but I can definitely see it being pretty crummy with two people.

I'm assuming the owner also got the guildmaster box and the xp? The guildmaster box would have been such a turnoff if I wasn't a backer.


I like Disk Wars. It is a very slimmed down version of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. But it lacks a bit with the armies represented as discs. It can be played really quickly once you know the rules and the armies.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Does anyone know what the difference between the following 2 betrayal on the hill items is?



aside from the price difference of 10.- and that one is distributed by WOTC and one by Avalon Hill... they're both listed as 2nd edition. So which one is the real deal here? I'm confused. (sad my local retailer doesn't have the reprint in stock, it'd be so much cheaper...)


So I'm finally in on Dice Masters (because I like X-Men, and will not be playing competitively). It's on its way to me now, but I have a question:

How necessary is the playmat to playing the game? If you play without it, is the game much harder to grasp?


Played Shadowrun: Crossfire last night...

I liked it a lot but I am not excited to play like 20 games just to get enough Karma to have abilities to face the dragon. Definitely gotta have some house rules going on...but it was quick and simple. While we almost lost, it felt super easy.
So I'm finally in on Dice Masters (because I like X-Men, and will not be playing competitively). It's on its way to me now, but I have a question:

How necessary is the playmat to playing the game? If you play without it, is the game much harder to grasp?
You can order custom mousepads from places like Artscow. I got two done for like $5 shipped.
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