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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic



While considering what to check out at BGGCON I was kind of surprised that Xcom and Witcher both seem to have pretty bad early impressions. Super disappointed about the latter because I quite like that universe. FFG is generally a pretty sure thing when it comes to good licensed games, but early indications aren't so great for these. I didn't wind up trying either because I wound up prioritizing other stuff.

I think the main problem with FFG is that sometimes they just want to cram to many mechanics into the games. And it seems thats the issue with Witcher.

Warhammer 40k Conquest was a step away from convoluted mechanics and a step towards easy to learn, hard to master.
Descent is also very easy to grasp and play.
I think alot of their other games could benefit from that.


Hail to the KING baby
Reading the Witcher impressions at least people seem to be saying it's actually just too simple so I don't know what to think. For me it just boils down to I love most of what they put out but take almost any title of theirs and it could probably benefit from way fewer chits and a 60m reduction in playtime. But that's just me. :p For people who just game all the time or whatever or only play with 'real gamers' they probably want more in the other direction. dsfdf


I have been in the beta for the digital version of the Witcher game for a while now. I also don#t really care for it. it is kinda simple and uninteresting. It's for the most part just a set collection game with a couple of special abilities and fighting.

@Astrolad: Have you played Dead of Winter? You seem to be in the same boat as me when it comes to thematic games seeing you FFG impressions. I'd be interested in hearing what you thing about that game.


Reading the Witcher impressions at least people seem to be saying it's actually just too simple so I don't know what to think. For me it just boils down to I love most of what they put out but take almost any title of theirs and it could probably benefit from way fewer chits and a 60m reduction in playtime. But that's just me. :p For people who just game all the time or whatever or only play with 'real gamers' they probably want more in the other direction. dsfdf

Witcher, right now, is totally straightforward & is a 'beer and pretzels' game for sure. I enjoyed my play of it, knowing that it was going to be an easy hour or two. They're adding in mechanics through expansions apparently.



While considering what to check out at BGGCON I was kind of surprised that Xcom and Witcher both seem to have pretty bad early impressions. Super disappointed about the latter because I quite like that universe. FFG is generally a pretty sure thing when it comes to good licensed games, but early indications aren't so great for these. I didn't wind up trying either because I wound up prioritizing other stuff.

That's interesting because it seems all the early gencon impressions about xcom seem to be pretty positive..


Has anyone whose played any form of Witcher also played Eldritch Horror? It reminds me a lot of that -- gather upgrades and boons to travel the world and make skill checks and also fight a monster if present. I could totally get into a competitive Eldritch.


Cool, there's a Michael's about half an hour away from me. Thanks for all of the tips!

Looks good! How long did that insert take you to build?

It took longer than it should've...I was working from scratch and didn't really plan anything out so about 5 hours? But that's how it goes, you first will be slow and eventually feel more confident and the process speeds up.


Has anyone whose played any form of Witcher also played Eldritch Horror? It reminds me a lot of that -- gather upgrades and boons to travel the world and make skill checks and also fight a monster if present. I could totally get into a competitive Eldritch.

Can't say I have sorry.

Just judging by the digital version though it's definitely not as long as Eldritch Horror, so I assume it's somewhat less involved.

Was looking through that page, and this: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/115468/foam-core-insert-modifications.

Some really good designs there.

It took longer than it should've...I was working from scratch and didn't really plan anything out so about 5 hours? But that's how it goes, you first will be slow and eventually feel more confident and the process speeds up.

That actually doesn't sound too bad considering you have a removable token box and card tray. After the holidays, I hope to try this out with a couple of my games.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Anyone having an opinion or comparisons on Chicago Express?


Sheriff is awesome game, only negative to us is the snaps on the bags they provide. They are too strong and pulling the snaps apart can easily break the bags. Simply don't use the snaps.

Wait what...your bags ripped? The whole point is to use the snaps. This sounds terrible.


BGG Impressions
Had a very fun BGG.Con. Hung out with merc from the thread and met some other folks I know from past BGGs and the Bay-area gaming scene. Stray observations:
-Picked up Colt Express (preorder) and Camel Up (Z-Man booth) straightaway. Really enjoyed these games and they're right up my alley.
-Paperback is a really cool word game too. Like Scrabble+Dominion. I preordered that too as I guess it was a KS before. (Hadn't heard of it -- there are just way too many KSes for me to pay attention :p.)
-Open gaming, by far the best part of BGG, is getting a bit tougher unless you have a large enough group to just camp tables all day (which we all did on Saturday). They increased the exhibitor space and decreased the table space so most evenings it could get difficult to find a table (there were still hundreds, but for thousands of people). As a side effect, I feel like there were fewer people just casually grabbing games and putting up "Players Needed/Teacher Wanted" signs because nobody could afford to just give up a table like that while looking for a game. I really hope they add more table space next year.
-Ooh, also won the NR tourney! :D

Planning on going again next year of course (would be my sixth in a row) and hoping Stooge and Flynn can make it out for a reunion. :p

It was the first BGG.con for the wife and I. We had a blast! We stayed at the Hyatt outside the airport since the other filled up fast. Wasn't too bad of a drive ~10min.

We met some awesomely cool people, in addition to Tom Vassel. Got to play some great games.

Diamonds: Played and bought straight away. Trick taking game like Hearts and Spades with additional mechanics. Basically try to get the most diamond pieces after a set amount of rounds.

King of New York at the Iello booth: Super fun! More choices than Tokyo. A little bit more strategic than just rolling the dice with the addition of buildings and military units. Some persistent goals on the two cards, Statue of Liberty and Superstar keep things interesting.

Love Letter

Trains: Boring!

Werewolves One Night: What? Not my type of game. Get a character, Wolf or Villager. Then close your eyes shuffle all of them and lie/guess who you or your neighbors were. Again fell flat for me.

Downfall of Pompeii: Never heard of this game. But totally ordered right after playing it at the Con. Light game of placing your people down around the city, when the volcano erupts (a card that gets pullled) get the F outta Dodge and hope you don't get burned up by the lava tiles that get pulled at random from a bag. Best of all you get to throw your opponents people in a volcano that sits of to the side of the board.

Five Tribes: Do not play with people that have an AP problem. One hour game lasted over two hours. We even played at the Hot Games area with a Days of Wonder teacher. This one gets a NOPE!

Takenoko: Really fun lightweight game. Easy to learn. You get cards that you complete if you eat enough bamboo, make the correct territory shape or grow bamboo. Beautiful game with colorful components and a Panda.

Istanbul: Played a demo with the folks from AEG. A better version of Five Tribes. Less prone to AP. Insta bought.

Imperial Settlers: Cool Civ building game. Didn't get to finish the full game since it was approaching 1am on Sunday morning. Had to catch an early flight out. I'd play again.

La Isla: Fun game of collecting extinct animals for points. It's a light to mid weight Feld game, Euro.

Overall it was a fantastic time. We won La Isla off the bat at registration. My wife loved the vendor area. She like the one on ones with the booth teachers. Open gaming was fun. I mostly just walked around looking for games just starting out. Was lucky early on. But once 7pm hit you couldn't find an open table in the main area. But new this year was the two big rooms upstairs. There were all kinds of open tables to setup at.

We will definitely go again next year.


Neo Member
I'm just a casual Netrunner player but some here are into tournament play, there's also a NeoGAF Netrunner topic where the game gets discussed in more detail.

We don't really discuss RPGs here, but I'm sure no one would object. They are tabletop games after all.

We do have a few Netrunner players here. Most Netrunner talk has moved to the official Netrunner thread though. Only downside is it's pretty dead for the most part.

I joined a league for the first time about a month back but have been playing semi regularly for almost two years. Currently I'm running a Blue Sun kill deck that's has gone 5-0 in my league. My runner game is off though. I've been trying to make a Stealth Nasir deck work but it's too slow and requires too many pieces to function. That being said, it's probably the most fun deck I've made. It feels very "board-gamey", like I'm playing this economic engine game in the middle of Netrunner.

Thanks guys!


Bgg was great yet again! It did feel a bit crowded losing gaming space to exhibitors but I never got around to checking the gaming areas opened up upstairs. I think they need to better advertise that they did that or provide a map/directions because I definitely didn't want to run upstairs and spend 15 minutes looking for the rooms.

Quick impressions/highlights:

Colt express: really fun light game that makes you feel like you're a main character in a western movie. Everyone is a train robber and the goal is to get the most loot before the train gets to the stop. There might be some balance issues with the abilities each character has, but it's not big enough of a con to detract from the fun provided.

Paperback: dominion & scrabble combine to give everyone a fun time. Surprisingly, there was always a copy of the game in the library, but I think it had more to do with the fact if you turned the box sideways, you wouldn't know it was paperback since it didn't show the name of the game and looked completely different.

Zombie 15': a simpler zombicide imo. Setup seems daunting but I remembered seeing/reading to just set up the board according to the general shapes of the search areas and that sped things up considerably. I guess it's a problem if you don't like some streets to dead end into a house but I can sacrifice that for a faster setup. There is no level up progression which is why it's simpler than zombicide. Everyone has four actions per turn and they're done. The other difference is items have durability, so you need to be searching a lot to deal with zombies, and half the search deck is zombies. Things do get hectic though and I think this will replace Escape for me.

Xia legends of a drift system: loooong game where you pilot a spaceship in an open world setting of do whatever you want. The world consists of you, the other players, and three npcs: Enforcer, merchant, & scoundrel. Basically anything you do will grant fame points, so you can be an explorer, merchant, or pirate and win the game. Attacking other ships will put a bounty on your head and draw attention of the enforcer, while not doing anything bad will draw attention of the scoundrel. The merchant will build up his trade route and become a compelling target to destroy and get a bounty over, and you can get missions which secretly have you steal or assassinate other players in the game. We only played a quarter length game and that still took an hour or so, but it was a lot of fun.
Has anybody played both Xia and Merchants and Marauders? Despite the obvious thematic differences, do they play the same? Xia sounds very similar to M&M, so much so that I didn't back it because I thought it would be redundant.


Has anybody played both Xia and Merchants and Marauders? Despite the obvious thematic differences, do they play the same? Xia sounds very similar to M&M, so much so that I didn't back it because I thought it would be redundant.

While I haven't played M&M, Xia has you only controlling one ship at all times and you can buy other ships. Another biggie difference is the modular board. You start with tiles = number of players and you can blind jump onto new tile (oh no, not the sun!) or scan and so in that respect it is more like Eclipse. Each planet has a boarder than you can try to sneak through and there are salvage remains floating in space. After someone gets to a certain point level, Titles start coming out that can give you added benefits like extra to dice rolls.

While it can be long (play to 20 points), you can always just play to less points like 5 to get a smaller game in.

I needs to play it more!


I'm definitely not famous! YOU CAN DO IT

You are right. I CAN do it!

BRB, forming a business venture so I can hire Wil Wheaton, become buddies through work, and get invited onto TableTop. :D

Good episode, BTW, you had great chemistry with all the players and it made for one of the more memorable episodes of the show.


You are right. I CAN do it!

BRB, forming a business venture so I can hire Wil Wheaton, become buddies through work, and get invited onto TableTop. :D

Good episode, BTW, you had great chemistry with all the players and it made for one of the more memorable episodes of the show.

Agreed. It was a good one. I will probably still be bitter Will chose Five Tribes over Istanbul.


You are right. I CAN do it!

BRB, forming a business venture so I can hire Wil Wheaton, become buddies through work, and get invited onto TableTop. :D

Good episode, BTW, you had great chemistry with all the players and it made for one of the more memorable episodes of the show.


Has anybody played both Xia and Merchants and Marauders? Despite the obvious thematic differences, do they play the same? Xia sounds very similar to M&M, so much so that I didn't back it because I thought it would be redundant.

I haven't sat down to play either, but it seems to me like even if the two games share the same general gameplay of porting around goods and killing stuff, Xia looks more interesting to own because it has more variety (a modular board and more ships to get), and the spacial gameplay of upgrading your ship and managing the room you have on it has more to it than just marking your levels in M&M.

My personal bias, though, goes more towards space games. I loved playing Tie Fighter, Privateer and Freelancer on PC.


Move dudes a specified amount of spaces on a grid and take an action.

No one's saying they're twins, but they're pretty similar.

But there's also the fact that one is SdJ, and the other is poo city. So I guess they are very different.

Mista Koo

Paperback seems like my kind of game. I like Scrabble a lot and I don't have any deck builders (nor any modern word games).
It also seems like a game I have to totally translate to be able to enjoy it with my family, would be a nice project.


Hail to the KING baby
Paperback seems like my kind of game. I like Scrabble a lot and I don't have any deck builders (nor any modern word games).
It also seems like a game I have to totally translate to be able to enjoy it with my family, would be a nice project.
Played this a lot at BGG and really enjoyed it.


If there are any shmup fans in here, Battle at Kemble's Cascade is on sale for $27 right now at CSI. Haven't played it myself, waiting to get home in two and a half weeks where it is waiting for me. It was something I desired the first time I saw it on BGG though, looks pretty good.


Just ordered Core Worlds and both expansions. Cant wait to play it. Anyone here tried it?
Core Worlds is great and one of our most played games. I have both expansions but only played Galactic Orders so far and it really adds a lot to the game.


If there are any shmup fans in here, Battle at Kemble's Cascade is on sale for $27 right now at CSI. Haven't played it myself, waiting to get home in two and a half weeks where it is waiting for me. It was something I desired the first time I saw it on BGG though, looks pretty good.

I played it once a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was okay, but extremely fiddly. Only played a two player game, but felt like almost half of the game was spent on upkeep. The theme is definitely unique, but the gameplay wasn't anything to write home about. I doubt I'll ever want to play it, unless my group really wants to.


Core Worlds is great and one of our most played games. I have both expansions but only played Galactic Orders so far and it really adds a lot to the game.

Do you recommend just going straight for the full experience or starting out with the base game only and then adding the expansions later?


First tragedy, then farce.
I need to get back to BGG Con badly.

We were just in Dallas in October for the Dallas Toy Fair, and we were in Austin in November for a wedding and are going back for Christmas, so it just made it a hard to get to.

With the merchant area getting larger and a lot of companies having a presence there I think we will probably wind up running a booth and then I'll open game in the evenings.


So I got Patchwork today. It's another 2 player game by Rosenberg.


It's a simple game but the design is really clever. So you are designing a patchwork blanket and for that you need parts. The parts are around the main board in the middle. You have 2 actions you can take. Move your time token on the main board in front of the one from the other player and collect as many buttons as you progress in fields, or buy a patch from the 3 that are in front of the neutral pawn. If you buy a patch with buttons you put the patch on your board and on it is a time progress icon. You have to move your time token for that many fields. If your time token is still behind the one of the other player you can go as long as that is the case. You time token can also cross a button symbol on the main board then you get as many buttons as the patches you have used show, or you can cross a leather patch which you can use to fill a space. So this game becomes this push and pull of deciding what to buy that give you lots of buttons but maybe doesn't progress you too much forward in time. I'd totally recommend this.
Cardhaus has the best deals as always. I was checking out on cardhaus and all my games were gone :(. I was checking out an order with Colt Express on CSI, then BOOM, gone too. Ahrg, f these sales.

Placed an order with medina, sun tzu and patchistory on CSI. I wanted that Colt Express so bad :(

Cardhaus sale was insane, they had game that just released on sale, like La Isla, Medina, PG Deluxe, Roll through the ages: The iron age, etc.


It's been a long while since posting here. Finally decided to take the leap into painting minis.

Ugh...meh at best. But I'm really enjoying it and it's nice to finally have some color on the table. Still tons to learn.

Defenders of the Realm (Heroes: Paladin & Captain of the Guard)

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