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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Hail to the KING baby
There are no rule engines to my knowledge, everything is done by the player.

Interesting, but like for Legendary does it make decks at least? I guess it would have to at least know the basic setup right? How workable is it to play these games?
Interesting, but like for Legendary does it make decks at least? I guess it would have to at least know the basic setup right? How workable is it to play these games?

You can't really program game mechanics, but believe you can for example create a deck of cards ahead of time. It essentially just create a virtual tabletop, its up to players to enforce game mechanics and rules just like irl.


Hail to the KING baby
You can't really program game mechanics, but believe you can for example create a deck of cards ahead of time. It essentially just create a virtual tabletop, its up to players to enforce game mechanics and rules just like irl.

Ah, OK. I was wondering if it had modules that enforced to various degrees a la OCTGN.


Specifically to Legendary it depends on the creator. There are a few different versions on workshop. The one I played had all expansions and base games plus fan made cards. Everything is stacked neatly on a massive table. You then decide what you want to play with by combining or discarding all the separate piles until the game is setup and ready to rock. Placing stacks on top of each other will combine them into a single deck, then while holding left click you press right click and the deck is randomized.


I didn't realize I lived so close to Cool Stuff Inc. Ordered these around lunch time on the 17th, got it yesterday


What's so good about it?

It's very deep yet feels so elegant in gameplay. The way economy and progression of buildings,combined with the ever changing scoringtiles, force you to constantly think ahead, leads into a fantastic feeling of accomplishment, when you manage to game the power and economic systems resulting in great combos.
It has area control, resource management and engine building mixed together in a way that makes the game feel simple yet deep.

And at the same time the vastly different races offer up a ton of replayabillity.

And to top it off its drop dead gorgeous.


It's very deep yet feels so elegant in gameplay. The way economy and progression of buildings,combined with the ever changing scoringtiles, force you to constantly think ahead, leads into a fantastic feeling of accomplishment, when you manage to game the power and economic systems resulting in great combos.
It has area control, resource management and engine building mixed together in a way that makes the game feel simple yet deep.

And at the same time the vastly different races offer up a ton of replayabillity.

And to top it off its drop dead gorgeous.

I really enjoy Terra Mystica and despite its incredible level of polish/elegance, I have to point out a few flaws (although each could also be argued to be a benefit):

1. The game is largely decided before the first action is taken. That is, the initial faction selection and starting placement, in combination with the available round bonuses, are extremely important. Everything else is relatively straightforward tactical play for implementing the strategy you [hopefully] decided upon when selecting your faction/placement.

2. The factions are tremendously unbalanced. This point really ties into the former as some factions are destined to lose or win on the basis of the initial round bonus/passing bonus distribution (Fakirs only rarely have a shot). Again, initial faction selection really, really matters.

3. There's very little player interaction. Sure, you want to build near opponents so you get free/cheap power and there's action denial in the form of once-per-round spells, but that leaves TM about on par with Race for the Galaxy or Puerto Rico. Then again, some people want games without confrontation or negotiation (actually, I'm one of those people myself).

4. The cult track scoring feels disjoint from the rest of the game. Every faction can send priests out of the core upgrade/expansion engine to move up one of four cult tracks. These tracks provide small bonuses over the course of the game, but have a huge effect on end-game scoring. Depending on the factions, there may be competition for these tracks, but in my experience, only one or two players really have a shot in a session and the others largely ignore the tracks.

That said, Terra Mystica is possibly my favorite "traditional"-style Eurogame. But Age of Steam and Imperial are more interesting to me due to their meanness and Race for the Galaxy still owns my soul.
hi board games gaf

how is mage wars as a 1v1 game? We have a lot that are 2-6 that we typically play with bigger groups and find that to be more fun, but not a lot of just 1v1 games for me and her to play against eachother.

Also is Mage Knight like old Mage Knight/older rules heroclix or what?

Any other recommendations for 1v1 or 2 player co op stuff?
I prefer summoner wars to mage wars unless your opponent wants to spend time deck building.

I would suggest pixel tactics for a fun two player card game that's really affordable.


Welcome, shiftplusone!

For 1v1 games, check out stuff like:

Hive: probably the best modern "chess-like" game around

Star Realms: the Digital Board Game thread's feverish addiction. Cheap to buy, and now has some cheap expansions, but is generally a very good head-to-head deckbuilder.

LOTR: The Confrontation: Do you know the game Stratego? This is like that, but amazing.

LOTR The Card Game: This is a co-op card game where you work through quests and campaigns together. Said to be one of the best co-op games around, especially for 2 players.

Famiglia: Fun, quick, and puzzle-y 2P game where you're trying to recruit a bunch of gangsters with different powers into your gang. It's a fair amount of game in a little package. Feels unique.

Marvel Dice Masters: One of the most popular games of 2014; if you have a CCG itch, this will scratch it - and collecting and playing with dice is cooler than collecting cards.

Rivals for Catan: It's a Settlers of Catan card game for two, with more detail in the types of buildings you put into your towns, and personalities you recruit (from the...rich Catan lore?). The base game comes with three decks that play differently, and there are more out there in expansions.
hi board games gaf

how is mage wars as a 1v1 game? We have a lot that are 2-6 that we typically play with bigger groups and find that to be more fun, but not a lot of just 1v1 games for me and her to play against eachother.

Also is Mage Knight like old Mage Knight/older rules heroclix or what?

Any other recommendations for 1v1 or 2 player co op stuff?

Just putting this out there, you should play Netrunner. Especially if you are looking to get into a card game.

Mage Knight is (I think) set in the same universe but it is a way different game than the original Mage Knight. The Mage Knight board game is a hand management game. It's a hard game and it has it's fans, but I'm not one of them. I think the game is too unforgiving and the puzzle the game presents is just too much. I often find myself struggling to just move around the map.


Lord of the Rings Confrontation is a great, quick two-player game.

War of the Ring is a great, epic, 3-4 hours two-player game.

I love them both.

And, to add on to the Terra Mystica discussion. I like it, but the unbalanced races and lack of interaction take it from a 10/10 to an 8.5 for me.


hi board games gaf

how is mage wars as a 1v1 game? We have a lot that are 2-6 that we typically play with bigger groups and find that to be more fun, but not a lot of just 1v1 games for me and her to play against eachother.

Also is Mage Knight like old Mage Knight/older rules heroclix or what?

Any other recommendations for 1v1 or 2 player co op stuff?

Whether or not you will enjoy Mage Wars also depends on how you feel about dice combat. That is what ultimately ruined it for me.


The Dream Heist (formerly Inceptor) board game has at long last been finished. Apparently after all the boxes were sealed and delivered, they discovered that the proper stand which was supposed to hold a poker chip upright was not included, and a stand that did not fit was included instead, so they had to fix that.

They shipped some early orders out for people who needed it by Christmas. Hopefully I'll get my order, with the briefcase, some time in January.


got to play mice and mystics tonight... didn't mind it but I wish the healer had been designed a bit more interestingly as she is really really boring to play in the first story.


Played a mammoth game of Talisman last night. The only expansion we excluded was the Dragon expansion as it really just extends the game without adding much.


Bounty Hunter: death by Grim Reaper
Chivalric Knight: (me) I got "toaded" three times and eventually died at the hands of a Witch
Ghoul: kept doing laps through the Highlands and eventually died during his last lap in the Eyrie
Vampiress: hung out in the city a lot and ended up winning by default


I want to buy 7 wonders and at least 1 expansion at the same time. What's good for a 3 to 4 people game night?
I haven't played Babel yet, but if you're getting just one expansion. Leaders is the way to go. It doesn't add much more complexity or setup, but does have a good deal of an effect on strategy.
I want to buy 7 wonders and at least 1 expansion at the same time. What's good for a 3 to 4 people game night?
Leaders is the best expansion. It doesn't add too much time to the game and it also allows you to come up with a strategy before you even see the age 1 cards. I was not impressed with Cities at all. It tries to add player interaction but it ends up feeling arbitrary. I have never played Babel.
Played a mammoth game of Talisman last night. The only expansion we excluded was the Dragon expansion as it really just extends the game without adding much.


Bounty Hunter: death by Grim Reaper
Chivalric Knight: (me) I got "toaded" three times and eventually died at the hands of a Witch
Ghoul: kept doing laps through the Highlands and eventually died during his last lap in the Eyrie
Vampiress: hung out in the city a lot and ended up winning by default
Played a mammoth game of Talisman last night. The only expansion we excluded was the Dragon expansion as it really just extends the game without adding much.

How long was your 4 player game with virtually everything? I have 5 fiends that want to do a mega game, but 6 players with every expansion feels like it would take 2 days to play!


How long was your 4 player game with virtually everything? I have 5 fiends that want to do a mega game, but 6 players with every expansion feels like it would take 2 days to play!

Ours took four hours (not including set-up, which I had ready for them when they showed up). We didn't do any replacement players when guys died because we all pretty much died around the same time, except for the winner. I think the Dragon expansion adds a bit more bookkeeping, so we just scrapped that.

I think you should budget 75 mins. per player, if I had to guess. It was a lot of fun though, so you should try it.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
For any Germans, the current daily advent calendar deal on Spiele-offensive.de:

Is a game called "Septikon" for 25€ instead of 40€. One of the most intriguing aspects to me is that its described as a game different from most board game concepts. They only have it in VERY limited numbers and it cant be bought on Amazon at all. Apparently its the first step of a international board gaming release schedule for interesting russian games, so I figured you guys might be interested in this since it seems to be quite the obscurity.
I bought a copy at least, curious to see how it plays like.

7,00 user score on Boardgamegeek, seems to have gotten decent reviews from external sites too:
I really had fun playing Septikon, and I’m looking forward to playing it more (and, I hope, actually winning). It feels different from both Euro-style games and American games that I’m accustomed to, and that in itself is pretty intriguing, but I also like the types of decisions you’re forced to make throughout the game. The meeple-and-cardboard version I have is pretty cool, but I think the plastic miniatures would be a lot of fun because they have a bit more personality than the wooden cubes we’ve been using for missiles and biodrones. I wish I’d gotten it in time to promote the Kickstarter, because although they hit their goal there were several planned stretch goals that they did not make.

If you don’t mind spending a bit more on a game for two, then you should check out Septikon. It is mandatory.


Junior Member
The year in board gaming for me. Finally found a good group of friends and coworkers that are getting in gaming now that we hosted "game nights" at the local bar.

Skull and Roses: By far the most played and mostly well liked game I have. Easy to teach because it is similar to Chinese "liar's dice" in strategy. I love the art work and how portable it is. Lost it in a taxi a few weeks ago though...

Ticket to Ride: My first modern gameboard purchase. Unfortunately I can never beat my GF at it, and I think she scored the second highest possible points against me. Most people love this, but I am finally kinda moving on.

Love letter Kanai: love this game, so simple yet engaging. Artwork is wonderful

Mr. Jack in New York: Another game in which I can't beat my GF, maybe I should play it sober...The board and pieces are hard to see in bad lighting though that maybe because I have a chinese version. Need to play more because I see tons of strategy here.

One Night Ultimate Werewolf: Quickly becoming the group favorite. I never thought I could find a way to get 6/7/8 people together for a game, but now that I have played it with a few smaller groups first its easy to invite everyone out for it. Best social experience game I have by far!

Bohnanza: that bean game. I like it alot, need to try it with more than 4 people though...

Camel Up! : The only game I have I can win most of the time. I just "get it" more than the rest of my group. I love how big it can scale and even though it is very simple the board and pieces are very busy and exciting still.


I have 2 games that I haven't brought to the table yet. "Get Bit" and "Parade". I wonder how they will go over tomorrow night?

Also thanks for the 7 Wonders advice, I will order this ASAP.


Finally got to play Five Tribes today. It was the right group to play it with. We didn't suffer from much AP, and the game moved a lot quicker than I thought it would. Had a lot of fun. I think the SU&SD guy is right, you can't play this game methodically plotting out your moves otherwise it takes all the fun out of it. The mancala part is really cool and whenever someone made a big move with 5+ meeples it definitely drew attention.

I just borrowed it from the cafe I work at, but I'm strongly considering adding it to my collection. The only worry is with max 4 players, and my group usually being 5-6 people it may not get much play.

Also played Manila for the first time. It's cool. Kinda felt like a mix between Camel Up and Article 27, minus the super luck-based swings in Camel Up.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
For any Germans, the current daily advent calendar deal on Spiele-offensive.de:

Is a game called "Septikon" for 25€ instead of 40€. One of the most intriguing aspects to me is that its described as a game different from most board game concepts. They only have it in VERY limited numbers and it cant be bought on Amazon at all. Apparently its the first step of a international board gaming release schedule for interesting russian games, so I figured you guys might be interested in this since it seems to be quite the obscurity.
I bought a copy at least, curious to see how it plays like.

7,00 user score on Boardgamegeek, seems to have gotten decent reviews from external sites too:

Quick heads up for German thread readers, 70 copies left.
Hey all...looking for some more 20s-30s pulp adventure/treasure hunting/tomb raiding/maybe even some nazi or supernatural stuff in it board games.

players are 30-40 somethings

Already have Tikal, Incan Gold, Eldritch Horror, Elder Sign, and Fortune and Glory.


Learned Doomtown finally. Not as tight as I was hoping but the theme is wonderful. Going to try and pound out a bunch of games to get comfortable.
Just putting this out there, you should play Netrunner. Especially if you are looking to get into a card game.

Mage Knight is (I think) set in the same universe but it is a way different game than the original Mage Knight. The Mage Knight board game is a hand management game. It's a hard game and it has it's fans, but I'm not one of them. I think the game is too unforgiving and the puzzle the game presents is just too much. I often find myself struggling to just move around the map.

we LOVE Netrunner. We haven't dug into any of the expansions yet because she really dislikes deckbuilding but the base game is very well received.

Whether or not you will enjoy Mage Wars also depends on how you feel about dice combat. That is what ultimately ruined it for me.

We play Descent and other things that have a lot of dice rolling but it's acceptable in those games where its 5 people and theres general chaos. 1v1 games this doesn't sound like what we're looking for

I'm gonna look into War of the Ring but my regular places (well amazon) are selling it for like 70 damn dollars

thanks guys!
There is a okay server browser with descriptions, you can also filter by steam friends so that helps.

BoardgameGaf could form a group specifically for the game on Steam if needed. =)

I just jumped onto a buddies table and friends come and go. The great thing is you don't need to have a game to play it, the host can load whatever and your client will download the assets on the spot.

Throw in spectating and the ability to draw on the table and you get people just hanging out with their buds. It's really a neat experience.

I use mumble exclusively. If anyone uses that for voice comms I would be happy to jump into a game with whoever!
It's on sale today for $9. I created a group for for boardgame gaf. If people wanted to join, you can find it here:


Hey all...looking for some more 20s-30s pulp adventure/treasure hunting/tomb raiding/maybe even some nazi or supernatural stuff in it board games.

players are 30-40 somethings

Already have Tikal, Incan Gold, Eldritch Horror, Elder Sign, and Fortune and Glory.

A Study in Emerald, if a game combining Sherlock Holmes, vampires, zombies, cthulu, and real-life 19th century anarchists intrigues you.


A Study in Emerald, if a game combining Sherlock Holmes, vampires, zombies, cthulu, and real-life 19th century anarchists intrigues you.
A Study in Emerald does look fantastic and I believe will see another print next year. I plan to pick it up as soon as more copies see the light of day.


A Study in Emerald does look fantastic and I believe will see another print next year. I plan to pick it up as soon as more copies see the light of day.

It sounded like they were changing the game for the second edition. I'm curious to see how that one does, but I'm glad to have my copy.

It's on sale today for $9. I created a group for for boardgame gaf. If people wanted to join, you can find it here:

I'm in!


It sounded like they were changing the game for the second edition. I'm curious to see how that one does, but I'm glad to have my copy.
I checked where I read about it and saw that it will be a new edition rather than a plain old reprint. I only found out about the game within the last couple months, way too late to have gotten a copy. So I hope too much isn't changed.
EDIT: I've read the changes and it seem like there are a bunch, but I hope that the game doesn't "feel" like it has changed much.


I finally got to play Dead of Winter the other day.

I was dealt a betrayal card. I am always the Cylon, the betrayer, the traitor, etc. It just always happens.

Anyway I convinced everyone I was on their side and was trying to collect 6 food cards before ruining things for everyone. I made a lot of bad plays and spent the entire time searching in places where I could find food.

I managed to make the moral go down to 0, but I was missing one food. I pretended I put all the right cards in to pass the crisis check and begged everyone for a can of food, saying that I needed it to win the game. I am convinced that if anyone had a can of food they would have given it to me, but alas, they didn't. I still feel like playing for the stalemate at that point was the best I could do.


Suppose I really should start posting more in here, seeing as the wife and I have become huge board gamers in the last year. Haven't counted but must have at least 30 games now. Mainly focus on coop and 2 player games as competitive games don't work well with the missus unless its low contact like ticket to ride or lords of waterdeep. Just got the new mountains of madness expansion for eldritch horror to go with our daedalus insert for the game, and recently been playing a ton of the lord of the rings LCG and absolutely loving it.

Just backed this cool post apocalyptic miniature coop game. So 2 I can definitely offer suggestions in the 2 player category. Sometimes get to game at the open board game night at my Local shop. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/funforge/zna
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