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New Enthusia video...


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Man...this game was just so frigin bad at E3. Holy hell did I hate it. It may have been the worst racer of the show.


During replays Enthusia is the closest a racer ever got to GT3, i think.
Physics and cars' movements look almost as good, as do reflections and lightning.
Too bad it's on Ps2; should have been on GC or Xbox, since they don't have a 'GT' kind of game done right (from this point of view, at least...i mean, Forza doesn't even come close to Enthusia, let alone Gt4).
Well, and too bad everyone who's seen this at E3 told me it sucks.

Ranger X

Actually i'm pretty happy that this game is for my PS2. There's no fucking racing game let alone GT4 on this machine. All the good ones are on Xbox. But this year it's changing all for the better! Enthusia, GT4 and also TOCA2. Nice ;)


New screens?



Kinda boring HUD if you ask me :/
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