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NEW FABLE Screens!

I can't WAIT!








Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Is it me.. or does this game look very washed out. Most Xbox games seem so much clearer looking. The art kinda sucks too.. you can tell it's western developed which is'nt necessarily a bad thing. But the characters look so cheesy.


Tenguman said:
Looking very nice

I haven't kept up on this game much, is it still coming to PC too?

Currently planned for Xbox only, but I wouldn't be surprised if they ported it to the PC later down the road.


The third screen down is A M A Z I N G @_@ I use to hate on this game early on because I didn't like how it looked but in the last few months I have fallen in love with it.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
IJoel said:
Looks nice.


*In Before Bad Art

I love the art. Anyone who hates on it is a Japanophile who is upset that the game doesn't have characters with gigantic eyes and mouths and triangles for noses. Fable rocks.


Chili Con Carnage!
belgurdo said:
which makes it even more odd. Why keep that in and not a second body model?

Its because you'd have to model all the clothes you've already created again to fit on a womans body, then have a second set of animations aswell, it was a lot of work for a feature that isnt exactly a requirement.


Makura said:
My front-runner for #1 dissapointment of this generation.

I'm predicting you will be disappointed that it's not a disappointment, well at least not the top disappointment. :p

Sure, it's not what was originally promised. Peter Molyneux is known for aiming high, but falling short. But taken for what it is, and not what it was supposed to be, it still sounds like great game.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Makura said:
My front-runner for #1 dissapointment of this generation.

I personally love Shenmue, but I'd label those two games as biggest letdowns so far this generation. Fable and Jade Empire look to deliver a lot of what at least I was hoping for in Shenmue.
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