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New Halo 5 Coverage! (expect spoilers)

Can we stop with this excuse? Its right that the official date is next week. But Microsoft/343 should expect that people will get the game ealier and this people want to play online too.
Ive already read from a lot people today about this "dlc error"...

I dont see the difference between this annoying twitch streamers that will move on next week anyway and someone that bought the game now and wants to play it for more than just a few days.

I dont get whats different than before. Will the Servers explode whem some non famous youtuber/twitch people play?

I just dont get the logic here at all. Blocking me out of features i payed money for.

You're not gonna win in this thread mate, you're in the wrong to nearly everyone in this thread for expecting to have it playable when pretty much every other game is before 3 days before release.


Boggles the mind that some with early access to the game are bitching about having to wait until release date to play MP. Wish i was that lucky.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
You're not gonna win in this thread mate, you're in the wrong to nearly everyone in this thread for expecting to have it playable when pretty much every other game is before 3 days before release.

Lets get one thing out of the way. Having the ability to play few days early is nice, and awesome thing to have. But don't argue or act like its your privilege or entitlement to play early.
Can we stop with this excuse?

That statement holds no water


First quote: calling the launch date that they have been planning around since at least the beginning of this year an excuse... what?

Second quote: Implying you know more about the behind-the-scenes work of launching a game than someone who works at the company responsible for that game... whaaaaaat?

You guys and anyone else who got the game early should consider yourselves lucky for having been able to do so. Enjoy being some of the first people to play the campaign and by the time you're done, you'll realize that the game will be out in three days and you probably shouldn't freak out about them not letting you access the features you paid for before the game's official launch.

I paid $65 for the digital version of Halo 5: Guardians from the Xbox Store and I can't play any of it until Tuesday. You guys have special access to the game's campaign, something I would be overjoyed to have, and you're complaining. Come on now.


Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included. It's not weird, or unreasonable. Your money is appreciated, as is your support and skill, but it has a release date for a reason, which thousands of people have worked to meet.

Honestly it's like taking your IMAX ticket to the multiplex and demanding they start showing Force Awakens today. I'm not even using an iota of hyperbole. It's a fair comparison.

The fact that people are complaining about this is so ludicrous that I refuse to believe it's happening even though I'm reading the posts. Good on you for even taking the time to respond.



First quote: calling the launch date that they have been planning around since at least the beginning of this year an excuse... what?

Second quote: Implying you know more about the behind-the-scenes work of launching a game than someone who works at the company responsible for that game... whaaaaaat?

You guys and anyone else who got the game early should consider yourselves lucky for having gotten the game early. Enjoy being some of the first people to play the campaign and by the time you're done, you'll realize that the game will be out in three days and you probably shouldn't freak out about them not letting you access the features you paid for before the game's official launch.

I paid $65 for the digital version of Halo 5: Guardians from the Xbox Store and I can't play any of it until Tuesday. You guys have special access to the game's campaign, something I would be overjoyed to have, and you're complaining. Come on now.

Yup. You just can't make this shit up.
Lets get one thing out of the way. Having the ability to play few days early is nice, and awesome thing to have. But don't argue or act like its your privilege to play early.

All I'm saying is it's very worrying to me to have MP servers 3 days before release locked to a specific whitelist when no other game has done it, especially with the shit show the MCC was. There's another factor in there that I can't mention that raises that worry even more. I'd just like to talk to my friends while I play campaign at least.


I'm not sure what it is but I can't get the game to control like I want sensitivity-wise. Maybe it's the new inclusion of an ADS-like experience but ends up feeling really odd. I say that coming from hours upon hours of Destiny on XB1. The shooting experience here just doesn't feel as tight.

The game has low aim assist, where as Destiny practically aims for you, I'm sure that plays into it. All of the streamers are commenting on how hard it is to aim when people berate them in chat, lol.


How are the people saying they have a legitimate copy and that they 'paid money for' any different than the millions who probably have it pre-loaded and fully paid for digitally?

Wtf am I honestly reading here? Why would you ever expect online features to be activated 5 days before launch? Just because you see pros, reviewers, streamers playing means what? They are VIP's given access for a reason, this has happened the past 10 years of live/online games.

I'm not begrudging anyone who has the game and wants to play. You can play all the offline portions, that's still doable ie. Campaign. But why would you expect full release day functionality, release day online features 5 days before launch? You knew this was a primarily online required game beforehand as well. Blame the store for selling to you early, don't blame 343 because they don't want random hundreds of even thousands of people with early copies uploading videos or basing things on pre-release maps and multi-player. With reviewers and streamers, they know that they can trust these guys to give a fair balanced look at pre-release software.

I get it, I wanted to get my copy early too. But I knew I wouldn't be able to play online. And yes I've done it in the past for several games, but after MCC, I'm certain they won't take chances and want to get every last minute of development time to make sure it works flawlessly.


That statement holds no water, not with twitch live streams of people playing multiplayer as we speak, "high profile streamers" or whatever you'll call them. Servers and matchmaking appear to be up and running. Reviewers only I might understand, but those streamers are only allowed to play because they provide advertisement and last minute hype for the game. Guess what, I already payed 65 bucks. No advertisement needed for me. The Imax analogy seems neat, but we are talking video games here, not film. You just locked out your paying customers from the multiplayer. And I thought it was a unwritten rule of gaming that if you manage to get around street date by a few days, you've earned the right to play. But it's not those days anymore, is it now?
I think there is a big difference between allowing a handful of individuals to stream the game, and allowing tens or hundreds of thousands of players access to it, when the infrastructure may not be ready yet.

I am sure *you* playing the game would make no difference, but the practice of allowing anyone that gets the game before the launch might.

I don't think 343 has an obligation to make the game available before it is officially released. What you are saying is that it worked that way for past games, which may be true, but as you say things change.


Can we stop with this excuse? Its right that the official date is next week. But Microsoft/343 should expect that people will get the game ealier and this people want to play online too.
Ive already read from a lot people today about this "dlc error"...

I dont see the difference between this annoying twitch streamers that will move on next week anyway and someone that bought the game now and wants to play it for more than just a few days.

I dont get whats different than before. Will the Servers explode whem some non famous youtuber/twitch people play?

I just dont get the logic here at all. Blocking me out of features i payed money for.

Are you sixteen or what?


All I'm saying is it's very worrying to me to have MP servers 3 days before release locked to a specific whitelist when no other game has done it, especially with the shit show the MCC was. There's another factor in there that I can't mention that raises that worry even more. I'd just like to talk to my friends while I play campaign at least.

Why does the fact that there is a whitelist worry you? and what does that have to do with MCC?

Would you somehow feel more comfortable with the servers if a handful of folks who got the game early were thrown into the mix with streamers? It still wouldn't remotely represent the launch day load.

We already know the servers work fine under limited stress. We can see that by watching twitch right now... What comfort would you get from playing early?


Yea it was worth the $$$. First of all, I beat it in one 9 hour sitting and never got upset, frustrated, or felt like I was grinding. That's not to say it was easy on Heroic but it was varied and gave me a choice of how to play at every turn. There was more gameplay there too. There were a couple missions were I got lost and only knocked out like half of the playspace, but progressed anyway. I mentioned it earlier but you're never stuck in a hallway getting blasted with no where to go, and it's incredible. Just for reference, I found 1/13 skulls and 26/117 intel things, and I was kind of looking for them.

I'll give you a few bullet points of the SP. I'm not going to touch on the story at all, I'll leave that to reviewers. I liked it a lot, but it's so subjective that it's whatever. I liked it.


Seriously the new additions to the movement are the bee's knees. It's perfect. I seriously felt like a Spartan the entire time. Sliding under stuff and shooting. Melee'ing people across the map. Sprinting, clambering and blasting away. It is awesome. Smooth as butter the whole time. This is how Halo is meant to be played, and I'm pumped to get to implement it in MP. You actually use the stuff too. I'm not going to allude to how, but I felt Bloodborne ish at a few points and that's badass.

The missions were awesome. They are classic Halo, but fixed. Everything is open. Saying that there are a million ways to tackle things is not just some advertising line. Like I mentioned before, there are missions you know are built for vehicles, like classic Halo, but you aren't penalized for not using them. There's no lack of cover and you aren't dancing back and forth as you move across large areas trying to close the gap on a wraith. You can go Up and around and over and flank. It's sweet. You just play the game. I never thought to myself that something was cheap or stupid. It was what's the best way to beat this thing and they give you the tools and ability to do it. Pretty cool. Again, this is subjective, but you are going to have fun. I had fun and I'm not a huge single player person. It's usually a grind for me. I can absolutely guarantee that 4 player co-op on legendary will be the shit. It's going to be the best campaign co-op experience ever. No doubt.


I think the sound is stellar. I love the way the guns sound. There's a bunch of other sound effects that come into play during firefights that makes it pretty immersive. The soundtrack is incredible as we know. There were a few missions that I was playing were I had my headphones on, the bass was pumping, and the art/fluidity/verticality/graphics kind of blew my mind.

As for the graphics specifically. If you are playing this game to play a game and enjoy yourself. It looks good. It looks really good. If you have your magnifying glass out, you are going to see somethings to nitpick. Whatever. That's with every game. There are a look of scenes that are going to stun you with how beautiful they are though, even with your magnifiers on.


If the MP is great, and it seriously looks great, then this is my favorite Halo. Gameplay wise, it's hands down my favorite Halo. The story is so subjective, that it shouldn't factor in (again I loved it), but this is the best Halo gameplay we've had. They just added enough to improve it, while keeping that same feeling. The SP got me more excited for Warzone, just because of how well this game plays and how much fun I had with some of the bosses/ traversing the environments.

Again, I said this before on here, but it's like a MGS fan picking up the Phantom Pain. It's a little different and the story may be your thing or not, but you can't argue with how great that thing plays. It's the same, but it's better.

You're not gonna win in this thread mate, you're in the wrong to nearly everyone in this thread for expecting to have it playable when pretty much every other game is before 3 days before release.

Every game isn't Halo 5, and damn sure isn't doing all the things that Halo 5 is.


Halo 5 get -

I have found every Halo game since 2 early. Anyone who complains about features not working before release is dumb. That said, everyone figured the multiplayer in MCC wasn't working the weekend before because the game wasn't out and we all know how that turned out. A few days of extra testing could give 343 a jump on any issues.


Oh my god, shut the eff up about the multiplayer servers not being up before launch. Feel fortunate that you were able to get your hands on a copy early and just play the campaign in the meantime.


Yea it was worth the $$$. First of all, I beat it in one 9 hour sitting and never got upset, frustrated, or felt like I was grinding. That's not to say it was easy on Heroic but it was varied and gave me a choice of how to play at every turn. There was more gameplay there too. There were a couple missions were I got lost and only knocked out like half of the playspace, but progressed anyway. I mentioned it earlier but you're never stuck in a hallway getting blasted with no where to go, and it's incredible. Just for reference, I found 1/13 skulls and 26/117 intel things, and I was kind of looking for them.

I'll give you a few bullet points of the SP. I'm not going to touch on the story at all, I'll leave that to reviewers. I liked it a lot, but it's so subjective that it's whatever. I liked it.


Seriously the new additions to the movement are the bee's knees. It's perfect. I seriously felt like a Spartan the entire time. Sliding under stuff and shooting. Melee'ing people across the map. Sprinting, clambering and blasting away. It is awesome. Smooth as butter the whole time. This is how Halo is meant to be played, and I'm pumped to get to implement it in MP. You actually use the stuff too. I'm not going to allude to how, but I felt Bloodborne ish at a few points and that's badass.

The missions were awesome. They are classic Halo, but fixed. Everything is open. Saying that there are a million ways to tackle things is not just some advertising line. Like I mentioned before, there are missions you know are built for vehicles, like classic Halo, but you aren't penalized for not using them. There's no lack of cover and you aren't dancing back and forth as you move across large areas trying to close the gap on a wraith. You can go Up and around and over and flank. It's sweet. You just play the game. I never thought to myself that something was cheap or stupid. It was what's the best way to beat this thing and they give you the tools and ability to do it. Pretty cool. Again, this is subjective, but you are going to have fun. I had fun and I'm not a huge single player person. It's usually a grind for me. I can absolutely guarantee that 4 player co-op on legendary will be the shit. It's going to be the best campaign co-op experience ever. No doubt.


I think the sound is stellar. I love the way the guns sound. There's a bunch of other sound effects that come into play during firefights that makes it pretty immersive. The soundtrack is incredible as we know. There were a few missions that I was playing were I had my headphones on, the bass was pumping, and the art/fluidity/verticality/graphics kind of blew my mind.

As for the graphics specifically. If you are playing this game to play a game and enjoy yourself. It looks good. It looks really good. If you have your magnifying glass out, you are going to see somethings to nitpick. Whatever. That's with every game. There are a look of scenes that are going to stun you with how beautiful they are though, even with your magnifiers on.


If the MP is great, and it seriously looks great, then this is my favorite Halo. Gameplay wise, it's hands down my favorite Halo. The story is so subjective, that it shouldn't factor in (again I loved it), but this is the best Halo gameplay we've had. They just added enough to improve it, while keeping that same feeling. The SP got me more excited for Warzone, just because of how well this game plays and how much fun I had with some of the bosses/ traversing the environments.

Again, I said this before on here, but it's like a MGS fan picking up the Phantom Pain. It's a little different and the story may be your thing or not, but you can't argue with how great that thing plays. It's the same, but it's better.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sheeeit...!

I was misled by positive impressions of Halo 4's campaign, but the things you're saying about the openness and options built into Halo 5's missions seem pretty hard to misinterpret. Thanks for the writeup.



Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sheeeit...!

I was misled by positive impressions of Halo 4's campaign, but the things you're saying about the openness and options built into Halo 5's missions seem pretty hard to misinterpret. Thanks for the writeup.


I always take early impressions with a grain of salt, but there's been enough gameplay released out there that lines up with what he's saying.


Okay. So the situation is that the multilayer portion is only live for the press and high profile streamers for promotion. That's it. Harassing Stinkles is about the launch window is crossing the fucking line.
Halo 5 get -

I have found every Halo game since 2 early. Anyone who complains about features not working before release is dumb. That said, everyone figured the multiplayer in MCC wasn't working the weekend before because the game wasn't out and we all know how that turned out. A few days of extra testing could give 343 a jump on any issues.
You mean like the beta last December, the year leading up to release, or all the people playing early?


Even though my copy shipped yesterday, I just realised Royal Mail first class doesn't deliver on Saturdays, which means I won't receive it till Monday anyway. Fudge!!

Edit: Turns out they do deliver on Saturdays!! At least for first class and special delivery anyway. There is hope after all!


Okay. So the situation is that the multilayer portion is only live for the press and high profile streamers for promotion. That's it. Harassing Stinkles is about the launch window is crossing the fucking line.

Crossing the line?


Looking like a whining baby. Yep


You mean like the beta last December, the year leading up to release, or all the people playing early?

I mean if the multiplayer servers are ready to go then if they put them up then they can get a few days of testing with the final game code under their belt before the rush hits on Tuesday. That would help shake out any issues and make the patches come a few days earlier than they otherwise will. This would be a good thing for 343.

If the servers are ready to go and they aren't turning them on, that is short sighted, but I am not going to get out my pitch fork. After all, the game isn't out yet.

If the multiplayer servers are not ready to be turned on because they are still working on them, that is not very comforting after the MCC experience.
I mean if the multiplayer servers are ready to go then if they put them up then they can get a few days of testing with the final game code under their belt before the rush hits on Tuesday. That would help shake out any issues and make the patches come a few days earlier than they otherwise will. This would be a good thing for 343.

If the servers are ready to go and they aren't turning them on, that is short sighted, but I am not going to get out my pitch fork. After all, the game isn't out yet.

If the multiplayer servers are not ready to be turned on because they are still working on them, that is not very comforting after the MCC experience.
Ha I was just playing devil's advocate :D I knew what you meant. At this point though I'm guessing that 343 feels pretty strongly about the stability of the network. And if not, a few extra days is unlikely to help. I don't think TMCC is in any way similar to Halo 5. Halo 4 was really solid network-wise on release and I'd expect the same for Halo 5.
If the multiplayer servers are not ready to be turned on because they are still working on them, that is not very comforting after the MCC experience.

That's certainly a valid concern but I think they are just taking every single day they have to make the servers work as perfectly as possible. If there are last-minute optimizations they can do in the last few days, why not take the time to make them rather than put the servers up before they will be needed? Even without those optimizations I think the servers would still work fine, but everything I've heard on the topic has been "343 has been doing literally everything in their power to make sure the game launches properly". After all, they can't afford another MCC.


Halo 5 get -

I have found every Halo game since 2 early. Anyone who complains about features not working before release is dumb. That said, everyone figured the multiplayer in MCC wasn't working the weekend before because the game wasn't out and we all know how that turned out. A few days of extra testing could give 343 a jump on any issues.

They've been beta testing it online every week for the past year...


I mean if the multiplayer servers are ready to go then if they put them up then they can get a few days of testing with the final game code under their belt before the rush hits on Tuesday. That would help shake out any issues and make the patches come a few days earlier than they otherwise will. This would be a good thing for 343.

If the servers are ready to go and they aren't turning them on, that is short sighted, but I am not going to get out my pitch fork. After all, the game isn't out yet.

If the multiplayer servers are not ready to be turned on because they are still working on them, that is not very comforting after the MCC experience.

I doubt it has anything to do with the servers being physically ready...

Probably more about the fact that the current experience isn't what folks would be expecting... The dedicated server matchmaking system will depend on large populations playing concurrently in each region in order to deliver a good experience...

Also, currently the there is only one playlist live. A symptom of not having a large enough population to warrant it. How do you explain that to people who aren't supposed to be playing yet...

343i is trying to fine tune the experience... Everyone needs to just wait until the show starts...

They had a public beta last year, and have been holding private betas... Letting a couple people play early isn't going to be more of a stress test than what they've already done.


Can anyone tell me if its worth buying xbone for Halo 5? II am A huge Halo fan but hated 4. From people I know who have completed Halo 5 they all seem to think It's disappointing. Destiny is just boring as hell for me now and need my sci Fi fps fix.

I guess I could just buy the MCC collection and fall back onto that.
Can anyone tell me if its worth buying xbone for Halo 5? II am A huge Halo fan but hated 4. From people I know who have completed Halo 5 they all seem to think It's disappointing. Destiny is just boring as hell for me now and need my sci Fi fps fix.

I guess I could just buy the MCC collection and fall back onto that.

If you're playing it for the story there's no way anyone can tell you that. If you enjoy halo gameplay, MP and think Warzone looks interesting then do it
Can anyone tell me if its worth buying xbone for Halo 5? II am A huge Halo fan but hated 4. From people I know who have completed Halo 5 they all seem to think It's disappointing. Destiny is just boring as hell for me now and need my sci Fi fps fix.

I guess I could just buy the MCC collection and fall back onto that.

If you're skeptical, I wouldn't shell out that kind of money right before more thorough reviews from a larger sample size hit. Maybe wait a week or two to see how things go, or longer to get a black friday deal.

but if the game turns out good (and I don't see any sign that it wont), it should be a good investment considering the amount of post launch support it's going to get. MCC wont have that on the same level, but it's still a good package on its own (when it works).


Can anyone tell me if its worth buying xbone for Halo 5? II am A huge Halo fan but hated 4. From people I know who have completed Halo 5 they all seem to think It's disappointing. Destiny is just boring as hell for me now and need my sci Fi fps fix.

I guess I could just buy the MCC collection and fall back onto that.

What did you hate about 4?
That statement holds no water, not with twitch live streams of people playing multiplayer as we speak, "high profile streamers" or whatever you'll call them. Servers and matchmaking appear to be up and running. Reviewers only I might understand, but those streamers are only allowed to play because they provide advertisement and last minute hype for the game. Guess what, I already payed 65 bucks. No advertisement needed for me. The Imax analogy seems neat, but we are talking video games here, not film. You just locked out your paying customers from the multiplayer. And I thought it was a unwritten rule of gaming that if you manage to get around street date by a few days, you've earned the right to play. But it's not those days anymore, is it now?

How can you say something like that you *know* not to be true? I got Halo 2 a few days early and played multiplayer on Xbox Live 1 without any problems. Same for Halo 3, and Halo 4, and Halo Reach. Even on Xbox One, I had the Master Chief Collection on the Saturday before release, by which time the reviewer's playlist (the only one there was at the time) was still online. And I could play, let's say more or less.

You know, today I drove 250km to get hold of a copy, during rush hour after work and even got stuck in a 10km traffic jam on the way home. Solely to play the multiplayer over the weekend, because I can't play much in the work day evenings. Imagine my surprise when I came across that "unable to verify DLC" screen. So, thanks for putting that neat multiplayer blocker in. Much appreciated.

So exactly as he said, you played them about 3 days early. Can you god damn read? Jesus Christ. Some people.

And it does make sense, having a few hundred people on your server is the same as when you start adding thousands more before it's ready. Right..... Right?
Halo 5 get -

I have found every Halo game since 2 early. Anyone who complains about features not working before release is dumb. That said, everyone figured the multiplayer in MCC wasn't working the weekend before because the game wasn't out and we all know how that turned out. A few days of extra testing could give 343 a jump on any issues.

Its not dumb. I expect every piece of a game playable even when i get it early. I dont see why its dumb. I mean its just a 3-4 days early. If i would have the game for 2 weeks already, i can understand not being able to play Online.
The MCC Multiplayer didnt work because the game at its core was broken. It had nothing to do with the population.

We will see how long he lasts in MP anyways. He has been banned before

wat? Never got banned in a MP game lol. But of course someone would throw some BS claims out because he doesnt agrees with me. Its okey if you dont agree, but stop making claims that arent true.

And i already said, i would be fine if i cant play PvP. But at least Online Coop would be something i want to play. Me and my friends planned to play online coop on legendary.
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