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New Halo 5 Coverage! (expect spoilers)


I'm at about 6 hours now. Just started the 9th mission. Game keeps getting better and better. Levels are still massive. I think this game will be awesome on Legendary.

Little tidbit that some people may like, even though some parts of these levels are setup for you to use vehicles, the verticality makes it just as fun to stay on foot. You don't have to stand in the open and dodge plasma canons. It's awesome.

Again, the sound effects are awesome........

And your thoughts? Worth the $$$?

Yea it was worth the $$$. First of all, I beat it in one 9 hour sitting and never got upset, frustrated, or felt like I was grinding. That's not to say it was easy on Heroic but it was varied and gave me a choice of how to play at every turn. There was more gameplay there too. There were a couple missions were I got lost and only knocked out like half of the playspace, but progressed anyway. I mentioned it earlier but you're never stuck in a hallway getting blasted with no where to go, and it's incredible. Just for reference, I found 1/13 skulls and 26/117 intel things, and I was kind of looking for them.

I'll give you a few bullet points of the SP. I'm not going to touch on the story at all, I'll leave that to reviewers. I liked it a lot, but it's so subjective that it's whatever. I liked it.


Seriously the new additions to the movement are the bee's knees. It's perfect. I seriously felt like a Spartan the entire time. Sliding under stuff and shooting. Melee'ing people across the map. Sprinting, clambering and blasting away. It is awesome. Smooth as butter the whole time. This is how Halo is meant to be played, and I'm pumped to get to implement it in MP. You actually use the stuff too. I'm not going to allude to how, but I felt Bloodborne ish at a few points and that's badass.

The missions were awesome. They are classic Halo, but fixed. Everything is open. Saying that there are a million ways to tackle things is not just some advertising line. Like I mentioned before, there are missions you know are built for vehicles, like classic Halo, but you aren't penalized for not using them. There's no lack of cover and you aren't dancing back and forth as you move across large areas trying to close the gap on a wraith. You can go Up and around and over and flank. It's sweet. You just play the game. I never thought to myself that something was cheap or stupid. It was what's the best way to beat this thing and they give you the tools and ability to do it. Pretty cool. Again, this is subjective, but you are going to have fun. I had fun and I'm not a huge single player person. It's usually a grind for me. I can absolutely guarantee that 4 player co-op on legendary will be the shit. It's going to be the best campaign co-op experience ever. No doubt.


I think the sound is stellar. I love the way the guns sound. There's a bunch of other sound effects that come into play during firefights that makes it pretty immersive. The soundtrack is incredible as we know. There were a few missions that I was playing were I had my headphones on, the bass was pumping, and the art/fluidity/verticality/graphics kind of blew my mind.

As for the graphics specifically. If you are playing this game to play a game and enjoy yourself. It looks good. It looks really good. If you have your magnifying glass out, you are going to see somethings to nitpick. Whatever. That's with every game. There are a look of scenes that are going to stun you with how beautiful they are though, even with your magnifiers on.


If the MP is great, and it seriously looks great, then this is my favorite Halo. Gameplay wise, it's hands down my favorite Halo. The story is so subjective, that it shouldn't factor in (again I loved it), but this is the best Halo gameplay we've had. They just added enough to improve it, while keeping that same feeling. The SP got me more excited for Warzone, just because of how well this game plays and how much fun I had with some of the bosses/ traversing the environments.

Again, I said this before on here, but it's like a MGS fan picking up the Phantom Pain. It's a little different and the story may be your thing or not, but you can't argue with how great that thing plays. It's the same, but it's better.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Funny thing is other games dont do this.

And i dont even get access to everything for my money. At least unlock that Online Coop if possible. pls`?

Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included. It's not weird, or unreasonable. Your money is appreciated, as is your support and skill, but it has a release date for a reason, which thousands of people have worked to meet.

Honestly it's like taking your IMAX ticket to the multiplex and demanding they start showing Force Awakens today. I'm not even using an iota of hyperbole. It's a fair comparison.
Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included. It's not weird, or unreasonable. Your money is appreciated, as is your support and skill, but it has a release date for a reason, which thousands of people have worked to meet.

Honestly it's like taking your IMAX ticket to the multiplex and demanding they start showing Force Awakens today. I'm not even using an iota of hyperbole. It's a fair comparison.

Lol, that's exactly how it is. I wouldn't worry about it. People want your goods, Stinkles. That's a good sign.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Did you try a hard reset yet? I unplugged for 30 seconds, didn't update immediately but after leaving home for a few hours and coming back it jumped up to 55.x or whatever it's supposed to be.

FYI, after the hard reset it shows 54.X gigs. So I'm good. Cheers


Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included. It's not weird, or unreasonable. Your money is appreciated, as is your support and skill, but it has a release date for a reason, which thousands of people have worked to meet.

Honestly it's like taking your IMAX ticket to the multiplex and demanding they start showing Force Awakens today. I'm not even using an iota of hyperbole. It's a fair comparison.

Look Stinkles. You know this man won't be reasoned with ...
Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included. It's not weird, or unreasonable. Your money is appreciated, as is your support and skill, but it has a release date for a reason, which thousands of people have worked to meet.

Honestly it's like taking your IMAX ticket to the multiplex and demanding they start showing Force Awakens today. I'm not even using an iota of hyperbole. It's a fair comparison.

To be fair, I had Halo 4 six days early and was able to play Multiplayer without a problem.

That was then though.


Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included. It's not weird, or unreasonable. Your money is appreciated, as is your support and skill, but it has a release date for a reason, which thousands of people have worked to meet.

Honestly it's like taking your IMAX ticket to the multiplex and demanding they start showing Force Awakens today. I'm not even using an iota of hyperbole. It's a fair comparison.

I'm not complaining or anything I got to play the campaign early and that's all I really wanted.

This is just an honest question more about about the process cause I'm generally interested on how it works. How do you guys allow certain people access to all those features? Is it a whitelist like many suspected or was there an actual early access code they had to input?


Gold Member
About 4 missions in, campaign is okay so far. Vehicle sections make this feel like imitation Halo at this point. Warthog looks, feels, and sounds wrong, with the feel being the most apparent and lacking thing. Squad AI makes those sections really painful as you're constantly driving over them in tight spots or sections you need to spin the vehicle around to re-engage.

I'm not sure what it is but I can't get the game to control like I want sensitivity-wise. Maybe it's the new inclusion of an ADS-like experience but ends up feeling really odd. I say that coming from hours upon hours of Destiny on XB1. The shooting experience here just doesn't feel as tight.

I went back to Halo 2 last night on the MCC. I haven't played the SP of Halo 2 since 2005 I want to say. All the sounds were different. Banshee's sounded different, plasma shot was louder, and what not. I liked some parts more in the original Xbox swap from the button. The music is much louder with the HD version too. I even tried the generic shooter (CoD style) controls and it felt weird. I had to go back to default controls.

I've played the games, but to be honest going back was weird. I use to be able to stick someone across the map and now I'm throwing them right at the ground. I definitely am excited to see how it plays.

I'm not really into the plot with this, but I kinda maxed out with H4. I watched the ending to H4 like it was going to be something amazing and groundbreaking for the series.

I got the hang of things and realized what had happened. I was use to CoD and so forth. I think it takes a while to adjust to it if you've ever taken a break or played a lot of other shooters.

If there's a section where you can stick an enemy with a grenade, replay that part and so forth multiple times. You'll get it back eventually.

My NewEgg digital copy is pre-loaded.
Pretty much.. while my poor little digital copy mocks my impotence.

.. and my inability to play the game now.

Well this is the first game I've ever found early, and can say that it did cheapen the experience a little bit. Also, I think I would've rather played through the first time in co-op.

*Not at all ungrateful, just trying to make you feel better.


Any campaign impressions that I've missed? Any missions up there with the best of them (like Assault on the Control Room, Two Betrayals, The Ark, The Covenant, New Alexandria etc...)?
Well this is the first game I've ever found early, and can say that it did cheapen the experience a little bit. Also, I think I would've rather played through the first time in co-op.

*Not at all ungrateful, just trying to make you feel better.

Haha thank you.. I took Tuesday off a long time ago, and I'm working now, and with kids etc I doubt I'd get to really dig into the campaign this weekend anyway so I'll survive.. Glad you enjoyed it!
Haha thank you.. I took Tuesday off a long time ago, and I'm working now, and with kids etc I doubt I'd get to really dig into the campaign this weekend anyway so I'll survive.. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! I took Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday off to play it next week too. Just caught some old school nostalgia. Loving this.


Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included. It's not weird, or unreasonable. Your money is appreciated, as is your support and skill, but it has a release date for a reason, which thousands of people have worked to meet.

Honestly it's like taking your IMAX ticket to the multiplex and demanding they start showing Force Awakens today. I'm not even using an iota of hyperbole. It's a fair comparison.

Yes, great analogy. I've been thinking of an analogy the whole day, but this works perfectly.
No, if they did that then why would they allow pre-loading. What would be the point of actually putting out a release date.

Because it's still just the campaign solo but offline and not the entire game?

People on GAF all day have been saying offline campaign was available to people getting retail discs early, just wasn't sure if that was only true for those people or not.


Because the game hasn't released yet and we planned to get everything up and running for release day? It's not a switch. It's a bunch of people, process and hardware.

That statement holds no water, not with twitch live streams of people playing multiplayer as we speak, "high profile streamers" or whatever you'll call them. Servers and matchmaking appear to be up and running. Reviewers only I might understand, but those streamers are only allowed to play because they provide advertisement and last minute hype for the game. Guess what, I already payed 65 bucks. No advertisement needed for me. The Imax analogy seems neat, but we are talking video games here, not film. You just locked out your paying customers from the multiplayer. And I thought it was a unwritten rule of gaming that if you manage to get around street date by a few days, you've earned the right to play. But it's not those days anymore, is it now?

Stinkles said:
Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included.

How can you say something like that you *know* not to be true? I got Halo 2 a few days early and played multiplayer on Xbox Live 1 without any problems. Same for Halo 3, and Halo 4, and Halo Reach. Even on Xbox One, I had the Master Chief Collection on the Saturday before release, by which time the reviewer's playlist (the only one there was at the time) was still online. And I could play, let's say more or less.

You know, today I drove 250km to get hold of a copy, during rush hour after work and even got stuck in a 10km traffic jam on the way home. Solely to play the multiplayer over the weekend, because I can't play much in the work day evenings. Imagine my surprise when I came across that "unable to verify DLC" screen. So, thanks for putting that neat multiplayer blocker in. Much appreciated.
That statement holds no water, not with twitch live streams of people playing multiplayer as we speak, "high profile streamers" or whatever you'll call them. Servers and matchmaking appear to be up and running. Reviewers only I might understand, but those streamers are only allowed to play because they provide advertisement and last minute hype for the game. Guess what, I already payed 65 bucks. No advertisement needed for me. The Imax analogy seems neat, but we are talking video games here, not film. You just locked out your paying customers from the multiplayer. And I thought it was a unwritten rule of gaming that if you manage to get around street date by a few days, you've earned the right to play. But it's not those days anymore, is it now?

>Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included.

How can you say something like that you *know* not to be true? I got a few days Halo 2 early and played multiplay on Xbox Live 1. Same for Halo 3, and Halo 4, and Halo Reach. Even on Xbox One, I had the Master Chief Collection on the Saturday before release, by which time the reviewer's playlist (the only one there was at the time) was still online. And I could play, let's say more or less.

You know, today I drove 250km to get hold of a copy, during rush hour after work and even got stuck in a 10km traffic jam on the way home. Solely to play the multiplayer over the weekend, because I can't play much in the work day evenings. Imagine my surprise when I came across that "unable to verify DLC" screem. So, jolly thanks for putting that neat multiplayer blocker in. Much appreciated.

Surely you know the release date right? I find it absolutely ridiculous that people are complaining that they can't play the multiplayer or coop of an unreleased game.
Surely you know the release date right? I find it absolutely ridiculous that people are complaining that they can't play the multiplayer or coop of an unreleased game.

The way it usually works (at least with past games) is that if you obtain a legitimate copy of the game (you buy a retail copy or have an early access digital code), you can play it early. You just aren't allowed to stream it until the embargo period is up.

The difference here is that you can't play it or even stream it unless you're whitelisted. Given that, I'd say complaints are valid, although this is also a unique circumstance since people had the game weeks prior to release. I didn't know review copies shipped that far out.


I'm at about 6 hours now. Just started the 9th mission. Game keeps getting better and better. Levels are still massive. I think this game will be awesome on Legendary.

Little tidbit that some people may like, even though some parts of these levels are setup for you to use vehicles, the verticality makes it just as fun to stay on foot. You don't have to stand in the open and dodge plasma canons. It's awesome.

Again, the sound effects are awesome........

Surely you know the release date right? I find it absolutely ridiculous that people are complaining that they can't play the multiplayer or coop of an unreleased game.

Can we stop with this excuse? Its right that the official date is next week. But Microsoft/343 should expect that people will get the game ealier and this people want to play online too.
Ive already read from a lot people today about this "dlc error"...

I dont see the difference between this annoying twitch streamers that will move on next week anyway and someone that bought the game now and wants to play it for more than just a few days.

I dont get whats different than before. Will the Servers explode whem some non famous youtuber/twitch people play?

I just dont get the logic here at all. Blocking me out of features i payed money for.
Can we stop with this excuse? Its right that the official date is next week. But Microsoft/343 should expect that people will get the game ealier and this people want to play online too.
Ive already read from a lot people today about this "dlc error"...

I dont see the difference between this annoying twitch streamers that will move on next week anyway and someone that bought the game now and wants to play it for more than just a few days.

I dont get whats different than before. Will the Servers explode whem some non famous youtuber/twitch people play?

I just dont get the logic here at all. Blocking me out of features i payed money for.

Features that launch to the general public Oct 27 @ 12:01...


Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included. It's not weird, or unreasonable. Your money is appreciated, as is your support and skill, but it has a release date for a reason, which thousands of people have worked to meet.

Honestly it's like taking your IMAX ticket to the multiplex and demanding they start showing Force Awakens today. I'm not even using an iota of hyperbole. It's a fair comparison.

C'mon Stinkles. Don't kill my dream of one day video games being made available to the public on the day they "go gold". No more "OK, game's done, now we manufacture the dics, put them in cases, put the cases in boxes, put the boxes on trucks, trucks go to distributors, boxes get put on new trucks, trucks go to retailers." No more "Sorry, we have to be fair to every dinosaur brick & mortar outhouse on the planet." Just "OK, game's done, go ahead and download and start playing, folks. Enjoy!" It can happen. It has to happen. Someday. If the MP component has to be held back while monkeys keep hammering on the infrastructure, so be it. Campaign and MP being broken into separate pieces isn't that weird even today.
Funny thing is, MANY games do this. Lots of them. Every Halo game included. It's not weird, or unreasonable. Your money is appreciated, as is your support and skill, but it has a release date for a reason, which thousands of people have worked to meet.

Honestly it's like taking your IMAX ticket to the multiplex and demanding they start showing Force Awakens today. I'm not even using an iota of hyperbole. It's a fair comparison.

I can't recall any game bar Destiny that has done it in the past few years, at least not 3 days before release. At least just lock the MP servers and let me talk to my friends in party chat while I play campaign. Opening of it is great btw very well done.


Can we stop with this excuse? Its right that the official date is next week. But Microsoft/343 should expect that people will get the game ealier and this people want to play online too.
Ive already read from a lot people today about this "dlc error"...

I dont see the difference between this annoying twitch streamers that will move on next week anyway and someone that bought the game now and wants to play it for more than just a few days.

I dont get whats different than before. Will the Servers explode whem some non famous youtuber/twitch people play?

I just dont get the logic here at all. Blocking me out of features i payed money for.

I don't care if you paid for a ticket from the tout on the corner.

It's an exclusive VIP party, your name ain't down so you ain't getting in.

Also, no sneakers


Can we stop with this excuse? Its right that the official date is next week. But Microsoft/343 should expect that people will get the game ealier and this people want to play online too.
Ive already read from a lot people today about this "dlc error"...

I dont see the difference between this annoying twitch streamers that will move on next week anyway and someone that bought the game now and wants to play it for more than just a few days.

I dont get whats different than before. Will the Servers explode whem some non famous youtuber/twitch people play?

I just dont get the logic here at all. Blocking me out of features i payed money for.

Did you pay anymore money than anyone else? My copy entitles me to pay on the 27th. Why should you get any special treatment?

343i doesn't owe you early access... You made a transaction, and their end of the bargain is due on 10/27.

If they choose to give copies and access to select people as a means to advertise their IP, so be it...

Giving copies to streamers is no different than giving copies to the press... In fact, in today's world, streamers are replacing the press... It makes perfect sense.
I don't care if you paid for a ticket from the tout on the corner.

It's an exclusive VIP party, your name ain't down so you ain't getting in.

Also, no sneakers

basically what it is.

i should expect that people who have an early copy can play it online on Monday when reviews/embargos are up


The way it usually works (at least with past games) is that if you obtain a legitimate copy of the game (you buy a retail copy or have an early access digital code), you can play it early. You just aren't allowed to stream it until the embargo period is up.

The difference here is that you can't play it or even stream it unless you're whitelisted. Given that, I'd say complaints are valid, although this is also a unique circumstance since people had the game weeks prior to release. I didn't know review copies shipped that far out.

Maybe it's just because I've spent so much of the past decade playing MMOs and such, where content is always gated by server-side time locks, but personally, I'd never expect to play the online component of any game before the official release date.

Publishers can't control retailers breaking street date, but these days they can control when you get access to the servers. And since H5 requires a dedicated server connection for any online game mode, with no p2p fallback at all, it's hardly surprising that they have fine-grained control over who can play online and when.
Can we stop with this excuse? Its right that the official date is next week. But Microsoft/343 should expect that people will get the game ealier and this people want to play online too.
Ive already read from a lot people today about this "dlc error"...

I dont see the difference between this annoying twitch streamers that will move on next week anyway and someone that bought the game now and wants to play it for more than just a few days.

I dont get whats different than before. Will the Servers explode whem some non famous youtuber/twitch people play?

I just dont get the logic here at all. Blocking me out of features i payed money for.



Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Can we stop with this excuse? Its right that the official date is next week. But Microsoft/343 should expect that people will get the game ealier and this people want to play online too.
Ive already read from a lot people today about this "dlc error"...

I dont see the difference between this annoying twitch streamers that will move on next week anyway and someone that bought the game now and wants to play it for more than just a few days.

I dont get whats different than before. Will the Servers explode whem some non famous youtuber/twitch people play?

I just dont get the logic here at all. Blocking me out of features i payed money for.

LOL are you for real?
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