HxH overall is pretty good (though a bit overrated), but I do feel this arc has some pacing issues and parts where nothing that interesting is happening. So it's far from amazing IMO. On the contrary, I think I like Greed Island more than most people...
I still feel the Yorknew arc was HxH's pinnacle.
I think the Yorknew arc and the opening of Chimera Ants arc were the best parts of HxH.
This, Yorknew and Gon yelling at Pitou were the best parts of the series. Netero vs King is going pretty well too.Nah, the middle part where Komugi and King and the crew preparing attack was better.. the slow pace actually working magnificently in that part, with I also engaged so much with the cast from both sides.
I'm pretty sure Gon has no chance against Pitou, unless he cheats like Netero is against the King.Kite parts were the absolute best. Everything after...
If Gon doesn't go full ham on Pitou then this arc can go fuck itself.
I believe the manga has sold over 50 million copies.
65mln as of 2013
For some reason, I have a feeling Gon isn't going to fight Pitou. Either that, or the fight is going to underwhelm. It just doesn't feel like its building up towards a traditional showdown. Something is going to get in the way of that, I believe.
Bleach has solid more than HxH? Ack. Christ.
Also don't worry guys about Gon vs Pitou. It'll happen.
Kite parts were the absolute best. Everything after...
If Gon doesn't go full ham on Pitou then this arc can go fuck itself.
Look at what I found!
Bleach has solid more than HxH? Ack. Christ.
Also don't worry guys about Gon vs Pitou. It'll happen.
Just started the greed Island arc.
So... Kurapika and Leorio aren't sticking around? Weird - I'm surprised. That said, I definitely prefer Gon/Killua on their own, but it just seemed like those four were the main characters of the series, yet thats apparently not so. Kurapika at least had a big role in the Yorknew arc, but Leorio still hasn't done really anything useful, besides being somewhat funny.
Just weird that the show is dumping two major characters just like that. But so long as Gon and Killua are together, I guess it'll be ok.
I don't care what he wants. What I want is for him to snap her neck clean off.
Just started the greed Island arc.
So... Kurapika and Leorio aren't sticking around? Weird - I'm surprised. That said, I definitely prefer Gon/Killua on their own, but it just seemed like those four were the main characters of the series, yet thats apparently not so. Kurapika at least had a big role in the Yorknew arc, but Leorio still hasn't done really anything useful, besides being somewhat funny.
Just weird that the show is dumping two major characters just like that. But so long as Gon and Killua are together, I guess it'll be ok.
Yes!!! Hopefully he'll get an arc or two done and the anime returns in a couple of years.
it better be for real this time...http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-04-22/hunter-x-hunter-manga-to-resume-in-june
Yes!!! Hopefully he'll get an arc or two done and the anime returns in a couple of years.
Yes!!! Hopefully he'll get an arc or two done and the anime returns in a couple of years.
Yes!!! Hopefully he'll get an arc or two done and the anime returns in a couple of years.
Practice your happy dance because Hunter x Hunter is coming back! And not only coming back, but joining the Weekly Shonen Jump lineup! You'll be able to read Gon's adventures as a Professional Hunter every week! We're planning a bunch of coverage leading up to the event!
Yes!!! Hopefully he'll get an arc or two done and the anime returns in a couple of years.
VIZ is reporting the news http://shonenjump.viz.com/node/2076
4/28 please come fast!
Looks like I'll be subbing to shonen jump
(okay, this isn't anime related, so I won't post anymore about it... just thought fans would like to know details)
Yes!!! Hopefully he'll get an arc or two done and the anime returns in a couple of years.
Yes!!! Hopefully he'll get an arc or two done and the anime returns in a couple of years.
This. GODDAMN!!! Plus it's great to hear the manga's finally coming back.Just incredible. Easily my favorite shounen now.
Netero is the baddest old dude I've ever seen. What a beautiful fight between him and Mereum. I loved the focus on tactics and strategy here. Seeing Netero dismembered and frail was heartbreaking at first, but then THAT happened. What a swerve. Mereum realizing he had been checkmated from the start was an amazing moment. Just superb. The urge to read ahead is stronger than ever.
Yes!!! Hopefully he'll get an arc or two done and the anime returns in a couple of years.
Just incredible. Easily my favorite shounen now.
Netero is the baddest old dude I've ever seen. What a beautiful fight between him and Mereum. I loved the focus on tactics and strategy here. Seeing Netero dismembered and frail was heartbreaking at first, but then THAT happened. What a swerve. Mereum realizing he had been checkmated from the start was an amazing moment. Just superb. The urge to read ahead is stronger than ever.
The feelings of admiration, awe, determination, and shattering of confidence.
That fight to the death was a thing of animated beauty. *sheds tear*
This was a damn good episode and even though I knew what was coming, I still got excited.Netero going nuclear and seeing Meruem afraid for the first time was perfect.
I also loved the imagery in this episode. The needles against the background of a galaxy to catch the thread of fate and the roses, of course, hinted at the nuclear device Netero had within him.
And "Ant King, you believe I cannot pray with a single arm?"
I also unfortunately learned about the nuclear device as well, prior to this episode. Still, knowing that one detail was not enough to spoil this. This episode was fucking amazing. Easily one of my favorite episodes in a shounen anime to date. The sheer overwhelming strength of the Meruem boggles the fucking mind. This dude is either dead, or coming back even stronger thanks to the radiation, on some straight Godzilla shit. Mereum likens himself to the ultimate biological lifeform, and it's hard to argue against it.
Netereo however has to be one of the finest examples the human race has to offer in this universe. He spent soooooooooo much time acquiring his powers, only to be dismembered in quick fashion by the King. Even that INSANE Zero Hand did only cosmetic damage, that attack had every bit of life Netero had. Yet still, from the very beginning he was willing to die to take Mereum out, and he definitely had the last laugh at the moment. Netereo was scary as fuck in his last moments, extremely intimidating despite his body.
I haven't seen a character go out that bad-ass in a loooong time.