Hmmmm.... I guess that's the risk of posting on this thread ;_;
What risk? I think Rexor is way-way-way overestimating Gon right now. I wouldn't be surprised if he needed to get bailed by Killua's Godspeed.
Hmmmm.... I guess that's the risk of posting on this thread ;_;
Did Biscuit say top 5 Nen users or Nen fighters? There is a difference.
yeah, cant see him doing anything to pitou, he might suprise her once or twice but while I love his characterization this arc, it ultimately means shitMeh. Gon'll get his shit stomped in. Kid is way in over his head...
What risk? I think Rexor is way-way-way overestimating Gon right now. I wouldn't be surprised if he needed to get bailed by Killua's Godspeed.
I don't actually know myself but I feel like the King didn't die from that explosion so I'm so hyper sensitive about having it spoiled that I put my own statement in spoilers
yeah, cant see him doing anything to pitou, he might suprise her once or twice but while I love his characterization this arc, it ultimately means shit
Edit: Biscuit being so strong seems kinda wrong to me. Lmao. I mean, I can buy that she's mastered her Nen given how old she is and will be a force to be reckoned with. But her only Nen ability shown so far is a massager. Meh, I'll have to disagree with Togashi on this one.
That doesnt mean anything, the HXH universe and a common japanese trope is that there are prodigies, we know that ging, gon, Killua, hisoka, chrollo, etc. are prodigies and if they had the same amount of training as much and as long as Netero then they would be way passed him
Have we seen her activate the massager nen while being in her true form?
Yes, they have potential to surpass them with the same amount of training but as of now they can't compare to the King.
I hope they go to Meteor City in the next arc. /randomthought.
.gif-tribute to a simple, poor man
I feel like there's no one who was part of the invasion team who would take Netero's death particularly hard. Not even Killua's grandad would, and that's who he seemed closest to.
Given his age and role in the mission, it's not the type of death where any great deal of mourning would be appropriate.I feel like there's no one who was part of the invasion team who would take Netero's death particularly hard. Not even Killua's grandad would, and that's who he seemed closest to.
I feel like there's no one who was part of the invasion team who would take Netero's death particularly hard. Not even Killua's grandad would, and that's who he seemed closest to.
Given his age and role in the mission, it's not the type of death where any great deal of mourning would be appropriate.
It's a fair distinction. But I wouldn't be surprised if the top 5 Nen users also happened to be the top 5 fighters.
As cool as the ability that fortune-telling girl has, I don't think Biscuit would have even considered people like her when mentioning "top 5 Nen users", for example.
He wasn't smarter than gungi-girl. :3
It's a possibility that Biscuit was thinking about fighters. Although we see those who use nen for fighting there are those who use them to tell fortunes, as you mentioned, or to appraise items, or something entirely else. In that regard, it is entirely possible that the list could be populated someone who is not a fighter at all.
I'm not sure if they talked about this yet, but Komugi isn't smart
Her Gungi skills stem from a Nen ability. She's considered a Nen "genius" because she can use Nen without having any formal training, like Neon Nostrade from the YorkNew arc, or Zepile
We're on the same level. I think Biscuit was talking about fighters as wellYou know, after thinking about it a bit more, I'm a bit more sure that Biscuit was probably referring to top 5 Nen fighters (it's just that Nen fighters sounds kind of weird).
If only because Hisoka's Nen abilities are so far removed from combat, but no one would argue he's fodder.
And also because an important part of Nen is simply just augmenting your physical capabilities to superhuman levels (aside from Nen abilities, obviously).
But yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you though. It's very possible for a non-fighter to be in the list simply because they are ridonk.
Agreed. I was just being silly because I didn't really know how to counter his argument.
You mean that garbage dump?
Yeah. Seems very important for a garbage place!
I'm not so sure I agree with this. In the HxH world, it's never so easy as "x" amount of training leads to "y" increase in ability. Not everyone has limitless potential like Gon and Killua (so I'll have to rescind my previous statement; he's gonna surpass Netero too). I see people like Chrollo and Hisoka beginning to near the limits of their potential (wherein further increases in combat ability can be attributed to experience, much like Knuckle). They'll definitely feel the effects of dimishing returns sooner than our young 'uns.
I disagree. Netero felt he reached the limits of his potential around age 40. We all see what he did after that.
Hmmmm.... I guess that's the risk of posting on this thread ;_;
I'm not sure if they talked about this yet, but Komugi isn't smart
Her Gungi skills stem from a Nen ability. She's considered a Nen "genius" because she can use Nen without having any formal training, like Neon Nostrade from the YorkNew arc, or Zepile
Fairly sure she was beasting the King before her nen was awoken,,though he would probably have eventually beat her had it not.
There is just so much stuff in this fight.. I mean, the King represents ultimate Nen power and Netero couldn't really harm him with regular attacks - and all this time we are believing that the Ant King is the strongest being on earth; a monster that can't feel pain or can't be harmed.
There are so many animes where characters with uber strength can't be damaged by anything and we have been conditioned to believe this fact by dozens of other mangas and shounen stories when the reality is that humans already created technology capable of wiping out entire landscapes in mere milliseconds. All this time the Ant King thought this was a one-vs-one fight with fists and power, that he can rule the world with his incredible physical strength; a illusion he unconsciously created for himself since he doesn't know anything of the world or humans and how far these have already advanced. There is a much bigger power than physical strength, and it was created by humans themselves.
Netero always respected the power of the King, but the fight was already decided from the beginning. He knew that there is something more dangerous than Nen or martial arts, and keeps looking down at the Ant King; to him, that King is nothing more than a mere peasant, a little child with no real knowledge.
That short moment of fear that the Ant King felt was a wake-up call: there is something worse and more cruel than Chimera Ants, and that's humanity.
And the fact that the bomb used was being called 'Rose' and used by 'dictators of small countries' was the almost best thing in the entire episode to me; that message in this information is just soooo huge, I could write another paragraph about it
Togashi is a amazing guy
I don't recall if it was mentioned in the anime, but Netero claimed that he's less than half as powerful as he was in his prime. And Biscuit mentioned Ging being among the top five Nen users, whatever that actually means in practice.
I think it's quite likely that he's stronger than Old Netero, though how he compares to Netero in his youth is another question.
Seeing as Netero was already prepared to die during the fight, he could have placed some crazy condition on himself to power up his nen.
But then again he could only do so little damage even with his full aura that probably even a 2x power up wouldn't even change anything.
So i basically set up a point and countered it myself, whatever.
His Nen ability already has a crazy condition set on it- he has to pray before every strike.
Yeah, he HAS to pray. Just helps that whenever he prays time compresses, lol.
I think it's more like... he's done the motion so many times, that he can perform it at light speed, which ends up "feeling" like time compression, when in reality it's SUPER FREAKING FAST.
I think it's more like... he's done the motion so many times, that he can perform it at light speed, which ends up "feeling" like time compression, when in reality it's SUPER FREAKING FAST.
There's nothing 'special' about Netero's prayer. It's just a motion that has crept into his style through repetition. Because he has done it so often, he's able to do it extremely fast, at speeds so fast it appears time is being compressed. It has nothing to do with his Nen, it's not a condition. It's just a habit.
Are you all the way in?I really with I could see the appeal of this arc. It's been such a decline since Yorknew city.