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New Hunter x Hunter Anime |OT| of Hunters and adventure and NO MANGA SPOILERS


I think you are confused. He has three moves: Rock, Paper and Scissors. Rock is a Enhancer type move, Paper is an emission type and Scissors is transmutation. He didn't 'change' Rock.

Irrelevant. They all take forever to charge, and all are equally uninteresting for that reason.
To be fair can't Gon come up with more moves worst comes to worst? At the very least I'd hope he can speed that up. But I don't care for another shonen protagonist whose move is a rasengan.


When I think about the time Gon takes to charge his attacks, I always also think about Phinks, who is a much more experienced fighter. Minor spoilers:

Ripper Cyclotron takes a considerable time to charge as well (the more he winds his hands, the stronger the attack).


I thought Gon had an extremely flawed and boring Hatsu at first, but the move has definitely grown on me. As Gon grew more powerful, and even more importantly, gained experience, the move really came into it's own.

I quite like the move now. Simple and straight forward, but devestating. Palm could teach Gon a thing or too though, her ability had perfect synergy.
Gon is still young, and his current Hatsu really fits his personality. I'm sure as the series goes on, he will be able to develop it further and add a Gon twist to it. Still wish he kept the fishing rod though, he could have easilly used Enhancement type attacks with it.


Still wish he kept the fishing rod though, he could have easilly used Enhancement type attacks with it.

He easily could have, but I'm glad he didnt. I found the rod gimmicky, and respect Gon getting his hands dirty. I really liked how Gon ditches the rod as a weapon, once he learned to fight. Now Gon is a primarily a melee fighter, using the only weapon necessary: Nen.


Last few episodes have been a bit trying - episode 90 now.

The whole "Killua chickens out at the sight of a stronger enemy" came out of no where. Sure, it had been brought up that thats how assasins do things, but it never literally paralyzed him with fear. At least he's overcome it and is back to being his badass best character self.

Now Gon is doing his "stubbornly get the crap kicked out of himself just cause" nonsense with Kite.

The show has been mostly awesome for the 90 episodes I've watched, its been a section of this arc that has been trying my patience a bit. Hopefully only temporary and I'll be back to loving the show soon. Hopefully.


Last few episodes have been a bit trying - episode 90 now.

The whole "Killua chickens out at the sight of a stronger enemy" came out of no where. Sure, it had been brought up that thats how assasins do things, but it never literally paralyzed him with fear. At least he's overcome it and is back to being his badass best character self.

Now Gon is doing his "stubbornly get the crap kicked out of himself just cause" nonsense with Kite.

The show has been mostly awesome for the 90 episodes I've watched, its been a section of this arc that has been trying my patience a bit. Hopefully only temporary and I'll be back to loving the show soon. Hopefully.

1) Hunter Exam - Killua vs Illumi - He chickened
2) When Wing-san showed the boys his aura he freaked out
3) When Gon and Killua were caught by the Spiders when they were tailing Nobunaga and Machi and was surrounded by Phinks and Nobunaga he got scared (Gon did not)
4) When they first encountered Pitou he freaked out (Gon did not)



1) Hunter Exam - Killua vs Illumi - He chickened
2) When Wing-san showed the boys his aura he freaked out
3) When Gon and Killua were caught by the Spiders when they were tailing Nobunaga and Machi and was surrounded by Phinks and Nobunaga he got scared (Gon did not)
4) When they first encountered Pitou he freaked out (Gon did not)


I may be misremembering, but in all of those situations besides the first, it seemed like Killua was being cautious, while Gon was being way too reckless. It never seemed like he was too scared to fight, it seemed like he was being smart. Gon has never really dealt with his annoyingly reckless behavior, yet the show painted Killua like he was a complete loser paralyzed by fear instead of being like Gon.

Gon's recklessness has really stuck out at me for the entirety of the show. Killua's cautious nature has been noted, but it was never painted as a serious character flaw until now (Even the end of the hunter exam arc I felt was more because it was his brother than anything). I'd much rather the show tackle Gon's recklessness.


Gon has never really dealt with his annoyingly reckless behavior, yet the show painted Killua like he was a complete loser paralyzed by fear instead of being like Gon.

The show doesn't try to indicate that Gon's way of doing things is the "right" way and there are several times when Gon messed up or was going to mess up bad because of how he acts. One scene that comes to mind is when he gets his arms blown off.
Eh, Killua chickening out's been throughout the series. He just looked badass because his level was waaaaay above everyone else for a majority of the series, so he just stomped them.

Even as early as the Hunter exams, Illumi said he drilled the lesson into Killua's head. Illumi wanted Killua to avoid combat unless he's 100% certain he'll win it. Not really a plot point that came out of nowhere. When has Killua ever tried to fight something that was even close to his level?


Did you guys forget that Illumi put the needle in Killua's head that made it so he could not fight anyone he wasn't 100% sure he could beat.


Hostility x And x Determination

Well now. The queen is back.

Good episode. Pushed things forward I felt. The Royal Guard found the King and Gon/Pitou went looking for Kite. But finally, the queen has awoken. The exchange between Pitou and Gon was pretty sweet. Gon's intimidating aura along with the fact that his whole crew (holding Komugi hostage) is there definitely has Pitou scared. Although I do think she will turn on him before they make it to Peijing.

Finding the King in that state was sad to see and so we're the Ant's reactions. I'd imagine they try to get the King to Pitou ASAP to see what she can do only to find the Hunters there. I wonder how they will retaliate.

BTW, I wonder what's going on with those other 3, the 2 ants and the human. I know the ant wants treasure but I wonder how they will play into all these scenarios.


hah, who would have thought the king would get rekt that much? Netero, you fucking beast.

Those damn delicious ant tears!
Based Gon

A shonen protagonist threatened to kill an innocent bystander and then use her as a hostage. If this were anything else, Gon would be the bad guy


Based Gon

A shonen protagonist threatened to kill an innocent bystander and then use her as a hostage. If this were anything else, Gon would be the bad guy

Heh, that is interesting. Can't say I've ever seen that before in an anime.

Nice episode.
I don't know whether to believe that the king actually got burned to a crisp, though. Dude was always resilient. Either way, I'm happy his bodyguards think he's dead.
Huh, so they moved things around and pretty much skipped most of if not an entire chapter to have it next week. Still, I approve of that, that final scene has much more impact at the end than during the first 5 minutes of the episode.

Gon is so scary now. I love it

Super-pissed-off-no-fucks-given Gon is honestly one of my favorite parts of this arc
I'm slightly confused.

Is that charred brick yupi's carrying the king. It looks different, and him being so closed to where the blast happen I expected him to have been complete ash.

But overall ok ep, mostly transition and set up for what's to come.

It really goes to show how child like the ants are when pitou who is so much stronger than gon is that intimidated by him.

I feel for yupi and pouf, but it had to be done.
Hunter x Hunter 127

Time again move slowly... but the episode had a pair of highlight scenes that again makes you forget about it:
in this case Gon being badass and using the girl as hostage, and the Royals Guards finding the king charred body. I love the shout of Youpi, the face disfigured by the pain and anger...

The early part showing the horror of the Rose Bomb also was good for set a tone of horror, and additionally shows how serious was Netero. It isn't just "a bomb", but something that has killed millions of humans in the world. The shadow of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is long...


Lol, burnt to a crisp.

Based Gon

A shonen protagonist threatened to kill an innocent bystander and then use her as a hostage. If this were anything else, Gon would be the bad guy

Well, Gon has to use any leverage he can get over Pitou.

Everyone else knows it's suicide trying to fight him with a straightforward approach.
I'm slightly confused.

Is that charred brick yupi's carrying the king. It looks different, and him being so closed to where the blast happen I expected him to have been complete ash.

That is indeed the king. Honestly that scene shows a lot about the bomb and the king. The bomb's power for being able to reduce the king to that, and the king's strength for managing to not be freaking disintegrated by that.


Holy shit, this anime is God-tier. Best anime I've ever watched and Madhouse is a big part of it too. The story was already written and it's incredible but someone had to convey it and Madhouse has made a masterpiece, pure fucking art.
Hostility x And x Determination

Well now. The queen is back.

Good episode. Pushed things forward I felt. The Royal Guard found the King and Gon/Pitou went looking for Kite. But finally, the queen has awoken. The exchange between Pitou and Gon was pretty sweet. Gon's intimidating aura along with the fact that his whole crew (holding Komugi hostage) is there definitely has Pitou scared. Although I do think she will turn on him before they make it to Peijing.

Finding the King in that state was sad to see and so we're the Ant's reactions. I'd imagine they try to get the King to Pitou ASAP to see what she can do only to find the Hunters there. I wonder how they will retaliate.

BTW, I wonder what's going on with those other 3, the 2 ants and the human. I know the ant wants treasure but I wonder how they will play into all these scenarios.

What queen?
Well, Gon has to use any leverage he can get over Pitou.

Everyone else knows it's suicide trying to fight him with a straightforward approach.

Well, yeah, but I think he would try to go through with it before someone stopped him and brought him back to his senses

Gon and the Humans ARE the bad guys. That's really the point of this arc with all the biological weapons and the nukes and whatnot.

I don't think they are bad guys when the enemy wants to eat/kill most of the humans.
Gon and the Humans ARE the bad guys. That's really the point of this arc with all the biological weapons and the nukes and whatnot.

I can tell that is what he wants us to get from this, but there isn't much of a reason to spare beings that were the ones that started and wish to carry out annihilation of humans. Meruem only wants to spare extraordinary humans while the other Ants just dont care.
repost from anime thread but

Hunter x Hunter 127



God I hope Gon stays like this the whole show. So much better. I fucking love this one. He's fucking roofless. I SEENT IT.

Also shit happened this episode. Gon using his brain. Everything was perfect. Also I'm glad that Palm and Killua are willing
to die with Gon
ultimate bromance and romance.

These past two episodes have been amazing. I love this Gon so much.

Gon and the Humans ARE the bad guys. That's really the point of this arc with all the biological weapons and the nukes and whatnot.

Ehhh it's not so black and white. I see it as two races struggling to survive. Only one of the races is much more assholey on the way they enjoy killing the others, and it ain't the humans.


I can tell that is what he wants us to get from this, but there isn't much of a reason to spare beings that were the ones that started and wish to carry out annihilation of humans. Meruem only wants to spare extraordinary humans while the other Ants just dont care.

I don't think it's necessarily the objective to paint the protagonists as the villains in this arc, either, given what was happening at the start of it. As you mention, the ants were just extremely violent when they came to be, resulting in the brutal deaths of many characters (like those two Hunter exam characters that were offed at the start). The moral ambiguity, though, is pretty well executed in terms of which side is supposed to be "good."

This whole nuke thing, for example, paints humanity pretty poorly, just like the actions of the ants have.


Junior Member
Heh, that is interesting. Can't say I've ever seen that before in an anime.

You should watch Fate/Zero if you haven't. Kiritsugu is really cold.

Anyway, I thought this was a great episode. I even liked it better than the fight with the King lol. Points of interest:

-Gon willing to take Komugi as a hostage.

-Knuckle being surprised at Gon and Killua's thought process.

-Youpi's change of heart, and just wanting to kill them all now.

-Youpi and Pouf crying over the King. That hit me actually...I felt for bad for them at that point.

I feel bad for Komugi getting caught in the middle too. Also the one scene with them walking reminded me of this:

Yeah this isn't role reversal, its just that both sides will do anything and everything to come out on top

I also recommend the recommended recommendation of Fate/Zero


You should watch Fate/Zero if you haven't. Kiritsugu is really cold.

Thanks, heard people generally enjoyed this one, so I'll definitely try it out. Started watching HxH because of a recommendation via Attack on Titan, so I'm sure I'll like this one too.
Thanks, heard people generally enjoyed this one, so I'll definitely try it out. Started watching HxH because of a recommendation via Attack on Titan, so I'm sure I'll like this one too.

Imho Fate Zero is better than Hunter x Hunter. And INFINITELY better than Attack on Titan. And I love both shows. Just be ready for a boring first episode since they have to info dump a lot of stuff on you because there are established rules to the war you need to know. If you have more questions over the show, be sure to drop by the Seasonal Anime OT. We can give you more info and answer all of your questions.
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