To be honest, this arc is starting to have both sides in a morally grey area.
It reminds me of Sandman's A Game of You arc.
This is an interesting comparison. How so?
To be honest, this arc is starting to have both sides in a morally grey area.
It reminds me of Sandman's A Game of You arc.
Did you miss the last episode the king straight up said he was going to put humans in a zoo.Gon and the Humans ARE the bad guys. That's really the point of this arc with all the biological weapons and the nukes and whatnot.
Did you miss the last episode the king straight up said he was going to put humans in a zoo.
Akame ga Kill and Code:Breaker come to mind. There's probably a bunch of others that I can't think of off the top of my head.
That was my reaction as well. Does it look like that in the manga?eh
that didn't look like the king at all
did he turn into a baby Buddha statue or something? lol
I still think The King is alive.
Who in Akame ga kill threaten to kill a innocent person?
I thought the question was are they capable of it, which they most definitely are if it were to help Night Raid's cause. Doesn't mean they wouldn't feel bad about it though.
No, that's not what I'm talking about. Protagonists like Spike from Cowboy Bebop or Mugen from Samurai Champloo could probably sacrifice an innocent person if it came down to it. I mean one that has straight up threatened to, and who obviously would feel no remorse in doing so in the moment.
Well, it still kind of counts since there's two groups given the sympathetic point of view, despite one of them being pretty villainous while the other being anti-heroish.
I'm not familiar with your example, but are they the main protagonist in this case? I can think of several anime where a character other than the main character, who is supposed to be ''good'', sacrifices an innocent or threatens to.
Only recently have a straight up evil group been introduced that rape and kill people with no remorse, making the other two groups which are still populated by killers look good.
The next episode "preview" shows a happy/blushing/teary eyed Pouf. Not good.
Now I'm caught up.
This arc has had shit pacing. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
I've still greatly enjoyed the series overall but man, so much wasted time. Ugh.
Remember when Gon used to be so terrified of Hisoka? lulz. Dude would probably scoff at the mention of his name after this ordeal.
Hisoka wouldRemember when Gon used to be so terrified of Hisoka? lulz. Dude would probably scoff at the mention of his name after this ordeal.
It's got that shonen thing where nearly every shot lasts five seconds longer than it should.Now I'm caught up.
This arc has had shit pacing. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
I've still greatly enjoyed the series overall but man, so much wasted time. Ugh.
I'm not talking about density of content. I'm talking about pacing.I don't agree at all. So much has happened.
It's got that shonen thing where nearly every shot lasts five seconds longer than it should.
Right but it wasn't doing that earlier, and it's managed to avoid doing that for a long time.
That corpse looked funny. At first I thought it was Netero (missing arm) but I guess the face kind of looks like the King's? Not a lot happened this episode but it was awesome because Gon. It's nice to see a non-pussy shonen protagonist for once. It's even nicer to see that he's smart. There's no "Why are you trusting Pitou, Gon? She's lying!!" moments since Gon knows what he is doing. He even takes into account things I never thought of like Pitou taking Killua as a hostage. What a badass. Hisoka would be schwinging so hard right now.
I've never read or seen Hunter x Hunter but I assume it's good because I noticed people being excited about the manga being continued, I like other shounen stuff like Dragonball and One Piece so I want to check HxH out.
If I watch the current anime I get the full story, right? I don't have to watch the previous anime or any of the OVAs? What about filler arcs, are there parts of the new anime I should skip?
I'm not talking about density of content. I'm talking about pacing.
Much of what has happened not interesting e.g. battles between random scrubs that I don't give two hoots about (although obviously that subject to interpretation) but it could have been done in half the time.
I know when a show is dragging it's heels and numerous times throughout this arc the show has been padding like crazy, using every filler technique in the book right down cuts lasting noticeably longer than they needed to.
Thanks, I'll watch the first few episodes today.Yeah, this is a remake. You don't need to watch the old one at all, though it did do a few things better. I'd still call this the definitive anime since it covers more of the manga.
I'm not talking about density of content. I'm talking about pacing.
Much of what has happened not interesting e.g. battles between random scrubs that I don't give two hoots about (although obviously that subject to interpretation) but it could have been done in half the time.
I know when a show is dragging it's heels and numerous times throughout this arc the show has been padding like crazy, using every filler technique in the book right down cuts lasting noticeably longer than they needed to.
Right but it wasn't doing that earlier, and it's managed to avoid doing that for a long time.
Yeah this was my complaint. People think that content=pacing but it's not always the case, this being one of them.
And yeah it's largely part to me not caring about what the side characters are doing. It doesn't necessarily have to focus on Gon and Killua, but I didn't care for 60% of the fights so far.
The image of Netero's toothless smile before he goes down, I think I'll remember that for the rest of my life.
This is an interesting comparison. How so?
Exactly why I said shonen protagonist. I can barely think of any whowould threaten to kill an innocent and possibly go through with it
This is the arc that really really showed that Gon wasn't your typical Goku/Naruto esque idiot hero.
Seeing a character like Gon threaten to kill an innocent was![]()
You are right.
Code Geass and Death Note has really rash protags, but are seinen anime.
You are right.
Code Geass and Death Note has really rash protags, but they are seinen anime.
Gon never had any intention of harming Komugi, in my opinion. He's just playing Pitou since he knows that letting any harm come to Komugi is absolutely out of the question for her. Notice that he didn't give any instructions to his partners regarding what to do with Komugi in case he didn't come back from his trip with Pitou. If he really was serious, he would have told them to kill Komugi in case he didn't return, for extra intimidation value.I was not expecting Gon to take a hostage!
Kinda glad he did otherwise it wouldn't have made sense for Pitou to do what Gon tells him to.
The insects aren't exactly evil are they? They just believe that they are at the top of the food chain, as shown from Meruem's constant passing remarks of letting some humans live.
If I had to rank my interest in all of the events so far in the palace it would be...
1. Netero vs Meruem
2. Gon vs Pitou standoff
3. Killua's confrontation with Palm
4. Knuckle and Shoot vs Youpi
5. Ikalgo's misadventures
6. Morel vs Pouf
If I had to rank my interest in all of the events so far in the palace it would be...
1. Netero vs Meruem
2. Gon vs Pitou standoff
3. Killua's confrontation with Palm
4. Knuckle and Shoot vs Youpi
5. Ikalgo's misadventures
6. Morel vs Pouf
Morel vs Pouf was definitely the worst part of this final encounter. It totally sucked the excitement out when it would cut to Morel standing in a dome of smoke while Pouf was in his cocoon. I guess there was some other pointless stuff too, such as the government guy. I don't know why anyone would care about what he's doing.
When did Death Note and Code Geass become shounen?
When did Death Note and Code Geass become shounen?