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New Hunter x Hunter Anime |OT| of Hunters and adventure and NO MANGA SPOILERS

I really really like the Youpi fight. His evolution throughout the invasion is so cool to see.

I loved how multi-staged, multi-character it was. It wasn't a typical contrived 1vs1 duel like in so many other shonen where you have a team of guys vs other team of guys and they somehow pair up. It was Shoot, Meleoron, Knuckle vs Youpi, and then also Morau and Killua contributing to it, in different moments and places.


When did Death Note and Code Geass become shounen?

When Death Note ran in Weekly Shonen Jump.

Right but it wasn't doing that earlier, and it's managed to avoid doing that for a long time.

yeah, it's not nearly as bad as other shonen adaptations but it's definitely far more padded in this arc. i'd say the trade-off is sort of worth it when comparing it to the manga cuz the art is pretty shit at times during the chimera ant arc.


I was just thinking that it would be cool if they made a TV special or OVA about the origins of the Spiders in Meteor City, and the founding members growing up together in Meteor City when they were younger.


Testing out this gif I made in VideoBlend. Ripped from Youtube.

I think I can make some gifs for you guys now. It's so freaking easy with this program and the quality is pretty good.
Then you aren't complaining about the pacing, you are complaining of not like several characters and their plot threads.

I've made my point clear in this thread on how I feel about the 'game of thrones' pacing the show was attempting to do. My complaint is about the pacing and the jumping around with little moving forward time-wise because they had to show me what every single character and their dog was doing. I disliked that. I would've disliked it a bit less but not enough for me to ignore the issues if it were a lot more characters I liked, like in Game of Thrones.


Holy shit! why didn't I know of this awesome program before?


My first shitty gif ever:


Webm please


Hey guys, I've been rewatching some of the last few episodes, and something is bothering me, it's about Palm:

After Palm was discovered by Pitou's En, and killed herself, the narrator said that Pitou and Pouf saw she had aura, as she tried to instinctively protect from that sinister En.

However, after they took her, why they didn't revive her with Pitou's Doctor Blythe and then tried to make her talk and find more about the Hunter's plans (just as Pitou did with Pokkle when the ants wanted to learn about Nen)?

Just they simply didn't suspect her to be part of the enemy? Or am I missing something here?


Hey guys, I've been rewatching some of the last few episodes, and something is bothering me, it's about Palm:

After Palm was discovered by Pitou's En, and killed herself, the narrator said that Pitou and Pouf saw she had aura, as she tried to instinctively protect from that sinister En.

However, after they took her, why they didn't revive her with Pitou's Doctor Blythe and then tried to make her talk and find more about the Hunter's plans (just as Pitou did with Pokkle when the ants wanted to learn about Nen)?

Just they simply didn't suspect her to be part of the enemy? Or am I missing something here?
The possibility that she was a spy didn't occur to them. They thought she was merely a secretary who was trying to escape and happened to have very high Nen potential. She never exposed any of her non-standard power set to them.


Hey guys, I've been rewatching some of the last few episodes, and something is bothering me, it's about Palm:

After Palm was discovered by Pitou's En, and killed herself, the narrator said that Pitou and Pouf saw she had aura, as she tried to instinctively protect from that sinister En.

However, after they took her, why they didn't revive her with Pitou's Doctor Blythe and then tried to make her talk and find more about the Hunter's plans (just as Pitou did with Pokkle when the ants wanted to learn about Nen)?

Just they simply didn't suspect her to be part of the enemy? Or am I missing something here?
Why the spoiler? it's already past this part in both anime and manga.
My take is that the ants never deemed the foes to be dangerous to them.
They'll crush them when they prove to resist but will outright ignore them otherwise.
Kinda like how Yupi saw crushed Shoot as garbage when he could have them.
They saw her as dead and couldn't pass any info anyway.
Heck when Pitou used Pokkle it was only to gather info on Nen, what Pokkle & co were doing didn't interest them in the slightest.
Even if they knew that she was an enemy I'm not sure they would have cared that much since Pitou's En is that powerful


^^ Ahh I see. Both above explanations make sense. Just wondered that because the Royal Guards were always careful watching the enemy's movements from the palace, even before she showed up. But, yeah, I guess they didn't completely suspect her as being a spy, or they just simply didn't care too much about it (or that they probably were more interested on experimenting with her and make her an ant soldier).

Thanks guys!


In a way Pitou's En is that powerfull that in the end it proved to be kinda the weakspot of their defense since they relied way too much on it.
The king being kinda pissy didn't help too.


In a way Pitou's En is that powerfull that in the end it proved to be kinda the weakspot of their defense since they relied way too much on it.
The king being kinda pissy didn't help too.
They ran into the "unknown unknowns" problem - with them basically emerging straight into the world as hyper-powerful adult sentient beings into the world, they were just completely unaware of what potential threats could be because of their belief in their inherent superiority.


They ran into the "unknown unknowns" problem - with them basically emerging straight into the world as hyper-powerful adult sentient beings into the world, they were just completely unaware of what potential threats could be because of their belief in their inherent superiority.

Exactly, the king himself is pretty much the textbook example.
He never saw Netero as a threat until the very end, to his downfall.
They lack basic paranoia to keep themselves on the edge of always trying to find a solution to problem that could wipe you out.
The hunters were way more prepared for that.


Aside from the fact that they didn't suspect her as a spy (which was her entire point), didn't she kill herself before they could make her talk? To revive her so she could talk, they needed to make her be reborn in the cocoon, which is what they did.


Aside from the fact that they didn't suspect her as a spy (which was her entire point), didn't she kill herself before they could make her talk? To revive her so she could talk, they needed to make her be reborn in the cocoon, which is what they did.

I don't think they needed to revive her through the cocoon to make her talk, after all I don't think Pokkle was any kind of alive when he met his fate :/
She served as an experiment 1rst and foremost, they clearly knew that they were with the intruders on some level since Pufu left her to her own device till Killua was left totally open.
I think it served more as a 1 bird 2 stones situation, with her serving as a bait to confuse the intruders and experience #1 for Pufu's ultimate army.


I don't think they needed to revive her through the cocoon to make her talk, after all I don't think Pokkle was any kind of alive when he met his fate :/
She served as an experiment 1rst and foremost, they clearly knew that they were with the intruders on some level since Pufu left her to her own device till Killua was left totally open.
I think it served more as a 1 bird 2 stones situation, with her serving as a bait to confuse the intruders and experience #1 for Pufu's ultimate army.
Pokkle was definitely alive. He hid among the bodies and Pitou spotted him and caught him alive, then messed with his head.
I'm not sure I get why the fact that Pouf followed her with one of his dudes (not that he could do much beyond that) means that he knew she was a spy...


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Oh Tumblr, you so crazy.





Kind of a stretch to say they're on opposite sides though...


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
In a way Pitou's En is that powerfull that in the end it proved to be kinda the weakspot of their defense since they relied way too much on it.
The king being kinda pissy didn't help too.

This phrase keeps giving me Heroic Age flashback even though it shouldn't :(


Meruem is definitely something like Frieza, Cell and Enel.

Frieza's shortness and overall body type

Cell's tail and shell like features

Enel like ears except Meruem's dangling part isn't the lobe (and it's not that extreme)



He goes from eating people whole one day to going all soft because some blind girl beat him at checkers. Seems like just a little bit of a stretch to me.
And then planning to wipe out humans and put some in a zoo. He just went through some character development now he isn't as 2dimensional. He still isn't anywhere close to good.


He goes from eating people whole one day to going all soft because some blind girl beat him at checkers. Seems like just a little bit of a stretch to me.

It makes sense though. These Ants have only been living for a short time which means they are naive, inexperienced. Like when he first met with Komugi and was shocked when he saw a blind person for the first time. That coupled with the fact that she was the first human that wasn't legit terrified of them.

Frieza's been taking over planets and killing people for who knows how long. His pop taught him well.

N'inja EDIT: as above poster mentioned, it's not as though he feels sympathy for all humans.


It makes sense though. These Ants have only been living for a short time which means they are naive, inexperienced. Like when he first met with Komugi and was shocked when he saw a blind person for the first time. That coupled with the fact that she was the first human that wasn't legit terrified of them.

Frieza's been taking over planets and killing people for who knows how long. His pop taught him well.

N'inja EDIT: as above poster mentioned, it's not as though he feels sympathy for all humans.
The idea that someone could be "weak" yet still be of use completely blew his mind.


As much as I've been enjoying this arc, there's two things that just don't sit well with me. For one, the excessive narration is irksome, and secondly I don't buy Gon being in a bad place as deep as he is. He barely knew Kite and here we have him threatening to kill an innocent if Pitou doesn't comply? Whether or not he meant is irrelevant to me, it's still OOC to me. The VA has done an amazing job this far though, worthy of recognition most definitely.


As much as I've been enjoying this arc, there's two things that just don't sit well with me. For one, the excessive narration is irksome, and secondly I don't buy Gon being in a bad place as deep as he is. He barely knew Kite and here we have him threatening to kill an innocent if Pitou doesn't comply? Whether or not he meant is irrelevant to me, it's still OOC to me. The VA has done an amazing job this far though, worthy of recognition most definitely.
Kite was in the opening chapters of the Manga, but Gon's childhood on Whale Island was cut from the Anime adaptation for pacing reasons.

Also, in the "super-subtle and I didn't catch it until it was pointed out in a side-by-side" category- Gon/Killua are definitely going through puberty now. They're 14, and they're being drawn very differently in appearance proportion-wise compared to how they started. As the lead protagonist in a Shonen series, Gon was always an angry kid.

But now he's an angry teenager. And that's not the same thing.


As much as I've been enjoying this arc, there's two things that just don't sit well with me. For one, the excessive narration is irksome, and secondly I don't buy Gon being in a bad place as deep as he is. He barely knew Kite and here we have him threatening to kill an innocent if Pitou doesn't comply? Whether or not he meant is irrelevant to me, it's still OOC to me. The VA has done an amazing job this far though, worthy of recognition most definitely.

This is where the adaptation fucked up. Kite was Gon's mentor and taught him everything he knows about the wild and survival. He was like the father that Gon never had, even though he already has one and he's just off doing other shit.

The anime screwed up and made it so it seemed they were meeting for the first time after the Greed Island arc. At the very beginning of the manga, he meets Kite in a flashback as an even younger child.


Kite was in the opening chapters of the Manga, but Gon's childhood on Whale Island was cut from the Anime adaptation for pacing reasons.

This is where the adaptation fucked up. Kite was Gon's mentor and taught him everything he knows about the wild and survival. He was like the father that Gon never had, even though he already has one and he's just off doing other shit.

The anime screwed up and made it so it seemed they were meeting for the first time after the Greed Island arc. At the very beginning of the manga, he meets Kite in a flashback as an even younger child.

Well fair enough. Afaik Kite was shown only briefly in the first chapter of the manga, but I haven't read it.


I watched the first three episodes yesterday, it's nice so far but nothing special (very few shounen are at the beginning so I expected it), the three main characters are likable enough but I hope they tone down Kurapika's and leorio's arguing, it's exhausting, the scene in the back room elevator went on too long.

Cute little cliffhanger at the end of episode 3, who was disqualified? It has to be the guy who lost his arms (I'll find out soon enough, I'm starting episode 4 right after this post)

The exam stuff is obviously just a way to introduce the characters and world, I assume most of the characters that were named in episode 3 will become important. The evil clown guy will most likely switch sides and join Gon, he's too obviously evil at this point, I bet thats a ruse and he's secretly a nice guy (shounen nice, not nice nice, he's still going to take your arms but he won't stab you in the back like the Tonpa guy) and the opening already spoiled me on the white haired guy (Kullira?) as the fourth main character. I guess the computer nerd will be out soon, his computer knowledge won't help him if he doesn't have time to type and do research, he doesn't seem to be able to make quick decisions.
The three brothers are the first arc's villains, one is taken out soon and the other two blame Gon and friends and go after them, I bet that's when the clown comes to the rescue because the brothers are breaking an exam honor code or something.
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