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New Hunter x Hunter Anime |OT| of Hunters and adventure and NO MANGA SPOILERS

Till the end of just this arc right?

yeah, the next arc will be animated too.

I've been wondering, are the aura colors just for viewing pleasure? When Killua arrives at Peijing and see the aura bursts from Gons punch, it's clearly orange, and despite seeing Gon's orange aura before, he still wonders who is punching whom. I'm sure this has to be the case, because in the manga there are no aura colors of course. Well at least as far as I know.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
yeah, the next arc will be animated too.

I've been wondering, are the aura colors just for viewing pleasure? When Killua arrives at Peijing and see the aura bursts from Gons punch, it's clearly orange, and despite seeing Gon's orange aura before, he still wonders who is punching whom. I'm sure this has to be the case, because in the manga there are no aura colors of course. Well at least as far as I know.
I mean, maybe Pitou had some orange cat bomb nen or something. Plus the orange nen was probably making Killua's internal "nen scouter" spike like crazy, which could also lead to the confusion. Nen colors are probably just for fun though.

Awesome episode with awesome tension. I have no idea what's going on or how this is going to end. Meruem is just a god at this point. Can't wait to see what happens. Poor Knuckle though. Dude can't catch a break.


If Gon was no longer able to use Nen, that would change the whole dynamic of the story, as well as adventures and fights that Gon and Killua would get into in the future, but it would also make for interesting predicaments. Gon is still a great problem-solver and he can think on his feet. He would still make an invaluable comrade with or without Nen.

But I think a lot of his future growth would have been from learning how to better utilize his nen, look at Netero - he trained his entire life but his best ability was still nen based.

(well, excluding the hidden nuke)


If you look at the beginning of this adaptation you'll seem them compress and speed through manga content (that's already been adapted once) and people seemed largely fine with that.

I'll call this off, people don't like this adaptation that much when its started.. they call this adaptation is inferior due to lack of violence people with the self censor that this adaptation made during the exam arc and fast pacing and skipping content, they championing the previous adaptation over this 2011 version, fans finally got around to this adaptation during Heaven's Arena - interlude of Yorkshin.


Really starting to lose my patience with the King interacting with his guards. It gets waaaay too much time devoted to it. Really overboard at this point.
Confused why anime fans be so fickle, last weeks claims of it being the greatest thing ever animated, and then the week after, disappointing etc...

Personally, like last week it was just a mixed episode really, just for the sake of the characters now all seemingly way too weak to handle the final antagonist of this arc, the King, while fleeing. I thought we'd have a regrouping to eventual defeat, but if King can just one hit folks now, I dont see anyway that this will end in anyway that would be pleasing action wise. I think Ill just go to hoping for a negotiation type understanding end, maybe Killua convinces him to go off on a journey of discovery to target the other hunters.


Reading the speculation of people who haven't read the manga is so weird.

The end of this arc is never going to please everyone, because everyone seems to be looking at it from the wrong angle.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Reading the speculation of people who haven't read the manga is so weird.

The end of this arc is never going to please everyone, because everyone seems to be looking at it from the wrong angle.
This just makes me think the king dies from radiation poisoning or something. His head ringing is his brain decomposing.

I think the last 3 episodes were awesome. People just want this to be a fast-paced generic shonen and loudly bitch about it when it isn't the case. Have you not been watching the series from the beginning, people!


This just makes me think the king dies from radiation poisoning or something. His head ringing is his brain decomposing.

I was predicting some sort of "War of the Worlds" ending a while ago (ie, disease is what stops the Ants), but after the king got Nuke'd, I'm guessing radiation is what does him in. Would fit in the theme of science vs power from the Netero vs King fight- no matter how strong you are, everyone can fall to illness.

Of course, the first time we saw Komugi in the credits, I thought it was a fusion of Gon and Killua that would happen as the massive Shounen asspull powerup, so I doubt i'm right


This just makes me think the king dies from radiation poisoning or something. His head ringing is his brain decomposing.

I seriously hope this happens. Having an ultra-powerful figure die off in such a pedestrian manner would be fitting considering everything we've seen up until now.


How would it be terrible writing? Serious question. As some of you have said, the dude was in the middle of an atom bomb explosion.
Terrible writing? Sure. Unrealistic? Take a radioactive bath and sell us on how invigorating it was for you.

I was quite sure bugs have high tolerance to radiation and can adapt. Considering the fast adaptability of the Chimera ants, it is unrealistic in the context and scope of the HxH universe for the King to die out in this manner.


How would it be terrible writing? Serious question. As some of you have said, the dude was in the middle of an atom bomb explosion.

I'm pretty sure in One Piece there was a character who died falling down some steps or something out of nowhere. It's just a very unsatisfying ending, that if you did it in the middle of a final fight or something would just come across as really stupid.

I don't really think this is going to happen anyway, but if it does, i'm sure Togashi was able to write it in a way that was good considering how much manga readers have raved about this arc.

I was quite sure bugs have high tolerance to radiation and can adapt. Considering the fast adaptability of the Chimera ants, it is unrealistic in the context and scope of the HxH universe for the King to die out in this manner.

When have the ants been exposed to massive amounts of radiation? Remember, they were born on the NGL, which had zero technology


Bugs IRL though can survive "atomic bomb" level radiation.
From the article:

"Cells are said to be most sensitive to radiation when they're dividing. That's why humans are more vulnerable — they have some cells that are constantly splitting up."

It basically says that since roaches don't change much in short periods of time their cells don't divide as much. The King has a lot more human characteristics than most ants so it wouldn't be surprising if his cells were more similar to human's cells than roach's cells.

Edit: heck, now he even has Youpi's power to split his cells to grow wings, extra limbs, etc. so you can't say that his cells are as immutable as if he were a roach.
Bugs IRL though can survive "atomic bomb" level radiation.

That's roaches though, but even if this applied to all insects (which it might for all I know) it still wouldn't mean anything since it's a fictional story Togashi can set whatever rules he wants and so long as there's a logic to everything it's hard to just outright call it bad writing.

In the end though it's silly to say or speculate any of the chimera ants being radiation poisoned is unrealistic since there are so many aspects of the chimera ants that aren't true to real life at all. I mean how about the fact that most the chimera ants aren't even fully insect, but are hybrid animals, not to mention we've seen that some of them are capable of logic and reason, and may even feel emotions too at times.

I guess we'll see what happens for ourselves in three episodes.

Edit: Who knows though maybe Meruem will just decide he doesn't want to fight anymore and go live by himself.


I'm pretty sure in One Piece there was a character who died falling down some steps or something out of nowhere. It's just a very unsatisfying ending, that if you did it in the middle of a final fight or something would just come across as really stupid.

I don't really think this is going to happen anyway, but if it does, i'm sure Togashi was able to write it in a way that was good considering how much manga readers have raved about this arc.
That's where I'm at too. I just have faith in Togashi to take an idea like that and make it interesting. Take for example the battle between Pitou and Gon. I don't think anyone really expected Gon to all of a sudden powerup like he did and it could've harmed the story but Togashi handled it well. Instead of having powerup due to some righteous fury, we see a depressed Gon sacrifice his future in order to commit murder. Suddenly, the lovably reckless kid turned into a suicidal sociopath right before our eyes. It's tragic but absolutely unforgettable. I'll probably carry the image of Gon's transformation for a long time.

Basically, trust in ToGODshi.


This just makes me think the king dies from radiation poisoning or something. His head ringing is his brain decomposing.

I think the last 3 episodes were awesome. People just want this to be a fast-paced generic shonen and loudly bitch about it when it isn't the case. Have you not been watching the series from the beginning, people!

Said that about a month ago as well. Either radiation or someone new showing up is the only way I can see Mereum dying. That or maybe he decides to get along with the humans. It might not be radiation though, since wouldn't we have seen something about it by now?


Would more realistic writing be Killua returning to the battlefield and winning through the power of spirit and friendship?

What'd be more realistic is one of the unknown big-dog hunters coming in and wrecking shit.

Though I don't expect it to go that way honestly. With how they've been setting everything up the situation is just getting more and more hopeless. They keep making mistakes over and over again, which if they weren't made this battle would've been over by now.

So what I expect is probably something more emotional involving Komugi somehow. If they wanted to they could cause some sort of mental breakdown in Meruem due to the emotional conflict, or they could have him go "full human" and just end the battle to live happily with Komugi or something.

Otherwise, I don't see too many ways for this to end. Nobody can fight this guy.

Also, is anyone getting serious biblical vibes from Meruem as of the last few eps? I feel like if we can figure those out we can tell where this story is headed.


Meruem (and Youpi and Pouf for that matter, since they were the only other ones exposed to the radiation) dying from some sort of poisoning to me would be a somewhat anti-climatic conclusion, but it would totally make sense.

In fact, now that I think about it, it would be the only thing that makes sense to me, unless the King decides to just ride off into the sunset with Komugi or something.
I actually liked this episode.

When will Pouf give up. His charade has gone on far too long and even he has to know he can't possibly win. How far away were Gon and Pitou from the Capital? You would think the ants would be able to sense that Pitou has died considering their and her power.

I hope Knuckle and Meeloron don't get killed that would be sad.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Said that about a month ago as well. Either radiation or someone new showing up is the only way I can see Mereum dying. That or maybe he decides to get along with the humans. It might not be radiation though, since wouldn't we have seen something about it by now?
Maybe that's what all his headaches are being caused by. Sure, memory loss is a byproduct, but sharp and constant brain/head pains aren't healthy to any creature.


I really don't like the radiation idea, because yo its will be the most predictable thing this series ever pull. I mean we seen it coming from miles away.


Episode was full of tension but am I the only one who thought it was highly suspicious that the octopus guy just popped outta nowhere and led Palm and Komugi into the basement ?
We've seen Pouf impersonate Komugi before and at that moment I was pretty damn sure it was a Pouf clone and not the real octopus...
Although Youpi mentionned that Pouf can't split up into clones while spreading scaly powder thingies, hmmm I'm conflicted about this.

3 episodes seems short as fuck to conclude this arc, I have no idea what's going to happen but it certainly won't be a traditional fight.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Was Pitou the closest in power to the king? do we know what's the power scale of the royal guard?
I figured they were all mostly even, but with specializations. I'd figure Pouf was the weakest, since his "magic" when chasing Killua was just talking trash. The other 2 would've murdered Killua where he stood. Youpi is probably the strongest in terms of brute strength/power, since he had no nen specialization, except getting a progressively murder-ier body.
They way the narrator described it, I just assumed it was. Had many comparisons to modern WMDs. Let me go back and watch that episode.

I never really thought much of it until people in this thread started talking about it, but if you look at the episode, or even the chapter (298), there's no mention of the Rose having any nuclear capabilities

I don't recall there ever having been talk of it being any more than 'just' a very powerful small bomb.

this is what I believe too
Can I see that chart or does it contain spoilers?

Even though Togashi made it idk if I would take it to heart
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