Just got into this show; always thought it was a slice of life / friendship is forever with my pet frog type manga/anime. Pleasantly surprised it's a battle shonen; even more surprised/happy it's by Togashi Yoshihiro.
How did you get into the anime? Like what drew you to it? Alot of people have been getting into it as of lately wonder why.
How did you get into the anime? Like what drew you to it? Alot of people have been getting into it as of lately wonder why.
Hey, if it looks like a duck...Pitou is technically a male in that if it reproduces it'll be from the male side (the other female animal will give birth), like all chimeras. Same with Zazan. But there's no reason why the both of them can't identify as females. The Chimeras are a bundle of genes from other creatures, so they can have breasts and memories of females despite being male.
So I'm at the Chimera act and uh
Just watched Neferipitou slice off Kite's arm like it was nothing. Even though she's only been around for 2 episodes...she just might be the dopest villain introduced so far.
I still dislike Gon's character design; the doe eye spiky hair really betrays the reality of this anime/manga on first impression.
So I'm at the Chimera act and uh
Just watched Neferipitou slice off Kite's arm like it was nothing. Even though she's only been around for 2 episodes...she just might be the dopest villain introduced so far.
I still dislike Gon's character design; the doe eye spiky hair really betrays the reality of this anime/manga on first impression.
no should be a couple more.New episode is out
Just one more episode for this arc, right? WE gotta get that emotional payoff
Man, the pace of this part isn't the best.
As a manga reader, I would say that the end (132-135) should have been condensed into three episodes and not four.
Had completely missed in the Manga thatWelfin does actually straight-up kill Youpi due to how Missle-Man works. It isn't just the sickness.
Had completely missed in the Manga thatWelfin does actually straight-up kill Youpi due to how Missle-Man works. It isn't just the sickness.
HXH 133
it seems they made it more obvious then the manga :/ with the nose blood and stuff
and then that image pic of the bomb... Man they completely gave it away!
if you're still oblivious you will find out soon
That's being generous. There's been plenty of episodes that you could have entirely removed from this arc just by not padding the shit out of each and every episode.Man, the pace of this part isn't the best.
As a manga reader, I would say that the end (132-135) should have been condensed into three episodes and not four.
I've just realised this show has had the same OP music since the first episode. GET A NEW SONG MADHOUSE!
I've just realised this show has had the same OP music since the first episode. GET A NEW SONG MADHOUSE!
lol, just now noticing that?
Had completely missed in the Manga thatWelfin does actually straight-up kill Youpi due to how Missle-Man works. It isn't just the sickness.
Pretty good episode. Only some minor nitpicks.Youpi died offscreen, what a load of shit. The radiation theory seems to actually be true, and not sure how I feel about it honestly.
Pretty good episode. Only some minor nitpicks.Youpi died offscreen, what a load of shit. The radiation theory seems to actually be true, and not sure how I feel about it honestly.
Pretty good episode. Only some minor nitpicks.Youpi died offscreen, what a load of shit. The radiation theory seems to actually be true, and not sure how I feel about it honestly.
I'm wondering, how did palm figure it out?
Did she see this shit with the wolf dude unfold with her nen?
I'm wondering, how did palm figure it out?
Did she see this shit with the wolf dude unfold with her nen?
Very good episode though.Can't believe Welfin of all people/ants took out Youpi, even if he's underpowered now.
His wings were toasted to a crisp; so Welfin was somewhat involved.I still don't think he did
His wings were toasted to a crisp; so Welfin was somewhat involved.
Also, I don't think his power makes bugs grow out of your brain, right? I thought that was the alternate power of his in a scenario in which he doesn't get the missiles off(ie Ikalgo). I think he explained that if he asks a question and the target doesn't answer immediately/truthfully it just instantly kills them(when he sniffed the chameleon).
I've just realised this show has had the same OP music since the first episode. GET A NEW SONG MADHOUSE!
Wrong! There's two.
This is ~ DEPARTURE ~ (2nd Ver.)
this is how Welfin;s ability is explained on the wiki
Welfin is a Conjurer and his Hatsu is called "Missileman." It takes the form of a conjured organism attached to his back with a shrunken head and four alien limbs, each holding a missile. To use Missileman, Welfin must fulfill three conditions:
Firstly, Welfin may only use Missileman as a tool of negotiation as part of his vow.
Welfin must then establish a target.
Welfin then loads a missile round in a form of a question or order.
If the target lies or disobeys the order, the attack commences and Missileman automatically fires. A missfire may occur if Welfin incorrectly identifies the target, but if Missileman is successfully activated, the missiles continuously chase the target until they hit. When hit, black centipedes burrow into the target's body. The victim then experiences a great deal of pain and must do as Welfin says, for an act of defiance will cause the centipedes to grow faster--leading to the victim's death. But through a series of negotiation, if at any point Welfin admits defeat in the deal or the target tells the truth, the centipedes will weaken and eventually die.
some people are talking about how there's a lot of padding and pacing issues, but this arc has been pretty 1:1 with the manga IMO, with Madhouse making exceptions where it would be useful to prolong some some scenes. Of course, there are also exceptions to this, but I guess this is just my opion.
Now I"m even more confused as to howWelfin killed Youpi so quickly using this method. Preview shows him in the next episode, so I guess we might find out then.