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New Hunter x Hunter Anime |OT| of Hunters and adventure and NO MANGA SPOILERS


Dig the new opening. The Zodiacs all seem pretty interesting.
LEORIO AND KURAPIKA IN THE ENDING!!! Can't wait to see the group together again. I hope we get to see a lot of Hisoka and Illumi


Loved the new opening. This arc seems really promising.

The following is a preview spoiler:

We finally get to learn about Alluka!
I love the fact that HxH con be so entertaining with just a conversation between characters in a room.

I also loved
how the chapter begins with that image of Netero (which I want for my house as a huge poster ;_;) and of course seeing Hisoka's face when Illumi tells him that Gon en Killua are about to die.

Based Togashi.


Hunter x Hunter 137

All the new and returning characters are interesting which means this arc will be interesting, right. That was a funny episode and teased the arc just right.

I feel like so much happened outside of the CA arc that has my imagination running wild. Zodiacs, Hisoka probably found Chrollo, Pariston and the 18 missing Hunters, and Killua's little brother thing. I'm ready for anything.

Also, Ging doesn't give a shit about Gon, lol. Well, I actually took it as "my son is stronger than that, he won't be killed by this"

New OP is good but new ED is amazing.
The new opening is great. I love the scene they decided to use with Leorio in there; won't spoil why, but it's gotta be his best moment in the arc if not the manga.

And the ending, guess that rather than getting a new one for what's likely to only be 13 episodes they decided to just use the second verse of the previous one. I'm ok with that. It gives me a "this is the last one" feeling.

I find it interesting that they decided to change the previews part, but it makes sense given that Gon is certainly in no position to be narrating.
Nice episode.

As others has said, only a good writer as Togashi can make a group of people sitting and discussing how to make a vote interesting. There has been some characterization already, Pariston says to sympathize with the weak hunters and he is popular, but behind that smirk there is a troublesome personality, he is hated by the rest of the Zodiac and the missing hunter makes him even more suspicious, while Ging has a great talent to predict outcomes, but he is considered bothersome and a wild card for the rest, and also likes to play around, he is a egoist.

Hisoka and Illumi appearing, a small Zoldyck mentioned, Killua in risk... it's all good tease for the first episode of the new arc.
the voice work for the zodiacs is ace.
is it weird that I think Cheadle is waifu material? I didn't think so in the manga but now...lol
Ging and Pariston are GOAT material, I love their characterization so much
I think it might be Cheadle's voice
I'll say it again, Ging is GOAT material
The myth, the legend Hisoka is back. I don't recall him interacting with the Zodiacs like that in the manga, but I enjoyed it.
The Rabbit is a waifu too lol
That Netero portrait is fantastic
Glad to see Illumi again too
God damn what a great episode, made me remember how much I enjoyed this arc in the manga
Guys, this ending sucks. I don't mind reusing Hyori Ittai, and the animation is OK, but WTF at the song placement. The beginning of the song is a MUCH better transition point than the middle, ffs.

My thoughts, in order while watching the episode :eek:

edit: next episode should be pretty great


I didn't realise until seeing Biscuit's outfit, but I really liked how the election was essentially a memorial service for the Chairman. It was a nice touch that tugged at the heartstrings a little.



The character animation in this episode was surprisingly spotty, as were some of the proportions (that table) but I guess they're reserving their effort for later parts of this arc.

I really think a lot more could have been done with the direction, especially with regards to Pariston, but eh, I wasn't really expecting much. He's basically just a caricature of a incredibly slimy populist politician and I've always felt that was a little too on the nose.

From a world building/story perspective there's a lot of "narrative hand waving" to explain certain things like the spontaneous appearance of the Zodiacs (it sure would have helped to have them fight the Ants!) and Hisoka's inability to keep up with major international news.

I also find it pretty strange that there's even 661 Hunters in the Association. With 18 missing, and the fact that some have died during the series, I find it strange that there's just so many in existence, especially when during the very first arc of the show that some years no one even becomes a Hunter. But whatever.

The ED song is awful.
So there is an episode today? No break before the next arc?

This is the next arc and the last one they will be adapting.

The character animation in this episode was surprisingly spotty, as were some of the proportions (that table) but I guess they're reserving their effort for later parts of this arc.

I really think a lot more could have been done with the direction, especially with regards to Pariston, but eh, I wasn't really expecting much.

The ED song is awful.

This is the next arc and the last one they will be adapting.

finally something we agree on Jexhius


I think the ending song is basically the same one from the last part of the arc. I appreciate the animation of it, but I would've liked something different.

Even if it's just for the preview, I disliked how they changed it's format. I'm gonna miss that old theme now...


Interesting, fun episode. From the opening and the last moments of the episode, it seems that the Zoldycks might be a focal point of this arc, with Killua being the one at the forefront of it all.

Pretty fun episode with the new characters. Though many of their designs are seriously lacking in many departments but their personality makes up for it. Personally Kanzai is the funniest one there bringing many laughs and a really good design. Ging personality too is perfect for the group to help make it feel much less serious than some events would be.

Arc feels like it may not be as serious as the previous one so that will help return it back to the great levels before.
but that Killua family plotline, I hope his family wont truly be as dreadful and dangerous as they are painting it, or yikes, he could be next on the hospital bed with gon.


Hey guys, fast question, what will happen when this arc finish? are there plans for future episodes.

Witch stuff like Bleach or Fairy Tale I can wait, I prefer anime after all and I'm not in hurry to see what happens next, but with HxH is harder for me because I'm more invested in the characters, so I would need to know if it´s a finite waiting or is something that is not clear at all.

It makes me sad there are so few episodes left, it was shocking to know that.


Hey guys, fast question, what will happen when this arc finish? are there plans for future episodes.

Witch stuff like Bleach or Fairy Tale I can wait, I prefer anime after all and I'm not in hurry to see what happens next, but with HxH is harder for me because I'm more invested in the characters, so I would need to know if it´s a finite waiting or is something that is not clear at all.

It makes me sad there are so few episodes left, it was shocking to know that.

The show will stop. There isn't enough to animate yet and there still won't be in about 13 weeks when this arc finishes.


Nah. Yup.

Nah, I'll have to agree that Pitou and Youpi would probably have bodied Hisoka, but then again, I've only seen the anime.

Also the Zodiac are an interesting bunch of freaks. At least it's easy to remember what animal they represent even though some are borderline furry (no being serious btw). Partison seems like a very fun, scheming character, so no wonder he's the rat. Want to see more of him.

Also the Zoldycks sure do produce some feminine looking males if the OP and preview are anything to go by.


Nah, I'll have to agree that Pitou and Youpi would probably have bodied Hisoka, but then again, I've only seen the anime.

I too only watch the anime. We're definitely gauging these guys differently. This is how I've interpreted everything I've seen thus far.

- Chrollo can likely beat Zeno. Of course this is not confirmed at all but Zeno did admit if he tried to fight seriously, Chrollo most likely would've won.
- Hisoka is confident he could beat Chrollo. I'd put them on par with each other. ( I REALLY WANT TO SEE THIS FIGHT)
- During the infiltration, Pitou and Zeno were able to see just how strong they each were when their nen touched. Zeno did not seem intimidated at all. Not until he felt Meruem's aura did he start shaking in his boots.
- IMO if Zeno wasn't intimidated by Pitou, I would imagine he doesn't think he is outclassed in anyway unlike with Meruem (and Netero [as he admitted]). I'm not saying he would win in a fight against Pitou but I don't think he would be bodied either.
- Thus why I think niether Chrollo nor Hisoka would be destroyed by the RG.
Nah, I'll have to agree that Pitou and Youpi would probably have bodied Hisoka, but then again, I've only seen the anime.

Also the Zodiac are an interesting bunch of freaks. At least it's easy to remember what animal they represent even though some are borderline furry (no being serious btw). Partison seems like a very fun, scheming character, so no wonder he's the rat. Want to see more of him.

Also the Zoldycks sure do produce some feminine looking males if the OP and preview are anything to go by.

Just a quick correction, his name is Pariston and his last name is Hill.


Great episode!

Hisoka makes a return (finally!), and the plot is interesting. Makes me wish he was in the ant arc - he's such a good character. Pacing was nice, the vice chairmain is slimy as fuck.

Based on the opening sequence, looks like we'll be seeing Leorio and Kurapika this arc too. And if Gon's gonna be in a coma, Killua will probably have a larger role? Just a guess.

Shame this will be the last arc =(.
I might have missed something, but is it ever said in the show how and why Hisoka and Ilumi are friends. Hisoka's been protrayed as a loner, so why is he associating with such a powerful person and not wanting to kill him.

Which reminds me of something in the hunter exams. What were they doing together? I remember they were talking to each other through walkie talkies, and I always thought that would be brought up at some point what their plan was. Given how powerful they are, why would they need to "help" each other during the exams or am I reading too much into it?

Love the new opening, defiantly my favorite. I don't care what anyone says that song never gets old.
I too only watch the anime. We're definitely gauging these guys differently. This is how I've interpreted everything I've seen thus far.

- Chrollo can likely beat Zeno. Of course this is not confirmed at all but Zeno did admit if he tried to fight seriously, Chrollo most likely would've won.
- Hisoka is confident he could beat Chrollo. I'd put them on par with each other. ( I REALLY WANT TO SEE THIS FIGHT)
- During the infiltration, Pitou and Zeno were able to see just how strong they each were when their nen touched. Zeno did not seem intimidated at all. Not until he felt Meruem's aura did he start shaking in his boots.
- IMO if Zeno wasn't intimidated by Pitou, I would imagine he doesn't think he is outclassed in anyway unlike with Meruem (and Netero [as he admitted]). I'm not saying he would win in a fight against Pitou but I don't think he would be bodied either.
- Thus why I think niether Chrollo nor Hisoka would be destroyed by the RG.

I think that this is a bit skewed. Zeno never intended on fighting in the first place.


I might have missed something, but is it ever said in the show how and why Hisoka and Ilumi are friends. Hisoka's been protrayed as a loner, so why is he associating with such a powerful person and not wanting to kill him.

Which reminds me of something in the hunter exams. What were they doing together? I remember they were talking to each other through walkie talkies, and I always thought that would be brought up at some point what their plan was. Given how powerful they are, why would they need to "help" each other during the exams or am I reading too much into it?

Love the new opening, defiantly my favorite. I don't care what anyone says that song never gets old.

I kinda take it as Illumi just being the exception to Hisoka's murderous urges. Everyone needs a friend.

I really liked this episode, the tone of the previous arcs is back, much more upbeat.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
I kinda take it as Illumi just being the exception to Hisoka's murderous urges. Everyone needs a friend.

I really liked this episode, the tone of the previous arcs is back, much more upbeat.
I feel like it is more of a... Mutually beneficial "friendship". I can easily see them try to murder each other off over Gon or something.


Enjoyed this episode, and am looking forward to seeing this arc animated. This adaptation is doing Pariston justice so far, really capturing him.
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