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New Hunter x Hunter Anime |OT| of Hunters and adventure and NO MANGA SPOILERS


I enjoyed the episode. I wonder why no one acted surprised when Killua made a conditional wish. Did we happen to see "Something's" face when the wish was made. It could be that Killua was bluffing.

Is the next episode the last one for the anime?

The arc just got started. They'll finish this before the anime goes off air.


Again, I'm pretty sure those are all assumptions.
No, they're what we can infer from Killua and Alluka referring to her as female while the other family members refer to her as male. There's one blatantly obvious explanation, and then there's a bunch of people who need "proof" on the internet because the concept seems to make their head explode.


Would really like some gender confirmation for Alluka.

As of now Kalluto is the only one confirmed of the two to be a boy in the databook so most consider Alluka to be a boy as well given how she is presented in the story.

I think the Viz HxH staff also consider Alluka to be a boy but there is no official confirmation on gender.

If Killua see's her as a girl and that's how she wants to be treated, then just consider Alluka to be a girl. :p


No, they're what we can infer from Killua and Alluka referring to her as female while the other family members refer to her as male.
Still jumping to conclusions.

There's one blatantly obvious explanation, and then there's a bunch of people who need "proof" on the internet because the concept seems to make their head explode.
So you're not just assuming about Hunter x Hunter but also about me, now?


There's one thing I think this episode established that isn't being discussed: when Killua explains that when he's called "brother" it's Alluka speaking and when he's called by his name it's Nanika speaking. I expect that to play a part later with Alluka probably making her requests after fixing Gon incredibly hard, but not impossible (like "give me your brain").


The conversation between Illumi and Hisoka was quite fun XD I was pretty much on the same level of understanding as Hisoka so when Illumi got surprised when Hisoka said Gon would die I laughed at Illumi. But then made the connection that Hisoka would also die at the same time as Hisoka going 'oh' and had to laugh at myself (and Hisoka) :p

Just adding my two cents about Alluka/Nanika, I think it's fine translated as 'something'. It fits in with how the rest of the family don't view Alluka as a human. It's just that in Japanese it handily manages to sound kinda like a name as well. There is really no meaning lost by not pointing out that 'nanika' means 'something' in Japanese (sorry double negative). Those who know a bit of Japanese might get a 'oh that's pretty clever' reaction to it but that's about it.

I don't remember Killua using any gender-specific terms for Something/Nanika, actually... I'd have to check.

He refers to Alluka as his 'little sister' a couple of times in previous episodes.


It's just that in Japanese it handily manages to sound kinda like a name as well.
... Not really? I mean, it really is an extremely common word, just like "something" would be for an English speaker.

There is really no meaning lost by not pointing out that 'nanika' means 'something' in Japanese (sorry double negative). Those who know a bit of Japanese might get a 'oh that's pretty clever' reaction to it but that's about it.
Yeah, I think this has more to do with some of us already being familiar with some translations that kept "Nanika" and thus being bothered by the change.

He refers to Alluka as his 'little sister' a couple of times in previous episodes.
Yes, but we weren't talking about Alluka, there.


... Not really? I mean, it really is an extremely common word, just like "something" would be for an English speaker.

Ah sorry, I meant more the Allu-ka and Nani-ka 'ending with ka' similarities which might make people feel that 'Nanika' should be kept as a name as it might seem like a variation on Alluka's name. Like wordplay of sorts.

Yes, but we weren't talking about Alluka, there.

I see, I get where you are coming from then :)

I guess I don't consider Nanika/something to be human/needing a gender :|


I meant more the Allu-ka and Nani-ka 'ending with ka' similarities which might make people feel that 'Nanika' should be kept as a name as it might seem like a variation on Alluka's name. Like wordplay of sorts.
Not sure that's intended, but I guess there would be that final "ka", indeed, especially for non-Japanese speakers...


Gonna start rewatching in about 2 weeks. I'm torn between reading first then watching the episodes or the other way around. Help me gaf


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Gonna start rewatching in about 2 weeks. I'm torn between reading first then watching the episodes or the other way around. Help me gaf
If rewatching and you haven't done so already, start with the original Hunter x Hunter. I watched 2011 first and I think 2011 is better in most "shared" scenes, but the original has a few different scenes/events and fleshes things out a bit more. I'm not regretting it and it's a nice change of pace.


If rewatching and you haven't done so already, start with the original Hunter x Hunter. I watched 2011 first and I think 2011 is better in most "shared" scenes, but the original has a few different scenes/events and fleshes things out a bit more. I'm not regretting it and it's a nice change of pace.
I've already watched the original.

Anyway think I'll do the standard read then watch though. I'm sure rewatching will take me straight to the end of the anime. I've heard there is around 8 episodes left.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Forgot if I commented in here that the latest episode was freaking awesome and im really loving whats going on right now


Hunter x Hunter 140

Now that was a FANTASTIC episode. Put a big smile on my face. Holyshitttttttttt

Tsudone is one badass butler.
Seeing that one character come back was awesome.
Seeing that other character there all alone was like a menacing presence. (I'm very curious about this)
Pariston is flashy as always.

cool episode but that
shot was out of place, no?

I love the part when
Leorio gives Morau the phone, cracks me up.

being boss this episode oooo yeah

Can't wait to see more of Tsubone either.

10/10 would watch again


Leorio is the best character in this show

He's going to be on that Duo Lon grind

I really hate being caught up to this show though. This arc would be so much better if i could watch all of it at once ;_;
I think we can all agree this was one of the greatest episode endings in the entire series right?

Also, good lord Pariston's clothes are hideous and really distract me with the way they "animate" them.

cool episode but that
shot was out of place, no?

It wasn't there originally, so yeah.
yes I was waiting for this episode

they added some new things like the
iPads but then again this is the modern ae and mobile gaming for a road trip is way more normal

at the rabbit girl turning this into a internet event


Leoro. You aren't the hero we want but you are the hero we need.



Man, was Leorio always this high-strung (thinking back, I guess he was). His energy's exhausting.

I guess Ging got what was coming to him, though. Favorite episode moment next to the
give me your fingernail
scene. Speaking of which, I wonder how that happened. I thought her last request was simply to kiss Killua, though I guess it might have been an effect of the conditional request.


Hmm, the weird thing I think that Leorio shot looked better in the animation cut from the OP. But whatever, good stuff.
Episode 140 spoilers!

Ging clearly saw what was coming...wondering why he let Leorio hit him. But then again, for someone of caliber like Ging, Leorio is probably harmless.



Damn that was an awesome move on Leorio's part at the end. Ging deserved a giant punch to the face.

This arc is great.
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