Just finished 144. Who knew democracy could be so exciting?
My first reaction upon learning that the current arc would be about Hunter politics was "oh yesssssssssss that's gonna be the most badass politics ever"
Just finished 144. Who knew democracy could be so exciting?
In preparation for the end of Hunter X Hunter I started watching Yu Yu Hakusho, since I've never seen it before. Feels old, but thankfully not too old. After 7 episodes, it's not Hunter X Hunter level, but still entertaining. Also, found it kind of funny how it has a male character that I was convinced was female (until they said 'he'), just like Kurapika in Hunter X Hunter.![]()
Are you watching the dub?
Stop doing this to yourself Akainu-senpai
Nope, subtitled. Is that a mistake?
Nope, subtitled. Is that a mistake?
Hunter x Hunter 144
:voting intensifies:
And also Pariston trolling more. Lol I had forgotten when he.throws an oddball and says "vote to Maizaston!". Ging is right, he just want to delay the end of his "fun ride"
My Fiance and I started watching this on Netflix last week. We are on Season 5 and loving it. It's so good and yeah, hardly a childrens cartoon.
Spoilers dude, I bet most of gaffers haven't seen the chapter yet.
But that's what he did in this very episode...
But that's what he did in this very episode...
In preparation for the end of Hunter X Hunter I started watching Yu Yu Hakusho, since I've never seen it before. Feels old, but thankfully not too old. After 7 episodes, it's not Hunter X Hunter level, but still entertaining. Also, found it kind of funny how it has a male character that I was convinced was female (until they said 'he'), just like Kurapika in Hunter X Hunter.![]()
I hope not; I loved the chimera ant arc, but we had enough ants for a while. The next hunter exam may be brutal if not.144
So ants might be making a comeback?
"...just forget about the jacking off part"
I finally caught up.
Only 4 more episodes?
How long until the next episodes is aired? Are they released every week?
How far is the manga from where the anime ends? One arc, two arcs, more?
How is the manga release? Throughout the years I been hearing the most dreadful thing I could ever hear. It's release schedule being compared to Berserk!
Is it that bad?
When they do start the anime againI really hope they don't do 1 chapter to 1 episode for this new arc because so far it's slooooooow.in 10 years time
Every Tuesday around 3PM EST it comes on Crunchy. Manga is 8 or so chapters ahead of where the Anime should end. And the release schedule can be much worse then Berserk, really it depends on Togashi since he's on a two week break right now due to back problems.
mmm..much WORSE then Berserk?
Does he take hiatus for years or something?
He's got an illness that randomly slows him down.mmm..much WORSE then Berserk?
Does he take hiatus for years or something?
Is this actually confirmed or just a rumour? I keep seeing this one thrown around without any source.He's got an illness that randomly slows him down.
Let me just show a chart
Did you have issues with the pacing of the Chimera Ant arc? Well, now imagine that pacing in combination with that release schedule.
That's true, but I think it's more about how HxH scales over the age demographics rather than it being an adult show. I couldn't get enough of it as an 11 year old, even if a lot of it went over my head.Yeah, it isn't really a children cartoon. Even forgetting that some of the plot points wouldn't be usual in a children show, the execution in the writing for the most part points up to a great attention to detail, to great care for the setup of the Arcs, to explain how it all works in this world, and an emphasis on playing with expectations and subverting some narrative tropes.
You can also feel some love for complicated systems, situations, and creative thinking.
In other words, stuff that would fly pass most children, but more experienced watchers/readers can appreciate.
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/new...goes-on-2-week-hiatus-due-to-back-pain/.77790Is this actually confirmed or just a rumour? I keep seeing this one thrown around without any source.
The only thing we really know was that during Yu Yu Hakusho was that he was very stressed which affected his health. It was a very unhealthy serialization and it looks like he was forced to prolong the series.
This seems to have allowed him to follow his own schedule when it comes to Hunter x Hunter. Although the latter is pure speculation. HxH sells like hotcakes either way.
Yoshihiro Togashi is putting his Hunter x Hunter manga on a two-week hiatus, due to serious lower back pain.
This is nothing but truth. I personally found the pacing and focus on pointless side characters bad before the palace arc.I was disappointed in the Chimera Ant arc, honestly. I was totally on board right up until the palace invasion, at which point the pacing just went to absolute shit. Keep in mind that I came into the HxH reboot late so I haven't exactly kept up with the real-time discussion, but suffice it to say that even in marathoning the thing, I still found chimera almost intolerable to sit through. Had I been watching it week-to-week, I honestly think I would have just given up on it.
It was just so dreadfully slow, and not only that, but the focus often went towards characters the audience was far more likely to consider less meaningful. And I'm someone who completely values character development over plot progression. This was something else entirely. The narrator was absolutely dreadful; not only did he frequently interrupt the pace with his monotone delivery of obvious sentiments, but he insulted the audience's intelligence along with it. The majority of what he said could be sussed out by the viewer given the character development that had already taken place. His insights were often very superficial.
I understand that the prolonged narration was a part of the manga with this arc, but what works in written text doesn't necessarily work when transferred to another medium. Extensive narration and exposition in television or film is just bad storytelling. Show, don't tell.
It's a shame too, since Meruem was an absolutely phenomenal villain, and right up there with Hisoka as the best in the series so far. I also thought the general Chimera Ant arc concept was well-conveyed and made for an interesting wrinkle, given how powerful these entities were. The Royal Guard were distinctive and well-drawn, and I thought their various interactions and feelings towards the King were well-thought-out. And the actual ending of the arc was perfect and poignant. I consider the Chimera Ant arc to have both the highest highs and the lowest lows of the series as a whole so far.
Eh, I don't agree that the narrator doesn't work. I thought the narrator was required to properly portray that arc and I think it worked extremely well in the anime.
How anyone can call the Chimera Ant arc 'the weakest' when it has the Netero vs Meruem and Gon vs Pitou fights is beyond me. Those two made up for the pacing issues which occurred much later in the arc, and then there is the fantastic payoff in the end.
Easily the best arc in the entire series.
This is nothing but truth. I personally found the pacing and focus on pointless side characters bad before the palace arc.
It's some of the worst narration I've ever heard in my entire life. I'm not exaggerating. 98% of the time the narrator is literally saying what you're seeing or what anyone who isn't a zombie could infer simply by paying attention. Completely and utterly unacceptable padding that treats the audience like their idiots.
It's the job of the creator to chisel out the important aspects of the story from the 'idea' that he or she has for the overall story. The Chimera Ant arc is the exact opposite, where the beautiful gem of the story is obscured by masses and masses of unnecessary material that you have to wade through to get to the good stuff. This negatively effects the entire arc. The rest of the arcs in the series aren't nearly as sloppy so I assume this is due to the extreme amount of time it took this arc to get written.
Let me just show a chart
Did you have issues with the pacing of the Chimera Ant arc? Well, now imagine that pacing in combination with that release schedule.
Look at all those potential chapters we could have had by now!
All seriousness I hope he's doing ok if he really does have an illness that keeps him out of condition for so long.
Did I miss the discussion on the Last Mission movie? Just watched it this past weekend.
All the references I have of that movie is that is goddamn bad, so I didn't have strength to watch it.
The Zodiacs don't really have to give a damn though, they aren't the authorities of the association, Netero just asked them to oversee the election, and they're his personal advisers or something, but I don't think they have any more actual power or authority in the association than any other Hunter.
At least we know why he chose the portals + elongated limbs as his Nen ability. D:
Well when the show ends you'll get that HxH itch.
It will be there waiting for you to watch.
When it comes to anime movies that are based off a series, I tend not to judge it to harshly, because it will never measure up in quality to the main story.
I watch it for what it is, so if it's mindless antics or a convoluted mess, as long as the animation is serviceable and the characters I love keep acting like themselves then I'm good.
If I could survive Naruto series 1 filler, I can get thru a 90 minute movie of a side story to a series I actually enjoy.
Well, now that's not always true, One Piece has had a number of good movies e.g. Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island.
This is nothing but truth. I personally found the pacing and focus on pointless side characters bad before the palace arc.
It's some of the worst narration I've ever heard in my entire life. I'm not exaggerating. 98% of the time the narrator is literally saying what you're seeing or what anyone who isn't a zombie could infer simply by paying attention. Completely and utterly unacceptable padding that treats the audience like their idiots.
It's the job of the creator to chisel out the important aspects of the story from the 'idea' that he or she has for the overall story. The Chimera Ant arc is the exact opposite, where the beautiful gem of the story is obscured by masses and masses of unnecessary material that you have to wade through to get to the good stuff. This negatively effects the entire arc. The rest of the arcs in the series aren't nearly as sloppy so I assume this is due to the extreme amount of time it took this arc to get written.
I'm just saying that there are singular episodes in some shows that have more actual content than 4 or 5 episodes during the Palace section of the Ant Arc. It's not cool!
Chimera arc took a bad turn when Knuckle and Meleoron didn't defeat Youpi.
So much time had been invested in explaining how Knuckle's ability worked, and then showing it, and in the end, of its three victims, only Gon got owned by it.
Truly a waste of hype.
I think Knuckle was stupid for dispelling Potclean, but it's part of his character. Knuckle is a pretty sensitive guy and he cares for his comrades a lot, so he'd rather take the chance to see Morau live than defeat Youpi. It was even explained that he made the wrong decision, but it was completely reasonable given his characters writing and development beforehand.
Well, now that's not always true, One Piece has had a number of good movies e.g. Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island.
Quotes from the episodes 136/137 "the Zodiacs, the Hunter Association's leaders assembled at headquarters that day." , "In emergencies, he (Netero) entrusted them with leading the Association." They're clearly the strongest