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New Hunter x Hunter Anime |OT| of Hunters and adventure and NO MANGA SPOILERS


I thought it was bad. It's been a huge piece of Gon, and they finally meet after he has been to hell and back, then...it's a joke. What a wasted opportunity. It actually made me angry that this whole thing just ended up being boiled down to a Krillin level joke lol

Is it ending forever, or just taking a long break without filler?

The show is ending. There isn't enough to adapt and their won't be for a few years. That being said Madhouse has to keep doing it......even if they have to start 2, 3, or 10 years from now.


I thought it was bad. It's been a huge piece of Gon, and they finally meet after he has been to hell and back, then...it's a joke. What a wasted opportunity. It actually made me angry that this whole thing just ended up being boiled down to a Krillin level joke lol

Is it ending forever, or just taking a long break without filler?

The manga is back on hiatus, after only a few chapters into a new arc that may be longer than the Chimera Ant Arc, so the former.
I finally finished the Chimera Ant Arc and I have to applaud them for how they handled the emotional scenes in the final two episodes. My God I was just catching feelings left and right.

I do feel the Chimera Arc was too long though. They needed to cut out about a third of it but the payoff you got at the end was worth it.
The show is ending. There isn't enough to adapt and their won't be for a few years. That being said Madhouse has to keep doing it......even if they have to start 2, 3, or 10 years from now.

it's ending forever. the manga is barely ahead of the anime and it's likely going on hiatus for a long time.

The manga is back on hiatus, after only a few chapters into a new arc that may be longer than the Chimera Ant Arc, so the former.

Why do things like this have to happen :^(


In Episode 143 Killua says "nice timing" when his airship is landing right as a car arrives. He does this in english, anyone know why? The phrase has no equivalent in Japanese or is it a popular English saying used there? It's true that you hear it a lot in english shows and films...


In Episode 143 Killua says "nice timing" when his airship is landing right as a car arrives. He does this in english, anyone know why? The phrase has no equivalent in Japanese or is it a popular English saying used there? It's true that you hear it a lot in english shows and films...
Lol I hear that in anime all the time and don't understand either. I doubt there is no Japanese equivalent but who knows. I love when they say it though, with the accent and all. Espically Franky (op)
In Episode 143 Killua says "nice timing" when his airship is landing right as a car arrives. He does this in english, anyone know why? The phrase has no equivalent in Japanese or is it a popular English saying used there? It's true that you hear it a lot in english shows and films...

They probably just think it is cool or something


Living in the shadow of Amaz
The way they go "donmai donmai" in every single sports anime ever drives me to the edge of insanity.

And it's never just "donmai". It's always "donmai donmai".

Fucking ugh.

Lol I hear that in anime all the time and don't understand either. I doubt there is no Japanese equivalent but who knows. I love when they say it though, with the accent and all. Espically Franky (op)

Suuupeeeer flaaavoor


I absolutely loved how this show never dwelled into filler stories, and for this reason I am very glad that they're killing it now, because they literally can't go on without turning it into a filler shitfest.

If you love something, let it die gracefully.
Ok so here's my problem. The emotional impact of that last scene was completely nullified by the fact that I felt like I needed an encyclopedia at this point to keep up with all the "rules" involving Alluka / Nanika.

So much is unclear:

- Killua could make "commands" of Nanika as much as he wants? He could literally just "wake her up" whenever?

- We're told that it was Alluka who asks for "pats on the head", but Nanika was clearly asking for that in the final scene.

- If Killua knew that he could truly "talk" with Nanika, couldn't he have asked her from the beginning to not make wishes anymore and just come along and heal my friend?

- When illumi showed up in the forest, why didn't Killua command Nanika to teleport him back?


Gon & Ging finally meeting was hilarious.

I loved the fact that Gon was completely fine with Ging being the way that he was.
Liking their relationship already.

Also, Pariston is a monster.


Pariston....now I understand why Ging said he was the only one with Netero's spirit...my opinion of Pariston has done a total 180. He's still a messed up individual though for sure :p

I wonder what he's going to do now that he's finished messing with the election/Cheadle. Well, I know he's gonna 'entertain' himself with the chimera ant soldiers waiting to hatch, but how? Knowing Pariston it's probably something interesting. I expect something more twisted than just a massacre.

Dammit, I wanted to know about baby Kite. Well, next episode! Since the Alluka/Nanika stuff is probably out of the way by now. Which...the conclusion of felt kinda anticlimatic :|
fuck so its ending? i literally just spent weeks catching up. the chimera ant arc was too goddamn long and boring as shit. now theres a short ass arc and its over? fuck off hxh.
I finished the chimera ant arc. For a while there I thought it was going to end like shit if the villains made it alive, but them dying of cancer was genius and it gave the opportunity to show their humanity. It did drag too much though, I prefer the first part with the queen.
the Chimera Ant arc did drag on a lot. My biggest issue with it however was all the narration. It sucks that the show is ending for good, but I had an awesome time watching it. Similar to Yu Yu Hakusho, I love how the anime had no filter and pretty much went from one major arc to the next. Forever fornever HxH


Nibel x Hunter 147


These onions are fucking annoying, man. Damn. Damn. Damn. :'(


Pls crawl under a rock and die Gon. No Killua no sale.

I feel like with both the Ging and Killua reunion, they missed the boat by going for hamfisted humor rather than trying to really resolve the underlying tension and issues.

And where the hell is Kurapika. Putting him in the ED was an act of supreme trolling.


There it is. Home stretch now.

So many heavy things happening in a sort of mellow atmosphere... if I didn't know about the manga I would have easily believed this is really the end (and fine with it too). At least it should be a silver lining for those that aren't joining the black and white team after this.

It's been, what, 3 years now? Almost exactly 3 years. I'll miss this, man. Man...

What a terrible outcome, I knew Alluka spelled bad news from the second they were first introduced and then now this. There are numerous reasons why one wouldnt read hxh from this point on and I definitely wont be. Unbelievable that the main selling point of the anime reached this conclusion. I hope togashi's writing has swiftly improved as I cant even imagine hxh being as gram of a good as it was in the key arcs like Heaven's Arena.

At least the anime staff did good at the end of the day. Lovely.
Never change DTL.

Actually expected this to be the last plot episode, but looks like the next one will have the last part to adapt. Unless they want to throw in a teaser for the uncompleted ongoing arc and make everyone suffer equally.

lmao. i couldn't deal with the long ass monologue from that pink bear loser. this show aint shit.

I will never ever understand how people could've made it to the end of this show and be bothered by long drawn out monologues.

What a terrible outcome, I knew Alluka spelled bad news from the second they were first introduced and then now this. There are numerous reasons why one wouldnt read hxh from this point on and I definitely wont be. Unbelievable that the main selling point of the anime reached this conclusion. I hope togashi's writing has swiftly improved as I cant even imagine hxh being as gram of a good as it was in the key arcs like Heaven's Arena.

At least the anime staff did good at the end of the day. Lovely.




Junior Member
why didn't the power of friendship prevail!!! wahhh! this writer sucks!

If the two main male characters don't get together, the writing is shit! Shit!

There are numerous reasons why one wouldnt read hxh from this point on and I definitely wont be. Unbelievable that the main selling point of the anime reached this conclusion.

You won't read it, but you'll definitely watch it when the show comes back (someday) right?

I don't think Gon and Killua being lovers was the selling point of this show, but I could be wrong.


For what purpose Killua following Gon? he already doing that aimlessly for years anyway.. now they both had different goals so its just make sense, that's actually good writing lol
You know, I always just assumed they'd either shorten or completely skip Koala's monologue but nope, they went for it.

You know there's still one episode to go, right?


In a conventional Shonen, Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio would of gone through the whole Chimera Ant Arc together.
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