I'll probably get a couple of the box sets then at some point. Will definitely wait till they finish it first.
What I like about Gon and Killua is that even though Killua has a family it's very easy to see that Gon is pretty much Killua's brother. Gon has a small family and he states that Killua is his best friend openly, but he says that shit with so much sincerity that you know Gon loves him. That's the thing I just never saw in Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke was always like, "dafuq is this weak ass thing doing on my team? Shut the fuck up Sakura! Dis weak ass thing, he's getting strong FFFFFUUUUUUUU!!! Imma go chill out with Orochimaru to work on my gains. Bye."Naruto and Sasuke's friendship really made little sense. I find it hard to understand why Naruto would somehow get so attached to Sasuke, like they're complete opposite characters who share little in common. That is not to say Gon and Killua are very identical people, far from it, but they really do feel like they complement one another, it's as if they are a single person being split into two.
I'm about to start ep 80.What episode are you on now? I'm wondering if you've passed one of my favorite scenes
They don't let Tonpa do anything.The Hunter association doesn't really attract normal people. In fact it tries its hardest to dissuade and even kill off weaklings. They let a guy like Tonpa come every year may to fuck over rookies for example. Though seeing some of the threats they face its not surprising that they don't and can't just hair anyone. That and Nen is apparently totally unknown to the general public despite things like the Heavens Tower showing off Nen fights.
tonpa is getting reserved as the new head of the spiders once chrollo gets killed.They don't let Tonpa do anything.
They don't let Tonpa do anything.
They let Killua and Illumi join and they're from a family of assassin's. Hell Killua broke all of the rules when he tried out the second time and just kicked the ass of everybody in the first round to bypass the trials. Netero was like, "fine let him join" like the rules are meaningless.Ok fine, they let someone like Hisoka murder and maim other applicants but only kick him out of the first test after he attacked an instructor. The Hunters Association obviously doesn't recruit normal people. They even encourage out right psychos and sociopaths to join their ranks.
Just finished chapter 360... shit. Am I now part of the Hiatus X Hiatus crew? :S
Welcome to the club
They let Killua and Illumi join and they're from a family of assassin's. Hell Killua broke all of the rules when he tried out the second time and just kicked the ass of everybody in the first round to bypass the trials. Netero was like, "fine let him join" like the rules are meaningless.
Man, it's very easy to see that the Queen fucked up eating people and turning them into...creatures. These things are egotistical and sadistic.
At least Togashi seems in better health and higher spirits lately so I'm hoping his release schedule is a tad more consistent.
Man, it's very easy to see that the Queen fucked up eating people and turning them into...creatures. These things are egotistical and sadistic.
On screen, too!"WOAH THEY ATE SOME KIDS!" That happens several times too haha.
Almost done with ep 80. They gave this old man man eating bug fucking kawaii eyes. I just know that some where on the internet there's Zazan Hentai. Fucking Lol Pike so wants Zazan-Sama to step on him. Oh no bee hat chick lady!!!! Why did I have to find out Kite is voiced by Char. Now this is what I think of when I hear him:
That moment with Kite, Gon and Killua getting ready to run...fucking bad ass.
This was the only thing missing:
Riders in the sky
Well fuck, they showed what was left of her getting eaten.
And I can't see Togashi hitting them with an Edo Tensei Jutsu, they dead.It was like, oh cool all these characters are coming back... oh damn.
And I can't see Togashi hitting them with an Edo Tensei Jutsu, they dead.
Unless your name is Yusuke Urameshi.Dead is dead with Togashi. And it's quite horrific sometimes.
Dead is dead with Togashi. And it's quite horrific sometimes.
Unless your name is Yusuke Urameshi.
Well Yusuke is a special case since he was killed off in the first chapter and it had to happen to kick off the whole adventure. He probably just did it to prove a point and be different. Lol Kite's lazy. Dude fucking powers up and then tells Killua and Gon to handle this shit. Yo....Killua was like "BE GONE WITH THE THUNDERCLAP!" Rommet wants to crap on their skulls and crush them.I literally forgot that there are a few of characters that Togashi brings back in some of his stuff. But it's nowhere near the level that Kishi does it.
They let Killua and Illumi join and they're from a family of assassin's. Hell Killua broke all of the rules when he tried out the second time and just kicked the ass of everybody in the first round to bypass the trials. Netero was like, "fine let him join" like the rules are meaningless.
I guess it just seemed that way since they were so anal about their process during the first exam. Even Hisoka of all people dealt with the process the second time he tried out.He didn't break a single rule on his second hunter exam.
I guess it just seemed that way since they were so anal about their process during the first exam. Even Hisoka of all people dealt with the process the second time he tried out.
I guess it just seemed that way since they were so anal about their process during the first exam. Even Hisoka of all people dealt with the process the second time he tried out.
Oh I'm well aware of what he did. They're just lucky Killua didn't break out the lightning attacks. They're also lucky Killua lacks a raging murder boner like Hisoka.The second exam:
There's about 1500 applicants. The proctor wants to get it down to 300 for stage two so he asks them to collect 5 badges each. Killua knocks them all out in a few minutes then spends about an hour and a half collecting them all.
They were strict with Hisoka because they didn't want him killing any one unnecessarily, especially one of the proctors!
Netero gave Killua a gold star for extra effort.I think it was the fact he just straight destroyed everyone. I mean if someone comes into your math final and kicks the ever loving fuck out of everyone at once, as a teacher I don't think you're going to argue with them, let alone fail them.
The second exam:
There's about 1500 applicants. The proctor wants to get it down to 300 for stage two so he asks them to collect 5 badges each. Killua knocks them all out in a few minutes then spends about an hour and a half collecting them all.
They were strict with Hisoka because they didn't want him killing any one unnecessarily, especially one of the proctors!
If he had killed them then what would have been wrong with that?
There was no specific rule about not killing in that exam. Plus everyone who enters goes in lnowing they might be killed and they should all be expected to handle themselves.
If he had killed them all then clearly they were not up to the standard required.
Are you talking about killua? He was making a effort to get out of killing people.
I wished the narrator was cut down so we could figure out some things ourselves.
I know people hate on the narrator I think the biggest issue with the Chimera Arc that kills the pacing more so is that once they start the assault on the capital, there are like a dozen different storylines going on that are all running parallel to one another with entirely different groups of characters that are all interacting with each other. There is just a metric fuckton of different plot threads so you get like a snippet of each in every episode, if that, and then you havethe side story's like the battle between the Phantom Troupe and the Chimera Ants in Meteor City
I love that interlude with the Phantom Troupe. It shows that they really care about their community, the original members at least.
And we get to see them show off their abilities. <3 Pain Packer
I loved seeing what the deal was withBonolenov after he does and says about nothing during the Yorknew Arc. He was just a mummy wearing boxing gloves and trunks till then. Dude seems like one of the best and most powerful fighters in the Troupe next to Feitan and Chrollo. He's throwing fucking planets at people haha
Act like a dog so you don't get hooved by a lizard centaur. "It's been awhile since I flipped my switch on." Killua done broke this bitches neck.
Doubt Gon would be able to get very far if he got Killua's opponents. Killua always gets the harder ones or the ones with gimmicks that he's immune to, but would destroy Gon. Can't say the same about the other way around, Killua would be able to deal with Gon's opponents most of the time.Gon just bodied this fucking armadillo dude and crushed him with his hot blooded manliness. I must say I enjoy seeing Gon and Killua fight back to back, you really notice their two different fighting styles. Killua is a lot more methodical than Gon and it seems like he thinks on his feet better. Gon is different, really makes you wonder how they would handle the same opponents differently.
Most recent one was 83.What episode?
"You didn't respect your comrade so I gotta crush you bruh."Lol, I remember really respecting Gon for crushing that armadillo ant. He didn't want to kill the dude, but he was still willing to do what was neccessary. And in a brutal fashion to boot.
You make a good point about Gon and Killua's contrasting fighting styles as well. They do approach combat quite differently, which makes watching them fight together quite interesting. You really can't help but compare and contrast the 2 of them.
Gon vs that serial killer in the beginning probably would not have worked out for Gon at all. Same with that bug chick like an ep ago. Lol Gon's path is easy mode. So Killua would've had an easier time with Genthru?Doubt Gon would be able to get very far if he got Killua's opponents. Killua always gets the harder ones or the ones with gimmicks that he's immune to, but would destroy Gon. Can't say the same about the other way around, Killua would be able to deal with Gon's opponents most of the time.
Life and that Killua bond turned him into a man. I don't think Goku had bonds that strong, not even with his own wife.Its weird how much of a 180 I did on Gon. I really disliked him at first and saw him as a Goku clone that is just inherently more powerful than everyone else, is stupid and happy go lucky but still a bad ass and just happens to make friends with everyone. That changed after the Heaven's Arena arc and he lost the fishing pole haha Now he's one of my favorite Shonen protagonists.