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New Hunter x Hunter Anime |OT| of Hunters and adventure and NO MANGA SPOILERS

It is massive. Massive. The threats are far bigger too (literally and figuratively).

Yeah, you can kind of see a bit of potential for Ging underneath all the crap. I think he is just a deeply troubled individual as well.
Yeah Ging just has very odd priorities, makes me wonder if his dad did the same thing. "Imma going to hunt for a pack of cigarettes son." Dude never comes back.
I wonder if we will ever find out about Gon's mom.

I always thought it was pretty harsh that he never listened to the end of the tape.
Gon didn't care. Gon was like, "my mom is Mito, I don't need this other woman." He didn't even bother to ask Ging after climbing the world tree and she's probably alive too.


get some go again
That is ok, as someone said previously. If he can get out a handful of chapters and then take a break then it would be ok. As long as it follows a regular patter. one month on, one month off. Just anything is better than him having unrealistic expectations of what he can do.
best case scenario is probably him taking hiatuses for 6 months and then coming back for a volume's worth of chapters. don't think we can expect better than that.
Finished the Anime today. Bravo, Togashi. I knew I should've trusted you after GOAT Hakusho, but your weird art style made me hold off for a bit.

The only real complaint I have is the 2nd half of the Chimera Ant arc. The narrator does that Anime over-explaining thing no one likes, each character (good and bad) "almost dies" like 10 times, and the show started getting DBZ with the escalation of power levels. I feel like Togashi hit his kill quota early and decided to hold off on downing good guys (except the one) until later. I did kind of like how Gon literally sidelined himself for about 20 episodes waiting his turn. he It wasn't bad per se, just not as good as the first half.

I'm going to start reading the manga soon, but BOY, that chapter art is hot garbage!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think its fine for the most part.

The ending of this anime is superb and likely better than the cancellation notice the manga will get after being on hiatus for the entire 20's.
I think its fine for the most part.

The ending of this anime is superb and likely better than the cancellation notice the manga will get after being on hiatus for the entire 20's.
I shed tears watching it end. I liked this show so god damn much. Killua needs a spin off, favorite Shonen character since Hiei and Kurama.
Kurama is one of my favorites too. His style, demeanor, his other side, roses/thorns/petals as a weapon (eat your heart out, Byakuya! (I like Byakuya too :p)) etc... Just ugh!


Corporate Apologist
Hisoka was ready to throw down when Illumi even hinted at killing Gon at the end of the Hunter exam and Illumi backed off right away.

He's likely stronger than Killua at that point because of the condition of his suggestion. He's far weaker than his dad/grandpa. Probably far behind Hisoka.

Power levels during the Hunter Exam seem totally out of whack compared to later in the series, so I'm not really sure if its a good place to judge.
Kurama is cool because his manner is warm and diplomatic yet internally he's ruthlessly cunning. At first those things can seem contradictory, but instead Togashi uses that contrast to make a character that has believable internal complexity (both of those facets are a real or valid part of his personality), so all of that and he's also a complete badass.

I think Kurama and Yusuke are almost mirror opposite shonen protagonists. Yusuke is as great as he is because he's just so straight forward (in a lot of ways he epitomizes the hero archetype), and Kurama is as great as he is because he is everything but. It's really cool that we got both of them in the same series.
Yeah, I think that is what draws him to me as well. His personality is similar to my own. I greatly prefer avoiding conflict of any sort (I've never been in a fight in my life and someone once asked me, "Does anybody not get along with you? You seem cool with everyone") but if is absolutely unavoidable, I could potentially become pretty mean spirited.

Damn, you're making me want to watch it again.
YYH is a timeless classic with one of the best protagonist parties. There's no Yamcha on Team Urameshi, they're all fucking badass.
Kurama is cool because his manner is warm and diplomatic yet internally he's ruthlessly cunning. At first those things can seem contradictory, but instead Togashi uses that contrast to make a character that has believable internal complexity (both of those facets are a real or valid part of his personality), so all of that and he's also a complete badass.

I think Kurama and Yusuke are almost mirror opposite shonen protagonists. Yusuke is as great as he is because he's just so straight forward (in a lot of ways he epitomizes the hero archetype), and Kurama is as great as he is because he is everything but. It's really cool that we got both of them in the same series.
How one many has made two of the best Shonen anime's with so much hidden depth is shocking. I love how everybody evolved throughout that show, nobody stayed stagnant. Too bad Togashi never got to do anything with a badass female character, I mean yeah Mokuro, but still she was messed up.


He must know some secret for the owners because any other mangaka would have had their series cancelled already
Togashi single handedly kept Jump afloat with YYH, he can do whatever he wants. I Honestly I don't mind the hiatuses so much because HxH is so much better than any other shonen. If the price for that is reading 5 chapters a year so be it.
I really liked the narrator. It added tension in a way and it helped put things into perspective.

I always thought Togashi was good about telling a character's story through their actions. Karasu is probably my (literal) golden boy example. Just the way he interacted with Kurama told you everything you really needed to know about him. I guess it's a preference thing and was the way it was designed to convey that 20 or so episodes occurred in a 30 minute time frame, but it made things go at a much slower pace. HxH was always good at keeping fights to an episode at most up until then.

Kurama is cool because his manner is warm and diplomatic yet internally he's ruthlessly cunning. At first those things can seem contradictory, but instead Togashi uses that contrast to make a character that has believable internal complexity (both of those facets are a real or valid part of his personality), so all of that and he's also a complete badass.

I think Kurama and Yusuke are almost mirror opposite shonen protagonists. Yusuke is as great as he is because he's just so straight forward (in a lot of ways he epitomizes the hero archetype), and Kurama is as great as he is because he is everything but. It's really cool that we got both of them in the same series.

Kurama is arguably the best character in the series. Every time you think you have him figured out, Togashi peels back another layer. He never really lost a fight either (unconscious / rule that wasn't enforced being enforced, still gets kill).

not a problem if you buy the volumes m8, well apart from that one chapter... i kind of like the rough art in that that one tho

Didn't know that it differed. I know not too much has come out since the Anime's end, so hopefully it's had a proper volume release.
Does anybody else find it fucked up that nobody bothered to collect the bodies of Meruem and Komugi and bury them? Palm pretty much just watched them either die or at least damn well knew where they were and she didn't even bother to tell somebody where to collect the bodies so they're just left to rot in some abandoned ass hotel to decompose.
HxH is way too profitable for them. It's one of the best sellers in WSJ even though it gets a single volume like once a year.
Lol. There may have been a fuck ton of Naruto and Bleach but I guess the readers know where the quality is.


Yeah Togashi is hands down the best writer Shuheisha ever had, iirc he saved the magazine's sales after DBZ ended with YYH AND THEN with HxH.
Guy's not getting anywhere, he has free pass, especially when you compare him to other mainstream authors like Kubo lol
Yeah Togashi is hands down the best writer Shuheisha ever had, iirc he saved the magazine's sales after DBZ ended with YYH AND THEN with HxH.
Guy's not getting anywhere, he has free pass, especially when you compare him to other mainstream authors like Kubo lol
Togashi probably wipes his ass with free copies of Bleach.
Does anybody else find it fucked up that nobody bothered to collect the bodies of Meruem and Komugi and bury them? Palm pretty much just watched them either die or at least damn well knew where they were and she didn't even bother to tell somebody where to collect the bodies so they're just left to rot in some abandoned ass hotel to decompose.

It's better that way, leave them in the final place that made them happy. There's way too many people in the HxH world who would do anything for Meruem's corpse. This is a world where a whole clan of HUMANS were killed for their eyes.
It's better that way, leave them in the final place that made them happy. There's way too many people in the HxH world who would do anything for Meruem's corpse. This is a world where a whole clan of HUMANS were killed for their eyes.
"Let's eat Meruem's remains to gain the power of a God!!" You know what...that's not even too outlandish given what I just finished watching.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I mean that sounds like a plausible nen ability

Wasn't it speculated the King's ability was absorbing and using other people's Nen or something. Forgot where I read that though its probably just speculation as he never really had to use a Nen ability with how insanely powerful he was off the bat.
I mean that sounds like a plausible nen ability, after the hair thing
This true. I'm surprised it's never happened then.
Wasn't it speculated the King's ability was absorbing and using other people's Nen or something. Forgot where I read that though its probably just speculation as he never really had to use a Nen ability with how insanely powerful he was off the bat.
He did get Yupi and Pouf's abilities by absorbing their essence.


Wasn't it speculated the King's ability was absorbing and using other people's Nen or something. Forgot where I read that though its probably just speculation as he never really had to use a Nen ability with how insanely powerful he was off the bat.
The King absorbs the aura of creatures he eats, yeah. Not ability though (though he did get Yupi and Pouf's abilities I'm not sure if he can do that with anyone else)
How strong would people consider the thong wearing rabbit? Since Killua curb stomped the shit out of him? Shit Killua curb stomped a bunch of dudes when they tried to ambush him.

Hard to say.

It took both Killua and Gon tag-teaming [with their Hatsu] to merely damage Rammot [rabbit ant] - and this was before he learned Nen.

Later on an injured Killua effortlessly one-shotted an improved Rammot without using his Hatsu. He had nothing, he just blitzed and removed his head. Granted, Killua had improved due to training with Bisky but still... it was crazy impressive.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The thing with the Chimera Ants is that their bodies are just outright very physically tough. Even without and before they learn to use Nen they are incredibly durable and take tons of hits. Even Killua needed multiple hits to pierce that one Chimera Ants chest. The King was basically tanking Netero's attacks the entire time and even ate the Zero Hand and was still relatively ok.


get some go again
Does anybody else find it fucked up that nobody bothered to collect the bodies of Meruem and Komugi and bury them? Palm pretty much just watched them either die or at least damn well knew where they were and she didn't even bother to tell somebody where to collect the bodies so they're just left to rot in some abandoned ass hotel to decompose.
their bodies are a major bio-hazard. the whole area they are in is likely to poison whoever enters. although i wouldn't doubt there being a nen user who might want to use mereum's corpse for some kind of gain.
Trying to watch the English Dub...
Lol, I don't get it?

I think the dub is pretty solid so far. Killua's voice is especially growing on me. He legitimately sounds like a 12 year old kid, and it's honestly unnerving at times.

The one voice who is perfect in the dub to me is Hisoka. Also, when it comes to Gon and Killua it's very hard to watch this. Killua's voice in the Japanese sub was kinda deep. I expected something similar. Listening to him now in the dub is very hard for me. Now Gon is a funny one. I just watched Magi season 1 and 2 this summer and the voice actor that played Ali Baba in the dub is the same one that's playing Gon and it's hard to take that voice serious lol. I hope I get used to it.


Oh gawd lol. I should read Toriko it sounds like. I did see a pic of that giant ass Heracles Horse and it looks pretty cool.

Toriko is really good, but it's not HxH in terms of being a smart shonen. It's just good 'ol hot-blooded manly men doing manly things such as cooking.
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