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New Hunter x Hunter Anime |OT| of Hunters and adventure and NO MANGA SPOILERS


Hunter x Hunter 88

I love this fucking show, has been consistently delivering for me week after week after week. Music, animation quality, pacing, everything is just soooo good. Easily my favorite Shounen anime since DBZ as a kid. I can't think of another Shounen anime I've enjoyed near this much as an adult aside from . . . well hell, Yu Yu Hakusho or the new JoJo!

Lol at Knuckle calling Gon's Hatsu out! That shit is flawed. Also who would think my shitty memory would come in handy, as it aids in my experience of this arc. I can't remember jackshit.


Not as deep as he thinks
I love Palm so much. What a great fucking episode!

That violin scene was incredibly well done and then new royal guard was born! Oh man, now that all three have been born, it's only a matter of time before the king is born.

Can't wait for some Knuckle vs. Gon and Killua action next week!!


Some good moments. Gon sealing the kiss. puppet training. the violin music. More Gon vs Knuckle. The cool image montage at the end.

As usual, looking forward to next week's ep as they continue to be one of the main highlights of my weekend :D


Up to episode 48! what an amazing show. I am glad Gon's strange outfit didn't deter mer from giving it a shot, it has really good characters and I am hooked on seeing what's going to happen to them. Glad I get to witness this adventure, it the best shonen I have seen since Soul Society arc in Bleach, but every arc so far has had really amazing moments.

But something that just happened really bother's me, Gon just
Sold his Hunter license, please tell me he gets it back, he really worked for that thing.


So I just jammed through the whole anime (unspoiled) after being recommended it in the Attack on Titan thread. I immediately didn't give it a chance because of the designs/opening song, but I'm glad I gave it a second look. I wasn't quite sure what they meant when people said it was a deconstruction of Shonen, and I felt like I was missing something in the initial arc, where it seemed to have a heavy Dragonball influence that was lost on me, as I couldn't stand DBZ's terrible animation as a kid. Then, it picked up as soon as the first arc finished and they started moving on to exploring other parts of the world. Shorter arcs. And then unusual things started happening. They explain the Floor Master system in the battle tower...and then both Hisoka and the boys completely ignore it once they've achieved their personal objectives. Then the Phantom Troupe ends abruptly in an anticlimax with Hisoka getting cock-blocked inadvertently by Kurapika. There's a subversion of expectations going on, and it continues in the resolution of the Greed Island arc. (I expect Gon to be incredibly disappointed when he finally meets Ging, who seems like a self-absorbed twit.)

But it was the Greed Island arc where I saw what was going on. I noticed the DBZ-esque stuff in the opening arc, and was relieved when the tone started changing in the next few arcs. (Kilua's Family/Battle Arena/Auction.) But then when they started blatantly adding in the YGO-style elemtents, I caught on. The show's actively moving from Shonen genre to genre with each arc. And its a lot of fun. It means the series is continually reinventing itself, proactively preventing itself from doing the same thing over and over. And while it does have the "meet obstacle, train, repeat" formula going on, the constant denial of expectations helps keep the viewer off balance. It's a fun show...
and I hope it eventually hits the "Giant Robot" genre. (I'm completely unspoiled.)


Hunter x Hunter 89

The best character in the series made a Triumphant return, as
Bisky spent 60 seconds completely tearing apart Killua on all of his flaws. This was a super fun training arc, hope they wrap this fight up in quick order and take us back to Fucked x Fucked.


Not as deep as he thinks
I loved the scene
where Biscuit explains the weaknesses of Killua. It was done really well since it shows his brother's influence on him which will play a major part on how he later on develops.

Ending was awesome too. This arc is just fantastic to see animated.


Finally we get to see Knuckle's bizarre Nen ability.

Also the cliffhanger at the end of the next episode is going to be huuuuuuge!


It doesn't matter how big or small a spoiler it may or may not be. Its in the first post, highlighted. This isn't about the manga and there are a lot of people experiencing this for the first time. Its not cool however you slice it.
Cannot shake off Kenshiro vibes from this ep. Hope they pick up the pace because it's kinda slowing down. I need to see more from the extermination squad.

Yeah because I just dropped a massive spoiler...lighten up.
Just stop. Let anime-only people have the freedom to wonder about everything that will happen. No need to tease them.


Holy crap, I was a little floaty when I started watching, but the music in the first 5 seconds instantly snapped me into focus. What's going on with the music in this arc is crazy.

And yeah that Bisky lesson was great. A lot of people noticed the same thing about Killua so far, but she nailed everything perfectly and in the way to hit him the hardest, with the Gon context.
Going back to heavy battle narration which I always love in HxH, it was lighter on the narration ever since the beginning of the arc (for obvious, magnificent reasons).


I think DTL and I might be the only Manga virgins in this thread- please stop spoiling stuff guys unless you use spoiler tags and mark them!

A question came to me in my dreams- why isn't Bisky going to the NGL? Se clearly is more powerful than these 4 guys.


I think DTL and I might be the only Manga virgins in this thread- please stop spoiling stuff guys unless you use spoiler tags and mark them!

A question came to me in my dreams- why isn't Bisky going to the NGL? Se clearly is more powerful than these 4 guys.
For one, she doesn't want to risk her life, especially for this kind of cause. Her interests are very selfish and small scale. It's like saying Hisoka will join in for no reason.
Second, she wasn't asked to as part of the organization's plans. Moving by herself can only hurt the situation (see Pokkle).
And lastly, she's oriented towards teaching both in her experience and nen ability.

But even these reasons don't really matter, because there are probably a few more hunters (and not hunters) that are stronger than Knuckle and Shoot, and even Bisky, that might want to join, but they wanted to keep the force as small as possible. Bringing a couple loyal subordinates by Netero's direct judgement is the best they can do, like bringing a reliable specialized tool.

Any assumption or hint or whatever you're seeing in what I wrote is pure conjecture from an anime-only pov (I tried as hard as possible), don't read into it!

Just ready to see Killua fight already, Gon is nice and all but once youve seen one firey punch youve kind of seen them all and still no interesting nen of sorts from Knuckle made it boring as well. Oh well the stuff on Killua is the most intriguing
Just the whole thing involving Illumi and how Killua was trained and brought up. I hope its explored in the course of the anime and not in still to be written territory of sorts. Its all kind of scary too and I dont know how I would feel if it truly happened that he faced some opponent that destroyed Gon and is too tough for him that he'd have to run leaving his best friend alone and such. Another breakdown from him would be scary.
Don't even see any reason to see the Phantom movie when they said Isaac Netero will have a movie. I'd rather see that than this watered down movie.


Hunter x Hunter 90

All of the feels for poor Gon, who got his shit wrecked by math via the hands of Knuckle. RIP in Peace.

Based on the PV, looks like the King is born next week, meaning the triumphant return of Fucked x Fucked.


I think DTL and I might be the only Manga virgins in this thread- please stop spoiling stuff guys unless you use spoiler tags and mark them!

A question came to me in my dreams- why isn't Bisky going to the NGL? Se clearly is more powerful than these 4 guys.

Add me to that list! I am up to episode 63 but I don't look forward to catching up, having to be on a weekly schedule is going to suck. Was actually thinking of reading the manga from the start after I catch up.


Potclean was bizarre in the manga.

Togashi literally spends an entire chapter throwing mathmathmathmath at us.

Was he high that day?

Awful episode on numerous fronts with huge flaws in writing and going in a direction I hated especially second half.
How dare he make Killua out like that unable to do anything and even frightened and fear wanting to run away. Then the tears in the preview. Hate this arc already.



Awful episode on numerous fronts with huge flaws in writing and going in a direction I hated especially second half.
How dare he make Killua out like that unable to do anything and even frightened and fear wanting to run away. Then the tears in the preview. Hate this arc already.

You should know by now that Killua is extremely emotionally unstable and messed up.
For a variety of mental and physical reasons.

But chill dude, the King is here now and he gives no fucks.


Man, this episode was crazy, what with the math and Killua not being able to do anything. Looking forward to next time, as it seems that's when the real fights will be.


Potclean's voice was just as creepy as I wanted it to be, haha. Hearing that one sentence over and over again as things escalate, intense. Such a good ability.

Was it ever revealed what Knuckle originally used to measure 1 unit of aura? I don't remember anything said about that.


Hunter x Hunter 90

Really mixed on this episode. On the one hand, I love this fight. Knuckle and Shoot's powers are a ton of fun and really creative. It's nice to actually see what's going on behind Togashi's scribble art.

On the other, something about this episode looked really cheap to me. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seemed like a massive budget episode. The Gon fight looked good for what it was, but there wasn't much there. Most of it was just the amazing scene of Knuckle revealing all his power's rules.

The Kil and Shoot fight, on the other hand, looked really shoddy and cheap. Some moments like Shoot's initial power reveal looked really good, but then you have others like Kil's YoYo attack that looked super cheap. The fight almost felt like it was released before the animation was done. So many weird cut-aways, repeated animations and other cheapness. Stark contrast from how utterly amazing the Knuckle/Gon fight looked last week.

Oh well, story-wise, this part is still amazing. It has some of my favorite moments in all of the Chimera arc. I love Knuckle and Shoot and they're given a ton of moments to shine here, so most of that distracts from the cheapness of the thing. Really hoping this is just them saving their budget so they can really blow out next week's fight conclusion.


Was it ever revealed what Knuckle originally used to measure 1 unit of aura? I don't remember anything said about that.

Not that I recall. It's most likely something completely arbitrary like most units of measurement are. Maybe the power itself came out with the unit, kinda like Kite's clown-thing had a mind of its own.


Why are a lot of people calling Killua's recent actions out of character?

I've been re-watching the series and I just finished Yorknew. I've noticed that
Killua's habit of running away has been brought up throughout the entire series. It's only now that it's actually being addressed.

I haven't read the manga or anything. Just some observations.
It's been like that from the start. I think as early as the end of the exam, Irumi said he told Killua never tofight anyone unleaa he has a 100% chance of winning.
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