Finally all caught up on the series and this thread. This series definitely knows how to set stakes and the pacing is very well done. If I had a complaint, it's that I've lost count of the number of times something like this has happened:
Big Burly Men: "LOL a bunch of kids."
*Gon and/or Killua do some awesome shit*
Big Burly Men: "OMG WTF"
Seriously it's like a constant trope. We get it, Togashi. Appearances can be deceiving. I get that it builds up the main characters but at this point it's just overused.
Another complaint I had was at the end of the Yorkshin City arc, when Gon and Killua run into the Troupe at the auction but they're like "Meh we don't care about you guys anymore." But... as far as I know, Kurapica is still trying to kill the Spiders. And the Troupe knows Gon and Killua are working with Kurapica. Why would they suddenly not care? I felt it was a sloppy end to a great arc.
Also, the whole "Defeat Knuckle/Morel to go to NGL" thing was a bit dumb. It might make sense that Netero is some keikaku-planning mastermind and set it all up beforehand, but how would he even know Gon/Killua would already be out of the NGL? For all he knew, them and Kite were still in the NGL. Felt like a cheap way to get some more "training" in.
I'm also confused at how strong the first wave of Ants were. Thematically I get trying to raise the stakes and not make the initial wave of enemies total pushovers, but I don't understand how Rammot could be born so strong without the Queen eating any Nen users. One Jajanken from Gon should have split him in two. The "well bugs have tough skin/skeletons" explanation doesn't carry it that far.
Well, I'm climbing down from my soapbox now.

This is my favorite anime I've seen this year by far, so I'm not just hating to hate. Just had some questions.
The show doesn't really have anything going for it besides decent ratings, which won't be factor since it'll be a late night show.
Blu-Rays don't sell, merchandise doesn't move, the comic is in constant hiatus, so with the move; there's nothing really that'll keep it afloat.
The movie was #1 at the box office the weekend it came out, dunno if that means anything though.