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New Hunter x Hunter Anime |OT| of Hunters and adventure and NO MANGA SPOILERS


Yeah, cause punching for 2 years straight will give anyone the same power as Netero.

The guy easily can copy-paste the same post to reply you.
Thread title mod: don't watch next week preview spoilers

From a martial arts perspective anyone know that doing something 10,000x is a waste of time. Just do it once. That part of the training was pretty dumb to me.
I don't really care about it in relation to Hunter because Hunter has a very loose connection to reality, but martial arts don't emphasize repeated practice of a single move? That his against everything pop culture has taught me.


I was just thinking does that mean that Netero developed his nen ability when he was already a old man.
Maybe he's got more moves? I can't imagine him mastering men without having a nen ability. The 100 guanyin move is probably his most recent achievement.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
From a martial arts perspective anyone know that doing something 10,000x is a waste of time. Just do it once. That part of the training was pretty dumb to me.

What? No, repeating the same striking techniques over and over again thousands of times is exactly what you do in martial arts and combat sports in order to develop your technique, speed, and endurance.
About Netero practicing all those punches, there's even a Bruce Lee quote about that: "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."


HxH 111 - Bad Move mothafucker

This part made me laugh, didn't expect zeno to show up, arcs gets more awesome by the minute.

phantom troupe was my favorite but the chimara ant arc topped it some time ago.


From a martial arts perspective anyone know that doing something 10,000x is a waste of time. Just do it once. That part of the training was pretty dumb to me.

I can't believe I missed this post. Just do it once? Really?
That's what training is; burning the technique into your body by doing it over and over again. It's polishing your technique. It's literally training.


Hopefully gon gets his fight with neferpitou i dont want anyone else to "steal" his chance to at least fight her. But gon at this point should NOT be able to win the fight or even survive it and where the fuck is hisoka??? Is all his talk about getting off on fighting stronger enemies bullshit? I mean the royal guard and the king could probably fuck him up in one second lol I think Hisoka is all talk and just a poser and in reality he is a scaredy-cat like knov ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hopefully gon gets his fight with neferpitou i dont want anyone else to "steal" his chance to at least fight her. But gon at this point should NOT be able to win the fight or even survive it and where the fuck is hisoka??? Is all his talk about getting off on fighting stronger enemies bullshit? I mean the royal guard and the king could probably fuck him up in one second lol I think Hisoka is all talk and just a poser and in reality he is a scaredy-cat like knov ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Gon by himself probably not, but I imagine Gon and Killua are gonna pull some hype wombo combos


Hopefully gon gets his fight with neferpitou i dont want anyone else to "steal" his chance to at least fight her. But gon at this point should NOT be able to win the fight or even survive it and where the fuck is hisoka??? Is all his talk about getting off on fighting stronger enemies bullshit? I mean the royal guard and the king could probably fuck him up in one second lol I think Hisoka is all talk and just a poser and in reality he is a scaredy-cat like knov ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hisoka likes to pick fights he thinks he can win - but he wants a challenge. He's not suicidal or self-sacrificing. Gon/Killua would never make that call to him, though, for one simple reason- they'd never be able to trust him.


Hopefully gon gets his fight with neferpitou i dont want anyone else to "steal" his chance to at least fight her. But gon at this point should NOT be able to win the fight or even survive it

I don't know about that. Gon and Killua are pretty much prodigies, obviously, and it was previously shown that Gon could potentially kill Morel in a single strike with his ability. Gon's weakness in previous fights seems to be that he showed too much restraint, but that weakness has been effectively eliminated when we're shown that he's basically turned off his emotions in the most recent episode.

Maybe in a direct fight he wouldn't be able to defeat her with ease, but I don't think it would be a simple fight for the cat.


Hopefully gon gets his fight with neferpitou i dont want anyone else to "steal" his chance to at least fight her. But gon at this point should NOT be able to win the fight or even survive it and where the fuck is hisoka??? Is all his talk about getting off on fighting stronger enemies bullshit? I mean the royal guard and the king could probably fuck him up in one second lol I think Hisoka is all talk and just a poser and in reality he is a scaredy-cat like knov ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I just hope all match ups are like what they showed in that image long ago.

Morel & Knov vs. Pouf (minus knov, but maybe [hopefully] he redeems himself as a surpirse)
Knuckle & Shoot vs. Youpi
Gon & Killua vs. Pitou


Thread title mod: don't watch next week preview spoilers

From a martial arts perspective anyone know that doing something 10,000x is a waste of time. Just do it once. That part of the training was pretty dumb to me.

I guffaw'd heartily. You got me gud, Shira, you got me gud.



They could have had Netero bust out the move and be done with it, but by explaining the creation of the move and what it took to develop it gave the move so much more weight which is needed and appreciated. Especially since this arc likes to build up Pitou as this invincible foe who has an aura that makes seasoned nen users hair turn gray.

Getting to the action is all and good, but the more you can build up a fight to actually mean something, the more you will get out of it.

That was Pouf, I think. You`re talking about Knov, right?

As an aside...

A lot of people think he wussed out, but I don't think he's a coward so much as he was put under way too much stress. As he said, he wasn't afraid of death; rather, he was afraid that they would torture the plan out of him if he happened to get caught.


Knov got broken by Pitou's En. Wasn't anything he could do once it happened. He's still helping, he's just completely useless in combat (and his ability set might be best served in a support role anyway.)
Hisoka likes to pick fights he thinks he can win - but he wants a challenge. He's not suicidal or self-sacrificing. Gon/Killua would never make that call to him, though, for one simple reason- they'd never be able to trust him.
He wanted to fight the Chairman, though. Hisoka isn't nearly as cautious as the Zoldycks.


Knov got broken by Pitou's En. Wasn't anything he could do once it happened. He's still helping, he's just completely useless in combat (and his ability set might be best served in a support role anyway.)

I thought it was Pouf's En that scared Knov?

edit: I guess this doesn't really matter either way to what you posted. Just wondering if I missed something.




Knov got broken by shia labeouf. Wasn't anything he could do once it happened. He's still helping, he's just completely useless in combat (and his ability set might be best served in a support role anyway.)


No it was actually the fairy's en.
I'm finally caught up and finished Greed Island! I starting watching the Ant arc episodes again, haha.

My listing goes like this (do note, I like them all):

Chimera Ant (so far) > Yorknew > Heavens Arena > Hunter Exam > Greed Island > Zoldyck
Netero likes to downplay his power level in general by playing the doddering old guy.
Yeah but super cautious Killua should know better than to underestimate his opponent like that. I think it's pretty clear that Togashi changed what he wanted Killua's personality to be at some point.


Knov got broken by Pitou's En. Wasn't anything he could do once it happened.

I thought it was Pouf's En that scared Knov?

edit: I guess this doesn't really matter either way to what you posted. Just wondering if I missed something.

Pouf's was the red one, then it got replaced by Pitou's purple and extended down the stairs, I thought.

edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN5PxbOc7Lc and the color change imply Pitou, right?

It was Pouf's En that Knov saw. It just stayed at the top of the stairs, but Knov could feel it's power. Pitou didn't reactivate his En until the scene with Palm. Pitou's En is red, Pouf's En is purple-blue.
Yeah... I think that's just Togashi not planning things out long term.

Remember during the interview in this episode with Zeno, how Netero's greatest power is that his nen is so silent? It's a convenient excuse and probably a last minute one but still, Togashi has it covered :)

Ah. Them using all Pitou imagery in that ep was a really bizarre choice then.

I think Knov just assumed at that point that it was Pitou's (because Gon and Killua only had first hand experience with his aura at the time - and remember how he was admiring how Killua and Gon were still able to go back in the battlefield after experiencing such aura), or generalizing that that's what it feels like to be surrounded by a royal guard's aura regardless of identity.


It was Pouf's En that Knov saw. It just stayed at the top of the stairs, but Knov could feel it's power. Pitou didn't reactivate his En until the scene with Palm. Pitou's En is red, Pouf's En is purple-blue.
Ah. Them using all Pitou imagery in that ep was a really bizarre choice then.


Ah. Them using all Pitou imagery in that ep was a really bizarre choice then.

Definitely. Part of it seems to be because Knov seems to think he saw Pitou's En, but I still think it was unnecessarily confusing. Then again, maybe that was the point, who knows. It was the same in the manga, but without the colouring.


Ok, this is exactly what was going on during Knov's infiltration:

Because Pitou's En is the largest, he's pretty much always on guard duty, meaning he sits outside and guards the Palace and surroundings with his En. However, when the King ripped his own arm off, Pitou had to come in and heal him. But when Pitou uses his healing ability (Doctor Blythe), he can't use his Nen for anything else. That's why Pouf was ordered to take over guard duty until Pitou was done. Coincidentally, this was when Knov decided to infiltrate the palace. He was able to get extremely far inside, because while Pitou's En envelops the entire palace and part of it's surroundings, Pouf's En only reaches the top of the central staircase. Knov saw this aura, and decided to back out. Because it was so foul, he probably assumed it was Pitou's aura, based off of what Killua said when they first met.
Later, when Palm was sneaking around the palace, she saw the same aura Knov saw, Pouf's aura, but shortly afterwards it receded and Pitou's red En came flowing back, indicating that he was done healing the King and had retaken his guard duty.
I watched that little portion right now of 106. Yea, I didn't pay attention to the color before, but they use that damn picture of Pitou when Knov is freaking out, haha.


Yeah... I think that's just Togashi not planning things out long term.

Without knowing Nen (and without Netero actively using Nen), Killua was not able to accurately perceive just HOW powerful Netero actually is. As well, I wouldn't doubt that masters of Nen such as Netero can hide how powerful he is (zetsu, In, quiet aura etc...).

Remember how Rammot made the comment that one needs power (his gaining Nen in this case) to fully appreciate how OP the Royal Guards were?


Yeah... I think that's just Togashi not planning things out long term.

To quote this post again, because this post doesn't make sense, I don't see how Killua's overconfidence (to put it lightly) can be mistaken as Togashi not planning things through. For fuck's sake, Netero is the chairman of the Hunter Association. He jumped from a blimp and landed perfectly fine (not all that impressive, but still). He completely played Gon and Killua for chumps, and did not even exert any effort.

Whatever Killua may have thought of Netero's strengths, I HIGHLY doubt Togashi did not know that Netero was >>> Killua, at that point.


Things aren't so black and white in the Hunter x Hunter world. There's a lot more ambiguity surrounding the strengths of characters and how a fight might unfold. This is perfectly captured by chumps such as Killua thinking he can even fight Netero for a second without getting curb-stomped.

Edit: I guess what I'm trying to say is, Killua's line about thinking he can take on Netero is NOT A MISTAKE ON TOGASHI'S PART. We shouldn't take everything the characters say at face-value (good writing plays with our perception of what is true and what is biased/false). You think Netero was serious when he said he was on the same level as Morel and Knov, or do you think Togashi herp-a-derped too?
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