I'm an expert
Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
That was back when Killua didn't even know wtf nen was lol..
I remember some people thinking Killua could take out Netero during the ball game. :lol
Exactly. Remember after Killua knocks out Gon and escapes from Pitou, the first thing he says to Netero, Knov, and Morel is something like "now that I learned about Nen I can see you guys are unbelievably strong".That was back when Killua didn't even know wtf nen was lol..
They dont know about the old man in a shonen trope
i rewatched the episode and i'm still confused on the part where the announcer says at first the sequence takes about 5-6 seconds and then goes on to say that the 10,000 punches took 18 hrs.
when he's talking about the 5-6 second sequence, is he talking about the prayer he says before actually throwing the punches? The scene is at aroud 12 min
Yup that's it.I think it was that each punch with pray takes about 5-6 seconds
Without knowing Nen (and without Netero actively using Nen), Killua was not able to accurately perceive just HOW powerful Netero actually is. As well, I wouldn't doubt that masters of Nen such as Netero can hide how powerful he is (zetsu, In, quiet aura etc...).
Remember how Rammot made the comment that one needs power (his gaining Nen in this case) to fully appreciate how OP the Royal Guards were?
The translation is a bit off, there... He doesn't quite say that nobody else survived a fight against the guy, but merely that Netero is the only living person left who had been in a fight with the guy. The point still being that Netero is old.Netero being the only one so far to survive a fight against him with that crazy 10,000 punches a day for training??
The translation is a bit off, there... He doesn't quite say that nobody else survived a fight against the guy, but merely that Netero is the only living person left who had been in a fight with the guy. The point still being that Netero is old.
You're misunderstanding my post. I think it points to an inconsistency in how Togashi has characterized Killua, in that he is supposedly a very cautious person who thinks things through many times, but seems to actually believe he could kill Netero. I don't think it's an awful mistake, I just think Togashi changed his mind about what he wanted Killua's character to be at some point. I mean it's not the only inconsistency in Hunter. Like, how did Killua not know about nen up til Heaven's Arena, considering how he was raised? Nen wasn't really hinted at at all up to a certain point, until all of a sudden tons of people had it.To quote this post again, because this post doesn't make sense, I don't see how Killua's overconfidence (to put it lightly) can be mistaken as Togashi not planning things through. For fuck's sake, Netero is the chairman of the Hunter Association. He jumped from a blimp and landed perfectly fine (not all that impressive, but still). He completely played Gon and Killua for chumps, and did not even exert any effort.
Whatever Killua may have thought of Netero's strengths, I HIGHLY doubt Togashi did not know that Netero was >>> Killua, at that point.
Things aren't so black and white in the Hunter x Hunter world. There's a lot more ambiguity surrounding the strengths of characters and how a fight might unfold. This is perfectly captured by chumps such as Killua thinking he can even fight Netero for a second without getting curb-stomped.
Edit: I guess what I'm trying to say is, Killua's line about thinking he can take on Netero is NOT A MISTAKE ON TOGASHI'S PART. We shouldn't take everything the characters say at face-value (good writing plays with our perception of what is true and what is biased/false). You think Netero was serious when he said he was on the same level as Morel and Knov, or do you think Togashi herp-a-derped too?
Pretty damn sure.You sure?
"Seizon shiteoru" instead of something like "ikinokotta" (if that was about surviving the fight, you'd think the impressive feat would be described as a past event rather than an ongoing state) and the final "shi" implies he's still making the same point (=Netero is old).I've looked up the manga chapter and he seems to say the same thing.
Most likely he knew about nen at a younger age but did not develop his hatsu until he was older/finished training.
Maybe he's got more moves? I can't imagine him mastering men without having a nen ability. The 100 guanyin move is probably his most recent achievement.
I think he already knew about nen, nen just made him be able to do that moved he learned in the first place.
I remember some people thinking Killua could take out Netero during the ball game. :lol
Yeah I was thinking about that a while back. It's clear the whole nen thing wasn't part of the original plan for HxH. But it's only missing from the first arc so it's not a major problem. It's mostly Killua that makes it problematic, because his entire family is made up of incredibly powerful nen users.You're misunderstanding my post. I think it points to an inconsistency in how Togashi has characterized Killua, in that he is supposedly a very cautious person who thinks things through many times, but seems to actually believe he could kill Netero. I don't think it's an awful mistake, I just think Togashi changed his mind about what he wanted Killua's character to be at some point. I mean it's not the only inconsistency in Hunter. Like, how did Killua not know about nen up til Heaven's Arena, considering how he was raised? Nen wasn't really hinted at at all up to a certain point, until all of a sudden tons of people had it.
Edit: did you totally skip my other post, because I basically already said all this.
You're misunderstanding my post. I think it points to an inconsistency in how Togashi has characterized Killua, in that he is supposedly a very cautious person who thinks things through many times, but seems to actually believe he could kill Netero. I don't think it's an awful mistake, I just think Togashi changed his mind about what he wanted Killua's character to be at some point. I mean it's not the only inconsistency in Hunter.
That would make sense.I always assumed that Killua changed when Illumi put that needle infused with his nen in his brain to manipulate his behavior and make him more cautious so that he doesn't get himself killed. I think it was heavily implied that Illumi planted that needle during the final phase of the hunter exam and that's why Killua murdered that old guy and got himself disqualified, because Illumi was manipulating him.
So much slow motion in this episode. I mean, yeah, Dragon Ball Z's fighters were in slow mo 24/7, but they had to. These guys are hardly sound breaking speed.
When gon flips the switch it's much more frightening then when Killua does. I guess because it's expected from Killua. But when a kind hearted person like Gon does it, it's just plain scary.
"Seizon shiteoru" instead of something like "ikinokotta" (if that was about surviving the fight, you'd think the impressive feat would be described as a past event rather than an ongoing state) and the final "shi" implies he's still making the same point (=Netero is old).
I went and checked, and it's the same as I remember it being:What's the confusing part of the japanese version that leads an anime sub group to make the same mistake as manga translators years ago?
I went and checked, and it's the same as I remember it being:
Yeah, and Zeno's 67. I don't recommend any anime-only viewers look that up, the spoilers will be fierce.So how old is Netero? 110? Or is it important for the plot and therefore spoiler?
I can kinda guess where that one's from from the quality of the image, haha, and if that's them, that's just taking credibility away from the translation. My only point was that there's proof Erigu's translation isn't unfounded, that's all.
It's also the only translation that makes sense, whatever that's worth. Not sure how that went past the anime dudes but it happens.
Are you an intentional or accidental troll?
I can't believe I missed this post. Just do it once? Really?
That's what training is; burning the technique into your body by doing it over and over again. It's polishing your technique. It's literally training.
I'm not trolling. I just found it really idiotic that he would waste his time on an arbitrary number.
I'm not trolling. I just found it really idiotic that he would waste his time on an arbitrary number.
I don't see how age would be a spoiler.
Because you could go to the wiki to find out, and accidentally read a spoiler thats on there or something trying to look for it.
Obviously posting the age isn't bad, but not recommended for anime only viewers to read the wiki to find things out.
I feel it doesn't suit the fantastic nature of the show. You can take it what you will, but to me it seems silly when they try and and blend it with realism like the North Korea stuff and the fat kid who was trying to run the marathon in the Hunter exam while looking up stats on the web with his laptop. Ah well it's a kids show. I like almost all of it, I just didn't like those parts.Aside from what others have already said, it's a personal practice in devotion if you somehow missed that part. That's the entire reason it's an interesting technique in the first place, because its application in combat is tertiary or essentially a coincidence. For Netero it was obviously about a lot more than developing a really strong hatsu, which is also what makes the question of if he had a hatsu before irrelevant. It's about as 'pointless' as prostrations in Buddhism or chanting the suttas.
Yeah, it's not the first time I notice a mistranslation in the new TV series. I mean, it's a good translation overall, but from time to time...Not sure how that went past the anime dudes but it happens.
I'm not trolling. I just found it really idiotic that he would waste his time on an arbitrary number.