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New Kingdom Hearts 2 screens...







There seems to a be a chance that Enix character might appear in the game also going by Nomura's comments at IGN.
Does anyone actually care about this game after having played the atrocity that was the first Kingdom Hearts?

If you're male and a Disney fanboy: BANNED.


I do. The first game had so much...charm I guess you can say. It made up for the problems with gameplay. Plus I didn't mind the camera so much.


Drinky Crow said:
Does anyone actually care about this game after having played the atrocity that was the first Kingdom Hearts?

If you're male and a Disney fanboy: BANNED.

How can you not like Disney? I grew up on Looney Toons and Disney cartoons as a child.

Btw, it is quite possible Square-Enix has the talent to fix the problems of the first. I'm looking forward to this game.


Drinky Crow said:
Does anyone actually care about this game after having played the atrocity that was the first Kingdom Hearts?

If you're male and a Disney fanboy: BANNED.

Oh yeah, let's have a lesson of what bad taste is from Mr. Hexen 64.


I wonder if my theories about a "dream world" and "real world", and that the two merging are going to hold true. I'm thinking so, especially with the whole island proof (it was facing the ocean in KH, but now it's facing a town).
Drinky Crow said:
Does anyone actually care about this game after having played the atrocity that was the first Kingdom Hearts?

If you're male and a Disney fanboy: BANNED.

Since it was one of the best stories in a game that entire year, hell yes I'm excited for the sequel.



Unconfirmed Member
The thing that really killed KH for me, when I actually got to play and not watch cutscenes in the first few hours, was that the play control totally sucked my nuts.


Hey it's Auron! Neat stuff..

Those Mulan shots look like they're drawn. Very impressive. I wasn't a big fan of the first one, but I'll probably end up buying this.

Lil' Dice

KH haters can lick my salty ass. The forst one was a classic, and one of the best selling PS2 games ever. Plus it was much more entertaining than any of those cookie-cutter JRPGs that have flooded the PS2's library.....


Drinky Crow said:
Does anyone actually care about this game after having played the atrocity that was the first Kingdom Hearts?

If you're male and a Disney fanboy: BANNED.

shut up. :p
Looks nice. Probably won't play that well :p although that new map in the upper-right corner gives me some hope that there will be more complex areas than in KH1.


Greenpanda said:
Looks nice. Probably won't play that well :p although that new map in the upper-right corner gives me some hope that there will be more complex areas than in KH1.

The map gives me some hope that I won't get lost in horribly designed dungeons. ;)

But I'll be buying this regardless, for all of the first one's faults, I still managed to enjoy it.
Man, I got suckered by the first game. Really thought it was going to be great. Bought it at launch, experienced instant revulsion with the camera and controls, sold it on eBay after a few days. Then late last year it comes down to Greatest Hits price. I figure, "Hey, the graphics and cutscenes were nice and perhaps the gameplay becomes tolerable. Surely it's worth $20."

Bought it. Still hate it. Stupid Square. Stupid Disney. Stupid me.


I also picked it up at greatest hits pricing and finally beat it. I loved it! I disliked a few of the early areas such as Alice in Wonderland, but the level really started to open up in the 2nd half and were much better. The End of the World level was fantastic.


I loved the first one despite the flaws and I do believe this will be even better. Nomura is a God to me.

More pics.






President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I would like to consider myself pretty open-minded... and I also hated the first Kingdom Hearts. :(

I will say that graphically this looks great, though.


I wish I could just watch the cutscenes. The first game was absolute GARBAGE and I doubt the gameplay in this will be much different...


Unconfirmed Member
I hope in this you can get other characters like cloud, yuffie etc to join you permenently instead of just donald and goofy throughout the whole game. I hated that in the first game.


The first game's biggest flaw was how the Disney worlds were broken up into tiny little areas with loading between them. Otherwise the game had a nice story, beautiful graphics, fitting soundtrack, and some tough and long boss battles. It also had a nice charm about it. If they fix that flaw in KH2, then it's going to be one of my favorite games of next year.


Looking good. Can't wait.

Having Enix characters in it would make it even sweeter. The heroes from DQV, or maybe a stage based in Asgard:D


Just finished Kingdom Hearts a few minutes ago, and then proceeded to see these screens. Looks like a very noticable step up graphically. Cleaner textures, and smoother character models. Or maybe it's just because the pics have been altered, I dunno. :p

I just hope they fix the game. FIX it. I know there is a good game underneath all the frustration I suffered through. Fix the glitchy camera, fix the sloppy controls, make it possible to zoom out the view so you see what you're doing. Give the game some LOGIC, and make it more coherent.

At some points, they give you no freakin' clue at all where to go, and at the next point they're like "hey, you're supposed to light a lamp now, can you find the lamp?" (the lamp is 3 meters right in front of the character). But usually, you simply weren't given enough clues IMO. Like in the Tarzan world, I'm given some foggy mission, and then I had to run through every area hoping something will accidentally sit down on the big, red button with "EVENT" written on it.

The "rooms" were quite limited too, and with few exceptions not very exciting to run through. They usually felt cramped, I was a bit disappointed in Halloween Town for example. And please, drop the GUMMI SHIT. I never upgraded my ship, and during the gummi ship levels ALL I did was hold down the fire button. How lame is that? Not to mention the ugly graphics during those levels as well, intentional or not. :/

Well, I still finished it, and the ending was kinda...well...I want to find out what happens next, as long as I don't have to go through a similar gameplay and game design again. :p

OH. I almost forgot. ADD A FUCKING SKIP CUTSCENE BUTTON. After dying against certain bosses over and over again and watching the same 4 min cutscene for the 5th time, I was prepared to insult anything Kingdom Hearts. Which I did too.


Um, I'm pretty sure there was a skip button for the cut-scenes.

It's strange how the Square worlds have areas that are pretty big, while the Disney level are divided into tiny "rooms".


Kiriku said:
There wasn't. I would've discovered it if that was the case. :p

Well, I played the Japanese one when it first came out, and I don't remember being annoyed by something like that (this was one of the worst thing about Parasite Eve). Or maybe I was just that good, and never died at a boss battle. :D

I know that some games (like Onimusha 3) if you die at a boss, and continue you can skip the cut-scene, but if it's your first time viewing it (or if you reload your save file), you can't. Maybe KH was like that?
There was no event skip option in the initial Japanese or North American releases of KH, but an event skip mode, along with many other things, was added for the Final Mix version.
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