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New Kingdom Hearts 2 screens...


If you beat the first game how can you not be excited about this one? That was quite possibly the greatest ending I have ever seen in a videogame and it has me dying to see what happens in KH2.


I don't care for Kingdom Hearts, but I love the smooth diffuse shading they use for the graphics. It's great for taking 2D characters into 3D.


I would like to play kingdom hearts 2 but then I remember actually giving up on the first game becuase it just got to annoying to play with its awful forced gummi ship segments, piss poor camera and shoddy boxed room leading to more boxed room level design. It's a damn shame too because it had the production values for the graphics nailed , and a neat combat system...


The nicest thing about Kingdom Hearts' graphics is that it shows that you don't need cell-shading to have cartoony graphics.
Pachinko said:
I would like to play kingdom hearts 2 but then I remember actually giving up on the first game becuase it just got to annoying to play with its awful forced gummi ship segments, piss poor camera and shoddy boxed room leading to more boxed room level design. It's a damn shame too because it had the production values for the graphics nailed , and a neat combat system...

Loved every damn minute of it.
krypt0nian said:
Loved every damn minute of it.

I second that. Sold it to a mate and now the other day it was on sale and I bought it all over again. Can't wait to get back into KH.

and oh,

SOLD. They have my money in the bank
aparisi2274 said:
I am sure you can get Ming-Na for nothing.

The tiny, box-like rooms were the worst part of the game, especially because the few areas that were not like that were awesome. many of the level s were also very poorly designed and focused on sloppy platforming over the fun interpretation of RPG mechanics the game had.

The entire Alice in Wonderland and Aladdin segments were porbably the chief offenders. Alice in Wonderland had the cool room that changed size and spun around, but the rest was just ugly, especially the forest. Agrabah had so many little tiny rooms with tons of loading, which were somehow all one large area in the boss fight and the Cave of Wonders was wretchedly designed.

On the other hand, the giant Boogie tower was awesome and Hollow Bastion was brethtaking (even if it felt a little restricting). The final level was also very impressive and very open overall.Too few levels allowed much interaction with the often fascinating environments, and the invisible walls made much of the game seem sloppy, while other levels were fantastic.


Diomedeskun said:
The tiny, box-like rooms were the worst part of the game, especially because the few areas that were not like that were awesome. many of the level s were also very poorly designed and focused on sloppy platforming over the fun interpretation of RPG mechanics the game had.

The entire Alice in Wonderland and Aladdin segments were porbably the chief offenders. Alice in Wonderland had the cool room that changed size and spun around, but the rest was just ugly, especially the forest. Agrabah had so many little tiny rooms with tons of loading, which were somehow all one large area in the boss fight and the Cave of Wonders was wretchedly designed.

On the other hand, the giant Boogie tower was awesome and Hollow Bastion was brethtaking (even if it felt a little restricting). The final level was also very impressive and very open overall.Too few levels allowed much interaction with the often fascinating environments, and the invisible walls made much of the game seem sloppy, while other levels were fantastic.

Yeah, the level design was very uneven. I hated the Little Mermaid level the most actually, as I thought the controls for swimming were terrible. Even if the KH2 sucks, I just want it to find out what happens.

Any word on if they are keepying the same voice actors? I thought it had some of the best voice acting I had ever heard in a game, they were actually able to express emotions in a way that didn't make you cringe or burst out laughing (see FFX).


Diomedeskun said:
The tiny, box-like rooms were the worst part of the game, especially because the few areas that were not like that were awesome. many of the level s were also very poorly designed and focused on sloppy platforming over the fun interpretation of RPG mechanics the game had.

The entire Alice in Wonderland and Aladdin segments were porbably the chief offenders.

Someone's forgetting/possibly repressing Atlantica. ;)
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