Are these Hermes’ shoes on Namor?
Also: Female BP Hype!
Multiverse is the only possibility to explain why Blade was a gangster during the first season of Luke Cage and why his mom showed a picture of her deseased son to Tony Stark in Civil War, though.Plus the multiverse bollocks is pish.
These characters existed in the comics years ago to try and get teenage girls to read them to expand the audience, they are just doing the same here, and it will fail, again. I couldn't give less fucks about a non tony stark iron man regardless of gender.So every Superhero that we know will get replaced by the female counter part of it?
Trailer looked good till the last seconds lol
These characters existed in the comics years ago to try and get teenage girls to read them to expand the audience, they are just doing the same here, and it will fail, again. I couldn't give less fucks about a non tony stark iron man regardless of gender.
Iron heartwho remembers that classic character?
Multiverse is the only possibility to explain why Blade was a gangster during the first season of Luke Cage and why his mom showed a picture of her deseased son to Tony Stark in Civil War, though.
Pandering dogshit.
Isnt Ironheart( the character) only about 5 years old? I mean she is pretty new right?These characters existed in the comics years ago to try and get teenage girls to read them to expand the audience, they are just doing the same here, and it will fail, again. I couldn't give less fucks about a non tony stark iron man regardless of gender.
Iron heartwho remembers that classic character?
No?Umm... So you're saying female heroes only existed in comics in the last few years? So it was all male superheroes until a few years ago? So T'Challa in the comics isn't STILL the Black Panther and has always been even while Shuri was Queen AND a Black Panther? So what you're saying is that female heroes are not sellers in the comics? They should be killed off and it only being male heroes?
I would say that both my daughters (13 and 9), love all the content that the MCU has put out with female leads. Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch etc....These characters existed in the comics years ago to try and get teenage girls to read them to expand the audience, they are just doing the same here, and it will fail, again. I couldn't give less fucks about a non tony stark iron man regardless of gender.
Iron heartwho remembers that classic character?
When did i say female heroes only existed in comics in the last few years?
Yeah i can't wait for this weeks She-Hulk.........It was sarcastic hyperbole. You just sounded like you didn't like ANY female characters.
Glad your daughters are enjoying it.I would say that both my daughters (13 and 9), love all the content that the MCU has put out with female leads. Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch etc....
So really its not failing..
Here comes the fragile masculinity!So every Superhero that we know will get replaced by the female counter part of it?
Trailer looked good till the last seconds lol
Still feel it's pretty shitty to base your next big budget, money making superhero epic on someone's real and actual death, but I guess Disney would probably puppet Walt's corpse across the screen if they thought it would make them enough money.
They should have recast... Even Chadwick's family and widow said as much! They recast Spartacus... The main character in the show... But not Chadwick. I get it... Dude was AWESOME as a person and an actor... But he would have wanted T'Challa to live on. I think he said that in an interview once. The character is bigger than any one actor.
No way they are killing him on screen, id argue thats a lot more disrespectful to the family.please tell me they at least give BP a good on screen death saving everyone or something in the first 15 minutes. I truely hope they don't just go the off screen route. That way seems almost disrespectful to Chadwik
Girl power!I don't have a problem with Shuri being BP, but how did she claim the title? The first movie showed that T'challa had to fight for the title without his powers. This 90lb girl isn't defeating anyone that was trying to claim it.
Still better than capt marvel power, the rotten feet.His mutant power .. the winged feet!
Yeah, one of the 2 warriors should be the new bp, not the nerdy one with stick as arms.I still don't agree with Shuri being the new BP... Not THIS version of her. When did she learn to fight? During the 5 years she was blipped? It should be Nakia or The general of the Dora Milaje (can't remember her name right now)
Umm... So you're saying female heroes only existed in comics in the last few years? So it was all male superheroes until a few years ago? So T'Challa in the comics isn't STILL the Black Panther and has always been even while Shuri was Queen AND a Black Panther? So what you're saying is that female heroes are not sellers in the comics? They should be killed off and it only being male heroes?
She was his cousin, not his mom.
Pretty much my thoughts.Still feel it's pretty shitty to base your next big budget, money making superhero epic on someone's real and actual death, but I guess Disney would probably puppet Walt's corpse across the screen if they thought it would make them enough money.
please tell me they at least give BP a good on screen death saving everyone or something in the first 15 minutes. I truely hope they don't just go the off screen route. That way seems almost disrespectful to Chadwik
Does the audience need expanding? The other movies already had a billion women watching them.These characters existed in the comics years ago to try and get teenage girls to read them to expand the audience, they are just doing the same here, and it will fail, again. I couldn't give less fucks about a non tony stark iron man regardless of gender.
Iron heartwho remembers that classic character?
If they did these characters well then they would be a success, but Disney have handled most of them really poorly. They'll be successful anyways as people eat this trash up.Does the audience need expanding? The other movies already had a billion women watching them.
I still don't agree with Shuri being the new BP... Not THIS version of her. When did she learn to fight? During the 5 years she was blipped? It should be Nakia or The general of the Dora Milaje (can't remember her name right now)
At this rate the next avengers movie will be only female. Trailer was good though.