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New NeoGaf TOS

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ScOULaris said:
Don't you understand? When you post a piece of creative writing on an Internet forum that is open for everyone to view, someone can always copy/paste and pass of your work as their own. Assigning license to GAF to redistribute our posts does not mean that EviLore is gonna start selling off your writing and profiting from it. The TOS amendment doesn't even allow him to do that. The writing still belongs to you, but by "publishing" it on this site, you are giving GAF license to send it elsewhere. There is no cause for alarm here.

Ehh, that's a fairly disingenuous oversimplification. Just because the practical reality is that stuff you post online might be poached, that doesn't mean the same thing as legally licensing anything you post to a 3rd party. When you grant an irrevocable, royalty-free, perpetual license... your contributions could certainly be monetized in a way that cuts you out of the deal.

But obviously, for reasons of poaching or express licenses in the new TOS, nobody should be uploading original anything to GAF that they reasonably think they could otherwise monetize.
commish said:
Yeah, that part needs to be cleaned up. All you gotta do is define submissions.
Or add "...that is submitted to NeoGAF" to "all copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, privacy and publicity rights and other intellectual property rights you own or control..."
EviLore said:
[G]affers are anything they're vocal and fierce and independent, which makes you all a pain in the ass but not something I can be too aggravated about.

So, we're your collective girlfriend that wealthy people have offered you millions for the permission to fuck but you've said no?

We're collectively touched.
if you host anything on an open viewable forum its guaranteed to be used, copied and/or rehosted in other places. People crying over this really need to READ the TOS before they just post without looking, reading and thinking about it.


charlequin said:
And it remains yours, under the newer TOS. This is a really important distinction for people to make: this does not grant NeoGAF ownership of anything.

Bullshit, this site has owned my soul since 2000.
lawblob said:
Ehh, that's a fairly disingenuous oversimplification. Just because the practical reality is that stuff you post online might be poached, that doesn't mean the same thing as legally licensing anything you post to a 3rd party. When you grant an irrevocable, royalty-free, perpetual license... your contributions could certainly be monetized in a way that cuts you out of the deal.

What deal? lol


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
crowphoenix said:
Well, fuck no. I participated in the creative writing threads. That work is mine. I will remove it from NeoGaf this instant. And I will never post or link to another thing I do.

This shit is fucking scummy, and the fact that it was just slipped in is ridiculous. Whoever decided this should be ashamed of themselves.

In a perfect world I'd totally be on your side. Once you posted your writings though anyone that can browse the site could easily take it and repost it else where without your knowledge. It already happens everday on the internet. It's been like that since well the internet began. It's one of the reasons people always call the internet the wild wild west.

Is it always fair, logical, and the right thing to do? Hell no.

As I said above though with the current world structure in regards to how things are done on the internet that genie was let out of the bottle years upon years ago, and you aren't ever going to get it back in.

Some might look at this as sanctioning bad behavior even if it already happens on the non up and up, but hey at least this way EvilLore can get be asked for permission and get some credit back to GAF. The other scenario you stuff is ganked, and you and/or GAF aren't even thanked for it. Purely by posting anything on the internet your susceptible to this. It is what it is at this point in time.

PS: A good work around is just to post links back to your own personal blog, host, website whatever.

PPS: If it was ever something you really might monetize even under the "old system" you probably should have posted it then. No change in that line of thinking now really.


Prodigal Son
crowphoenix said:
Believe me. I knew that risk. What I cannot abide is the unhanded way this was done. I knew someone could steal my work. And honestly, it's not work worth stealing.

But, for NeoGaf to all of a sudden decide it owns my work? Fuck no.

The mistake is my own. And it is not one I will make again.
You're okay, crow. Gaf's increased control over reproduction rights could even help you if stuff gets reposted and/or stolen under a different name. Ownership isn't changed. I had misgivings because, heck, I don't trust Gawker as far as I could throw them.


lawblob said:
But obviously, for reasons of poaching or express licenses in the new TOS, nobody should be uploading original anything to GAF that they reasonably think they could otherwise monetize.
Yeah, that's what I was getting at. You shouldn't post anything that you'd like to monetize on any public web site. That's just foolishness.


Will Eat Your Children
EviLore said:
If you haven't noticed, NeoGAF is basically the largest general interest english language video game forum anymore that isn't owned by some huge corporation. And the rest are owned by huge corporations because giant sacks of money get offered to the owners. And I've been offered giant sacks of money too. Giant. Sacks. I keep the monetization minimalist though and I haven't sold out because... well, draw your own conclusions.

But if you guys hate me and don't want me running the site, let me know, I've always wanted my own tropical island! :D Just kidding, don't take that as a veiled threat to lockstep, if gaffers are anything they're vocal and fierce and independent, which makes you all a pain in the ass but not something I can be too aggravated about.
Should've sold it for a few million, we'd all've gone to NeoGAF3 anyway. No harm done
ScOULaris said:
Don't you understand? When you post a piece of creative writing on an Internet forum that is open for everyone to view, someone can always copy/paste and pass of your work as their own. Assigning license to GAF to redistribute our posts does not mean that EviLore is gonna start selling off your writing and profiting from it. The TOS amendment doesn't even allow him to do that. The writing still belongs to you, but by "publishing" it on this site, you are giving GAF license to send it elsewhere. There is no cause for alarm here.
charlequin said:
And it remains yours, under the newer TOS. This is a really important distinction for people to make: this does not grant NeoGAF ownership of anything.
The point in this case is that a creator can't give someone who wants to buy his work an exclusive license (which a buyer would demand) if he's already given someone else a perpetual, non-exclusive, irrevocable license.
Heavy said:
ha I knew it!

Any guesses on how much he was offered? It had to be in the millions... man you'd have to be either crazy or a saint to turn that down because who knows how long a gaming forum will last? Or maybe the gaming industry totally crashes or the hardcore market dries up completely and traffic takes a significant dip... there's so many variables at work. But if he sold it for the (presumably) millions he was offered he could've retired and never had to worry about money again. I find this stuff fascinating...
Do you realize how many visitors GAF has? Even with only two ads he makes well over 6 figures a year. Do most people honestly think most large website don't make money? I don't get how this is shocking in the least.
BamYouHaveAids said:
Do you realize how many visitors GAF has? Even with only two ads he makes well over 6 figures a year. Do most people honestly think most large website don't make money? I don't get how this is shocking in the least.
What about bandwidth and server costs?
Some wild conspiracy theories up in this joint. As if people here are posting things they can make money off of or are proud to have all to themselves. Lulzz farealss folks.


Squirrel Killer said:
The point in this case is that a creator can't give someone who wants to buy his work an exclusive license (which a buyer would demand) if he's already given someone else a perpetual, non-exclusive, irrevocable license.

It's hard to get a written work sold if you've posted it online at any point, regardless of what kind of licenses you've given already.


needs 2 extra inches
WasabiKing said:
If you guys honestly have a problem, the door is right there. You don't have to go home but you have to GTFO

Besides there's a long line of people waiting to get approved, happy to take your place
You can't tell me what to do, you're not my admin!


Infernodash said:
What deal? lol

Dude. If the guy who owns the lolcats website can make hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, do you honestly think there is no monetary value to the information created and disseminated on GAF?

The whole purpose of the TOS (I would assume) is to *allow* Evilore to freely monetize GAF content in a way that frees he and the companies he licenses content to from having to worry about some punk kid suing them for appropriating his pony fan art.

Shit, I applaud him. If I owned this site, every one of you would have an animated SPRITE: REFRESHING GAMERS SINCE THE DAYS OF SPACE INVADERS" animated avatar.
charlequin said:
And it remains yours, under the newer TOS. This is a really important distinction for people to make: this does not grant NeoGAF ownership of anything.
Be that as it may (And for now, I appreciate the distinction and thank you for the explanation), this change was handled in an underhanded way. And as a result, I am having a hard time having faith that it won't change this way again.


Well shit.

Gonna have to think about this one. Hope it doesn't completely implode the writing threads.

crowphoenix said:
Well, fuck no. I participated in the creative writing threads. That work is mine. I will remove it from NeoGaf this instant. And I will never post or link to another thing I do.

This shit is fucking scummy, and the fact that it was just slipped in is ridiculous. Whoever decided this should be ashamed of themselves.
crow, please don't do that just yet. I had the same initial reaction, but a cooldown period (and reading the entire thread) prevented me from deleting everything ever.


crowphoenix said:
Well, fuck no. I participated in the creative writing threads. That work is mine. I will remove it from NeoGaf this instant. And I will never post or link to another thing I do.

This shit is fucking scummy, and the fact that it was just slipped in is ridiculous. Whoever decided this should be ashamed of themselves.
I'm doing the same:


I posted it in that thread because I expected it to stay there, not to show up on other sites should NeoGAF decide to re-distribute it.
If I ever got a publishing deal on the condition that the work must be removed from any sites currently hosting it, then I could under the old TOS just delete my post.
Now though, NeoGAF could take my post and put it on some site where I cannot delete it - leaving me without that publishing deal.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
TheAzRim said:
All I got from this is, Search is coming back !!!!!!!

-Full search functionality (w/ post history etc.) back
-Multi-quote button for easily quoting multiple posts.
-Automatic link back to original post when quoting someone
-Automatic resizing of quoted images for when nubs don't remove the img tags

UI-wise, all looks identical except for removing the redundant "reply" link on the left of each post and replacing it with a multiquote button. And I'll probably remove the google custom search thing since it's awful.
if i post my missus' pic in the missuses' thread, does that mean gaf owns my missus?

joking aside, my view is that anything public domain is public unless otherwise stated.

tos change not a big deal for me


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
charlequin said:
And it remains yours, under the newer TOS. This is a really important distinction for people to make: this does not grant NeoGAF ownership of anything.

Right, but let's not ignore the fact that, effectively, NEOGAF also owns it, since it can exploit it pretty much every way imaginable without having to compensate the "real" owner. It's pretty powerful language, but very, very common language. 99.99999% of the time, there's not going to be an issue. If you want to go into worst case scenarios, then of course I can think of many potential issues. But then, I get paid to look for worst case scenarios :)


EviLore said:
-Full search functionality (w/ post history etc.) back
-Multi-quote button for easily quoting multiple posts.
-Automatic link back to original post when quoting someone
-Automatic resizing of quoted images for when nubs don't remove the img tags

UI-wise, all looks identical except for removing the redundant "reply" link on the left of each post and replacing it with a multiquote button. And I'll probably remove the google custom search thing since it's awful.



EviLore said:
-Full search functionality (w/ post history etc.) back
-Multi-quote button for easily quoting multiple posts.
-Automatic link back to original post when quoting someone
-Automatic resizing of quoted images for when nubs don't remove the img tags

UI-wise, all looks identical except for removing the redundant "reply" link on the left of each post and replacing it with a multiquote button. And I'll probably remove the google custom search thing since it's awful.



Shanadeus said:
I'm doing the same:


I posted it in that thread because I expected it to stay there, not to show up on other sites should NeoGAF decide to re-distribute it.
Who's more likely to redistribute it? Some random person who comes across your writing in that thread or EviLore now that he has license to?

Come on, man. You're at far greater risk of your writing being copied by tens of thousands of other people when you post it on a forum than the owner of the forum. This TOS change was just made to cover EviLore's ass in certain situations like this Kotaku column. That's it.


commish said:
Right, but let's not ignore the fact that, effectively, NEOGAF also owns it, since it can exploit it pretty much every way imaginable without having to compensate the "real" owner. It's pretty powerful language, but very, very common language. 99.99999% of the time, there's not going to be an issue. If you want to go into worst case scenarios, then of course I can think of many potential issues. But then, I get paid to look for worst case scenarios :)
You're the law dude, does this make sense in legalese?

If I ever got a publishing deal on the condition that the work must be removed from any sites currently hosting it, then I could under the old TOS just delete my post.
Now though, NeoGAF could take my post and put it on some site where I cannot delete it - leaving me without that publishing deal.


good credit (by proxy)
EviLore said:
-Full search functionality (w/ post history etc.) back
-Multi-quote button for easily quoting multiple posts.
-Automatic link back to original post when quoting someone
-Automatic resizing of quoted images for when nubs don't remove the img tags

UI-wise, all looks identical except for removing the redundant "reply" link on the left of each post and replacing it with a multiquote button. And I'll probably remove the google custom search thing since it's awful.

Yo, Big Pimpin', WHEN is dat shit comin', my hustla?

-Timedog, the most brilliant artest of our generation
AkuMifune said:
Real life GAF would be a frightening amalgamation of Rapture and Arkham City. With ponies.

i'd like to think of it as the warriors haha, each group would control its own side of town.

would be awesome B^)

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
OMG link back for quotes is going to change my world.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
provo57 said:
This sort of thing is causing problems for a guy who came up with a story on Reddit and is trying to turn it into a movie: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/does-warner-bros-have-movie-250726. I don't blame NeoGAF for trying to cover it's ass, but you really do need to be careful about what you post in public anywhere on the internet.

Yes, people need to understand this. Posting ANYTHING on the internet ANYWHERE is not really a best practice when it comes to protecting your IP rights. This should be obvious to everyone.
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