Actually, I'm convinced the new design likely won't get marks, or at least the regular New won't - there's actually a slight buffer between the screen and the raised lower screen thanks to the little rubber stops, and the border has a soft curve.
So I got the New 3DS Regular. I'm pretty happy with it. The screen is great, the viewing angles are so much better for the 3D, no glossy shit unlike the XL, the C-stick nub is surprisingly responsive and comfortably placed, and I'm planning to preorder the ORAS cover plate. A fantastic upgrade.
Sure, there's been more substantial upgrades for Ninty handhelds, but that's mainly because their original iterations weren't great, but the new 3DS is pretty sweet.
So I got the New 3DS Regular. I'm pretty happy with it. The screen is great, the viewing angles are so much better for the 3D, no glossy shit unlike the XL, the C-stick nub is surprisingly responsive and comfortably placed, and I'm planning to preorder the ORAS cover plate. A fantastic upgrade.
Sure, there's been more substantial upgrades for Ninty handhelds, but that's mainly because their original iterations weren't great, but the new 3DS is pretty sweet.