No Gym Leaders.... ok, I can deal with it but it hurts. No Pokemon League?! That's nuts, I was so excited but now I'm on that wait & see, this is Yokai's fault.
Nah. Bulky though.
I expect it to be a bulky physical attacker, so not particularly
No Gym Leaders.... ok, I can deal with it but it hurts. No Pokemon League?! That's nuts, I was so excited but now I'm on that wait & see, this is Yokai's fault.
Incineroar reminds me of the Charr from GW2. Except as a heel.
And it has a Lariat.
Well now I have to get this game and go #TeamLitten.
Honestly I always go with reptilian starters and I was planning on porting over a Charmander for Sun/Moon. I'm so surprised I love Incineroar's design this much that I want to use a mammal starter for a change and Charizard would feel redundant. Maybe Totodile, seeings how Feraligatr is my second favorite Pokemon.
but we already have a bulky!
You think Tiger Mask will be fast?
Decidueye...Grass/Ghost. Wow, wasn't expecting Ghost. How is it Ghost? Does it die after its second evolution?
Side note: I was definitely not expecting Dartrix evo to be Grass/Ghost. I really don't understand why it is?
Common names such as "demon owl", "death owl", or "ghost owl" show that traditionally, rural populations in many places considered barn owls to be birds of evil omen.
Maybe something to do with this?
It'd be similar to the rationale for Alolan Exeggutor's dragon typing.
They also had long legs like DecidueyeThe stilt-owls (Grallistrix) are a genus of true owls which contains four species, all of which lived on the Hawaiian Islands but are now extinct.
The trailer gave me the impression that you will be BUILDING the Pokemon League.
This shit is Pokéhistoric because:
- First Ghost starter (and it happens to be paired with my favorite of the three primary starter types yay)
- First time since Gen II that no starter is Fighting
- First Fairy starter (so pretty)
Wrong, Delphox was Fire/Psychic .
Wrong, Delphox was Fire/Psychic .
I'm sceptical asf dog.
The trailer gave me the impression that you will be BUILDING the Pokemon League.
So you want more of the exact same thing instead of something faaaaar more interesting?No Gym Leaders.... ok, I can deal with it but it hurts. No Pokemon League?! That's nuts, I was so excited but now I'm on that wait & see, this is Yokai's fault.
but we already have a bulky!
Rowlet also has the highest HP out of the trio with Litten having the highest speed. Unless Litten starts losing speed as it evolves I can see it still being the fast one.
Owl the new greninja?
Yeah I was more on the popular angle. Hope it is viable.As in popular or that it's viable? Popular yes, viable time will tell
If that new defensive move is learned by Primarina, it's the best imo
Water/Fairy is an insanely good typing
The trailer gave me the impression that you will be BUILDING the Pokemon League.
"The Pokémon League
In the regions that have served as the setting for your adventures in the Pokémon series so far, the ultimate stage for battle has always been a place called the Pokémon League.
The Pokémon League is where the Elite Fourfour Pokémon Trainers with powerful Pokémon partnersand the Champion, who reigns as the top of all Trainers, await challengers. A challenger who defeats the Elite Four and the Champion will be hailed as the new Champion of the Pokémon League.
In the Alola region, the setting of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, there is no Pokémon League yetbut it seems that there are plans to construct one on the peak of a certain mountain.
After the growth you achieve through completing the island challenge, will the day come when you also take on the Pokémon League to become the strongest Pokémon Trainer?"
This shit is Pokéhistoric because:
- First Ghost starter (and it happens to be paired with my favorite of the three primary starter types yay)
- First time since Gen II that no starter is Fighting
- First Fairy starter (so pretty)
No Gym Leaders.... ok, I can deal with it but it hurts. No Pokemon League?! That's nuts, I was so excited but now I'm on that wait & see, this is Yokai's fault.
Owl the new greninja?
priority is probably going to be a lot less prominent this gen anyways due to psychic terrainIn terms of popularity? Yeah
In terms of viability in competitive? Eh, thats looking to be Primarina. Water/Fairy is a BS typing.
Steel is neutral, limiting Bullet Punch
Aqua Jet won't kill shit
Ice Shard won't do shit
Mach Punch won't do shit
Vacuum Wave won't do shit
Sucker Punch won't do shit
Knock Off won't do shit
Primarina probably won't like losing its item. Water/Fairy is great typing, but not quite perfect. That Electric weakness is still a problem and every Sun/Moon appears to have a number of viable Grass Types, which also makes Poison better in turn.In terms of popularity? Yeah
In terms of viability in competitive? Eh, thats looking to be Primarina. Water/Fairy is a BS typing.
Steel is neutral, limiting Bullet Punch
Aqua Jet won't kill shit
Ice Shard won't do shit
Mach Punch won't do shit
Vacuum Wave won't do shit
Sucker Punch won't do shit
Knock Off won't do shit
What makes Primarina's move good? Don't you not want to heal the burn of your opponent?
Love the names and the typings. I expected Fire/Dark and Water/Fairy, but Grass/Ghost is a surprise.
All three are amazing. I'm almost tempted to buy both versions so I can trade the other two starters to myself and adventure with all three!
A double battle teammate that's burned and has water absorb as their ability? You would remove their burn and heal them at the same time.
It's really situational and is practically worthless.
? Just use pokemon bank for this
priority is probably going to be a lot less prominent this gen anyways due to psychic terrain
Pokemon Bank won't work with Sun and Moon until January.
Source? I was unaware that we knew starter base stats
I can almost guarantee you it won't