Reasonable post, but there are just so many things going for Primarina right now. I totally forgot to mention its higher than average base stat total, which is something that separates it from your typical low BST Fairy. It's just... if you flip my argument on its head and try to argue for ways that Primarina might be mediocre instead of good, it would be incredibly difficult to do so. Ultimately, I just don't think agree with the idea that we know too little to make statements like "damn, this Pokemon is gonna rock!" invalid. Typing, ability, vague idea of what its stats might be and empirical data is enough to at least get a rough idea of how good it will be, I feel. This is the crux of my argument. It's less "Fairy = instant top tier" and more "Primarina has a couple of amazing things going for it, including that stellar Fairy/Water and the stats and moves to make use out of it"
Outclassed in standard OU, yes. Outclassed in low tiers like RU and UU? Absolutely not. Not being OU doesn't instantly render a Pokemon bad, and both of those Pokemon have niches in their respective tiers. But we're getting off topic. Now imagine either of those Pokemon with a Fairy subtyping, and I guarantee to you they'd be OU. That's how brain dead of a typing it is.
My apologies, but I don't think the amount of time you've played correlates to having absolute knowledge on the game. You seem pretty knowledgeable in retrospect, so it was definitely my bad to condescend, but I absolutely despise the "I've been playing this game for years, listen to me!" phrase.
There's no problem with seeing promise. Despite not liking the vile creature, I'm not outright against it being good. I've just been wrong too many times judging things competitively before all of the info was out to think hyping things up without seeing stats, moves, and abilities first is a good idea.
Eh, maybe that's me being a weirdo who brings things into higher tiers than they belong. Obviously everything can be used effectively in its own tier, but if I were going to choose non-OU Water types to add to an OU team, those two wouldn't be making the cut.
It's all good, just one of those things that started irking me recently. I'd just like to think that I know enough something that I've been heavily invested in for a long time to not have an idea about it completely dismissed. You clearly didn't intend to do so, it's something I've been putting up with a lot as of late so I get a bit touchy about it.
Don't be a player-coach for any sport, it's a bad time.
Oh? Interesting!
How does this make you feel?