I'm sorry, but I'm tired of having to repeat myself. Fairy typing alone, as the sole addition a Pokemon receives, does not instantly make it great. I never said that it doesn't make things better, it's just not as universal of a boon as you're making it out to be. Yes, a bunch of key things did fall into place to make Azumarill great, it's silly to say otherwise. It has base 50 attack and speed, which is abysmal. Its HP is its only genuinely good stat, as its defenses are mediocre at best. Without Huge Power and the moves to adequately utilize it, Azumarill would not be in the position it is now. Clefairy already saw a considerable bump in usage when it received Magic Guard, as it already had fairly decent defensive stats and, all be it a very critical weakness, it only had one in Fighting. Fairy pushed it over the top, but just becoming Fairy is not the whole truth as to why it is now used. Fairy is good, very good, that's undeniable. But acting like it's instantly producers killers isn't being very fair to all of the other things those Pokemon either gained or already had that allowed them to become good. All I was saying was that it wasn't smart to immediately assume Water/Fairy = greatness when we know absolutely nothing else.