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New Pokémon Sun & Moon trailer revealing the final starter evolutions & more

Haven't been keeping up with the game. Some of those designs are.... terrible.

Even the design of Red is terrible. Blue looks fine though.


Litten fans blown the fuck out. Everything about that Pokemon is a joke. LOL

Popplio fans won in the end. Truly the greatest day in the history of Pokemon. Fucking Primarina is fucking majestic and that name is so fucking good. Ah yes, thank you gods for giving her to us.

Primarina is ok, but easily the worst of the three starters. And while Decidueye is just better, Incineroar is still awesome


Litten fans blown the fuck out. Everything about that Pokemon is a joke. LOL

Popplio fans won in the end. Truly the greatest day in the history of Pokemon. Fucking Primarina is fucking majestic and that name is so fucking good. Ah yes, thank you gods for giving her to us.

I jumped off the cat train to the Owl after Dartrix was revealed. The wild type change only makes my choice feel further validated.


Litten fans blown the fuck out. Everything about that Pokemon is a joke. LOL

Popplio fans won in the end. Truly the greatest day in the history of Pokemon. Fucking Primarina is fucking majestic and that name is so fucking good. Ah yes, thank you gods for giving her to us.

Won what? Primarina is the worst starter evolution from this generation. I'd rather import and use a Meganium instead of that trash, and I consider Meganium a bottom tier evo.


I hope you can choose your partners through that Battle thing because Cynthia is for PUMMELING, not for hugging.



Wait, why is Wally 'the opportunistic d-bag' from the rainy shits here? Does he deserve to be mentioned with Red and Blue?

I fucking hate Wally. I was waiting so long to get a motherfucking Dawn Stone in ORAS to evolve my Kirlia into a Gallade, whose Mega appearance I hadn't spoiled, and he just up and ruins it before the elite four.

I spent like eight hours at the reverse battle shop and the Sea Mauville trying to get that 5% chance Dawn Stone. Easy.

Fuck off, Wally.
Wrestling heel in incineroar is absolutely amazing

But I just can't justify it over the overall amazingness that the Rowlet line is throughout its evolution. Awesome base, amazing middle, amazing end, grass/ghost ftw


Love the starter final typings. Popplio and Rowlet's final evo are ace and I'll say it again, but best third stage grass starter ever!

How the heck did they manage to ruin Red's design.. he looks so lame now.... Blue looks the same and therefore great so it's even weirder.

PK Gaming

I'm sorry, but I'm tired of having to repeat myself. Fairy typing alone, as the sole addition a Pokemon receives, does not instantly make it great. I never said that it doesn't make things better, it's just not as universal of a boon as you're making it out to be. Yes, a bunch of key things did fall into place to make Azumarill great, it's silly to say otherwise. It has base 50 attack and speed, which is abysmal. Its HP is its only genuinely good stat, as its defenses are mediocre at best. Without Huge Power and the moves to adequately utilize it, Azumarill would not be in the position it is now. Clefairy already saw a considerable bump in usage when it received Magic Guard, as it already had fairly decent defensive stats and, all be it a very critical weakness, it only had one in Fighting. Fairy pushed it over the top, but just becoming Fairy is not the whole truth as to why it is now used. Fairy is good, very good, that's undeniable. But acting like it's instantly producers killers isn't being very fair to all of the other things those Pokemon either gained or already had that allowed them to become good. All I was saying was that it wasn't smart to immediately assume Water/Fairy = greatness when we know absolutely nothing else.

Reasonable post, but there are just so many things going for Primarina right now. I totally forgot to mention its higher than average base stat total, which is something that separates it from your typical low BST Fairy. It's just... if you flip my argument on its head and try to argue for ways that Primarina might be mediocre instead of good, it would be incredibly difficult to do so. Ultimately, I just don't think agree with the idea that we know too little to make statements like "damn, this Pokemon is gonna rock!" invalid. Typing, ability, vague idea of what its stats might be and empirical data is enough to at least get a rough idea of how good it will be, I feel. This is the crux of my argument. It's less "Fairy = instant top tier" and more "Primarina has a couple of amazing things going for it, including that stellar Fairy/Water and the stats and moves to make use out of it"

Blastoise and Swampert are both outclassed in their roles by several other Water Pokemon who have better stats, abilities, and moves than them. They're pretty trash when you could be using other semi-bulky Water types.

Outclassed in standard OU, yes. Outclassed in low tiers like RU and UU? Absolutely not. Not being OU doesn't instantly render a Pokemon bad, and both of those Pokemon have niches in their respective tiers. But we're getting off topic. Now imagine either of those Pokemon with a Fairy subtyping, and I guarantee to you they'd be OU. That's how brain dead of a typing it is.

Oh yeah, and no, I'm not going to "sit down" just because you know some schmucks who are good at the game. I brought up how long I've been playing because you condescendingly made it seem as if I have no idea what I'm talking about. That is simply just not the case, and was totally uncalled for considering I'm asking for you to do something as simple as waiting for more information to be available before making a claim.

My apologies, but I don't think the amount of time you've played correlates to having absolute knowledge on the game. You seem pretty knowledgeable in retrospect, so it was definitely my bad to condescend, but I absolutely despise the "I've been playing this game for years, listen to me!" phrase.


Won what? Primarina is the worst starter evolution from this generation. I'd rather import and use a Meganium instead of that trash, and I consider Meganium a bottom tier evo.

It can't be the worse in a universe where Incineroar is a real thing. Are you even listening to yourself?

But I guess not everyone can be a Pokemon connoisseur like Primarina fans are.
Love the starter final typings. Popplio and Rowlet's final evo are ace and I'll say it again, but best third stage grass starter ever!

How the heck did they manage to ruin Red's design.. he looks so lame now.... Blue looks the same and therefore great so it's even weirder.

That's what I like about Red's redesign, they make no attempt to make him look like a badass, he's just some normal dude that likes Pokemon battles and happens to be very good at it. It's a good contrast to the weird messiah-like worship he gets from the fanbase.


Litten fans blown the fuck out. Everything about that Pokemon is a joke. LOL

Popplio fans won in the end. Truly the greatest day in the history of Pokemon. Fucking Primarina is fucking majestic and that name is so fucking good. Ah yes, thank you gods for giving her to us.
Nobody agrees with you. You're alone.

Also it's super weird that Red, the best trainer redesign in the history of Pokémon, is getting hate. So weird. I mean literally the only thing different about him from his Origins design is his face shape matured and he's not wearing a jacket because he's in Hawaii.

Jay RaR

Wooow...looks like I won't regret picking the Fire Starter this time around. Gonna go Lariat pokes like a champ!
provided the move ain't weaksauce

Shame I get to miss out on using the popular starter again, the Cool Grass Owl Archer. And it changes to Ghost on the last evo? Pretty amazing typing, great unique move, and overall amazing design. Its a first for a starter to completely change typing, even if its secondary. Wonder how it turns into a ghost though.

And the water starter...is just underwhelming. Cute design for final evo, but thats all that it has going for. Great typing but a horrible unique move unless there's more to it.

Can't wait to hear what their hidden abilities are.

Red and Blue
and Cynthia
showing up...that's unexpected lol. Adult Blue looks the same while Adult Red looks like he just graduated college lol. Eager to see more of the post-game content.


That's what I like about Red redesign, they make no attempt to make him look like a badass, he's just some normal dude that likes Pokemon battles and happens to be very good at it. It's a good contrast to the weird messiah-like worship he gets from the fanbase.

Plus, if you look at him in your periphery, it looks like he's wearing the Canadian flag.




Litten fans blown the fuck out. Everything about that Pokemon is a joke. LOL

Popplio fans won in the end. Truly the greatest day in the history of Pokemon. Fucking Primarina is fucking majestic and that name is so fucking good. Ah yes, thank you gods for giving her to us.
Poopaganda at it's best. Stay free poopboiz, Litten the GOAT would show you pity, but he can't break kayfabe
It can't be the worse in a universe where Incinerator is a real thing. Are you even listening to yourself?

But I guess not everyone can be a Pokemon connoisseur like Primarina fans are.

If connoisseur now means having terrible taste then you're right. At best Primarina will end as the new Gardevoir for rule 34 drawings.
Grass/Ghost Owl is a awesome surprise but man that name is pretty awkward. Also Incineroar being a Fire/Dark Zangief Tiger is awesome, really nice to see them not go Fire/Fighting this time around. I kinda have a hard time choosing between those 2 but that Owl is just too awesome, definitely one of my favorite Pokemon designs ever! Kinda sad I broke my usual water starter tradition with this gen but at the same time I'm happy as hell! Also hell yes at Red/Blue being in the game!
It's my own fault for keeping up on all the updates but I'm not really excited for the game anymore. I wish they'd kept more of the new Pokemon secret until release, seems like there will only be a handful that haven't been revealed yet.


Can't we all just get along? Must we let ourselves be divided so bitterly along these battle lines? Spread love, not hate~ <3


I think all 3 are awesome.
But Primarina is my Queen.
Primarina is potentially the best on typing alone but design-wise is the worst. Grass > Fire > Water for me.

There's a lot more than just typing deciding on whether a Pokémon's good though.


Honestly I feel that Decidueye has the opposite problem as most Pokemon nowadays--its artwork and static poses are really cool, but in motion its in-game model looks kinda dull.

Incineroar has tons of personality which I love, but good lord those oversized oven mitt paws, they look ridiculous. Still though, best Fire starter we've had in a looooooong time.

Primarina's still where it's at. Sticking with Popplio to the end for sure.
Can't we all just get along? Must we let ourselves be divided so bitterly along these battle lines? Spread love, not hate~ <3


I think all 3 are awesome.
But Primarina is my Queen.
If you try to love my Furio Tigre he's going to spit on you and demolish your dumb ugly starter while I cheer him on. And then we're gonna make tea while we laugh at your defeat. How's that for getting along?


Probably going Litten unevolved all the way through the game. I actually like Incineroar but Litten is just too incredible


Can't we all just get along? Must we let ourselves be divided so bitterly along these battle lines? Spread love, not hate~ <3


I think all 3 are awesome.
But Primarina is my Queen.

I do actually like all three, I'll admit. Decidueye is the best for me but I can see myself using the others (and probably will on later runs).
Haven't been keeping up with the game. Some of those designs are.... terrible.

Even the design of Red is terrible. Blue looks fine though.

I really really like Red's look.

Edit: probably the first gen where i wanted all the starters since gen 1. Gen 3 was close but never quite dug Sceptile.

Gen 4 was close but as well.




Litten fans blown the fuck out. Everything about that Pokemon is a joke. LOL

Popplio fans won in the end. Truly the greatest day in the history of Pokemon. Fucking Primarina is fucking majestic and that name is so fucking good. Ah yes, thank you gods for giving her to us.
Forgot a /s there buddy.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Red And Blue as adults O_O

And Wally! :D




Holy shit.

I've been Team Rowlet since day fucking one, and I'm SO HAPPY right now. I am crying. SO GOOD.

Also, holy fuck Red and Blue. WHAT.


so this game is probably gonna be the latest in the timeline, I wonder if it takes place at the same time as BW, wasnt there that rocket guy from GSC implying it was about 10 years later?


so this game is probably gonna be the latest in the timeline, I wonder if it takes place at the same time as BW, wasnt there that rocket guy from GSC implying it was about 10 years later?

i was wondering about this too, was on the impression that more or less all games with the exception of RBY took place simultaneously.
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