How do I choose in which of the directory files it goes in to check my videos? It only gives me the default one with no way to choose as far as I know.
most pirated tv shows and animes are in mkv format
How do I choose in which of the directory files it goes in to check my videos? It only gives me the default one with no way to choose as far as I know.
mkvs working for me. having trouble playing some mp4s but not others. not sure why.
this should just be based on your media player settings. for example i use plex and specify in plex media server the folders to look in for music and videos.
So does this mean now i can stop using my PS3 as my media centre?
Has anyone tried this and does it work the same as the PS3 media centre programme from PC -> PS3?
I have tried AVI, MKV, and MP4 and cannot play (or see) anything - using a 654 USB formated to FAT32. The stick itself is recognized, as are any folders on the stick, but no files.
The files are just trailers, Giant Bomb videos and, two ripped movies.
I haven't used it yet, but this sounds pretty half assed from the impressions.
Back when the PS3 got DLNA, there was a REALLY good app for streaming to it, called PS3 Media Server.
It was directly built to transcode files on the fly. However, it's since been abandoned, BUT was picked up as Universal Media Server.
It's updated regularly and better than ever.
Lol I still use PMS I didn't realise it had been replaced by UMS.
I can confirm that vids, music and photos work using the Media Player with a USB stick. Just need to have the vids in a Videos folder, music in a Music folder, and photos in a Photos folder. If you have the media unorganized, the media player won't recognize it properly.
Just tried playing AVI files on Media Player, and audio and video are out of sync -_-'
Can you do the PS3 thing where you press triangle and select "view all"?
A lot of people associate it with pirated stuff, but it's pretty much the format of choice for anyone who rips their blu ray collections and essentially wants nothing but the raw file. It's a great container.
sync was ok for the two avis i tried
Weird. I tried different AVI files and the results were the same... Maybe it's cause my flash drive is USB 3?
If you want an easy way to get it working on Windows, here's a helpful guide:
Follow the steps for "Turn on media streaming" and then it should just work.
just out of no-where I see it on my xmb....what the heck, did they announce it anywhere as it went live?
Thanks for the summary..just woke up. The file size of the app is in excess of 500 MB. It is not the final version and not integrated as part of the PS4 Stack. It's a stand alone similar to the current 1GB Netflix...functionality is there but it's stand alone not using all the APIs from Southbridge that it could if the PS4 OS were further along. The PS3 DLNA is always loaded and fits on the XMB using way less than 256 MB.the server/folder structure, yeah.
changes to PS3 DLNA I noticed using the same server:
- folders (and files) are always sorted alphabetically and not by (dynamic/specified) server order. Especially annoying for having all movies starting with "The" sorted for T...
- no divx/xvid codec support for AVIs (or any other container)
- Only square-shaped tiles so portray format thumbnails like movie posters are only displayed correctly when you click on info for each file.
- less player functions (same as the barebone PS4 Blu-ray player), scrolling trough a video is faster/smoother though
+ grid view to make use of all the available space and bigger icons (although DLNA thumbnails are downscaled by standard servers and therefore too low quality...)
+ can multitask (but not via quick PS button double press as games have to be suspended)
+ mkv support and AC3 in mp4 files
+ integrated folder for finding recently played files and you can favorite files
+ seems to work faster and w/o hiccups via wifi but I didn't try any HD files.
+ folders update every time you click on them
+/- it looks in all folders for all accepted file types, so you have keep them seperated if you don't want images, music and videos to show up in the same folder.
+(-?) if it doesn't support the codec it doesn't seem to show the files in the first place (but it shows the folder the files would be located in)
btw rest mode + suspend doesn't work with this app (the position of the movie is not saved/stored)
What is an App on Mac that I can use to stream to it?
What is an App on Mac that I can use to stream to it?
People still don't have computers to connect to their TV for all media?
Plex media server. Will also handle transcoding the audio from DTS to AC3