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New Resident Evil 4 screens









While it looks good - is it me or did it used to look better? maybe it was just the trailer or something.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
For anyone thats played the game:

Does the game look like these screens? All the RE4 screens Ive seen have this weird, muddy, grainy look to them. The videos look better, but that could be because of their size. How does the game look like while actually playing it?


Unconfirmed Member
Phoenix said:
While it looks good - is it me or did it used to look better? maybe it was just the trailer or something.
Like fable I think some of the earlier stuff was unoptimized for what the gameplay would realy be like, hence some fall off from earliest screens/movie.

I am sure the GC capture method has a little to do with it (jaggies) but that doesn't remove polygons which clearly happened between first shots of this rev and current ones (most obvious in the troll monster).

Li Mu Bai

Dark Dragon said:
Man, Capcom needs better screen capture.

It's the poor video capture cards they use, Nintendo /& much PS2 software suffer the same fate. I played this at E3, & MGS3. Both screen grabs do not do these games true justice.
I am sure the GC capture method has a little to do with it (jaggies) but that doesn't remove polygons which clearly happened between first shots of this rev and current ones (most obvious in the troll monster).

The troll looks exactly the same.





Li Mu Bai

Dr.Guru of Peru said:
For anyone thats played the game:

Does the game look like these screens? All the RE4 screens Ive seen have this weird, muddy, grainy look to them. The videos look better, but that could be because of their size. How does the game look like while actually playing it?

The rustic muddy look is intentional, if you've ever been to a small town in Spain, or Spain in general during the fall you would agree. The game looks phenomenal while in motion.

Li Mu Bai

Dr.Guru of Peru said:
Yeah, I was abit surprised at that comment. If anything, it looks better.

For one, lightning isn't striking illuminating the troll. Secondly, it's in a different pose. Thirdly, one is a magazine scan.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah the troll is not changed. I haven't seen the first screens since I first got the magazine.

I take back what I said. Don't get me wrong, the game looks fantastic, I just had a sensation, like phoenix, that it had been scaled back a bit.


Unconfirmed Member

Why is there a big ass colorful crest in one of the three holes in the wall? Looks like an RE puzzle ;) :D


Socreges said:
No, it looks noticeably worse.

Indeed, and not just by a little, but by a whole lot actually. Well if people say they're magazine shots, then maybe that's the cause, but it's looking like it isn't getting any better thus far.

Li Mu Bai

Junon said:
Indeed, and not just by a little, but by a whole lot actually. Well if people say they're magazine shots, then maybe that's the cause, but it's looking like it isn't getting any better thus far.

Sorry, unless you've played it, judging solely by sceen caps is a a very poor barometer.


Junon said:
Indeed, and not just by a little, but by a whole lot actually. Well if people say they're magazine shots, then maybe that's the cause, but it's looking like it isn't getting any better thus far.
The actual game, I'm sure, looks no different. These screens just seem to be of lower quality.

Li Mu Bai

Socreges said:
The actual game, I'm sure, looks no different. These screens just seem to be of lower quality.

Okay, this coming from someone who wasn't even at E3. Much less seen it being played. It was more visually polished at E3 in May, than it was even in March in its Vegas debut IMO.


Li Mu Bai said:
Okay, this coming from someone who wasn't even at E3. Much less seen it being played. It was more visually polished at E3 in May, than it was even in March in its Vegas debut IMO.
What the fuck are you getting defensive about? I just said that the game has not been scaled back and these are just bad screens.

Li Mu Bai

Socreges said:
What the fuck are you getting defensive about? I just said that the game has not been scaled back and these are just bad screens.

Whoops! My mistake Socreges, I misinterpreted what you meant. It's simply hard to accept criticism leveled from those who have not played it. (not referring to you of course)


Still Tagged Accordingly
-=::[Eagle-Vision]::=- said:
The troll looks exactly the same.
wait... is there a double meaning here? ;)


For some reason when I see that pic I think of the phrase, "This is my BOOM stick!"


cybamerc said:

> It's because of the gamecube capture device.

These are video captures.

Still the screenshots dont do the game justice. Looks alot better in motion.
Actually, the murky look of the photos is due to an intentional "grain" filter on the game. It actually looks like that in game I found, but when seen in motion looks a lot better. It's like if you take a picture of your hand behind some distorted glass. If you were to take just one picture at any point in time it would look odd. However, if you had a video of you waving your hand behind the glass your hand would start looking more natural.

That's how it works with this game. It looks fantastic in motion, but still has grain on the image to give it a gritty "unclean" look.


What the fuck are you getting defensive about? I just said that the game has not been scaled back and these are just bad screens

I thought I saw someone getting all defensive about a GCN game, but I thought it couldn't be Li since he was banned. How long do mods ban members now? 3 days?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
AssMan said:
I thought I saw someone getting all defensive about a GCN game, but I thought it couldn't be Li since he was banned. How long do mods ban members now? 3 days?

Ha ha, we can't keep LMB away. :p While he is as biased as they come, he is one of the few GC fans who really attempts to keep an argument going. LMB has provided plenty of great battles. I miss the pre-Twin Snake days... :)


Are these all from like cinema scenes? I thought the game was played from like a close over-the-shoulder third person, almost first person kind of viewpoint?
teiresias said:
Are these all from like cinema scenes? I thought the game was played from like a close over-the-shoulder third person, almost first person kind of viewpoint?

Yes, they all look to be from cut scenes


Screenshots don't mean anything. Many companies alter their screenshots to make the game look a lot better than it does. The best way to judge the game is with gameplay video.


The lighting doesn't look as noticeably good as the early screens (i noticed that in the trailer) but it still looks great.

I can see how Devil May Cry's style was once that of RE4.
evilromero said:
Not the best looking console game, but still damn fine. And I'm sure it'll be a blast judging from the latest movies.

It's damn close...Probably the best looking GameCube game...And it beats anything that comes to mind on the PS2...
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