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New Vita Press release - games list, battery life ('3-5 hours'), memory card info


marc^o^ said:
It's a hidden cost indeed. Basically a random japanese consumer with about 300$ to spend will have a choice to make:

+ 8gig card (will be the most popular size I think)


+ Monster Hunter
+ Mario Kart
+ Super Mario Land (or New Love Plus/PES 2012/Inzuma Eleven/SD Gundam, etc.)
+ Zelda 4 Swords

Vita will need lots of hype and 3DS lots of bad press to make it a tough choice.

For the same price the 3DS deal is amazing, I don't find any reason to buy the Vita after seeing that.....


GAF's Bob Woodward
The_Technomancer said:
This generation has been weird. Nintendo, who people rightfully deride for their terrible online services from a customer perspective, have also made the most pro-consumer hardware decisions.

On storage, yeah. On everything else 'hardware' though, I'd say they really fudged things so far.


The_Technomancer said:
This generation has been weird. Nintendo, who people rightfully deride for their terrible online services from a customer perspective, have also made the most pro-consumer hardware decisions.
Except the only pro-consumer hardware decision that actually matters, you know. Region-free.


gofreak said:
It appeared in a montage - probably Portable 3rd being played via BC - but it wasn't mentioned at all. Studiously avoided, perhaps? A bit of a slap in the face for Sony if they've been locked out for now.

As for ta-da moments...not really any. We learned about more new games outside the conference than during it. Maybe FFX remake was the closest I guess, from a big franchise representation POV.
But it is just a port in the end. Vita seems to be falling into all the same problems 3DS had (poor battery life, best games are ports, silly missteps like proprietary memory cards [3DS was missing an analog stick, etc.]), though with a slightly stronger launch.

And it seems to have a misguided social network/browsing focus (or at least yesterday's conference did). People do that stuff on their phones, period. They're not using a dedicated game machine for it.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
gofreak said:
On storage, yeah. On everything else 'hardware' though, I'd say they really fudged things so far.
Built in WiFi when MS was charging an arm and a leg for an adapter and the lowest failure rate of all three major consoles as well...


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Anyway I'm still surprised with the uproar with this, well knew ages ago that we was going to have to use propriety memory cards and we know Sony pricing strategies when it comes to propriety memory, although it's been said a million times already Sony are losing money on the PSP as it is, and although it was mentioned in the pdf that some games may require a memory stick to be able to save I still think that will be rare.

I presume that most if not all regular Vita carts will have the ability to save on the actual cart itself so if you just want to play vita games for now you should be able to abstained from purchasing a memory card and still enjoy the system.
test_account said:
Is there any reasons why PS Vita has the same amount of battery life as the 3DS despite being more powerful? Is it because the 3DS' two screens draw more power?

EDIT: Or perhaps the battery in PS Vita is a bit bigger in physical size?

2200mAh vs. 1300mAh, I guess? Hardware power and power draw doesn't have to be directly proportional either.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Josh7289 said:
But it is just a port in the end. Vita seems to be falling into all the same problems 3DS had (poor battery life, best games are ports

I don't think that'll be the case. When the reviews come in on Vita's launch games, I think it'll be the new stuff that floats to the top. It has a much, much stronger opening lineup than 3DS had, and that [games] was the biggest focus of 3DS criticism in these circles. I also don't think I'd compare memcards to platform omissions like second analog but hey...


whitehawk said:
The thing is, battery tech DOES keep getting better. But technology also keeps getting more powerful and requires more energy. So we don't really see an improved battery life =/
That's the problem with the "Graphics Race" it's reducing battery lifes of our mobile devices and making game development more costly which results in developers trying to scam us with worthless DLC.

Can't we just stop trying to always want better graphics ?


If the memory cards end up costing $50 for 16gb and 100 for 32gb it will be the same price sony sells their branded SDcards on their online store. This is what i was expecting these memory cards to cost, they are still expensive tho.


y'all should be ashamed
Josh7289 said:
it seems to have a misguided social network/browsing focus (or at least yesterday's conference did). People do that stuff on their phones, period. They're not using a dedicated game machine for it.
I don't feel its misguided at all. Its what separates the Vita from the rest. Its literally the whole philosophy of the system.

Angry Fork

Do you need a mem card in order to save games? Or is there some kind of very small internal storage that would be able to do that? Basically if someone can't afford the mem card at launch would they be assed out?
They really should have at least included a 4GB card with the 3G version or something. It's not particularly appealing right now.

The_Technomancer said:
Built in WiFi when MS was charging an arm and a leg for an adapter and the lowest failure rate of all three major consoles as well...
Well, Sony included wi-fi too and I'd say it's much easier to make a reliable console when it's less complex and will have less overheating issues.


commanderdeek said:
Eh, pro stick duos used to be really expensive too. These prices really aren't that bad.

Pro Duos are usable in other products, too.

Which does raise one question: How do we go about getting data onto these cards? USB in on the Vita? Or do we also need to look into buying adapters / card readers?


time to take my meds
so I'm guessing March for EU/NA. Will Sony have another conference to announce vita for the rest of the world, detailing at&t plans and such?
Angry Fork said:
Do you need a mem card in order to save games? Or is there some kind of very small internal storage that would be able to do that? Basically if someone can't afford the mem card at launch would they be assed out?
Saves will be stored on the game card.


it looks like a lot of people are tweeting to @yosp (shuhei yoshida) to show some games tomorrow. lol

the keynote is titled "All about playstation Vita", so I hope there are new games he yoshida-san will show.. MONHUN!


beje said:
More space inside to host a physichally bigger battery.
Risk Breaker said:
2200mAh vs. 1300mAh, I guess? Hardware power and power draw doesn't have to be directly proportional either.
Those could be it indeed.

About hardware power and power draw, that is true. I.e the latest PS3 Slim draws less power compared to a launch PS3 and both models are just as powerful.


gofreak said:
I don't think that'll be the case. When the reviews come in on Vita's launch games, I think it'll be the new stuff that floats to the top. It has a much, much stronger opening lineup than 3DS had, and that [games] was 3DS's biggest problem.

Only Minna no Golf will sell well at launch and it doesn't have big exclusive for after, except maybe Persona 4.

It's going to bomb against the 3ds ( a lot cheaper ) + monster hunter + mario + mario kart + ...

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
electroshockwave said:
Saves will be stored on the game card.
Single save slot games CONFIRMED.

Dammit, Sony. System wide memory card saves were the best part of the PSP. No stupid limitations per game as with the DS.


GAF's Bob Woodward
French said:
Only Minna no Golf will sell well at launch and it doesn't have big exclusive for after, except maybe Persona 4.

He said 'best' games, not best-selling.

I'm probably going to struggle to keep my Vita purchases to a reasonable number at launch. With 3DS, I struggled to muster two games to buy. Most considered the best game at the time to be a port (SSFIV), and others since the same (Zelda). Vita shouldn't have that kind of perception problem re. game quality and availability of quality new games. There's tonnes lined up.


Living in the shadow of Amaz

I guess that Vita lifestyle dream is out of the window now.

I can't even imagine 32GB holding more than a couple of Vita games...
mclem said:
Pro Duos are usable in other products, too.

Which does raise one question: How do we go about getting data onto these cards? USB in on the Vita? Or do we also need to look into buying adapters / card readers?
USB with the card in the Vita will be the primary way of doing it. Perhaps there will be readers eventually, but that could compromise security.


Princess Skittles said:
Single save slot games CONFIRMED.

Dammit, Sony. System wide memory card saves were the best part of the PSP. No stupid limitations per game as with the DS.

I hope they don't "forget" to give us the ability to reset save files.
Salaadin said:
I thought the card would be just for downloaded games storage. Some games are actually going to require them?


From the OP.

<Reference: About Saving Game’s Saved Data>
Some PS Vita software titles may require the use of separately sold memory card for saving game’s saved data while some software titles are capable of saving it on to the PS Vita card itself. Please refer to the PS Vita game packages or game manuals for further details.
What's with the memory card pricing rage?
That is on par with SD card prices here, and much cheaper than memory stick pro duo prices (I know because I bought an 8GB mspd and a 16GB micro sd 2 months ago).

Also you numpties need to realise that 2200mAh battery means they did not skimp on the battery for sure, that is a much better battery than what you get in current psp, 3ds or ds and explains why its battery life seems to be about on par with psp and better than 3ds despite having a much larger screen.

Would you rather have them include some shitty 1GB card with the vita btw? or a bigger one and a 300 dollar price? Because that is what you would get, and you would know that you'd be paying for that throwaway 1GB card too.

SMH people are never happy.

Princess Skittles said:
Single save slot games CONFIRMED.

Dammit, Sony. System wide memory card saves were the best part of the PSP. No stupid limitations per game as with the DS.
Yeah because savegames are massive, right? (actually they are mostly just 128kb/512kb, as if freeing up a few megs on a card for that would be a big deal or even make a dent in overall storage on the card).
Nothing confirmed, rage but rage based on facts.
Sony can't be that stupid that they only allow 1 savegame per game, why needlessly piss off their users.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
guit3457 said:
For the same price the 3DS deal is amazing, I don't find any reason to buy the Vita after seeing that.....
Seriously? Is it that black and white for you?

Do you just stick with one system then? I already own a 3DS and will definitely buy a Vita. The fact that another Mario game is hitting 3DS doesn't mean I suddenly have no need for another platform.


needs 2 extra inches
Princess Skittles said:
Single save slot games CONFIRMED.

Dammit, Sony. System wide memory card saves were the best part of the PSP. No stupid limitations per game as with the DS.
Could they really do that? I was under the impression that it will be optional, if game card saves are supported that is.
Princess Skittles said:
Single save slot games CONFIRMED.

Dammit, Sony. System wide memory card saves were the best part of the PSP. No stupid limitations per game as with the DS.
I'd like to be able to back up my saves to the memory card. I hate the idea of losing my game card and losing all my progress too.


gofreak said:
I don't think that'll be the case. When the reviews come in on Vita's launch games, I think it'll be the new stuff that floats to the top. It has a much, much stronger opening lineup than 3DS had, and that [games] was the biggest focus of 3DS criticism in these circles. I also don't think I'd compare memcards to platform omissions like second analog but hey...
My point was just that they're making silly mistakes that are going to hurt the system in some way. Where the 3DS couldn't support some gameplay styles without an analog stick the Vita isn't going to support downloadable games as well as it could have had it had internal memory or non-proprietary memory cards.

And the launch lineup is stronger, but again how many of those games aren't ports but are also big system selling releases? I see... Uncharted. Which isn't even popular in Japan.

Probably the next closest is Dynasty Warriors Next, but while the Musou game at 3DS' launch sold well it didn't keep the system selling well by any stretch of the imagination.

Maybe the two Square-Enix titles? Though we know nothing about them.

chubigans said:
I don't feel its misguided at all. Its what separates the Vita from the rest. Its literally the whole philosophy of the system.
Why is it not misguided? Why would anyone want to check Facebook or their email or browse the web on their Vita rather than from their phone, which is always with them anyway?


gofreak said:
He said 'best' games, not best-selling.
Sorry about that. It was a generalization and yeah there are a few non-port games that should be 'good', but I did actually combine "best" and "best-selling" into "best".

Maybe I'm just tired of the same old franchises.

Edit 2:

Reading through this again, I apologize if I'm saying anything confusing. I need to get more sleep...


StuBurns said:
Why did you assume it was launch window?

thought that they said 100 titles within launch windows during the conference.


there was a discussion on this in the SCEJ conference thread.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
electroshockwave said:
I'd like to be able to back up my saves to the memory card. I hate the idea of losing my game card and losing all my progress too.
You regularly lose your games? Hmmm, I find that very odd for some reason.


time to take my meds
Brazil said:

I guess that Vita lifestyle dream is out of the window now.

I can't even imagine 32GB holding more than a couple of Vita games...
weren't games confirmed to be from 2-4gb?


saichi said:
thought that they said 100 titles within launch windows during the conference.


there was a discussion on this in the SCEJ conference thread.[/QUOTE]
People weren't even thinking then. Why would ZoE be launch window when the game isn't out for months after?

I can't think of anything that's got a hundred games in a launch window.
SneakyStephan said:
What's with the memory card pricing rage?
That is on par with SD card prices here, and much cheaper than memory stick pro duo prices (I know because I bought an 8GB mspd and a 16GB micro sd 2 months ago).
Where do you live?


StuBurns said:
People weren't even thinking then. Why would ZoE be launch window when the game isn't out for months after?

I can't think of anything that's got a hundred games in a launch window.

from IGN Live Blog:

100 Vita titles will hit the market by the time we finish the Vita's launch window.


Pazuzu9 said:

I'm talking about the one second from left... or it's that just some bullshit shoop?
Well the comparison between the SD cards and the Vita cards is a "shoop" but the pairs themselves are not. That is an accurate size caparison between the Vita game card and memory card.


Anyone have an idea about how much it would cost to import a Vita in December? (in USD)
Also games? $50-60?
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