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New Xbox Emu Releases 02/11/04


being watched
FBAxxx 02/11
>> A new version of FBAxxx(info) has been released.
What's new/fixed (since Sept 01 2004 build):
* As I don't have manto's optimizations, I forced fm interpolation in neogeo mode or when no menus are used to avoid balck screen.
* I fixed the problem with the rom counter.
* I removed dat creation on first boot, it was freezing, I verified 3 times and didn t found the problem (probably fix later).
* I added new drivers + ss5snd.zip aka Samurai Showdown V special
* The only new thing, I removed all CRC warning when booting a rom in no crc mode.
* I re-added sound when fast forwarding.
* Sources up to date, sound must be perfect now
* nFMinterpolation resetted to 0 if it was set to none after playing neogeo game
* Fixed dat generation
* Fixed roms properties displaying 4 times when booting a game (if you still have problem, delete fbaxxx.ini or change the three last szapprompaths)
* normally fixed this damn clock bug (freeze when launching a neogeo game)
* fixed loadstate not working anymore
* fixed unibios not being saved (it works at least with unibios 2.0)
* now available with ips patch, so the xbe is clean by default, no more problems with this license thing (thx to Prican)

Official Site: http://fbaxxx.fr.st/
Download: n/a (built with XDK)
News-Source: xbins.org

WinUAEX v8 , PCSXBox v12 , DOSXBox v5
>> Xport released 3 new builds of some of his emulator ports!

+ WinUAEX(info) v8 - Amiga emulator for XBox (Forum Discussion Thread)
What's new/fixed:
* Support for 2 mice
* Can assign any mouse/joystick to either L/R analog stick
* Settings are now saved when you launch real CDs
* Will switch to PAL50/PAL60 mode for PAL users depending on if you have selected PAL50/PAL60 from the Game Configuration menu. No effect for NTSC users.
* Upload/Download configurations to/from xport.xbox-scene.com via GUI

+ PCSXBox(info) v12 - PlayStation emulator for XBox (Forum Discussion Thread)
What's new/fixed:
* Improved speed 5-10% on average
* Most recent version of standard GUI (lots of updates since last version)
* Fixed a bug with loading save states
* Fixed problem where it was impossible to return to main menu
* Changing discs now works (tested with Chrono Cross)
* Upload/Download configurations to/from xport.xbox-scene.com via GUI
* Implemented FF9 movie fix - select the option from the CPU fixes menu
* Diablo works now (?) see notes
* Fixed default ROM path not being set at startup
* Support for simultaneous shared memory cards and game-specific memory cards. To select a game-specific memory card, change the Memory Card number to 10 via the Game Configuration menus.
* Memory card settings saved per game
* Merged in PEOPS SPU v1.9
-speed optimized ADSR mixing
* Merged in PEOPS GPU v1.16
-Dark Forces fix - set it on the Graphics Fixes Menu
-Skullmonkeys y-coordinate fix

+ DOSXBox(info) v5 - 286/386 PC emulator for XBox (Forum Discussion Thread)
What's new/fixed:
* Implemented DosBox 0.62 sources
* Added standard XPort GUI
* Removed SDL
* Upload/Download configurations to/from xport.xbox-scene.com via GUI

Official Site: http://xport.xbox-scene.com
Download: n/a (built with XDK)
News-Source: XPort Projects forums and xbins.org


They ever going to make a good N64 emu? I want 4P GoldenEye on my Xbox damnit, then it's a proper oldschool multiplayer paradise :p

Kon Tiki

Fowler said:
They ever going to make a good N64 emu? I want 4P GoldenEye on my Xbox damnit, then it's a proper oldschool multiplayer paradise :p
Xport? They just port existing PC emulators. I think all the PC emus for N64 have been 'taken'.


Xport does not want to interfere with the work the Surreal guys are doing, although they're not really doing shit as it is now. They're taking a mighty long break...


I've used some of Xport's emus and they're good stuff, but I was more referring to anyone and everyone with N64 emus, not just Xport.

Kon Tiki

GaimeGuy said:
Someone tell me why this thread isn't locked yet?
E. Emulation/Piracy

The topics of emulation and piracy, including the technical nature of emulators and ROM images, hardware modification technology, as well as their effect on the industry as a political topic are deemed to be generally acceptable.

Not quite nazi.


including the technical nature of emulators and ROM images, hardware modification technology, as well as their effect on the industry as a political topic are deemed to be generally acceptable.

I'm confused why talking about Golden Eye is appropriate then?


Oh no you guys are awful you have scarred my virgin eyes someone please delete this thread waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

(Thanks Cockles. Xport rocks.)
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