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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)

Hage Kamo




GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Do try and capture something as close as possible to that from forza. I'd like to see the difference.
Close as it gets, look at the shadows in the interior. They are almost in the same position but GTS has the brighter image and better lighting.

Turk,please show me the car and rain track designed by GTS user paint.
Will do it later today mate, first i need to go to gym.


Likes moldy games
Forza 5, i think this looks great for a launch game. Zoom in on the 1st pic and look at the detail in the distance.


Close as it gets, look at the shadows in the interior. They are almost in the same position but GTS has the brighter image and better lighting.

Will do it later today mate, first i need to go to gym.
I can't stand the "comic look". The IQ is crisp and the model is not bad, but the lighting and the shaders on the other hand...

As a mainly PC gamer, I would love to get something like GT Sport or Driveclub on PC with all the advantages of the hardware. Better IQ, higher LOD models etc.


Close as it gets, look at the shadows in the interior. They are almost in the same position but GTS has the brighter image and better lighting.

Look the the material and coating of the car, and how it looks. It has a soap bubble kinda look to it. The way materials and shaders work in GTS gives it an authentic and physical look that forza is lacking. Sure, forza has the overall better image quality, but it's not as cut and dry as resolution and textures.


2000€/$ PC

350€/$ PS4 PRO

2000€/$ PC

350€/$ PS4 PRO

PS a small analysis

it's clear that these two users are two trolls with the only purpose of denigrating GTS
This is the GTS model of that skyline, are you sure that the FM7 model is superior?



gts & fm7
These posts pretty much sums up this debate. I have a million shots of GTS on a PRO with a thumbdrive ready to go, not shots at 1080p mode or in framerate mode, so it would be a disappointment to some.....

It's crazy, but this debate was over a long time ago. I have no problem with using a PC, but you can't shoot up AF to 16x, maximize AA and Rez on PC and then downsample from that, put all sliders at ultra settings, then on the flip try to show GTS in the worse light possible, with framerate mode at 1080p. Right now, it's already something that Forza needs a Titan X PC like the one DF used and the one the disigenuous poster is using to try to compare to GTS, but in the end Forza 7 still loses in several areas....

Car rendering = GTS
Materials, Paint, Occlusion and PBR = GTS
Attention to Detail = GTS
Level of Detail and expansive tracks = GTS
Foliage = GTS
Realtime Shadows = GTS
Effects (dust, gravel, smoke. etc..) = GTS
Lighting = GTS
Reflections (higher rate on average)= GTS

There are so many details missing on Forza during play, it's baked shadows are awful, hence why you find so many missing shadows where there should be shadows, on cars, in copckpit mode, across the tracks, in the pits et al. It's baked lighting is awful on everything, from how light sources hits the tracks and cars, and it's just brutally exemplified in motion, this is why you take any F7 pic/video and do a comparo and it just looks flat, bland and a bit dark in composition. It's reflection quality maybe higher rez in some parts, but it's mostly at a lower average framerate on XBOX, even then, the rendering budget for reflections in F7 is much lower than the cubemap stamp in GTS. Which is why I said, pretty much every rendering aspect to the two games is more ambitious in GTS.

So you take a game, that has no cockpit crew, farless for a 3D polygonal team in GTS, using up realtime shadows, materials and details not even present in Forza....You take foliage, that's higher quality, stretches further on more expansive and higher lod tracks, where light penetrates and hits foliage, aka, it's well lit and not just that, but foliage reflects realtime shadows across road surfaces across leaves and branches et al, there is no such thing in Forza. So you see, the rendering load GTS has over Forza already?... just rendering the same track.....say the Nurb?

Now apart from pits, you have all the 3D polygonal characters on those same tracks, so many more on the oval tracks as an example, there are much more animations in GTS crowds, much more physics and activity, all whilst you're pumping through the asphalt on a typical track, all of this has a higher compute load for GTS. So higher ATD by a volume; higher polygonal cars in motion, better materials, AO/occlusion in the rendering pipeline that's absent on many up close car parts and zoom-ups in Forza. Cockpits that are more detailed, with realtime shadows. Then you go into see-your-car mode, then you see those realtime shadows across your car and track, you see the better effects like particles, dust, smoke, gravel and of course the superior lighting by a generation, yes that costs a tonne more GPU cycles. The better lod in GTS and bigger crowds and animations also put in more work on the PS4's CPU too.

So yes, take all those corners cut in Forza, with it's see-saw photogrammetry textures and it's awful bitmap looking sand and ground textures when you go off track at points, hence why you can never see such gravel and dust being generated in Forza or the particles that cast shadows like in GTS, especially at night... Or the headlights and it's light source that's perfectly cast in GTS, that go on forever with the 24-30 cars in GTS on night tracks, whilst every dark tunnel has no headlights in Forza. Yes, all those cut corners and all this Turk poster wants to do is to try to bump IQ to untold levels on PC by maxing AA and AF levels and then put GTS at 1080p framerate mode.......it's a SMH moment indeed...Truth is, even if you are a diehard xbox fan, you can see through this nonsensical tomfoolery.....whether you will admit to it, is yet another.....
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fake reflection in forza 7

It's all fake. All of these images are faked. The Forza reflections look tons better than blurred low resolution...whatever that is in GTS. The GTS reflections on that building seriously look like something from the PS2 era.
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Df never said all the cars in gts are better. They compared 1 car which was the miata if I remember clearly. Take the hoonigan Mazda car for example, the modeling on that car is crazy.


Likes moldy games
Here Forza 5
Here's Forza 7
And unfortunately the so called higher detailed model GTS doesn't allow these angles of your car in gameplay.


It's all fake. All of these images are faked. The Forza reflections look tons better than blurred low resolution...whatever that is in GTS. The GTS reflections on that building seriously look like something from the PS2 era.
I wish you guys would learn a bit more of the technical aspects of these games. Forza 7 is pulling in reflection data from prior frames, it's not accurate and some of it is baked, just like it's TOD is baked. The method Forza uses for reflections is much less ambitious than the cubemaps GTS uses.....for the end effect...

So whilst Forza's reflections may be higher rez at times over GTS, it's because it's a less ambitious solution which even then, samples at 30hz on XBOX, whilst reflections is mostly 60hz in GTS outside cockpit mode if you view bonnets et al....I'd imagine having realtime shadows, better lighting, better materials plus 60fps reflections all at once in cockpit view would be a GPU killer. Yet they have 3 vastly superior methods rendering cockpit mode in GTS; lighting, materials+occlusion plus realtime shadows and they still have a superior reflection solution in cockpit mode only with reduced frames....Outside of cockpit mode, the superior reflection quality over Forza renders at 60fps...

So here is why GTS rendering solution is better and more future proof.....

So while you may take AF and Supersample AA the heck out of Forza, it's less than stellar rendering and lighting quality sticks up like a sore thumb. Yet all it takes to clean up any IQ issues GTS may have is more GPU power, which Forza has, but yet, no dice. So yes, GTS already has realtime shadows, so all it will take is say a PS5 GPU to render those shadows at max resolution and with perfect AA. Again, it's realtime shadows would also make dynamic TOD automatic unlike Forza, because there is no way Forza or any game could boast realtime TOD with baked shadows, it's not happening.

GTS already has superior foliage that refracts lights and cast shadows in realtime, all PD has to do with more GPU power is to make all the trees fully 3D and the tech is already there as far as lighting and shadows are concerned. Same with the crowds, make the entire crowds 3D and polygonal, it's already almost there unlike Forza, then put in more animations and activity there to boost it even further. Then you have reflections which use a superior rendering budget in GTS, so they can make reflections go at max resolution and 60fps in cockpit mode, as it's already 60 everywhere else..or perhaps even have a realtime reflection solution, which will be easier to implement.... and compliment the other realtime solutions already in the engine. People forget that TOD was already in GT5, so was weather, rain, snow etc......I can see all that happening with a port of GTS to PS5 with 4k, 60fps, 16xAF and even better AA.

One thing people underestimate in GTS on PS4/PRO is how good the AA is, coverage on fences is great unlike the MSAA in Forza 7 which does not cover these elements quite as well. I guess you can supersample on PC in Forza, but that's just throwing lots of GPU power on a low spec-rendered game because you have lots of GPU power left over to do such things, proof is in the pudding.....

Yet the point is, if a superior piece of kit has to improve Forza's lighting, PBR Work, foliage and ATD, textures that are not photgrammetry based with see-saw lods, give it real-time shadows, more accurate and higher budget reflections, allow it dynamic TOD, 3D crowds with animations and cockpit crews, better lods, more expansive tracks..etc....It will take a lot more work to put it at GTS's level.......All of this is already in the GT engine at a high level, they might have to redo the entire engine for Forza to accomplish this....As I said, maxing AF and supersampling AA out of a Donkey's ass will not put Forza on GTS's level.....
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I came here to see which next-gen racing game is better looking.

And instead I got a clueless fanboy war that abuse screenshots, very interesting...

Maybe grow up guys?


Trouble is its another case of cherry picked shots, rear shot sun is facing from the back at a angle and the front shot the sun is pretty much straight above, not the best angles to show of lighting, i can show you pics of Forza 5 better than that. No one is not saying Gts hasn't got the best lighting but he has picked a best and worst case scenario here.
It's his own pics from a few pages back. Those reverse light textures have nothing to do with lighting.
what's funny is he picked the shots. If you go even farther back to his past posts you will see that he thinks facing the car towards the sun and making it as bright as possible is what makes Forza look good he was complaining about people posting shots making Forza look dark previously. So he actually was doing GTS a deservice and giving Forza an advantage in his mind. That's until he had things in the DF video pointed out to him in his own shots so he went to choose some more favourable shots that don't make Forza look ugly and vice versa. Does he show or dispute anything technical? Nope, "heres a picture where I tried to make one game look bad heres another where I tried to make it look good". sunny day shot vs a sunset. Wasn't he complaining about at least picking the same time of day before. I'm sure he was. Those aren't occlusion shadows they're just self shadowing from where he positioned the sun on purpose.
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Likes moldy games
I wish you guys would learn a bit more of the technical aspects of these games. Forza 7 is pulling in reflection data from prior frames, it's not accurate and some of it is baked, just like it's TOD is baked. The method Forza uses for reflections is much less ambitious than the cubemaps GTS uses.....for the end effect...

So whilst Forza's reflections may be higher rez at times over GTS, it's because it's a less ambitious solution which even then, samples at 30hz on XBOX, whilst reflections is mostly 60hz in GTS outside cockpit mode if you view bonnets et al....I'd imagine having realtime shadows, better lighting, better materials plus 60fps reflections all at once in cockpit view would be a GPU killer. Yet they have 3 vastly superior methods rendering cockpit mode in GTS; lighting, materials+occlusion plus realtime shadows and they still have a superior reflection solution in cockpit mode only with reduced frames....Outside of cockpit mode, the superior reflection quality over Forza renders at 60fps...

Some here is why GTS rendering solution is better and more future proof.

So while you may take AF and Supersample AA the heck out of Forza, it's less than stellar rendering and lighting quality sticks up like a sore thumb. Yet all it takes to clean up any IQ issues GTS may have is more GPU power, which Forza has, but yet, no dice. So yes, GTS already has realtime shadows, so all it will take is say a PS5 GPU to render those shadows at max resolution and with perfect AA. Again, it's realtime shadows would also make dynamic TOD automatic unlike Forza, because there is no way Forza or any game could boast realtime TOD with baked shadows, it's not happening.

GTS already has superior foliage that refracts lights and cast shadows in realtime, all PD has to do with more GPU power is to make all the trees fully 3D and the tech is already there as far as lighting and shadows are concerned. Same with the crowds, make the entire crowds 3D and polygonal, it's already almost there unlike Forza, then put in more animations and activity there to boost it even further. Then you have reflections which use a superior rendering budget in GTS, so they can make reflections go at max resolution and 60fps in cockpit mode, as it's already 60 everywhere else..or perhaps even have a realtime reflection solution, which will be easier to implement.... and compliment the other realtime solutions already in the engine. People forget that TOD was already in GT5, so was weather, rain, snow etc......I can see all that happening with a port of GTS to PS5 with 4k, 60fps, 16xAF and even better AA.

One thing people underestimate in GTS on PS4/PRO is how good the AA is, coverage on fences is great unlike the MSAA in Forza 7 which does not cover these elements quite as well. I guess you can supersample on PC in Forza, but that's just throwing lots of GPU power on a low spec-rendered game because you have lots of GPU power left over to do such things, proof is in the pudding.....

Yet the point is, if a superior piece of kit has to improve Forza's lighting, PBR Work, foliage and ATD, textures that are not photgrammetry based with see-saw lods, give it real-time shadows, more accurate and higher budget reflections, allow it dynamic TOD, 3D crowds with animations and cockpit crews, better lods, more expansive tracks..etc....It will take a lot more work to put it at GTS's level.......All of this is already in the GT engine at a high level, they might have to redo the entire engine for Forza to accomplish this....As I said, maxing AF and supersampling AA out of a Donkey's ass will not put Forza on GTS's level.....
You can talk all technical bollocks you want. Yes the lighting is better on GTS but nothing hides the lod pop in on trees cars, the draw distance is way below Forza, the interior mirror draw distance is shocking. And whats all this shit about fence you've cooked up, the fence in GTS looks like Alcatraz barbed wire fence its that jaggy. Yes it looks impressive on paper the technical features but it looks wank when you drive, glitchy pop in shadows Lods etc. Its a mess at times.
Xbox X v Pro btw.


Likes moldy games
It's his own pics from a few pages back. Those reverse light textures have nothing to do with 'lighting'.

what's funny is he picked the shots. If you go even to his past post you will see that he thinks facing the car towards the sun and making it as bright as possible is what makes Forza look good he was complaining about people posting shots making Forza look dark previously. So he actually was doing GTS a deservice and giving Forza an advantage in his mind. That's until he had things in the DF video pointed out to him so he went to choose some more favourable shots that don't make Forza look ugly and vice versa. Really sunny day shot vs a sunset. Wasn't he complaining about at least picking the same time of day before. I'm sure he was.
Yes i know he picked them but it doesn't mean what i said ain't true about the lighting


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
It's his own pics from a few pages back. Those reverse light textures have nothing to do with lighting.
what's funny is he picked the shots. If you go even farther back to his past posts you will see that he thinks facing the car towards the sun and making it as bright as possible is what makes Forza look good he was complaining about people posting shots making Forza look dark previously. So he actually was doing GTS a deservice and giving Forza an advantage in his mind. That's until he had things in the DF video pointed out to him in his own shots so he went to choose some more favourable shots that don't make Forza look ugly and vice versa. Does he show or dispute anything technical? Nope, "heres a picture where I tried to make one game look bad heres another where I tried to make it look good". sunny day shot vs a sunset. Wasn't he complaining about at least picking the same time of day before. I'm sure he was. Those aren't occlusion shadows they're just self shadowing from where he positioned the sun on purpose.
Mate stop crying, if i wanted i wouldn't post that shot. And then he calls my shots cherry picked, logic. Here the same car in better lighting so stop crying you GT fanboys.




GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Now its your turn too match these shots and lighting. Sinds you guys don't care about a game not having the same lighting condition





Likes moldy games
Thats some nice shots Turks and i know that when that car moves everything moves nice, you really have to look for pop in and lods on a Xb1X even if there was 24 cars on screen. Wish i could say the same for GTS when it was moving, i genuinely do, the tech is there but the hardware just isn't powerful enough yet, hence the glitchy mess at times.
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Time to bail. The last word is blundering in with his small feet, reeling out the same old crap as inconcisely as possible. Apparently under the delusion that if he makes people read his mini novels of biased subjective views a million times, it will become true. Can't even be bothered reading them anymore, but I would bet my house they feature bingo words/phrases such as dynamic, time of day, reflections, foliage, lack of pit crew and 2d crowds.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Just because all the fanboys came back after one pic of the nissan special for you guys.
look at the shadow, reflection and paint looks like plastic lol.




You see i can go on like this, this is cherry picking and making the game look bad.
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These posts pretty much sums up this debate. I have a million shots of GTS on a PRO with a thumbdrive ready to go, not shots at 1080p mode or in framerate mode, so it would be a disappointment to some.....

It's crazy, but this debate was over a long time ago. I have no problem with using a PC, but you can't shoot up AF to 16x, maximize AA and Rez on PC and then downsample from that, put all sliders at ultra settings, then on the flip try to show GTS in the worse light possible, with framerate mode at 1080p. Right now, it's already something that Forza needs a Titan X PC like the one DF used and the one the disigenuous poster is using to try to compare to GTS, but in the end Forza 7 still loses in several areas....

Car rendering = GTS
Materials, Paint, Occlusion and PBR = GTS
Attention to Detail = GTS
Level of Detail and expansive tracks = GTS
Foliage = GTS
Realtime Shadows = GTS
Effects (dust, gravel, smoke. etc..) = GTS
Lighting = GTS
Reflections (higher rate on average)= GTS

There are so many details missing on Forza during play, it's baked shadows are awful, hence why you find so many missing shadows where there should be shadows, on cars, in copckpit mode, across the tracks, in the pits et al. It's baked lighting is awful on everything, from how light sources hits the tracks and cars, and it's just brutally exemplified in motion, this is why you take any F7 pic/video and do a comparo and it just looks flat, bland and a bit dark in composition. It's reflection quality maybe higher rez in some parts, but it's mostly at a lower average framerate on XBOX, even then, the rendering budget for reflections in F7 is much lower than the cubemap stamp in GTS. Which is why I said, pretty much every rendering aspect to the two games is more ambitious in GTS.

So you take a game, that has no cockpit crew, farless for a 3D polygonal team in GTS, using up realtime shadows, materials and details not even present in Forza....You take foliage, that's higher quality, stretches further on more expansive and higher lod tracks, where light penetrates and hits foliage, aka, it's well lit and not just that, but foliage reflects realtime shadows across road surfaces across leaves and branches et al, there is no such thing in Forza. So you see, the rendering load GTS has over Forza already?... just rendering the same track.....say the Nurb?

Now apart from pits, you have all the 3D polygonal characters on those same tracks, so many more on the oval tracks as an example, there are much more animations in GTS crowds, much more physics and activity, all whilst you're pumping through the asphalt on a typical track, all of this has a higher compute load for GTS. So higher ATD by a volume; higher polygonal cars in motion, better materials, AO/occlusion in the rendering pipeline that's absent on many up close car parts and zoom-ups in Forza. Cockpits that are more detailed, with realtime shadows. Then you go into see-your-car mode, then you see those realtime shadows across your car and track, you see the better effects like particles, dust, smoke, gravel and of course the superior lighting by a generation, yes that costs a tonne more GPU cycles. The better lod in GTS and bigger crowds and animations also put in more work on the PS4's CPU too.

So yes, take all those corners cut in Forza, with it's see-saw photogrammetry textures and it's awful bitmap looking sand and ground textures when you go off track at points, hence why you can never see such gravel and dust being generated in Forza or the particles that cast shadows like in GTS, especially at night... Or the headlights and it's light source that's perfectly cast in GTS, that go on forever with the 24-30 cars in GTS on night tracks, whilst every dark tunnel has no headlights in Forza. Yes, all those cut corners and all this Turk poster wants to do is to try to bump IQ to untold levels on PC by maxing AA and AF levels and then put GTS at 1080p framerate mode.......it's a SMH moment indeed...Truth is, even if you are a diehard xbox fan, you can see through this nonsensical tomfoolery.....whether you will admit to it, is yet another.....
Dude. Seriously. Why do you shit on the Xbox in EVERY thread you post in? That is all I see from you. Every PS4 game looks better than every Xbox game. Always. In every aspect. NO MATTER WHAT. That's all you do here.

I just want to know why you go through so much trouble to shit on the Xbox every chance you get.

I can admit that GTS looks better than Forza in some areas. Lighting one of them. It destroys Forza in that area. But Forza also has, what, twice the tracks, four times the cars. Weather and more. And dude you have cherry picked plenty of pics from GTS and Forza trying to prove GTS is better. Pretty sure it was Nurburgring track detail.
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Mate stop crying, if i wanted i wouldn't post that shot. And then he calls my shots cherry picked, logic. Here the same car in better lighting so stop crying you GT fanboys.


If you wanted you wouldn't post that? You posted it because you thought forza looked better. Heres the quote when you posted it
"look at the interior and logo, this is even fake 4K vs 1080p haah and Forza still looks better."
but as soon as anybody tries to add any context or meaning to your screenshots by highlighting anything it's 'delusional fanboys lying to themselves' and a new bunch of screenshots to try and push your agenda. I particularly like your new provided shots where you've tried very hard to reflect something in Forza 7 to get rid of the matt look but that reflection still doesn't look great because of the linked reflection glossiness and fresnel. Nobody is crying you're just not very good at discussing anything.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
If you wanted you wouldn't post that? You posted it because you thought forza looked better. Heres the quote when you posted it but as soon as anybody tries to add any context or meaning to your screenshots by highlighting anything it's 'delusional fanboys lying to themselves' and a new bunch of screenshots to try and push your agenda. I particularly like your new provided shots where you've tried very hard to reflect something in Forza 7 to get rid of the matt look but that reflection still doesn't look great because of the linked reflection glossiness and fresnel. Nobody is crying you're just not very good at discussing anything.
Forza models still looks better in that picture, are you blind? Look at the interior in GTS, it looks like something from GTS:SA. Also the models has way more polygons in Forza. But no he looks at the small reverse light and completey ignores the interior and the actual model. Also you care soo much about the litlle shadow in that light bulb. Why are you ignoring the pics i posted here above from GTS with its "superior shadow quality". And mate im not like you, when i took the picture in GTS and Forza i knew that GTS had the better lighting it was to show the car model not the lighting. Since that was what we where discussing. So stop lying and crying, and show me wrong with the GTS pics with its low quality shadows and car models.


Forza models still looks better in that picture, are you blind? Look at the interior in GTS, it looks like something from GTS:SA. Also the models has way more polygons in Forza. But no he looks at the small reverse light and completey ignores the interior and the actual model. Also you care soo much about the litlle shadow in that light bulb. Why are you ignoring the pics i posted here above from GTS with its "superior shadow quality". And mate im not like you, when i took the picture in GTS and Forza i knew that GTS had the better lighting it was to show the car model not the lighting. Since that was what we where discussing. So stop lying and crying, and show me wrong with the GTS pics with its low quality shadows and car models.

And round and round we go. I dont need to look at your hand picked/doctored screenshots I have both games thanks. Forza has the higher polycount for the hundredth time. How many times should I say it before you get it through your head? But as I've said from the materials and modeling is not better you can disagree all you like. Those 'small reverse lights' and 'headlight's' are more visible than the polycount but that's not what I've been arguing. As I said from the beginning I know you don't agree with me and I don't agree with you and thats cool but I commented on the material work in Forza a while back no matter how small you think it is and you were 'lying and crying' your way out of it with doctored shots up the wazoo instead of saying 'yeah they dont get the small details right in the materials'. It was that simple. Instead you tried to call it a 'single vender texture' when I know full well it's not a single texture and the fact that it's by a 'vender' like all cars was you 'crying' about who is to blame for it because I know you love your Turn 10.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
And round and round we go. I dont need to look at your hand picked/doctored screenshots I have both games thanks. Forza has the higher polycount for the hundredth time. How many times should I say it before you get it through your head? But as I've said from the materials and modeling is not better you can disagree all you like. Those 'small reverse lights' and 'headlight's' are more visible than the polycount but that's not what I've been arguing. As I said from the beginning I know you don't agree with me and I don't agree with you and thats cool but I commented on the material work in Forza a while back no matter how small you think it is and you were 'lying and crying' your way out of it with doctored shots up the wazoo instead of saying 'yeah they dont get the small details right in the materials'. It was that simple. Instead you tried to call it a 'single vender texture' when I know full well it's not a single texture and the fact that it's by a 'vender' like all cars was you 'crying' about who is to blame for it because I know you love your Turn 10.
Yeah like the La Ferrari.... Also i love T10 as much as PD soo....
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What am I? The opposite of you I hope. Both games look great, and have pros and cons over the other. Unlike you I can see that, instead of constantly and childishly hating the game that plays on the other piece of plastic from the one that sits under my TV. Night night!

Both look great. Just one looks better. Cheers!

The only thing pathetic is your hate for Forza. After all the image showen, you still believe that GTS has the better in game car model. But anyway keep repeating the same thing like a parrot will im gonna play both games and enjoy them.

Yes, it's really pathetic that cars in GTS looks better. You just proved it with this post :

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. But Forza also has, what, twice the tracks, four times the cars.

Four times the cars? What, all 700 cars are on one track? That's awesome. LOL

Cars in garage or in the sales/buy department has nothing to do with graphics in races. Forza renders max 24 cars on one track, not 700.
Did you scroll fast when you saw these GTS pictures 5 post before.

Yes, i saw. You just proved what i said.

Now its your turn too match these shots and lighting. Sinds you guys don't care about a game not having the same lighting condition

Guys, suddenly Forza 7 has better lighting than GTS. That's some approach. Yes, Turk1993 finally beat Digital Foundry and proved to the whole world that Forza 7 has the best lighting.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Yes, i saw. You just proved what i said.

Guys, suddenly Forza 7 has better lighting than GTS. That's some approach. Yes, Turk1993 finally beat Digital Foundry and proved to the whole world that Forza 7 has the best lighting.
Yeah look at this super premium car model. Like how is Forza ever gonna match this.

Also its clear that you don't read before you post. I clearly said that GTS had the better lighting. But in those condition Forza looks better, don't agree? proof me wrong.


Yeah like the La Ferrari.... Also i love T10 as much as PD soo....

Yes exactly like the La Ferrari or the McLaren I showed you. That's when I knew a discussion with you was futile. I told you specifically my issue isn't resolution or polycount it's the use of generic/incorrect textures which make the model look bad even when you're playing the game. It's like you didn't even read anything posted because what did you do? talk of LoD/ resolution and poly count. When I told you to zoom in and provide comparable shots, what did you do? Not provide a zoom on the picture which shows my point and which is clearly visible from behind. Why? because your cherry picked doctored shots to hide and highlight specific things are your agenda. I should have known when you dismissed photos and replays in GT as 'doesn't count' yet are awfully concerned with just zooming in on low res textures in 'photomode' but alas when you posted these shots I know discussion with you specifically is pretty pointless.

First you are still using photomode, where GTS uses higher quality car model. Second you completely ignore my gameplay shot where Forza looks better. Third because of little stretched vender texture you say that car models look better in GTS ok. Just for you i will use photomode to help GTS

La Ferrari



Here in case it is still hard and your "blind" as you say others are to see it, I'll provide the zoom for you so that the images are comparable in terms of what I've been saying all the time
Forza 7:

The grill is low res on the other shot but at least it's not an incorrect generic texture I can clearly always see, even in gameplay without the zoom like the headlights, like the McLaren, etc. I'll let you have a guess why Forza uses black leather on cars that have coloured leather too. So it's cool that you completely ignore every discussion and post anyway. You would rather post cherry picked shots but this thread is worse off for it. It's become a cesspool of you and others (from either side) calling others fanboys, blind, delusional, and using words like 'them' to refer to anyone who doesn't agree with you. It's left me questioning my sanity for continually returning to it.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Yes exactly like the La Ferrari or the McLaren I showed you. That's when I knew a discussion with you was futile. I told you specifically my issue isn't resolution or polycount it's the use of generic/incorrect textures which make the model look bad even when you're playing the game. It's like you didn't even read anything posted because what did you do? talk of LoD/ resolution and poly count. When I told you to zoom in and provide comparable shots, what did you do? Not provide a zoom on the picture which shows my point and which is clearly visible from behind. Why? because your cherry picked doctored shots to hide and highlight specific things are your agenda. I should have known when you dismissed photos and replays in GT as 'doesn't count' yet are awfully concerned with just zooming in on low res textures in 'photomode' but alas when you posted these shots I know discussion with you specifically is pretty pointless.

Here in case it is still hard and your "blind" as you say others are to see it, I'll provide the zoom for you so that the images are comparable in terms of what I've been saying all the time
Forza 7:

The grill is low res on the other shot but at least it's not an incorrect generic texture I can clearly always see, even in gameplay without the zoom like the headlights, like the McLaren, etc. I'll let you have a guess why Forza uses black leather on cars that have coloured leather too. So it's cool that you completely ignore every discussion and post anyway. You would rather post cherry picked shots but this thread is worse off for it. It's become a cesspool of you and others (from either side) calling others fanboys, blind, delusional, and using words like 'them' to refer to anyone who doesn't agree with you. It's left me questioning my sanity for continually returning to it.
HAHAHAHAH mate please stop i can't lol. You still say that the grill looks better in GTS of that La Ferrari. I swear you GT fans are mental not right. Get some rest mate you really need it. Like you can't even see the clear difference lol.


HAHAHAHAH mate please stop i can't lol. You still say that the grill looks better in GTS of that La Ferrari. I swear you GT fans are mental not right. Get some rest mate you really need it. Like you can't even see the clear difference lol.

Get lost 'mate', what about you mention the "difference" I can't see? I see that one is lower res which I've always said is the case everywhere, I see that the other is completely wrong and only enforces what I've told you one thousand times. Oh yes "mental GT fans" or whatever.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Get lost 'mate', what about you mention the "difference" I can't see? I see that one is lower res which I've always said is the case everywhere, I see that the other is completely wrong and only enforces what I've told you one thousand times. Oh yes "mental GT fans" or whatever.
Mate be honest do you really think that grill looks better in GTS? For real? No trolling just serious question.


Mate be honest do you really think that grill looks better in GTS? For real? No trolling just serious question.
'No trolling'? it's been nothing but from you. It's clear that you can't accept anything but your own word and what you're trying to do is discredit with your bull aabout fanboys, delusional, mental, blind etc.

Do I think it looks better. In terms of accuracy yes, in terms of zooming in on the texture absolutely not. In terms of playing the game and seeing that grill from the rear at gameplay distance instead of the incorrect one yes. It has a bump map and a specular map too and doesn't look like ass when playing. That's not my point though is it? The point is that it seems to physically pain you to say the Forza models reuse generic textures that don't get the small details right in their models. I've always said that higher poly/resolution would be the case with PC and GTS in framerate mode. What point are you trying to make outside of your shots with an agenda?
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Also its clear that you don't read before you post. I clearly said that GTS had the better lighting. But in those condition Forza looks better, don't agree? proof me wrong.

GTS also has better lighting condition during sunny or sunset than those in Forza 7. DF clearly said in their comparison that GTS has better lighting in every condition.

T Three thelastword thelastword

Yep, mental GT fans! If GT fans are mental, WTF are Forza fans? Just leave them. I'm so glad that GTS graphically on weaker platform shits on Forza's face on much stronger PC configuration. Also provided by DF too. Did you know that guys from Digital Foundry are mental GTS fans too ( according to Turk1993 logic ) just because they said GTS looks better than Forza 7.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
'No trolling'? it's been nothing but from you. It's clear that you can't accept anything but your own word and what you're trying to do is discredit with your bull aabout fanboys, delusional, mental, blind etc.

Do I think it looks better. In terms of accuracy yes, in terms of zooming in on the texture absolutely not. In terms of playing the game and seeing that grill from the rear at gameplay distance instead of the incorrect one yes. It has a bump map and a specular map too and doesn't look like ass when playing. That's not my point though is it? The point is that it seems to physically pains you to say the Forza models reuse generic textures that don't get the small details right in their models. I've always said that higher poly/resolution would be the case with PC and GTS in framerate mode. What point are you trying to make outside of your shots with an agenda?
Showin real gameplay comparisons in a comparison tread is now trollin? You guys just don't accept that Forza has a higher quality in game model. Then your other mates start trollin so i react back in the same way they do. I mean look at the post above lol he repeated that like 6 times. And you where saying that GT had better shadows, car models and textures. So when i proved you wrong you all jumped on me without evidence. You guys make me look like i am a GT hater. I paid 600€ to play these games, why the hell should i hate the game that i payed that much. I love them both and i clearly gave GT props for its lighting and shaders. But you guys without evidence talked shit about Forza.


Showin real gameplay comparisons in a comparison tread is now trollin? You guys just don't accept that Forza has a higher quality in game model. Then your other mates start trollin so i react back in the same way they do. I mean look at the post above lol he repeated that like 6 times. And you where saying that GT had better shadows, car models and textures. So when i proved you wrong you all jumped on me without evidence. You guys make me look like i am a GT hater. I paid 600€ to play these games, why the hell should i hate the game that i payed that much. I love them both and i clearly gave GT props for its lighting and shaders. But you guys without evidence talked shit about Forza.

No dont compartmentalize without evidence and excuse yourself with the behaviour of others. 'Without evidence' talked shit. First off I didn't 'talk shit' second I provided evidence and thirdly you didn't prove me wrong on anything if you actually paid attention to what I said.
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Lol at calling thelastword in here to try and save you. Like he isn't the most batshit crazy fanboy on GAF. I needed a good laugh today. Thanks.
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