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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)


Is that supposed to be impressive? Look how bad the reflections are compared to Forza it's laughable.

They're popping in and out all the time and just don't look smooth at all.

There's also some very heavy motion blur going on there that I don't notice in game when I play.

I also can't unsee the reflection and shadow popping in the cockpit view.

Sorry guys but that ain't a patch on Forza 7.


That draw distance, that lighting, the sound. All superb.....

Shirrako has the best vids on youtube, even with youtube compression...Wish he could post his vids on gamersyde...

It's all I post of GTS anymore, very nice vid........but I raise you this...

and this

and this

Those low lod cars et al....Tee he he.....Nothing is even close.....

Those replay videos. Mmmmm. Talk about cherry picking.
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Is that a replay or gameplay?
All Shirrako's vids are gameplay first part of the vid, followed by the replay to that race.......

Please be aware that replay does not offer better models than replay or geometry....they're basically the same assets with the exception of the PP effect called Motion Blur...


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Is that supposed to be impressive? Look how bad the reflections are compared to Forza it's laughable.

They're popping in and out all the time and just don't look smooth at all.

There's also some very heavy motion blur going on there that I don't notice in game when I play.

I also can't unsee the reflection and shadow popping in the cockpit view.

Sorry guys but that ain't a patch on Forza 7.
Thats in 1080p mode where motion blur is activated, you know the mode that they didn't want me to use lol.


Likes moldy games
Man people posting replays, scapes and YouTube which hides a multitude of sins to prove their point, no wonder this thread goes round in circles. What have you people got to hide? Do you work for Sony, its just sad. Most people admit Gts has better lighting than Forza but nothing the other way. Grow a pair you sados.


It's funny that people don't want a game to be shown in motion, which is where all games "should look best", on your screen when in play. Not when you supersample the hell out of select shots and get some compressed JPG shot for the competition and post PNG's of the game you prefer with photmode shots at that....Yes, that whole debacle was quite silly, but it is what it is....

Funnier still, some people think that gameplay in GTS is replay, and generally they assume replay is leagues better than gameplay relative to rendering et al.....So you see what they really think of GTS, they think it looks insane in gameplay, but are just here to troll. No wonder all these drivebys and attacks with nothing substantial to add....

Now that they know these are real gameplay vids, they will resort back to trolling it and meander their way to "it doesn't look that great anyway".....but yet, just moments ago, all we are doing are just posting replay vids????? AMIRITE? yeah, pack this up....
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Damian Monroe

Neo Member

Aaannnnd i'm out
Wow that gif is from the 1980s movie Super Fuzz that's taken me right back use to love that movie. It's about a cop who gets superpowers from nuclear red dust but when he's sees red he loses his powers, thank for the that. Ohhh this is my first post on the forums so back on topic, going by the gameplay screens & gameplay videos have to admit that Forza 7 is the better looking game


You know exactly why people thought it was a replay and it's exactly why they're now the only videos you post by your own admission. Because of the heavy Motion Blur and whatever else is going on in that 1080p mode. Probably SS as it's now a system wide feature on Ps4 Pro isn't it when used in 1080 mode. It sure as hell doesn't look that clean an jaggy free on my 4k TV in CB mode so you're just as guilty at misrepresenting the game as you accuse others of doing.

There's been plenty of videos and images posted that show Gt isn't the king in every department but you choose, I've noticed, everytime to just ignore them and continue with this ridiculous rhetoric that nothing can touch it.

Do you even have an Xbox or a PC or any other console for that matter because you come across as a school child that could only afford one platform and would die to protect their plastic box.
Putting me in the same basket with you trying to mitigate your problems and mentality from misterxmedia.com forum? Nice try, Xbone owner, nice try. Your scars from there still remains. Cheers!
Lol. You need to read what you just wrote to someone in a gaming forum and realize who's the one with issues. Get over yourself.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
This is how:

The grill on the forza ferrari look real to you?

Yes the patterns are more like the real thing in Forza, secondly that image of GTS is from scape mode. this is how GTS looks outside scape mode


That draw distance, that lighting, the sound. All superb.....

Shirrako has the best vids on youtube, even with youtube compression...Wish he could post his vids on gamersyde...

It's all I post of GTS anymore, very nice vid........but I raise you this...

and this

and this

Those low lod cars et al....Tee he he.....Nothing is even close.....

an earlier vid you posted does show bad draw distance on GTS but that one with the Aston draw distance is fine but a bendy track. what is off putting is the draw distance on the lights in the tunnel though.

still a great looking game but not without its flaws


Even that lowres grill (ultra zoomed) look more in line with the real one. In forza it doesn't even have texture - it's flat. And it has too many holes (or however you say it). Just count.
GTSs' model is just more convincing. I really don't understand how you can say that the grill is Forza is closer to the real thing...

Also, since you zoomed in this much, we can see the red taillight perfectly. How does that look on the Forza model?


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Even that lowres grill (ultra zoomed) look more in line with the real one. In forza it doesn't even have texture - it's flat. And it has too many holes (or however you say it). Just count.
GTSs' model is just more convincing. I really don't understand how you can say that the grill is Forza is closer to the real thing...

Also, since you zoomed in this much, we can see the red taillight perfectly. How does that look on the Forza model?
Mate if you really think that this

looks better and closer to real one than this

Than you have some serious eye problems. What texture doesn't Forza have that the real one has? Its just grey plastic like the real one. the pattern is completely of in GTS. Its pixelated and round, in Forza the patterns atleast match with the real thing. Also look at the plastic around the exhaust.


I don't have either Gran Turismo or the latest Forza Motorsport.
But with that Ferrari the grill is wrongly scaled in the Forza one.
Count how many holes you see just in the middle between the exhaust and only count the one that is running straight down
On the real one you count around 6. Now count on the forza one, it's around ten. Gran Turismo is a little closer with around 4.
But the forza one looks much cleaner. There are much more differences with the car so I don't know which model they actually used.
but there could be improvements, and if Forza would now work on a complete overhaul of the lighting system it would rule there to.
For the moment Forza is winning only in a couple of things, but they now have to focus on the lighting system with the Scorpio and just blow the competition out of the market (only with graphics offcourse, Project Cars 2 is much much better with actual racing).


I don't have either Gran Turismo or the latest Forza Motorsport.
But with that Ferrari the grill is wrongly scaled in the Forza one.
Count how many holes you see just in the middle between the exhaust and only count the one that is running straight down
On the real one you count around 6. Now count on the forza one, it's around ten. Gran Turismo is a little closer with around 4.
But the forza one looks much cleaner. There are much more differences with the car so I don't know which model they actually used.
but there could be improvements, and if Forza would now work on a complete overhaul of the lighting system it would rule there to.
For the moment Forza is winning only in a couple of things, but they now have to focus on the lighting system with the Scorpio and just blow the competition out of the market (only with graphics offcourse, Project Cars 2 is much much better with actual racing).

Same for Assetto Corsa. That game is def one of the best gameplay wise, but lacks in the graphics department.


Mate if you really think that this

looks better and closer to real one than this

Than you have some serious eye problems. What texture doesn't Forza have that the real one has? Its just grey plastic like the real one. the pattern is completely of in GTS. Its pixelated and round, in Forza the patterns atleast match with the real thing. Also look at the plastic around the exhaust.

Like I said, Forza's main advantage is the resolution of it all. Model accuracy is still better in GTS (not perfect obviously. Just better). We can compare other cars too if you'd like. But I'll give you this: Forza7 looks overall better in stills, even with model inaccuracies. Esp when you zoon in to show the resolution difference.


cherry picking pictures from a couple of GT haters...

this is how GTS looks ingame

And it's a great looking game. Just not as great looking as FM7, although the lighting is better. I'm not sure why it hurts some of you that much. I thought we were long past the console wars.


Likes moldy games
Mate if you really think that this

looks better and closer to real one than this

Than you have some serious eye problems. What texture doesn't Forza have that the real one has? Its just grey plastic like the real one. the pattern is completely of in GTS. Its pixelated and round, in Forza the patterns atleast match with the real thing. Also look at the plastic around the exhaust.

What's that round thing on F7,black part of bumper. Is it a model revision ? Clearly not there on real and gts model. cars have revisions in the same manufacture year and not many people know they do unless your a car enthusiast of that particular car.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Like I said, Forza's main advantage is the resolution of it all. Model accuracy is still better in GTS (not perfect obviously. Just better). We can compare other cars too if you'd like. But I'll give you this: Forza7 looks overall better in stills, even with model inaccuracies. Esp when you zoon in to show the resolution difference.
What resolution advantage? GTS is 4K in those image(photmode), while Forza is 1080p(also photmode). Look at the ingame models, please tell me wich one looks better

Wich model looks higher quality to you? Look at the polygon difference and the interior details. I can show the side of the car to where the wheels and brakes are fully loaded in Forza, but are low res in GTS. Also the self shadowing is much better in Forza.


Turk all you are doing is showing the advantage of the hardware (more power for more filter such as aa). You are not showing any advantage other than that. For either game. But if you focus on stuff like materials, shaders, lighting, color and other parts that compose a scene - when lighting conditions are as close together as possible - GTS will have the advantage. And in motion it looks even better - more believable and more authentic. If you like the depiction of reality that Forza7 shows, it still won't change the fact that GTS has the more realistic look.

Which of the two you find more appealing is up to you. Forzas' advantages are visible in every still you take, because high resolution and filters affect the whole picture. When GTSs' disadvantage is resolution - you need to work a bit more to show where it shines.
Lol. You need to read what you just wrote to someone in a gaming forum and realize who's the one with issues. Get over yourself.

Me have issues? You, Xbox owner, called other member that he is a fanboy, but it's hilarious to see someone who said that came from MisterXmedia.com.


I think Turk has already admitted both Forza and GTS have areas in which they would appear to have the upper hand over the other - that is, he doesn't have an agenda to mindlessly bash the one game. All he has been trying to do now for the past few pages is show that Forza has the better 'in game car' models, but a certain few people refuse to acknowledge the evidence he places in front of them...

To be fair, he's just pissing in the wind when it comes to trying to get The Last Word to say anything positive about an Xbox game.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
I think Turk has already admitted both Forza and GTS have areas in which they would appear to have the upper hand over the other - that is, he doesn't have an agenda to mindlessly bash the one game. All he has been trying to do now for the past few pages is show that Forza has the better 'in game car' models, but a certain few people refuse to acknowledge the evidence he places in front of them...

To be fair, he's just pissing in the wind when it comes to trying to get The Last Word to say anything positive about an Xbox game.
Thnx mate, im saying it from the start. Both games looks amazing on the hardware they running. You can't call neither of them ugly. All i said was Forza doing more things better on better hardware. I play them both and enjoy them both, no reason to hate.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Turk all you are doing is showing the advantage of the hardware (more power for more filter such as aa). You are not showing any advantage other than that. For either game. But if you focus on stuff like materials, shaders, lighting, color and other parts that compose a scene - when lighting conditions are as close together as possible - GTS will have the advantage. And in motion it looks even better - more believable and more authentic. If you like the depiction of reality that Forza7 shows, it still won't change the fact that GTS has the more realistic look.

Which of the two you find more appealing is up to you. Forzas' advantages are visible in every still you take, because high resolution and filters affect the whole picture. When GTSs' disadvantage is resolution - you need to work a bit more to show where it shines.
I know what you tryna say but i run Forza at 1080p and GTS at 1800CB. So GTS is havin the resolution advantage here. If i would run Forza at 4K, the difference would be bigger. Forza was made with 4K in mind, thats why the textures, car models and all the other details are higher quality. Even at 1080p you could see that. But GTS has definitely the more realistic looking lighting, wich makes it look more real in video's. But in youtube video's you can't see the details in Forza, You loose all the fine details. Also the lighting in that picture is pretty much spot on the same, look at the shadows. Outside the image quality you could definitely see that Forza's car has more polygons and finer detail. Look around the brake lights, in Forza its all smooth round. In GTS i can count the polygons with one hand. Same for the front hood and lights. And the self shadowing is much better and higher quality to so its not just resolution or image quality.
Jesus Christ. I hope some of you guys ain’t grown-ass adults. It’s fucking embarrassing some of the shit in here.

I honestly can't believe this thread is still going.

I just pop my head in here from time to time to remind myself that people like the ones posting in here actually exist. Fascinating stuff.


this topic needs more real ingame comparisons and less cherry picking bad images from GTS

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The reflections are a clear generation behind in GTS, that has been shown countless times in this thread. It's an area that needs vast improvement going forward but I can see why they would have aimed so low considering performance of previous games. They wanted a solid 60 for GTS.

Rear view culling is also much more aggressive in GTS compared to Forza.


The reflections are a clear generation behind in GTS, that has been shown countless times in this thread. It's an area that needs vast improvement going forward but I can see why they would have aimed so low considering performance of previous games. They wanted a solid 60 for GTS.

Rear view culling is also much more aggressive in GTS compared to Forza.

a generation behind... but at double framerate (and on a standard xbox one the reflections are at 30 fps and low resolution...)
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a generation behind... but at double framerate (and on a standard xbox one the reflections are at 30 fps and low resolution...)

The comparison was between Pro and X so I don't see your point?

They could run at 120fps on Pro but they are still inaccurate, pixelated and prone to pop in and out so they're pretty pointless. Driving in hood cam is horrendous.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
The comparison was between Pro and X so I don't see your point?

They could run at 120fps on Pro but they are still inaccurate, pixelated and prone to pop in and out so they're pretty pointless. Driving in hood cam is horrendous.
Last 2 weeks where hard for them, now they tryna compare the regular Xbox One with the Pro lol. The last replies of him show clearly that he is not ok, he start posting Xbox One footage and compares it with the Pro and then calls me for cherry picking :unsure:. He thinks its not fair that we use PC and X, but its completely ok to compare regular Xbox One with the Pro. Funny thing is he is one of the guys who thinks that GTS on Pro looked much better than Forza on a 2000$ PC, but now he doesn't want to compare with PC and X lol.


What's that round thing on F7,black part of bumper. Is it a model revision ? Clearly not there on real and gts model. cars have revisions in the same manufacture year and not many people know they do unless your a car enthusiast of that particular car.
It's a parking sensor though its position is either wrong or an option that I'm not aware of. I've only seen then next to the middle light. What's not in any revision though is the bottom of the grill. The body of the car continues on at the same level behind it. That's another modelling error on Forzas part because it was easier to do.
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Last 2 weeks where hard for them, now they tryna compare the regular Xbox One with the Pro lol. The last replies of him show clearly that he is not ok, he start posting Xbox One footage and compares it with the Pro and then calls me for cherry picking :unsure:. He thinks its not fair that we use PC and X, but its completely ok to compare regular Xbox One with the Pro. Funny thing is he is one of the guys who thinks that GTS on Pro looked much better than Forza on a 2000$ PC, but now he doesn't want to compare with PC and X lol.

the right comparison is

PS4 standard vs One Standard (low resolution reflections at 60fps vs low resolution reflections at 30fps)
PS4 PRO vs One X (low resolution reflections at 60fps vs high resolution reflections at 30fps)

you're the one that compare PS4 standard vs PC at ultra settings
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The comparison was between Pro and X so I don't see your point?

They could run at 120fps on Pro but they are still inaccurate, pixelated and prone to pop in and out so they're pretty pointless. Driving in hood cam is horrendous.

Completely agree I think the reflections on GTS are to much, they seem to reflect to much of the enviroment that looks unrealistic, I was driving my own car which had just been washed lol looking to see if reflection are like how GTS does them but nothing near it.

Now Its is a great looking game but is does get a lot of things wrong to, Forza gets things right and wrong to. Its lighting is what makes the game look better but when you put it under a microscope like this thread does its flaws are easy to see especially outside replays.

Its still a good game though and I am an Xbox X owner


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
the right comparison is

PS4 standard vs One Standard (low resolution reflections at 60fps vs low resolution reflections at 30fps)
PS4 PRO vs One X (low resolution reflections at 60fps vs high resolution reflections at 30fps)

you're the one that compare PS4 standard vs PC at ultra settings
Stop lying, i have never compared PC with a standard PS4. I don't even have a standard PS4, only the Pro. You did compare the standard Xbox with the Pro. Also not all reflection are 60fps in GTS, not even on the Pro. Interior relfections are like 15fps~ in GTS, Forza on my PC has 60+fps reflections in all views. And you call the relfections in Forza on the standard Xbox One low resolution like the standard PS4. Thats completely untrue, even on the standard console the reflections looks better than the reflections in GTS on the Pro. Also what happend to the, bu bu but Pro is better than 2000$ PC.
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Likes moldy games
not sure that's a parking sensor looks like it's access to something, its more detail to render so I don't think It's been put there for the sake of it. Maybe its a revision like I said or ones a European version and the other is for the American market, different regs etc
It's a parking sensor though its position is either wrong or an option that I'm not aware of. I've only seen then next to the middle light. What's not in any revision though is the bottom of the grill. The body of the car continues on at the same level behind it. That's another modelling error on Forzas part because it was easier to do.
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