So a franchise which was 30fps on XBONEX now runs at 60fps in 1080p mode, so it's clear that sacrifices would have to be made for the higher refresh.....What is most noticeable away from an in-depth faceoff is that lod and pop-in is worse in the 60fps version on top of worse AA and general IQ. Obviously, PC is where you go to if you want to maintain higher settings whilst also keeping 60fps, but there are many issues with this on PC, though perf is a bit better, but generally this barely looks better than Forza Horizon 3, perhaps worse in some scenarios due to the location and setting.....We shall see how it fares in reviews.....I'm not sure how long reviewers will keep on scoring the same formula, but an exotic car running through walls like they're ribbons is quite the sight...
There just isn't enough of a graphic or gameplay bump, and they're already on part 4....
There just isn't enough of a graphic or gameplay bump, and they're already on part 4....