You know it's crazy, I don't get into the politics, I just discuss the topic. A new poster came in here and went on about physics, so this is where Driver gave his bit about Forza physics (which is true)...How is it relevant to graphics? because it frees up resources for draw calls in an open world game, LOD is then a factor as it relates to all relevant distant detail....How does freeing up physics simulation free up CPU resources to draw an open world game? you don't say???...It's as simple as that......Yet, I'm not even going to go indepth with horizon yet, because what we got was a morsel, proper comparisons are only valid when both games are out and we test it under all conditions and settings....I get it that X fans want to have a great looking racer, no one ever said that Horzion looks bad, but to repeatedly say that Horizon is "the best looking game" is foolish because it has not released yet.....Like one of the posters keep posting "we got them 100-0", what is this? Getting 1000 posters in here just to repeat "best looking racer" won't make it that. You prove things with screenshots, video, good arguments which corroborate your findings....and I don't think that can be done yet.....It's like a set of folk which want a win so bad, but it's all irrelevant until the full game is out and everyone can test it....
Let's be clear, I wish some of the posters in this thread weren't as disingenuous.....Countless times I've been asking certain posters to not cherrypick shots, of textures (behind a building, behind the bounds of a track) (Hage Kamo for example), no one in the Forza camp said anything, because guess what, it can be done on both sides and in the past Forza has had the bitter end of these comparisons (sim to sim) even with PC at max settings. Foliage, ATD, Cars, Crowds, lighting, particles have all been proven to be worse there......A man is posting the texture behind a building you're not suppose to see (with no car on screen, on a track racer vs open world game.... what is he driving in GT?, where proper rendering details would be focused with car on a track racer, obviously), no X fan says "hey this is not a proper comparo Hage", but Driver posts a racing shot with lod and detail issues in Forza (car on screen and all), and everyone is now out of the woodwork.....You really can't make this up.....Some of you guys really need to be less transparent with all this faux outrage and be a bit more honest as it pertains to this thread's deliberations....
As far as I'm concerned, I'm not even sure why everyone is doing a Sim vs Arcade open world comparison, but if it is what you believe you have to, at least try to do a fair comparison. You can't do car on screen in Horizon and then do "no car on screen in GT showing textures beyond track boundaries"....You can't do dirt track vs tarmac, because you feel select GT dirt tracks has so-so textures.... As I said earlier, any comparison between racers will be more relevant when the game releases. I have no interest in comparing Horizon to any other arcade racer, unless code is complete and it's at it's best, so no one would say it's unfinished code......This is what this thread was originally built upon, proper comparisons till it was sullied by certain posters...
You see what I'm talking about? all his opinion, nothing proving a point, no corroboration and this poster believes, this bit encapsulates fact....
There's no perceived level of detail, all elements of GTS's rendering has been proven superior to Forza in the DF video and a million other comparisons online prove it, a million vids have been posted by me and others. There was a time, I was begging folk to post their games in motion vs GT/or others and prove their points, use screenshots and point it out, yet that has been done with GT countless times showing it's superiority......DF, SUPER GT and pretty much all the Petrol Heads on youtube concur....
No, there's no fact there....I keep saying to you guys....Showing a game on PC at max settings won't improve it's rendering pipeline, IQ will be upshot but that's it.....As a matter of fact, it's on PC at supreme high resolutions that you easily see some of the compromises in Forza (textures, foliage, crowds, atd) and you do so much easier there.....Right now on PC, there are definitely texture loading issues, lod issues and some compromises in Forza, I can post them but people will cry foul and say it's not finished code. I understand that and I won't....
Are these the type of factual arguments and responses that's supposed to convince me or anyone that Forza looks better?
A superior rendering pipeline speaks to better PBR, lighting, effects, realtime shadows, foliage, cubemap reflections, better ATD (crowds, pits et al). And yes, CB is something good, I'm not trying to dress it up....1800cb at 60fps with a superior rendering pipeline runs circles around 1080p 60fps with further reduced graphics and LOD issues, this is indeed a fact...
Also, if nothing limits you render resolution, forget 8K, why isn't Forza 4k 60fps? I hope this is not another one of your facts....