And can't you see why this was never something done in this thread and why it isn't working. This thread got lots of discussions by Foliage vs Foliage shots, Lighting vs Lighting shots, Cars vs Cars shots, materials, textures, shadows, reflections, DD, LOD, pits vs shots or vids....This is what generates discussion, just like DF's and SuperGT's videos showing the differences between Forza 7 vs GTS.....It's a versus thread in that light....I'm sure you can post these random long shots without context or comparison in the PC or Forza thread, but here it merits and drives no discussion for the topic at hand...What are you showing here graphically, how does it compare to other games. You can't post random shots and ask people to make an argument around it, it just does not makes sense....
I spoke of reviews only in context of graphics, how it looks, elements and features like running through a brick wall with an exotic car, does not look good for immersion or make this game look better in motion...As you can see, "I said" that I don't think the game looks particularly better than Horizon 3. And apart from the brick walls, there's a very agressive lod which draws just in front of your car, distant detail looks very flat in certain scenes....
Look at that famous yellow flower sunfield, you swear this was a yellow tapoline from distance (not even far off too) and you only see the flower detail when the car ploughs into it.....Like anything else, it's an openworld game so there had to be sacrifices, especially when base spec fails to run many games at even 900p these days and slowing going 720p and lower, Horizon is able to render at 1080p, this is more than enough to indicate that aggressive lod and samey foliage would have to be adopted, reflections, shadows would have to be dialed back, especially at 60fps. And you wonder why a forward renderer exhibits so many jaggies on cars, in foliage and perhaps we can talk about some of the low-fi water spray, splashes and puddles....I think aesthetically, it looks good, certainly IQ is not as clean or AA not as effective here, some elements do come together sometimes, but more in a fantasy artysle type of way than realism......These types of games are easier to render than those going for more realism like DC and GTS.....And that can be categorically exemplified if you put these games against each other in motion.......