I'm bailing from Verizon. Just simply had enough with the ridiculous prices and restrictions. This is just the final push I needed.
What do you guys recommend? I guess my options are pretty much Sprint or T-Mobile, right?
Got the 16GB Black and ordered these two cases to try:
I had a Ringke Slim case on my Galaxy Nexus and loved it - super low profile but kept my GNex looking new (which I'll be selling, if anyone's interested).
Is there any advantage in terms of the price of the contract to buying an unlocked phone? Or does the same contract cost the same whether your phone is locked or unlocked?
So "Leaves warehouse by November 5, 2013"? Could this mean there is a possibility they will start shipping tomorrow?
Is there an micro SD slot?
Got the 16GB Black and ordered these two cases to try:
I had a Ringke Slim case on my Galaxy Nexus and loved it - super low profile but kept my GNex looking new (which I'll be selling, if anyone's interested).
Shame, no longer interested then.Nope.
Things were a million times smoother this year. Props to Google. The only downside is there was no pre-announced launch time. I wonder if they were worried if they told the world when it would go up their servers would be more likely to die.
*clicks stop watch*
annnnd we're sold out.
So "Leaves warehouse by November 5, 2013"? Could this mean there is a possibility they will start shipping tomorrow?
Yeah, I'm disappointed that they don't have this worked out yet.
I'm doing my best to get all of my primary contacts to move our messaging over to Hangouts, but I still need Google Voice for call forwarding and voicemail.
Nano sim?
What about battery life?
The white version looks like it'll get dirty EASILY. What do you guys think?
Available on contract at Sprint: http://www.androidcentral.com/sprint-nexus-5-149-16gb-contract-avialable-nov-1
Canadian store has them in stock. Just keep refreshing, they are adding.
Crap. I'm switching to Sprint for this phone anyway.
Should I cancel my order and get it $200 cheaper through Sprint or am I missing some hidden tomfoolery on their end?
The white version looks like it'll get dirty EASILY. What do you guys think?
What's the benefit to hangouts? Do you have to use hangouts for text messages or can you send them normally still?
still happy with my S3 but starting to crave new hardware
nexus 6 will be mine