What's reception like for you guys? I'm never really able to get above 100 dBm anywhere and I even just lose service in places my old iPhone never did. Thinking I maybe got another defective unit?
Why not an official release/patch from google for this?
Android SoC vendors like Qualcomm have constantly used some proprietary tweaks to speed up Dalvik runtime on their SoCs, which have helped increase scores in benchmarks dramatically. However, since these optimizations are proprietary (closed source), they are not included in the Nexus devices and cannot be used by developers in custom ROMs, because of variations of OEM skins from stock Android. The lack of Dalvik optimizations is also the key reason why the Nexus devices always scored lower in benchmarks compared to offerings from other OEMs.
However, thanks to the Android 4.4 update for the Moto X, Nexus owners can now also enjoy the goodness of these closed source Dalvik optimizations. A senior XDA member, kszaq, has extracted the Qualcomm-optimized Dalvik libraries from the Moto X KitKat update, and repacked it into a CWM flashable ZIP file for Nexus devices.
Initial reports show that post the installation of the optimized Dalvik libraries, the benchmark scores of the Nexus 4, Nexus 5 and the Nexus 7 jumps up by a pretty huge margin. The improvements in day to day usage, at least on my Nexus 5, are tough to say. The optimized Dalvik libraries should work on any rooted Android device, that is powered by Qualcomm’s Krait processor. Head over to this XDA thread for the download link.
This is exactly what I'm doing. Haven't had any problems so far, using att's towers.What service provider/plans are you guys using (In the US)?
I was thinking about buying a 32GB Nexus 5 and going with Straight Talk for $45 a month. Thoughts?
If I popped that MotoX/Dalvik library on my Nexus 5 would it interfere with receiving official Android updates to the OS?
I've never had a device that had decent updates so I've always just used custom roms on my old phone and never got updates from Google.
Received my cases today - Ringke Fusion and Ringke slim.
The slim case is excellent, very light weight.
Received my cases today - Ringke Fusion and Ringke slim.
The slim case is excellent, very light weight.
I own a slim too, very nice, only complain is that some edges are a bit too sharp , especially the ones by the usb port
Is anyone having problems with the Playstation App?
Because since the release I've been trying to download it and always says that is not currently available for my model, but I've read some people with the Nexus 5 that have been able to download it without any problems.
No issues in downloading and using it. Try to send it to your phone via play store on a browser.
Then download the .apk from somewhere else. What country are you in, maybe the app is region specific?
I believe the app is region specific, for example in Australia, the app says it is not available in my country, I suspect since the PS4 is not out yet here for another few days. I imagine it is the same for the rest of Europe (Australia is classed as Europe in Sony terms).I'm in Spain.
Maybe is not still updated in the spanish google play store... :S
How could I download .apk for another site?, I have the phjone's original firmware
I'm in Spain.
Maybe is not still updated in the spanish google play store... :S
How could I download .apk for another site?, I have the phjone's original firmware
So I'll start reading through the thread now, but I'm looking for opinions from those that are using this on Sprint.
I've read some "interesting" stories about the activation and the use.
I shattered my GS3 on Friday after trying to repair it (iPhone 4s is easier for those keeping score) lol.
My wife is letting me use her old 4s now that she upgraded to the 5s.
I'm not a huge fan of apple phones and would love to get back to android. Hence the consideration of the Nexus 5.
So... yeah. I'd have to pay full price.
I'm considering the 32gb.
I'm afraid about the lack of memory card space.
Battery life - not that concerned.
Thoughts from people that are using this? More thoughts from those on the Sprint network?
Is anyone having problems with the Playstation App?
Because since the release I've been trying to download it and always says that is not currently available for my model, but I've read some people with the Nexus 5 that have been able to download it without any problems.
i am in spain and can download it on my N5. Already have it on my note
I believe the app is region specific, for example in Australia, the app says it is not available in my country, I suspect since the PS4 is not out yet here for another few days. I imagine it is the same for the rest of Europe (Australia is classed as Europe in Sony terms).
It feels faster than ART for me. Also benchmarks higher. It's blazing fast.
It'd be nice to do back to back testing vs ART and get benchmarks. I always worry about the placebo effect. But things do seem to open faster on a cold boot with nothing in RAM.
Especially the gallery, which always has somewhat of a delay. It just opens right up with all the pics already loaded.
Thanks for the reply! I thought that T-Mobile's pre-paid plans don't allow conditional call forwarding as well, but a fellow poster in this thread (Bertand Cooper?) mentioned that I have to disable T-Mo. voicemail on my account. Apparently, this allows Google Voice to then be set up.
I've disabled my T-Mo voicemail and asked them to set up the conditional call forwarding to my Google Voice number. The number is now populated in those fields, but I wonder whether my Google Voice number also functions as my new Google voicemail number...?
Anyone know if the official Nexus wireless charger will work with a Nexus 7 with a case on it?
Hi guys, just got my Nexus today.
I used CF-AutoRoot to unlock the bootloader and root it, but how can I tell if it was unlocked/rooted properly? I had into some hiccups in the driver installation.
Hi guys, just got my Nexus today.
I used CF-AutoRoot to unlock the bootloader and root it, but how can I tell if it was unlocked/rooted properly? I had into some hiccups in the driver installation.
Despite the increased speed, I feel like my battery drains more than usual on screen time. I keep all my location services on and also google reporting history. I was getting better results before the motoX dalvik flash.
When did you place your order!?
Just upgraded from Lumia 920 to Nexus 5. Wow, what a huge improvement.
- Better UI
- Better (3rd party) music player
- Better camera
- Better map
- Better internet browser
- Better apps selection
I didn't realize how much I miss Android.
The Nexus 5 has a better camera? Geez, I don't know what that Lumia is packing, but that's not too impressive if true. Biggest disappointment of the Nexus 5 is the camera and the focusing problems to be precise.
This page of this thread is triggering Chrome's auto sign in option. Dunno if it's someone's avatar or what.
This page of this thread is triggering Chrome's auto sign in option. Dunno if it's someone's avatar or what.
There are some pics above which are on someone's Drive account. Been getting that all day!
Was wondering what that was.This page of this thread is triggering Chrome's auto sign in option. Dunno if it's someone's avatar or what.