I just got my Nexus 7, but it always freezes when I use its camera, then the tablet shuts down and restart. Am I the only one?
about to pick mine up from gamestop in a bit, had $140 trade credit so I'm getting this(32GB) for a measly $120+ x)
I'm new to this android stuff can someone explain what the advantages of "rooting" is? Is it like jailbreaking? Can I restore it back to normal if I don't like it?
Sounds like a hardware problem, I have not heard about this. I'd return for an exchange.
So I just got mine and I'm loving it so far.
Can someone point me in there direction of a good list if apps to start out with?
Any help us appreciated!
Making it really hard to wait for an LTE version... should I just grab the Wifi?
I need to sell my iPad still though, I guess that's a reason to wait.
- Much sleeker looking than the old N7 (mostly)
- the new backing looks better, but I liked the feel of the old one more.
- screen is such a huge improvement. Resolution is great of course, but in color and stuff like ghosting the old N7 screen was very poor.
- bezel really is a little ridiculous
I don't get the bezel hate. Looks fine to me and it's perfect for landscape as your thumbs don't get in the way of the screen...even holding it one hand.
It also fits perfectly in my pocket! <3
Does anyone know of good Apps to get for the nexus 7 2013?
Is the performance increase from 2012 model really noticeable? I'm concerned about web browsing the most. Is browsing the web any faster?
Feels like it BUT the text is so crisp it's worth the upgrade just for that screen. Also sound is WAY better
This is making it so hard to resist :/.
Was going to skip this revision and wait for the Nexus 10 one, or possibly a fuure N7 in 2014...
Efrati tweeted: "Expect to see new 10-inch Nexus 10 Android tablet (made by @Samsung) in the near future, Google's @sundarpichai tells me."
This seems like a great upgrade from the first N7 but the screen size will forever be a double-edged sword for me that leans more to the negative. The screen is just too small as a tablet for my liking, although the positive is that it's easier to hold because of it and the device can be made lighter. Thing is, iPad Mini is plenty small and light for me and it has a much preferable screen size.
Has anyone used the new one for comixology yet? Curious how nice it looks
Mobile chrome is still kind of shitty I see. So janky when scrolling through GAF
Glad to see this launch went a lot smoother than the original N7's launch.
What a nightmare that was.
Wait, this is a SMOOTH launch?!
There are, apparently, no 32GB in Seattle. There are 16GB scattered at random Best Buy, but the closest one is an hour away. Gamestop and Staples have been nonstarters as well. I should have just ordered the 32GB from Amazon when I had the chance. *kicks self*
noob question but how do I delete unused pages?
noob question but how do I delete unused pages?
My browsing on 4.3 OG Nexus is much smoother.
Just ordered mine from Amazon. I sold my OG N7 with two cases for 160 to a friend of mine.
All in all, I think I did okay.