I was able to get it off $30 at Staples online. Says it is in stock and everything.
Software selection and quality is a huge factor for a tablet purchase, though. Nobody wants to drop hundreds on a slab that won't do the things they want to do, no matter how nice that slab looks or runs benchmarks.
Software selection and quality is a huge factor for a tablet purchase, though. Nobody wants to drop hundreds on a slab that won't do the things they want to do, no matter how nice that slab looks or runs benchmarks.
There are no tablet apps to replace those on my ipad, the selection is pitiful to put it lightly, but stock google apps are better on android seeing as they get updated faster. This thing will be an awesome emulating device and for other cool stuff only possible with the openess of android. Hdmi through slmiport is awesome.funny ya mention that. android users love to compare phone boners, but I can't think of many games or software that actually take advantage of those, and many of those games still run better on ipad.
Comixology in full page view, if you're a comic fan that is.
WOW I had one in my cart for staples and before I could finished my payment, they removed it from my cart and now it says out of stack. WTF I had one in my cart ; ;
I'm not, is there any way i can do this without signing up for something?
Verge review up - 9.0
just tried, the staples coupon DOES work on the nexus 7 2013 on their site.
I tried, but it asks me to sign in to get free comics.You can download some free comics. But its not a big deal, I'm sure someone who buys one will have some pics uploaded.
I tried, but it asks me to sign in to get free comics.
For those who bought a N7 @ BB, did it say it was available online for store pickup? All the stores nearby me say pickup in 3-5 days.
What link are you using, it says it is no longer unavailable.
Comparison Pictures
Thanks for the shots. Out of curiosity, are those taken with max brightness set? I hear the new screen is a lot brighter, and in that first picture certain elements definitely "pop" more (the clock in particular).
BTW, this bezel does NOT look at all big in person. The form factor is amazing and OH no screen lift!
Verge review up - 9.0
Well, The Verge app is one of those non-optimized apps, so maybe theyre secretly just grating themselves.
But seriously, are you guys keeping that app unoptimized just to keep saying how bad the app ecosystem is on android tablets?
fucking bezels
Is there any cheap case I can buy at BB today? I do not go caseless!
Has anyone had any luck finding one of these at Gamestop? There's one around the corner from my office, but it doesn't open for a half-hour.
wow what a stunning upgrade from my old N7, the beautiful screen makes video look amazing but the sound...huge upgrade having stereo sound.
the hardware is a much sleeker design than the old one, thinner and less bulky.
I'm really impressed.
all the ones around me show that they are in stock.
This is so weird. Best Buy and GameStop are showing no inventory anywhere in Seattle. Amazon still has it for Saturday delivery. Staples shows it in its search results, but gives me a "no longer available" page when I click on it.
This is so weird. Best Buy and GameStop are showing no inventory anywhere in Seattle. Amazon still has it for Saturday delivery. Staples shows it in its search results, but gives me a "no longer available" page when I click on it.
I doubt it. I was just there to get mine and they only had the ones for the old n7.
Ok I'm not waiting until september for this I want it for my flight in 3 weeks, would it be fine to import a US one? I mean it's the same hardware right so wouldn't it work fine in the UK andlet me use my UK google account?