Fixed for Breaking Bad fans.

thisso...this or a Touchpad? Have the opportunity to buy a cheap 16gb TP. Any good? Good app support,etc?
Fixed for Breaking Bad fans.
thisso...this or a Touchpad? Have the opportunity to buy a cheap 16gb TP. Any good? Good app support,etc?
From anandtech:
Hope it doesn't change before release, but you should be good Cheebo
so...this or a Touchpad? Have the opportunity to buy a cheap 16gb TP. Any good? Good app support,etc?
Update: We received some bogus information on the MHL. We've now confirmed that the Nexus 7 does not support MHL, meaning there's no way to connect this over HDMI to get video output.
that's what I do to, that and reading comic books. Happy with my ipad but new tech that is cheap, I'm a sucker for.I'm really excited for this, guys. I usually just sit around in my bed or on the couch when I'm browsing the web, so this obviously makes it a lot more convenient.
nice. I thought anandtech would have mentioned it earlier if it were there.From anandtech:
Hope it doesn't change before release, but you should be good Cheebo
so...this or a Touchpad? Have the opportunity to buy a cheap 16gb TP. Any good? Good app support,etc?
that's what I do to, that and reading comic books. Happy with my ipad but new tech that is cheap, I'm a sucker for.
I'm taking GAF at their word when they say reading comic books on a 7 inch screen is best.
hmm but isn't the resolution worse on the kindle fire? it's 1024x600 I believe while the 7 is 1280x800. Will that make a noticeable difference?I read comics on my Fire, and while its serviceable, I would think reading them on the iPad would be better. I've grown accustomed to it, and comixology's pane by pane view makes it a lot easier.
I read comics on my Fire, and while its serviceable, I would think reading them on the iPad would be better. I've grown accustomed to it, and comixology's pane by pane view makes it a lot easier.
I enjoy reading them on my ipad but there is definitely a border around the pages due to size. Hoping this is just right.I think the resolution will be the biggest asset to this tablet, that is the primary reason I was holding out for it. Reading comics on the iPad isn't great either. The device just feels too large.
that's what I do to, that and reading comic books. Happy with my ipad but new tech that is cheap, I'm a sucker for.
I'm taking GAF at their word when they say reading comic books on a 7 inch screen is best.
every since I got into reading digital comic books, the amount I've read has gone up astronomically. It's great stuff.I actually forgot about that! I have been planning on getting into comic books, but the nearest store is a ways out, and closed most of the week, so buying them digitally is another great plus. It's getting better and better!
I enjoy reading them on my ipad but there is definitely a border around the pages due to size. Hoping this is just right.
I had the same kind of reaction at first, but I really had to think about it for a second. I've gone through a host of android phones, iPad 2, Transformer, and Transformer Prime. I think I used the SD card slot once on my Prime, and it was when we lost power for a week where I live.Very interested until I saw no SD slot. WTF, come on Google.
Pretty much the same here, though since I've been using my Galaxy Note as my sole android device, I think I've come around to 7" being the perfect tablet size. Also, my cat knocked my Prime off my counter on to the hardwood floor. $400 glass replacement as it is bonded to the screen. Yikes.Even though I own the first Asus Transformer, I want this too. There's no practical reason to own both a 10 in. and 7 in. tablet, but I love the size of both. I need to own both.10 in. is fantastic for reading books and comics. 7 in. tablet seems great for reading/browsing and I could hold it one handed. The Nexus is even more portable than the Transformer. Transformer would be for home, Nexus for school/away from home. For people who own a 7 in. tablet, how is it for reading comics and books?
Since ICS, Android has supported USB controllers:
I have an amazing local shop, I pop in once in a while to get stuff. I feel bad about it too lol. But if I REALLY like a certain issue or something, I'll go buy it again from there.My biggest regret with digital comics is not supporting my local shops. At this stage in the game it's just a huge inconvenience in terms of cost and sheer number of issues that begin to build up, which are essentially worthless the moment you purchase them.
Has this thing got GPS?
Wife told me to go ahead and pre-order it, knowing that you should generally always do what your wife says
I actually forgot about that! I have been planning on getting into comic books, but the nearest store is a ways out, and closed most of the week, so buying them digitally is another great plus. It's getting better and better!
Damn right.wa - chhh!!
lolWill Amazon ever sell the Nexus 7? I got a great deal on my Asus Transformer from Amazon's Warehouse Deals ($280).
So er what does USB-OTG mean? Does that mean I can hook up a USB stick or external drive directly to the Nexus 7?
That would be excellent if true. And I might consider the 8GB one.. maybe.
Yup, plus keyboard/mice/controllers/etc.
Since it supposedly supports USB-OTG ... you might want to see what sort of USB controllers do end up functioning with it.Ah, I guess I could use a Wiinot then too.
Shipping kills the deal. I'll wait for a free shipping option
The touchpad you'd want to load cyanogen at least. But, you also would have a 10" screen, as opposed to a 7" on the Nexus.
I guess it depends on how "hands on" you want to get. If you want a great tablet out of the box, the Nexus is the way to go. If screen size is your big factor, and you don't mind putting some work in, the Touchpad is a good device also.
for the same price? this by a longshot, otherwise the touchpad with ICS installed is great
I really want this because it is smaller, I take the train to work and find the TP to big for watching media and generally hauling around. Need to sell my TP before the general masses learn about this![]()
Thank you both. Guess I'll be buying this when I get home tonight.
I think the dude whose selling his TP had the same idea, fortunately I knew about this thanks to this forum. I probably would have lept at his TP otherwise.
16gb is the one to go for right? How much ususble memory will be available? 13 - 14gb?
so...this or a Touchpad? Have the opportunity to buy a cheap 16gb TP. Any good? Good app support,etc?
Since there is no USB to HDMI, is there anyway to get content on the tablet to the big screen?
Since there is no USB to HDMI, is there anyway to get content on the tablet to the big screen?
Nexus Q
I'm using an app to sync the WiiMote.
IIRC, the PS3 controller apps require root access for some reason ... but I'm not sure that's the case anymore. I admittedly haven't kept up with it though so things may have changed.
By going off the 8GB, which in reality has 5.9 GB free, most likely 13.9.
how cheap? an ics touchpad is comparable but you probably wont be getting jellybean and the processor/gpu is significantly worse. it has an advantage on screen size (if you prefer 10 inches) and memory but i think thats it. id go with the nexus unless you were getting the touchpad new for like 50-100.
the ics touchpad also wont have a functional camera,
and the resolution is a little worse
with 6GB of space, how much HD content were you really planning on using?
Nexus Q