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Nexus 7 |OT| Google's $199 7-inch tablet by Asus


It's more because it is a piece of junk that drains battery like a madman. HTML5 is far superior in every way it can do what flash does and better.

It is dead if the two major mobile OS's won't support it. Flash won't work on any future Android OS and doesn't already on iOS. Deader than dead.

It's not that i like flash or anything, it's that Marvel doesn't have any immediate plans of moving Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited to an App instead of flash browser. Do it already Marvel come onnnnnnnnnn. Your new comics line is "Marvel NOW!"..how about Digital NOW! and update like you should.


At this point, probably the same time as the rest of us. Welcome to the party, pal!


Turns out my car thing ended up being two problems, and the whole shebang should be fixed by tomorrow for under 500$. Checks go in Friday, so I'm getting that paper, then getting that (pre-order for a) tablet! Is Staples still the way to go if I have one near me?

Emily Chu

I've never had a problem with battery on my devices that can access flash.

I mean, I know that it was true before because flash wasn't using hardware acceleration, but that stopped being true about a year ago.

Flash on 4.1 didn't even phase the performance on my browser anymore.

truth of the matter is everyone is just repeating what PR is saying

there is no real good reason for flash not to be supported

the big three just want increased revenue from there stores

Cut off flash to your devices and you restrict user access to content on the web

truth be told it all boils down to one universal truth that

"The love of money is the root of all evil"....

if they removed Flash support for desktop OS's people would throw a SHIT

there would be blood on the streets

the OEMs and OS devs are just trying to grab as much cash as they can and as a result restricting a simple plug-in for there OS from running or being supported

Flash is only dead because of the potential money they hope to make and to stuff there shareholders pockets.

it's fucking bullshit, don't be evil my fucking ass.


At this point, its hard to tell. A lot of Gamestops have received their shipment, and was scheduled to release them for sale tomorrow. Now they are being put on hold, so if you can find a Gamestop that has one available, it might be your best bet.


At this point, its hard to tell. A lot of Gamestops have received their shipment, and was scheduled to release them for sale tomorrow. Now they are being put on hold, so if you can find a Gamestop that has one available, it might be your best bet.

I actually do have a Gamestop near me. With that I can put down some money on it today to get the pre-order right? How much do you think they need to pre-order it? (I know games need at least 5$.)


I actually do have a Gamestop near me. With that I can put down some money on it today to get the pre-order right? How much do you think they need to pre-order it? (I know games need at least 5$.)

I'm not sure of the price, I would imagine it would be $50 or somewhere in that range. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and get a Gamestop that slips through the cracks and sells it tomorrow. I fully expect a clusterfuck on Gamestops part, since they were instructed to sell on the 12th.


I actually do have a Gamestop near me. With that I can put down some money on it today to get the pre-order right? How much do you think they need to pre-order it? (I know games need at least 5$.)

They require 50 bucks down.

One of the GS I called yesterday had already stopped accepting preorders though so call first.


I'm not sure of the price, I would imagine it would be $50 or somewhere in that range. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and get a Gamestop that slips through the cracks and sells it tomorrow. I fully expect a clusterfuck on Gamestops part, since they were instructed to sell on the 12th.

I can't actually buy it till the 12th anyway so that would be cool.


Gold Member
It's dead. No more new android devices for you post August? Or you''ll only run pre-key lime pie OS's forever.

Key Lime Pie? Flash on Android is unsupported as of 4.1.1, which is rolling out NOW to GSM Galaxy Nexus phones. I guess if you have already downloaded it you can keep using it (?), but you won't be able to download it once you've updated to 4.1.1.


called gamestop, guy said it was supposed to be out tomorrow but they are putting it on hold. Will be released before the end of the month but nothing for sure! Fucking a google, I so wanted my brother to bring it along with him to PK. Now I have to either wait until I find someone else to tag it along or pay shitloads of shipping and customs feee!!!!!!!


Pretty lame that stores have the tablet, but can't sell them. Very curious to find out what last-minute crisis is causing these delays. :/


Legal issues make the most sense, and might even explain the lack of communication. Maybe Google is scrambling to get out a software update to remove some infringing process. :/


There is something going on for sure. Gamestop was scheduled to release tomorrow, along with Staples, Office Depot, etc. Now all of the sudden, they are getting these vague requests to hold off releasing them, with no concrete date?


They're not taking back units though, right? If there is a problem, which there may not be (they might just want to set a date themselves for some weirdo reason) then it likely is software or something not in place.


AFAIK most stores have already received their shipment. I can verify that my local Gamestops already have their shipments in, and ready to go.


There is something going on for sure. Gamestop was scheduled to release tomorrow, along with Staples, Office Depot, etc. Now all of the sudden, they are getting these vague requests to hold off releasing them, with no concrete date?

Serious question. Would Google want people who buy the product in stores to get it days before the Play store people? I assumed they would ship them out through 2 day shipping and tell the stores to sell them the day the online pre-order people are scheduled to get them. Wouldn't be surprised if they ship today or tomorrow and arrive on Friday when Google will tell Staples, Gamestop etc to sell.
I guess it's Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7 for like the next 2-3 years for me until flash is completely dead

my contract is like 2 years anyway with Verizon

people and company's saying flash is dead doesn't make those blue little boxes go away...

the real dirty little secret no one wants to talk about ever on the internet is that both Google and Apple wants there Stores and echosystem to thrive and grow and have people pay for content

People aren't going to be paying for that content as long is Flash is supported on there respective OSes where they are trying to sell you a lifestyle of media consumption

sure FLASH IS SHIT and it drains the battery like crazy but hey it lets me access the web like I would on a fucking full fledge computer OS on the go on my mobile device.

I FUCKING LOVE FLASH and it's the main reason I went with the Android OS for my first smartphone
a Droid X.

the choice was simple for me either do more with a android phone or do less with a iOS phone or WP7...

Why the fuck are they taking away features ? am I on a PS3 ?


feels like no one gets it and just like a parrot telling me flash is dead


until the entirely of the web stops using it


I'm I just get mad when devices I've been using for a long time gets features taken away it's criminal.

Newsflash (pun intended): Your mobile device is not a full fledged computer. Don't treat it like one.


It could be. And this is Google's first foray into this type of situation themselves. I'm sure its a learning experience, and after the Asus Transformer Prime launch, this type of news isn't all that surprising.

Either way, I have my preorder in, so I'm ready to go.


testicles on a cold fall morning
HTML5 is far superior in every way it can do what flash does and better.
Do you program or develop anything in HTML/CSS/JS and Flash, or are you just regurgitating talking points? i've not worked in Flash, but have more than enough experience on the web development side to point out how meaningless your statement is.

whether HTML5 is more efficient than Flash ultimately depends on the developer and platform. there are shitty Flash developers that make horrible, processor-killing sites, and shitty developers doing the same in HTML5.
email i just got from staples said this among other things:
"We want to assure you we have reserved your Nexus and it will ship between July 12th and July 17th with a transit time of 1 - 3 business days. "


So whenever the hell this thing does launch where there be any stores that you can walk in and buy it at? All I'm reading about is pre orders.

I would hope so, but keep in mind that only the 8GB version is being offered through Google Play. Stores are carrying the 16GB for $249.


Super Sleuth
Isn't this modus operandi for Asus? I seem to remember at least one of the Transformer launches being identical to this. No communication.


My theory on the mysterious delay from the 12th to an indefinite date is because their own Play Store is unable to ship on the 12th for some reason (not enough stock?).

Therefore, they don't want people that ordered from the Play Store to be pissed that other retailers are selling it before Google themselves are able to.

Just a theory, I am probably on crack :)


My theory on the mysterious delay from the 12th to an indefinite date is because their own Play Store is unable to ship on the 12th for some reason (not enough stock?).

Therefore, they don't want people that ordered from the Play Store to be pissed that other retailers are selling it before Google themselves are able to.

Just a theory, I am probably on crack :)

Not a bad guess.

As for me, I'm pre-ordered and ready to go!
So I put up my Nexus 7 display information and started entering customer data for the store display at Staples. Customers were supposed to hear about their orders today, and nothing came in. I'm assuming it got pushed? I'm gonna have a ton of angry customers here in a few days then...


Neo Member
I just called Google trying to change my shipping address. I wasn't able to because they told me it was shipping tomorrow.

Also First Post!


Do you program or develop anything in HTML/CSS/JS and Flash, or are you just regurgitating talking points? i've not worked in Flash, but have more than enough experience on the web development side to point out how meaningless your statement is.

It's not only meaningless, it's flat out wrong. H5 isn't far superior in every way and it can't do everything Flash can. Maybe in the future but not now. Video playback capabilities are limited and slower, browsers support different codecs, no DRM, no support of external devices like a camera and it's more complicated and inefficient to do certain things. In an ideal world both would work alongside utilizing everyones strengths but now we have this useless 'war' between both camps. Thanks to whoever started it.
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