I guess it's Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7 for like the next 2-3 years for me until flash is completely dead
my contract is like 2 years anyway with Verizon
people and company's saying flash is dead doesn't make those blue little boxes go away...
the real dirty little secret no one wants to talk about ever on the internet is that both Google and Apple wants there Stores and echosystem to thrive and grow and have people pay for content
People aren't going to be paying for that content as long is Flash is supported on there respective OSes where they are trying to sell you a lifestyle of media consumption
sure FLASH IS SHIT and it drains the battery like crazy but hey it lets me access the web like I would on a fucking full fledge computer OS on the go on my mobile device.
I FUCKING LOVE FLASH and it's the main reason I went with the Android OS for my first smartphone
a Droid X.
the choice was simple for me either do more with a android phone or do less with a iOS phone or WP7...
Why the fuck are they taking away features ? am I on a PS3 ?
feels like no one gets it and just like a parrot telling me flash is dead
until the entirely of the web stops using it
I'm I just get mad when devices I've been using for a long time gets features taken away it's criminal.